Friday, November 20, 2015

Portal Novus Ordo. Ninth Circle Emirates 4. Elimination Angel Space ColonBus.

Retraining the Populus. 

Every part and parcel of the high knowledge is necrophilic, but no results are found in the search for "defecations of light"  which  massive defecations that pose as light  constitute a major combat of angels.  Like the  whistle blower who was to reveal reptile practices but canceled because he said it would do more harm than good, the fear is that people would be so repulsed that the revelation would refute itself.

So inimical to  us that we can only address it in metaphor, the  celebration in Tolkien and romantic sagas, such a term as dragon blood is a metaphor  neither dragon nor blood, coined  by the same forces of dragon that create them. Reptile blood is the generic and the portal of the Novus ordo seclorum is its anus, which anatomical model of the journey down references eyes,  mouths, bloodstreams, then intestines in the Malbolge. Dante's enigmatic passage of entry into the Malbolge about what point he must have passed, disgusted, is appropriately clear (Canto XXXI), as if what would be in the scheme of schools and higher orders of learning, with arks of diamonds streaming in meteors across the sky, were feces streaming Secret Doctrine and mystery religion, Atlantis, Stonehenge, black holes, Bermuda Triangle, sun worship.

  Enoch says the fallen assume "many different forms in defiling mankind and lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods" (I.19). Feces of rocket ships out of alien portals, spiral portals of snake gateways in the sky take the multidimensional wisdom of the Malebolge as the sum of all occult wisdom; it is a reverse toilet that flushes its refuse into our world, though up and down mean little in dimensional settings, where a toilet bowl is worn as a fish hat. The bowl flushed into our  noosphere does not transmit diamonds of light, but waste to defile, for the true diamond, the true gold is what we already have on earth that Nephilim want for themselves. Both bowl and hat are up and down depending on how worn, but the "wisdom" is polluted. Waste away! Nephilim are second only to the fallen angel eidolon in these deceits, whose universe is behind ours and needs to open such portals to come through. The largest scientific consortiums of the world sponsor these entemenaki- baba-alu, the opening of Abzu, gate of hell-torn immortals. The Ninth Circle is reserved for that faculty of intellect joined with brute force and evil will. The coming through is to be en masse, a digestion gone wrong, a corporate structure, a mass evacuation of mustard parts. Rulers, kings and scientists make deals with these  portals because they think to gain access to the immortal life of published Nephilim designs. These designs mask as the golden age: good weather, three harvests, long life, which, being translated, means immorality, chemtrails and GMO food, with a bonus thrown in as voice to skull technology called inner wisdom. This is the "light" of Satan's intestine broadcast into earth. It is alimentary Mr. Watson. These are the defecation angels, apologies to Jack.

PupPoets are heroes of this unworld of undigested giants
. They speak for Giants who might be compared to alien farmers who grow PupPoets to serve and eat, as well as the general populace to consume. It puts a whole new sense on food. If we understand it is more the mind than meat they seek, the more is eaten the more they need, but then new planets are required to devour. Giants aren't space aliens. They are endemic to earth to glorify space exploration to spread the disease.  It's not as if poets couldn't think of anything else to write. Perversion, lust and dissolution spill.  "Stated boldly," one tweeter said: "Today's Troy is Freudian in myth, Jungian in archetype and pagan in scene, a surrealist combo of dreamlike change." There's no freedom of expression or inspiration in that, or dictation of the divine. It is the hydrocephalic obesity that death embodied long before. On Mt. Hermon at Baal Peor Spit-lust desolation angels, princes of desolation were lords. Mount Cognentis Olympus Solipsis. This imaginative poverty spreads in writer's work and ilk. In the Book of Giants, and plenteously in Enoch, "the land is crying out," that giants are offspring of the defecation angels. Those angels' lust made "every animal, every bird [a target] for miscegenation (Book of Giants, 1Q23 Frag), "the outcome of demonic corruption, violence, perversion, and a brood of monstrous beings. Compare Genesis 6.4)."  Oh dear. Writers surrender to the apocalyptic constant of their Troy, the excavation which convenes at the Troy Horse Neptune War RoundupThe Palms of David and The Book of Kurk Wold [where all OOks and Orcs] hold this view. PO-EATS-here!

We  abstract the topology of the human torso to space, the planet Liver, the satellite fart, the comet fingernail, or from the rides at Disneyland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Alpine Matterhorn, not just digestive allegories that follow the underworld/gastrointestine theme, except the soul within the body is the Inferno. So many space names come from myth. Why has hell moved to the planets in scientific discovery? Paradise could as easy be there. Amaranthus might bloom, or Salvia. It suggests in space discovery a ruse afoot to deceive, with the bare exception of the moons of Uranus named for the characters of Shakespeare, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon, as if the localities of Phlegathon, Archeron, Styxeron were a damned development of Birnam Wood, with streets like Bloody Hands, Serpent Underneath and N'er Be Clean to neighbor nearing Dunsinane. It tells more about the namer than the thing.  Surely they have plans to unveil a new psychology planet, Oedipal Complex, Medusa, Medea, Murderous BiPolar, before they get round to naming them for the denominations of BitCoin.
But to face these substitutes is not the tyranny of Greece over Germany, or Philo over Hegel. It doesn't matter whether canonizers of the accepted, the good, the true and the beautiful, are talking about Shelley, Byron, Keats, Whitman, Wordsworth, Dickinson, Dickens or Crane, the canons of order declare them righteous as planets, in whom, if you will pardon the descending rungs of this analogy, the cousins of astronomers, critics unleash the unrelenting dementias of hell. The inevitable return of our thought upon ourselves in every case of literature, physics and astronomy is obvious simply in the way planetary and psychological landscapes are named in the 181 natural satellites. Astronomical convention names its bodies in a Plutonian system of mythological Greek and Roman deities, demons and geography of the Underworld. The moons of Jupiter were named for characters in the life of the demon Zeus, but why should the Jupiter be so named. "Following tradition is strongly encouraged!" say the NASA authorities. Not that this is any different from calling Uranus and Neptune the Ice Giants, as if they were taken from the mythology of the Abenaki with Caucasoid glee. But what tradition is that? The nephilim! What about the Gas Giants? Scientists reserve that for themselves. Most of Jupiter is filled by an underground sea that so squashes its hydrogen you can drink it, so they belly up also there.

The gods and their wisdom powers, Adam Kadmon, idol of this invention and Blake's Albion, are other guards in this prison. The illusion is that there was a pagan diaspora and the Romantic poets idea of the gods returns, "they will return, the gods for whom you weep." But they never left. That they revived as the illumined Kadmon is false because they never left, but always ruled in the fashion of their illusion. Every spot, every couch in the bower of science and philosophy, oh poetry what have you there, is a Delfica of Apollo, ode to the oracle sport of Skynet - Space Fence

Blake's Tyger was his system of mind forged manacles in this myth-science, a commonplace perhaps. Geoffrey Hartman's affection for the notion in his latter day, delivered the statement that the misprison of our imaginative powers, the exploitation and institutionalization of human fears about them...Mankind, a self-bound Prometheus, exudes the "net of religion" from the guts of his own imagination and, taking the gods literally, worshiping these invented giants, becomes entangled in the net. (Scars of the Spirit, 152).  

  To amend this concept of institutionalization, imagination reveals a far worse state than the imprisoning of religion and state. Instead, we face a vast illusion of evil masked as a good, and this is exemplified in the idols and stars of all human institutions, the Queen of England  and all the way down, but masked by a good, uninvented but mirrored utter evil through and through. By its own perverted justification of itself it requires itself to give open clues of its contempt and desecration of all good. So with the statement, all institutions are demonic (Hedges, Tillich), and the knowledge that all journalism is disinformation along with scientific research and philosophy, we are setup for the annihilation of the human. Two terms above need redefinition, gods and invented giants, which redefinition briefly is that gods are nephilim and giants are their progeny along with Men of Renown of Genesis 6. Of that same text which Hartman generally alludes to in such phrases called "censorious monotheisms," that "recent scholarship has questioned the assumption that ethical monotheism is a spiritual advance"  (Scars, 153) Levinas says is a deceit of morality. If we pull aside the veil cast over institutions, science and literature, as we must do now before the illusion of freedom is completely caught in the net of these demons, we must urge not censorship of the gods, but their annihilation. And that right early! (Psalm 46).

In the middle years of these wars of the gods comes an image out of Winslow Homer, a man in rowboat on a dark sea who appeared, buffeted at the bottom of a rectangle of storm clouds that swirled with twisted faces.  Supercharged as the War of Neptune to concoct deception of the Bohemian Grove-Mammon-Ishtar-Isis killers, suddenly the whole image was rent down the middle, destroyed by a figure of light, a man. These forces had raged over my citation of the proposition, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. I was reciting this New Testament psalm as these surrounded me, as if it were Psalm 8 of the Old.  I cannot exactly say what they were, these phantoms, spirits in the  night. Defending against the attacks, but not happily or utterly, the only proper defense being their annihilation, right in the middle of this psalm-saying, I called out the name of Jesus (the Blessed). In an instant there was such peace that my son's chow, an overnight guest, came and lay beside my bed. Such peace I have not felt in sleep for years, stillness and peace that I carry along with the Blessed. Not for the first do I think we under estimate the man and woman if these images come in their sight, or wonder how they are so prepared to fight. 

Satanists and illusionists train their children in ritual and pain-divided alters from before birth. Christians do not but await the spirit to turn the hearts of the children toward the Father. Free will they will call it. Many are called, few are chosen. Antagonists of these children cry foul every time repayment falls upon them, and that's how the world will end, to general applause from wits who think it's a joke. Then the burglars who claim to be pacifists will inhabit a controlled universe which they ordain, self-initiated burglars, but the Christian gets no sort of "hel" "p," is just left to be and to be. These swirling spirits which he can't see, Screwtape live, Pilgrims's Progress or Dante Inferno take off in image and fact, whatever that is, not fiction, but real. Then the man calls on the name of  the Blessed and the heavens cleanse and he is flooded with peace. It makes you think more is going on than meets the eye, as if the appalling human evils and inquisitions and archipelagos were not enough, but that all asylums, prisons are modeled upon the fallen spirits of these Neptunean kings.  Spiritual wickedness in high places. We're a lot more important than we think we are. here

  In all this the bishops of Lit like to speak of the literary canon, themselves the canonizers, who form a church after the Roman style where those they let in have all the mark of saints, universal, descriptive, miracles, the works, while in the main these bishops disbelieve any authority other or greater than themselves. These are the elohim priests, fish gods of Dagon crowned idol. Their works are swordship, casting in and out, building up and taking down. They mightily disbelieve an author other than their true nephilim. "Milton's Counterplot" in Geoffrey Hartman's Critic Journey shows Hartman much the devout believer in canon, even if against his wishes, for Hartman rationally loves Milton's thought and sees the interplay of its images without having to decimate its smooth sky.

"Angel forms, who lay intrans't

Thick as Autumnal Leaves..."

The created world is a Shelter against the fallen sons of God and their giant egregoroi, these inverted demonic "brushed with the hiss" who the "belated Peasant sees," that "careful Plowman." All the more reason for these fallen to demolish the shelter of creation in the councils of their stranglet cabinets. It was not such of old: "Paradise Lost was written not for the sake of heaven or hell but for the sake of the creation...whether man can stand though free to fall, whether man and the world can survive their autonomy." (Journey, 118)

I find it saddening that the things Hartman wanted to know and extract from the poets with his huge erudition denied him direct access, for it cannot be known by study or thought. He quotes Stevens wistfully, and Blake and Wordsworth who he knew so well.  He was drawn to "the mysteries of biblical figures that had to shoulder the burden of a divine election (3),  ...literary sublimities I could not live up to, even in maturity." I feel his separation from himself and from the emotion he does not have for the readings of Midrash or Psalms, "I hear only the void shouting back." "I adopted myself out to the words blowing in the wind and insights that detached themselves from what I read" (Scholar's Tale, 147). Hartman says he wanted to write "beyond the middle style" (A Scholar's Tale, 152). He was unwilling to give up a visionary kind of verse, but was a realist, not a Baptist who takes the kingdom of God by force. He wanted "to stand in the presence--a wish that has never left me. I have kept a belief in the possibility of a direct line to the truth, if only through the medium of literature" (8). He says to his seminar that it might take all their time to unpack "strange fits of passion I have known" but he outwardly looks in.

In those fits, leaving Wordsworth alone with Annette, could be all the embarrassing moments he seeks apology for in his colleagues' Nazi lapses, if by that is understood their betrayal of the canons of righteousness commonly held, and not the impiety of Blake snatching the angel away to view the bottomless. Blake shows disregard for convention entirely, slaps it down, impugns it royally, as if his doctoral candidates would go utterly stoned into their orals after making love for the hours before. Indeed the premature Absolute Hartman likens Medusa to a historical reality, a Medusa if you like of Chemtrails or digital backdoors. I think he rationalizes as the "the ideal of immediacy" itself the "direct intuition of reality," which he cannot apprehend (35). Medusa, whether our historical reality or inner archetype is the uninitiated conspiracy of paganism of the self.

Because of Hartman's association with Bloom I looked up that Department of One, as he considers himself, whose love of kabbalah must inspire his love of comparing Merrill and Yeats and his gemetria, "six is the perfect number," he says for days of creation, just as far off, for there were seven days of creation and the seventh the most important of all. Somewhere both Bloom and Hartman confess with a little regret that they are not poets, but they are word smiths. Bloom says "I summoned metalepsis," I rewrought Kenosis, I called apophrades, (Anatomy of Influence, 194) like some Prospero or Faustus he blinks, which shows the deeper nature of his possession. To call a literary critic possessed might be the best compliment he ever gets.

If you're a scholar you have to pretend you believe in the zietgeist, in Barthes, deconstructs, new critics, going back and in their kosherness, lioke Loch Ness, of Curtius, Auerbach, Wellek, you know the kind, the masters of mind, not quite Herman Wouk or James Watt or Creel who cast doubt on the whole paradigm of anti-lit, anti word and want to uphold the word. It's almost as if Yale got a stipend from DARPA to further disconnect humanity from its sources in order to deconstruct the genome, and now, famously the mind, rat mind meld.

How far and to what end Bloom gives in to his daimonia is questioned with his praise of the Satanic in Shelley and Yeats, whether daimon in the Greek is the muse at all, or whether the muse of Milton, Urania say, is something altogether different, opposites. When Bloom speaks of the ruins of Sacred Texts (Truths) it is really sacred subjects in poetry, especially Milton he is after, by all means to exalt the character of Satan, pretty old hat since Blake and his imitators.

 Hartman wants to save the sacred even if he feels duty bound to give the devil a due date. He was denied the community of worship into adulthood so does not feel the joy of worship in his devotion that he says his wife does. Still he wants to keep faith with the words, "the possibility that there was an original meaning or a specific and authoritative act of designation"  He is a sad wrestler who asks "where did that authority, that performative strength come from?"(Third Pillar, 31), where that "truth claim of the Bible, that Auerbach says is so imperious that not dwelt upon" (30). Hartman admits that all his doubt upon text and author from Barthes and on stems from German 19th century higher criticism of the Bible which "analyzed a unified, authorless narrative into its redacted and blended strands" (28) at least that is what is taught by its scholars. He cites Gunkel, who thought the psalms and Abraham never practically existed, and Speiser, more destroyers of the sacred text and fathers of Barthes. He  cites numbers 15 through 18 of Propp's list of the components of the fairy tale, just to show that he's not going to give in easily to loving the Word, as if he werewolfing a survey of evil interpretations of Jacob's wrestling with the angel. In such thinking, by the frequency of citation, he would believe much more in the Redactor, than in either author, truth, or word, let alone the Father of all. But he does not believe in the werewolf as Bloom does, who is a good example of nephilim thought, all dazzle bedazzle, pick it up and hide:

"One labyrinth in which the Father, Minotaur-like, can be slain, is the Gnostic model adopted by learned skeptics from Denis Saurat to A. D. Nuttall. I am reasonably certain that you can associate Sir Henry Vane's and the Muggletonians' Inner Light with Milton's temple-of-one, but Kabbalah and Ophite Gnosticism remain remote from the shadowy abyss of Paradise Lost." (Anatomy of Influence, 107) [If that bit doesn't make you smile you've lost all good humor.]

The coruscation of this light decays as it shines. Truly a prepossessing state of the nephilim, critic Bloom reminds of someone going to see a film who first reads up in the classic film books what the opinions are and afterward spouts them as his own. This instead of just looking at the film for himself. Bloom has an Anxiety of Influence, as he says, a deep insecurity that unleashes extraordinary energy as does any fission, but is lost because his world is spinning too fast. All this passes in the pic of Bloom at 84 with the flesh swatted off his face except there substance begins to emerge. Vain corrupt influence as the covering cherub depends on your view, whether Lucifer or Satan covers, but since they are the same, the notion that the poet/critic occupies a Throne so covered and is hence his own deity is another instance of the presumed. Get your hand off that girl's fly, Bloom.

I come to all this grateful for a chance to understand civilization in its highest and best thoughts, marginally anyway, for I was never the companion or even had discussions with these sensibilities outside of entering the holies with JCC III in graduate school. Geoffrey Hartman may be an example of one who has known them all. He cites Christopher Smart several times in his Scholar's Tale for his poetry that would pierce "the screen Twist thing and word...language straight from the soul." Smart's life would not be sought as a trade off for this. Hartman says he would "consider that [the poet] a mad and heroic endeavor beyond" (84) himself, but I have loved Smart from first contact, and am glad he is given an almost admission into the canon, like the fox going across the stream who gets his tail wet, the last hexagram of the I Ching, Almost There.

All the understanding I have of philosophy and criticism comes from wrestling with poetic issues first hand, so only because of that and not from brilliant study do I recognize their importance when Hartman cites the oblique circuitry, the history of trash, the extracanonical, multidirectional reading, thesaurus of old stories and fantasies against the scientifically correct. This is so well said. To me that demonstrates that we ourselves are capable of ourselves. Of course I admit to being kindled to all this thought, otherwise it were for naught. One explanation of my absence from academic discourse is that those faculties are so desperately dull and self consumed.

He cites Numbers 11 that "would that all the Lord's people were prophets." Mr. Hartman loves Blake because of Blake's direct apprehension, but to question the visionary company of the Romantics, poetry is removed from direct access, which is not in words, but to "walk in the light of your presence oh Lord, we rejoice in your Name all day long, we exult in your righteousness." Of course this fine gentleman sought this Existence, but I get to live through his last four books the gemütlichkeit I forfeited to live the estranged life of direct access.  Hartman's "wish to be affirmed, to stand in the presence--a wish that has never left me... a belief in the possibility of a direct line to the truth, if only through the medium of literature" (Scholar's Tale, 8). He cites Stevens that the great poem of earth is still to come. The interlingual cues that make him aware of similarities (124),  the minimalism of a memory trigger that can produce by sonic accident some associational string, the realia, the sound value of words he locates in Smart's literal, "sound reasoning." The first two notions I hold of verbal obscurity are of the Elizabethans who were obscure, especially Donne, and Herbert, even if they're not Elizabethans.  

The poets are always read after their deaths, and not only the letters of their ancestors are remaking their lives as we live. The second of obscurity is the inevitable conclusion of conspiracy that if  the work does not serve the foreordained  purposes of hierarchy then it must be obscured, although to what purpose, when it can be easily ignored, one knows not. Is the apple cart that insecure that it might overturn this modern phenom since '45, shall we say from the beginning of cloning?
Delusions of psychiatry occur in the search for divine archetypes. It turns more desperate when allegorists seek the prepotent word. Stop right there. Poets wanted in piecing the cowl!  Robert Frost's cowl at birth, James Merrill's (David Jackson) Ouija, Charles Olson's peyote chips. No wonder they take mind altering drugs, practice magic -- poets want to Break on through where the subtext is connect with the power pre Sumerian nephilim. Resuming this sacred demented theurgy, the oracle and its imitatio dei, sacred dramas of the Washington Monument impregnate the Capitol Dome. Imitators of the gods hold guru asps to their bosom, pretend they are Isis. Does Blake overthrow metaphysics to stand naked in the universe the way he was made? Never. He is clothed in Delphic laboratories of world peace.

 Broken texts. Broken texts are relied upon as a ritual almost, clay sculptures fall off the table, sink, implode, having been pushed too far. Any number of disasters befall so it can become an active means of composition, which at least ensnares freshness and unexpected spontaneity to the work. To apply this to writing makes a broken text.  But to apply it to clay, a pot I tried to make after it got pushed too far and totally fell, the deal is that the clay still has to be used, so it got made into a large protuberant figure to be called Molly or Maggie. Maybe I think intuition in the nature of clay is like the hyper grammatical, each jot and tittle even mathematical. But no, to me language is sound and sounds skewed, consonant assonant meanings misspelled with punlike contextual corporate collective meanings along with image yes, but of the sound itself, therefore flowing and changing as the clay that falls forms the pot. There are two of these, the other, still to be fired, came as a result of a failed tapestry, then cut in half and formed as such.

When Stephen Spender says it is in the Seen that word poems remind us of some other inner state, I think of the phrase, to walk in the light of Your presence. Whole books and long meditations try to plumb this meaning as the same phrase continues and builds, to rejoice in your name all day long. There are multiple envelops of experience that contain the letter, the word, the sound, the grammar. This is so much more than literal that it exists in the song upon the bed all night long that David wrote about and the song when awakening that feeds the brook, the stream, the spring that recedes from consciousness in day but surges again in night and plays, sings, murmurs, shines all during the instruction of sleep that is the instruction all night long. Spender gets at this experience of language as the ground Heidegger is after, not philosophical, it is the song in the night, not poetical even, it is much more. I both participate in and view the simultaneous presentation of these events when waking. Enormous to express, they are simultaneous and rotate in the mind with clarity, welcome insights that feel good to see and know. If I did not make this note the process would be gone from conscious memory. Hartman's Heidegger calls "for a liberation of hermeneutics from its dependency on is Being itself, according to Heidegger, not the text that "calls" to us in those poets." This is what Spender is after.  However the meaning exists and whether it calls to us like the new birth, and we hear the sound thereof but know not whence it comes or wither it goes, the text provokes the meaning and meaning makes the text grow so that it is a new birth, which becomes a song:

"He was in the world and the world was made by Him
and the world knew Him not.
He came unto His own and his own received Him, not,
but to as many as received Him,
to as many as received Him, 
To as many as received Him
to them gave he the power,
 to them gave He the Pow-er
to become the sons of God!   

(added to Methods of Unconscious), "To Walk in the light of your presence, rejoice in your Name, exult in your righteousness.  Psalm 89.15. The light of His presence is not the light of the heavens, defamed by the man of earth and the fallen. I got up to give water to Zion in the night. I rescued her when she went over the cliff on her chain. The presence is what we see by and that orders our lives. The sun, defamed in the heavens by the nephilim fallen, the annunaki Sumerian spirit hose rats, is the Day star that rises in our hearts, a symbol of the one who made it, as Zechariah says, "the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace" (Luke 1 78,9).
Psalm 149: The children of Zion joyful in their king, sing upon their beds high praises, swords execute vengeance to bind kings, nobles with iron, and this honor have all saints.
I said Theo had marks of character in his face and beauty. Sabrina said, what's the difference? Beauty can be corrupted, character not. Psalm 149: He will beautify the meek with salvation.

 One microchip away occurs the war that redoubles meaning like the retelling of the giving of the Law, the second strike of the Rock. As if to say, bye bye homo sap. This brings us to the odd Malaprop that everything touted as true is false, Sinai, that doubles itself but must have revelation mediated by an angel, poet, priest or critic. Hence what is not celebrated of what is said to be false is true. Suddenly we are surrounded by flat earths and worse, but better that than every shibboleth science and media project, meaning literally everything hybrid you can name, with evolution, relativity....

When Psalm 119 says Thy Word is a lamp, it meditates upon this word over and over, so that when such apostles as are say to sing spiritual songs and psalms in your hearts all day long, that meditation of the word grows in appreciation. For David this word was Torah, for the unfolding meditation it is all the prophets and writings too, language filled with the songs of hearts that bless and sustain. David had Torah, we have David, and we have Isaiah and Daniel and all the history and biography of the sacred to meditate and we have the gospels and the letters too. So our meditation is complete. When that word says, because he loves me says Yahve I will rescue him, I will protect him because he acknowledges My Name, or, I will surround him with songs of deliverance, these are the strength of a life. Hence, Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim him, who walk in the light of the presence Yahweh. We rejoice in your name all day your name and your word as the Psalm says, we rejoice for its own sake and because by your favor you have exalted our horn. We are exalted in spirit, joy, peace. Blessing and love overflow us as we walk. Being so led He leads, to lie down, he leads beside still waters, he leads me, he restores. His rod and staff comfort me. He prepares a table... this goes on and on in the songs and spiritual psalms that surround and deliver us.

This bio note: Geoffrey Hartman was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929 and was placed on a Kindertransport to England in 1939, where he spent six years on the Waddeston estate of James Rothschild with 19 other boys. He did not attend the reunion of the Cedars Boys in 1983 at the Rothschild estate. There is no reason to think that this is why.

Both at Iowa and Texas I was invited to join circles of the intellect and literarti, which means get into bed with them literally, which I was not constituted to do, seeing it be the greatest of distractions, what they call in the underground levels soul scalping. How far and how wide the inbred dissolution goes is not hard to discern; faculties are pretty small towns, precursors of digital neighborhoods where when all human feeling has been drained and operators no longer process sensation they can spray cannabis on their patootie, applied directly, consume DMT or more earnestly powdered white gold. Did ya ever notice how much a fig leaf looks like a cannabis? No fig wants that, or merchants want the siege.

  It was in Geoffrey Hartman's class that first semester at Iowa I entered the intuitive way in writing an essay on the Tyger.  He had begun the class with a several session meditation of Collins, Ode on Poetical Character, handed out to read. It was my first graduate class. I remember puzzling about Collin's logic and expression in his Ode as much as Hartman was from the front of the room, filled with coats and boots and scarves.The first assignment was to pick a poem of Blake and write about it, no other restrictions. For no reason I remember I sat down that weekend with the Tyger and gradually emerged with, as if the poem opened up, a vista of Blake's system. The essay was to be four pages  but mine was closer to six, which I achieved by compressing 1 1/2 spacing with a small elite typewriter. 

for the book of the creation of the world

Planetary astroarchaeologies, Electric universe, NASA
Satellite Blue Beam Projection
Chem trail geoengineering
the Pope and the President political engineering
Jesuit, Masonic, NSA, CIA social engineering
Drugs, EM rads, Alpha states
MK Ultra,  DARPA
Beta testing Methodical  Illusion
Scientific experiments 7th level Dulce, Denver
Underground bases, cities 

Know for sure these things  are all grossly horrified that in our time those fallen gods come back to whisper, then shout their obscenities over the high places.  These massive defecations that pose as light  constitute a major combat of angels. Every part and parcel of the high knowledge is necrophilic, but no results are found in the search for "defecations of light."  Like the  whistle blower who was to reveal the reptile practices but cancel because he said it would do more harm than good, the fear is that people would so repulsive at these practices that the revelation would refute itself. To say this is so repulsive is its own refutation. Such a term as dragon blood is a metaphor if we get the meaning, for it is neither dragon nor blood. It is so inimical to  us that we can only address it in metaphor, all the more precarious since its celebration in Tolkien and every such romantic saga, written by the same forces of dragon that create them. Reptile blood is the generic. To call it what it is.

Whose digestive system is so disturbed and what has it consumed?  Oh do not ask what is it? The portal of the Novus ordo seclorum is its anus, which anatomical model of the journey down references eyes,  mouths, bloodstreams, then intestines (the Malbolge). Then Dante's enigmatic passage into the Malbolge about what point he must have passed, disgusted, is appropriately clear (Canto XXXI), as if what would be in the scheme of schools and higher orders of learning arks of diamonds streaming in meteors across the sky were feces. Secret Doctrine and mystery religion dictating Atlantis, Stonehenge, black holes, Bermuda Triangle, sun worship?

 Enoch says the fallen assume "many different forms in defiling mankind and lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods" (I.19). Feces of rocket ships out of alien portals, spiral portals of snake gateways in the sky take the multidimensional wisdom of the Malebolge as the sum of all occult wisdom; it is a reverse toilet that flushes its refuse into our world, though up and down mean little in dimensional settings, where a toilet bowl is worn as a fish hat. The bowl flushed into our  noosphere does not transmit diamonds of light, but waste to defile, for the true diamond, the true gold is what we already have on earth that Nephilim want for themselves. Both bowl and hat are up and down depending on how worn, but the "wisdom" is polluted. Waste away! Nephilim are second only to the fallen angel eidolon in these deceits, whose universe is behind ours and needs to open such portals to come through. 

The largest scientific consortiums of the world sponsor these entemenaki- baba-alu, the opening of Abzu, gate of hell-torn immortals. The Ninth Circle is reserved for that faculty of intellect joined with brute force and evil will. The coming through is to be en masse, a digestion gone wrong, a corporate structure, a mass evacuation of mustard parts. Rulers, kings and scientists make deals with these  portals because they think to gain access to the immortal life of published Nephilim designs. These designs mask as the golden age: good weather, three harvests, long life, which, being translated, means immorality, chemtrails and GMO food, with a bonus thrown in as voice to skull technology called inner wisdom. This is the "light" of Satan's intestine broadcast into earth. It is alimentary Mr. Watson. These are the defecation angels, apologies to Jack.

PupPoets are heroes of this unworld of undigested giants. They speak for Giants who might be compared to alien farmers who grow PupPoets to serve and eat, as well as the general populace to consume. It puts a whole new sense on food. If we understand it is more the mind than meat they seek, the more is eaten the more they need, but then new planets are required to devour. Giants aren't space aliens. They are endemic to earth to glorify space exploration to spread the disease.  It's not as if poets couldn't think of anything else to write. Perversion, lust and dissolution spill.  "Stated boldly," one tweeter said: "Today's Troy is Freudian in myth, Jungian in archetype and pagan in scene, a surrealist combo of dreamlike change." There's no freedom of expression or inspiration in that, or dictation of the divine. It is the hydrocephalic obesity that death embodied long before. On Mt. Hermon at Baal Peor Spit-lust desolation angels, princes of desolation were lords. Mount Cognentis Olympus Solipsis. This imaginative poverty spreads in writer's work and ilk. In the Book of Giants, and plenteously in Enoch, "the land is crying out," that giants are offspring of the defecation angels. Those angels' lust made "every animal, every bird [a target] for miscegenation (Book of Giants, 1Q23 Frag), "the outcome of demonic corruption, violence, perversion, and a brood of monstrous beings. Compare Genesis 6.4)."  Oh dear. Writers surrender to the apocalyptic constant of their Troy, the excavation which convenes at the Troy Horse Neptune War RoundupThe Palms of David and The Book of Kurk Wold [where all OOks and Orcs] hold this view. PO-EATS-here!


We  abstract the topology of the human torso to space, the planet Liver, the satellite fart, the comet fingernail, or from the rides at Disneyland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Alpine Matterhorn, not just digestive allegories that follow the underworld/gastrointestine theme, except the soul within the body is the Inferno. So many space names come from myth. Why has hell moved to the planets in scientific discovery? Paradise could as easy be there. Amaranthus might bloom, or Salvia. It suggests in space discovery a ruse afoot to deceive, with the bare exception of the moons of Uranus named for the characters of Shakespeare, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon, as if the localities of Phlegathon, Archeron, Styxeron were a damned development of Birnam Wood, with streets like Bloody Hands, Serpent Underneath and N'er Be Clean to neighbor nearing Dunsinane. It tells more about the namer than the thing.  Surely they have plans to unveil a new psychology planet, Oedipal Complex, Medusa, Medea, Murderous BiPolar, before they get round to naming them for the denominations of BitCoin.

But to face these substitutes is not the tyranny of Greece over Germany, or Philo over Hegel. It doesn't matter whether canonizers of the accepted, the good, the true and the beautiful, are talking about Shelley, Byron, Keats, Whitman, Wordsworth, Dickinson, Dickens or Crane, the canons of order declare them righteous as planets, in whom, if you will pardon the descending rungs of this analogy, the cousins of astronomers, critics have located  the unrelenting dementias of hell. The inevitable return of our thought upon ourselves in every case of literature, physics and astronomy is obvious simply in the way planetary and psychological landscapes are named in the 181 natural satellites. Astronomical convention names its bodies in a Plutonian system of mythological Greek and Roman deities, demons and geography of the Underworld. The moons of Jupiter were named for characters in the life of the demon Zeus, but why should the Jupiter be so named. "Following tradition is strongly encouraged!" say the NASA authorities. Not that this is any different from calling Uranus and Neptune the Ice Giants, as if they were taken from the mythology of the Abenaki with Caucasoid glee. But what tradition is that? The nephilim! What about the Gas Giants? Scientists reserve that for themselves. Most of Jupiter is filled by an underground sea that so squashes its hydrogen you can drink it, so they belly up also there.


The gods and their wisdom powers, Adam Kadmon, idol of this invention and Blake's Albion, are other guards in this prison. The illusion is that there was a pagan diaspora and the Romantic poets idea of the gods returns, "they will return, the gods for whom you weep." But they never left. That they revived as the illumined Kadmon is false because they never left, but always ruled in the fashion of their illusion. Every spot, every couch in the bower of science and philosophy, oh poetry what have you there, is a Delfica of Apollo, ode to the oracle sport of Skynet - Space Fence

Blake's Tyger was his system of mind forged manacles in this myth-science, a commonplace perhaps. Geoffrey Hartman's affection for the notion in his latter day, delivered the statement that the misprison of our imaginative powers, the exploitation and institutionalization of human fears about them...Mankind, a self-bound Prometheus, exudes the "net of religion" from the guts of his own imagination and, taking the gods literally, worshiping these invented giants, becomes entangled in the net. (Scars of the Spirit, 152). 

  To amend this concept of institutionalization, imagination reveals a far worse state than the imprisoning of religion and state. Instead, we face a vast illusion of evil masked as a good, and this is exemplified in the idols and stars of all human institutions, the Queen of England  and all the way down, but masked by a good, uninvented but mirrored utter evil through and through. By its own perverted justification of itself it requires itself to give open clues of its contempt and desecration of all good. So with the statement, all institutions are demonic (Hedges, Tillich), and the knowledge that all journalism is disinformation along with scientific research and philosophy, we are setup for the annihilation of the human. Two terms above need redefinition, gods and invented giants, which redefinition briefly is that gods are nephilim and giants are their progeny along with Men of Renown of Genesis 6. Of that same text which Hartman generally alludes to in such phrases called "censorious monotheisms," that "recent scholarship has questioned the assumption that ethical monotheism is a spiritual advance"  (Scars, 153),  Levinas says is a deceit of morality. If we pull aside the veil cast over institutions, science and literature, as we must do now before the illusion of freedom is completely caught in the net of these demons, we must urge not censorship of the gods, but their annihilation. And that right early! (Psalm 46).

In the middle years of these wars of the gods comes an image out of Winslow Homer, a man in rowboat on a dark sea who appeared, buffeted at the bottom of a rectangle of storm clouds that swirled with twisted faces.  Supercharged as the War of Neptune to concoct deception of the Bohemian Grove-Mammon-Ishtar-Isis killers, suddenly the whole image was rent down the middle, destroyed by a figure of light, a man. These forces had raged over my citation of the proposition, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. I was reciting this New Testament psalm as these surrounded me, as if it were Psalm 8 of the Old.  I cannot exactly say what they were, these phantoms, spirits in the  night. Defending against the attacks, but not happily or utterly, the only proper defense being their annihilation, right in the middle of this psalm-saying, I called out the name of Jesus (the Blessed). In an instant there was such peace that my son's chow, an overnight guest, came and lay beside my bed. Such peace I have not felt in sleep for years, stillness and peace that I carry along with the Blessed. Not for the first do I think we under estimate the man and woman if these images come in their sight, or wonder how they are so prepared to fight. 

Satanists and illusionists train their children in ritual and pain-divided alters from before birth. Christians do not but await the spirit to turn the hearts of the children toward the Father. Free will they will call it. Many are called, few are chosen. Antagonists of these children cry foul every time repayment falls upon them, and that's how the world will end, to general applause from wits who think it's a joke. Then the burglars who claim to be pacifists will inhabit a controlled universe which they ordain, self-initiated burglars, but the Christian gets no sort of "hel" "p," is just left to be and to be. These swirling spirits which he can't see, Screwtape live, Pilgrims's Progress or Dante Inferno take off in image and fact, whatever that is, not fiction, but real. Then the man calls on the name of  the Blessed and the heavens cleanse and he is flooded with peace. It makes you think more is going on than meets the eye, as if the appalling human evils and inquisitions and archipelagos were not enough, but that all asylums, prisons are modeled upon the fallen spirits of these Neptunean kings.  Spiritual wickedness in high places. We're a lot more important than we think we are. here

  In all this the bishops of Lit like to speak of the literary canon, themselves the canonizers, who form a church after the Roman style where those they let in have all the mark of saints, universal, descriptive, miracles, the works, while in the main these bishops disbelieve any authority other or greater than themselves. These are the elohim priests, fish gods of Dagon crowned idol. Their works are swordship, casting in and out, building up and taking down. They mightily disbelieve an author other than their true nephilim. "Milton's Counterplot" in Geoffrey Hartman's Critic Journey shows Hartman much the devout believer in canon, even if against his wishes, for Hartman rationally loves Milton's thought and sees the interplay of its images without having to decimate its smooth sky.

"Angel forms, who lay intrans't

Thick as Autumnal Leaves..."

The created world is a Shelter against the fallen sons of God and their giant egregoroi, these inverted demonic "brushed with the hiss" who the "belated Peasant sees," that "careful Plowman." All the more reason for the fallen to demolish the shelter of creation within the councils of stranglet cabinets. It was not such of old: "Paradise Lost was written not for the sake of heaven or hell but for the sake of the creation...whether man can stand though free to fall, whether man and the world can survive their autonomy." (Journey, 118)

I find it saddening that the things Hartman wanted to know and extract from the poets with his huge erudition denied him direct access, for it cannot be known by study or thought. He quotes Stevens wistfully, and Blake and Wordsworth who he knew so well.  He was drawn to "the mysteries of biblical figures that had to shoulder the burden of a divine election (3),  ...literary sublimities I could not live up to, even in maturity." I feel his separation from himself and from the emotion he does not have for the readings of Midrash or Psalms, "I hear only the void shouting back." "I adopted myself out to the words blowing in the wind and insights that detached themselves from what I read" (Scholar's Tale, 147). Hartman says he wanted to write "beyond the middle style" (A Scholar's Tale, 152). He was unwilling to give up a visionary kind of verse, but was a realist, not a Baptist who takes the kingdom of God by force. He wanted "to stand in the presence--a wish that has never left me. I have kept a belief in the possibility of a direct line to the truth, if only through the medium of literature" (8). He says to his seminar that it might take all their time to unpack "strange fits of passion I have known" but he outwardly looks in.

In those fits, leaving Wordsworth alone with Annette, could be all the embarrassing moments he seeks apology for in his colleagues' Nazi lapses, if by that is understood their betrayal of the canons of righteousness commonly held, and not the impiety of Blake snatching the angel away to view the bottomless. Blake shows disregard for convention entirely, slaps it down, impugns it royally, as if his doctoral candidates would go utterly stoned into their orals after making love for the hours before. Indeed the premature Absolute Hartman likens Medusa to a historical reality, a Medusa if you like of Chemtrails or digital backdoors. I think he rationalizes as the "the ideal of immediacy" itself the "direct intuition of reality," which he cannot apprehend (35). Medusa, whether our historical reality or inner archetype is the uninitiated conspiracy of paganism of the self.

Because of Hartman's association with Bloom I looked up that Department of One, as he considers himself, whose love of kabbalah must inspire his love of comparing Merrill and Yeats and his gemetria, "six is the perfect number," he says for days of creation, just as far off, for there were seven days of creation and the seventh the most important of all. Somewhere both Bloom and Hartman confess with a little regret that they are not poets, but they are word smiths. Bloom says "I summoned metalepsis," I rewrought Kenosis, I called apophrades, (Anatomy of Influence, 194) like some Prospero or Faustus he blinks, which shows the deeper nature of his possession. To call a literary critic possessed might be the best compliment he ever gets.

If you're a scholar you have to pretend you believe in the zietgeist, in Barthes, deconstructs, new critics, going back and in their kosherness, lioke Loch Ness, of Curtius, Auerbach, Wellek, you know the kind, the masters of mind, not quite Herman Wouk or James Watt or Creel who cast doubt on the whole paradigm of anti-lit, anti word and want to uphold the word. It's almost as if Yale got a stipend from DARPA to further disconnect humanity from its sources in order to deconstruct the genome, and now, famously the mind, rat mind meld.

How far and to what end Bloom gives in to his daimonia is questioned with his praise of the Satanic in Shelley and Yeats, whether daimon in the Greek is the muse at all, or whether the muse of Milton, Urania say, is something altogether different, opposites. When Bloom speaks of the ruins of Sacred Texts (Truths) it is really sacred subjects in poetry, especially Milton he is after, by all means to exalt the character of Satan, pretty old hat since Blake and his imitators.

 Hartman wants to save the sacred even if he feels duty bound to give the devil a due date. He was denied the community of worship into adulthood so does not feel the joy of worship in his devotion that he says his wife does. Still he wants to keep faith with the words, "the possibility that there was an original meaning or a specific and authoritative act of designation"  He is a sad wrestler who asks "where did that authority, that performative strength come from?"(Third Pillar, 31), where that "truth claim of the Bible, Auerbach says, is so imperious that not dwelt upon" (30).  He admits that all his doubt upon text and author from Barthes and on stems from German 19th century higher criticism of the Bible which "analyzed a unified, authorless narrative into its redacted and blended strands" (28) at least that is what is taught by his scholars. He cites Gunkel, who thought the psalms and Abraham never practically existed, and Speiser, more destroyers of the sacred text and fathers of Barthes. He  cites numbers 15 through 18 of Propp's list of the components of the fairy tale, just to show that he's not going to give in easily to loving the Word, as if he werewolfing a survey of evil interpretations of Jacob's wrestling with the angel. In such thinking, by the frequency of citation, he would believe much more in the Redactor, than in either author, truth, or word, let alone the Father of all. But he does not believe in the werewolf, however Bloom does, and is a good example of nephilim thought, all dazzle bedazzle, pick it up and hide:

"One labyrinth in which the Father, Minotaur-like, can be slain, is the Gnostic model adopted by learned skeptics from Denis Saurat to A. D. Nuttall. I am reasonably certain that you can associate Sir Henry Vane's and the Muggletonians' Inner Light with Milton's temple-of-one, but Kabbalah and Ophite Gnosticism remain remote from the shadowy abyss of Paradise Lost." (Anatomy of Influence, 107)

Whether there is substance here is impossible to say. The coruscations of light decay as they shine. Truly a possessing state of the nephilim, critic Bloom reminds of someone going to see a film but who first reads up in the classic film books what the opinions are and afterward spouts them as his own. This instead of just looking at the film for himself. Bloom truly has an Anxiety of Influence, as he says, a deep insecurity that unleashes extraordinary energy as does any fission, but he is completely lost, the world is spinning too fast. But all this passes in the pic of Bloom at 84 with all the flesh swatted off his face. Influence as the covering cherub depends on your view, whether Lucifer or Satan covers, but since they are the same, the notion that the poet/critic occupies the Throne so covered and is hence his own deity is proved another instance of hubris presumed. Get your hand off that girl's fly, Bloom.

I come to all this grateful for a chance to understand civilization in its highest and best thoughts, marginally anyway, for I was never the companion or even had discussions with these sensibilities outside of entering the holies with JCC III in graduate school. Geoffrey Hartman may be an example of one who has known them all. He cites Christopher Smart several times in his Scholar's Tale for his poetry that would pierce "the screen Twist thing and word...language straight from the soul." Smart's life would not be sought as a trade off for this. Hartman says he would "consider that [the poet] a mad and heroic endeavor beyond" (84) himself, but I have loved Smart from first contact, and am glad he is given an almost admission into the canon, like the fox going across the stream who gets his tail wet, the last hexagram of the I Ching, Almost There.

All the understanding I have of philosophy and criticism comes from wrestling with poetic issues first hand, so only because of that and not from brilliant study do I recognize their importance when Hartman cites the oblique circuitry, the history of trash, the extracanonical, multidirectional reading, thesaurus of old stories and fantasies against the scientifically correct. To me that demonstrates that we ourselves are capable of ourselves. Of course I admit to being kindled to all this thought, otherwise it were for naught. One explanation of my absence from academic discourse is that faculties are so desperately dull and self consumed.

Mr. Hartman loves Blake because of his direct apprehension, to question the visionary company of the Romantics. He cites Numbers 11 that "would that all the Lord's people were prophets." But poetry is removed from direct access, which is not in words, to "walk in the light of your presence oh Lord, we rejoice in your Name all day long, we exult in your righteousness." Of course this fine gentleman sought this existence, but I get to live through his last four books the gemütlichkeit I forfeited to live the estranged life of access. Further sympathies with Hartman's "wish to be affirmed, to stand in the presence--a wish that has never left me. I have kept a belief in the possibility of a direct line to the truth, if only through the medium of literature" (Scholar's Tale, 8). He cites Stevens that the great poem of earth is still to come, the interlingual cues that make him aware of similarities (124),  the minimalism of a memory trigger that can produce by sonic accident some associational string, the realia, the sound value of words he locates in Smart's literal, "sound reasoning." The first two notions I hold of verbal obscurity are of the Elizabethans who were obscure, especially Donne, and Herbert, even if they're not Elizabethans.  

The poets are always read after their deaths, and not only the letters of their ancestors are remaking their lives as we live. The second of obscurity is the inevitable conclusion of conspiracy that if  the work does not serve the foreordained  purposes of hierarchy then it must be obscured, although to what purpose, when it can be easily ignored, one knows not. Is the apple cart that insecure that it might overturn this modern phenom since '45, shall we say from the beginning of cloning?

Delusions of psychiatry occur in the search for divine archetypes. It turns more desperate when allegorists seek the prepotent word. Stop right there. Poets wanted in piecing the cowl!  Robert Frost's cowl at birth, James Merrill's (David Jackson) Ouija, Charles Olson's peyote chips. No wonder they take mind altering drugs, practice magic -- poets want to Break on through where the subtext is connect with the power pre Sumerian nephilim. Resuming this sacred demented theurgy, the oracle and its imitatio dei, sacred dramas of the Washington Monument impregnate the Capitol Dome. Imitators of the gods hold guru asps to their bosom, pretend they are Isis. Does Blake overthrow metaphysics to stand naked in the universe the way he was made? Never. He is clothed in Delphic laboratories of world peace.

 Broken texts. Broken texts are relied upon as a ritual almost, clay sculptures fall off the table, sink, implode, having been pushed too far. Any number of disasters befall so it can become an active means of composition, which at least ensnares freshness and unexpected spontaneity to the work. To apply this to writing makes a broken text.  But to apply it to clay, a pot I tried to make after it got pushed too far and totally fell, the deal is that the clay still has to be used, so it got made into a large protuberant figure to be called Molly or Maggie. Maybe I think intuition in the nature of clay is like the hyper grammatical, each jot and tittle even mathematical. But no, to me language is sound and sounds skewed, consonant assonant meanings misspelled with punlike contextual corporate collective meanings along with image yes, but of the sound itself, therefore flowing and changing as the clay that falls forms the pot. There are two of these, the other, still to be fired, came as a result of a failed tapestry, then cut in half and formed as such.

When Stephen Spender says it is in the Seen that word poems remind us of some other inner state, I think of the phrase, to walk in the light of Your presence. Whole books and long meditations try to plumb this meaning as the same phrase continues and builds, to rejoice in your name all day long. There are multiple envelops of experience that contain the letter, the word, the sound, the grammar. This is so much more than literal that it exists in the song upon the bed all night long that David wrote about and the song when awakening that feeds the brook, the stream, the spring that recedes from consciousness in day but surges again in night and plays, sings, murmurs, shines all during the instruction of sleep that is the instruction all night long. Spender gets at this experience of language as the ground Heidegger is after, not philosophical, it is the song in the night, not poetical even, it is much more. I both participate in and view the simultaneous presentation of these events when waking. Enormous to express, they are simultaneous and rotate in the mind with clarity, welcome insights that feel good to see and know. If I did not make this note the process would be gone from conscious memory. Hartman's Heidegger calls "for a liberation of hermeneutics from its dependency on is Being itself, according to Heidegger, not the text that "calls" to us in those poets." This is what Spender is after.  However the meaning exists and whether it calls to us like the new birth, and we hear the sound thereof but know not whence it comes or wither it goes, the text provokes the meaning and meaning makes the text grow so that it is a new birth, which becomes a song:

"He was in the world and the world was made by Him

and the world knew Him not.

He came unto His own and his own received Him, not,

but to as many as received Him,

to as many as received Him, 

To as many as received Him

to them gave he the power,

 to them gave He the Pow-er

to become the sons of God! 

(added to Methods of Unconscious), "To Walk in the light of your presence, rejoice in your Name, exult in your righteousness.  Psalm 89.15. The light of His presence is not the light of the heavens, defamed by the man of earth and the fallen. I got up to give water to Zion in the night. I rescued her when she went over the cliff on her chain. The presence is what we see by and that orders our lives. The sun, defamed in the heavens by the nephilim fallen, the annunaki Sumerian spirit hose rats, is the Day star that rises in our hearts, a symbol of the one who made it, as Zechariah says, "the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace" (Luke 1 78,9).


Psalm 149: The children of Zion joyful in their king, sing upon their beds high praises, swords execute vengeance to bind kings, nobles with iron, and this honor have all saints.

I said Theo had marks of character in his face and beauty. Sabrina said, what's the difference? Beauty can be corrupted, character not. Psalm 149: He will beautify the meek with salvation.

 One microchip away occurs the war that redoubles meaning like the retelling of the giving of the Law, the second strike of the Rock. As if to say, bye bye homo sap. This brings us to the odd Malaprop that everything touted as true is false, Sinai, that doubles itself but must have revelation mediated by an angel, poet, priest or critic. Hence what is not celebrated of what is said to be false is true. Suddenly we are surrounded by flat earths and worse, but better that than every shibboleth science and media project, meaning literally everything hybrid you can name, with evolution, relativity....

When Psalm 119 says Thy Word is a lamp, it meditates upon this word over and over, so that when such apostles as are say to sing spiritual songs and psalms in your hearts all day long, that meditation of the word grows in appreciation. For David this word was Torah, for the unfolding meditation it is all the prophets and writings too, language filled with the songs of hearts that bless and sustain. David had Torah, we have David, and we have Isaiah and Daniel and all the history and biography of the sacred to meditate and we have the gospels and the letters too. So our meditation is complete. When that word says, because he loves me says Yahve I will rescue him, I will protect him because he acknowledges My Name, or, I will surround him with songs of deliverance, these are the strength of a life. Hence, Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim him, who walk in the light of the presence Yahweh. We rejoice in your name all day your name and your word as the Psalm says, we rejoice for its own sake and because by your favor you have exalted our horn. We are exalted in spirit, joy, peace. Blessing and love overflow us as we walk. Being so led He leads, to lie down, he leads beside still waters, he leads me, he restores. His rod and staff comfort me. He prepares a table... this goes on and on in the songs and spiritual psalms that surround and deliver us.

This bio note: Geoffrey Hartman was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929 and was placed on a Kindertransport to England in 1939, where he spent six years on the Waddeston estate of James Rothschild with 19 other boys. He did not attend the reunion of the Cedars Boys in 1983 at the Rothschild estate. There is no reason to think that this is why.

Both at Iowa and Texas I was invited to join circles of the intellect and literarti, which means get into bed with them literally, which I was not constituted to do, seeing it be the greatest of distractions, what they call in the underground levels soul scalping. How far and how wide the inbred dissolution goes is not hard to discern; faculties are pretty small towns, precursors of digital neighborhoods where when all human feeling has been drained and operators no longer process sensation they can spray cannabis on their patootie, applied directly, consume DMT or more earnestly powdered white gold. Did ya ever notice how much a fig leaf looks like a cannabis? No fig wants that, or merchants want the siege.

  It was in Geoffrey Hartman's class that first semester at Iowa I entered the intuitive way in writing an essay on the Tyger.  He had begun the class with a several session meditation of Collins, Ode on Poetical Character, handed out to read. It was my first graduate class. I remember puzzling about Collin's logic and expression in his Ode as much as Hartman was from the front of the room, filled with coats and boots and scarves.The first assignment was to pick a poem of Blake and write about it, no other restrictions. For no reason I remember I sat down that weekend with the Tyger and gradually emerged with, as if the poem opened up, a vista of Blake's system. The essay was to be four pages  but mine was closer to six, which I achieved by compressing 1 1/2 spacing with a small elite typewriter. 

for the book of the creation of the world

Planetary astroarchaeologies, Electric universe, NASA
Satellite Blue Beam Projection
Chem trail geoengineering
the Pope and the President political engineering
Jesuit, Masonic, NSA, CIA social engineering
Drugs, EM rads, Alpha states
MK Ultra,  DARPA
Beta testing Methodical  Illusion
Scientific experiments 7th level Dulce, Denver
Underground bases, cities 

Friday, November 13, 2015

4. Angel Empires Nephilim Handbook-Men of Renown in the Empire

Angel Empires 3. Nephilim Handbook-Men of Renown in the Empire

In standard texts the overlord watchers commit fallen angel rapine, which violence accounts for their bad attitude. Giants are the result of this inbreeding and hybridization. Demons are the disembodied spirits of these giants whose bodies were later killed. Their spirits, being part immortal, lost foundation in the visible dimensions, and wandered looking for recourse.  It's important for overlords  to hide their origins in these giants first so the system of evolution, base simple to great complex beings can be invented and not shown it is the other way around, great complex fallen into dust and decay in the devolution of all three classes, angel, giants and men. Giants disprove evolution, that things are going up, and man is moving forward, when all along they and he have been cast out and going down. The fate of the man however has been interposed by special dispensation and intervention of the Creator, which brings him an entirely improved identity, yea a reborn one. The double dentured, six fingered/toes on the verge which critics mumble about are the Annunaki of the Sumerian tablets, fallen angel spirits who falsely claim they are the true owners and creators of earth when in fact they have betrayed their trust and their mission and have been supplanted by the man. This is one source of their onus against the human and their schemes to destroy the entire human genome. Their second attempt, one should say, as Annunaki  standins for Nephilim angels engineer the deal. Offended at the human interloper and his evident favor with the Father that these former sons of light once knew, I mean the LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle, the complaints of their ill fortune ring through Enoch I, Psalm 8 and all the reputed monologues of injured merit comprised in Paradise Lost. They are still complaining. So if when you're up you're down and when down up, who can keep up? Bu what has kept Nuki from finishing the deal so carefully strategized and planned over millennia? Well it's not the Sumerians of Oxford and Stitchin who pretend to read the Tablets but can hardly write a disingenuous paragraph.  Zachariah's announcement delivered that in that day of the Lord the weakest among us will be as David and David like the angel counts that the simple faith of one born of Messiah is that strong.. David Petraeus was right again.

To see how through trusted means we got to where all that was trusted is mistrusted, keep  the lineage of fallen angel watchers, nephilim, giants, demons in mind. News accounts attest to them all over earth. We would document it but if you don't know you have been lied to on every front, click on.

In the Greek, meta schematizo means Satan masquerades, 2 Cor. 11.14.  In the meta-schizo disguise (meta-schiz-matizo), like the demons sent into the Gadarene swine (Mk 5.11) who ask to not be sent out of the country, ie. out of the space between two places (planes, dimensions), there is a connect of these medievals to the romantics. Persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed, hard pressed on every side, di Bartolo's frescos of hell, from Leviathan to Shelley, frustrate an attempt to deny from 1400 that such spiritual realities exist. The date is arbitrary. In a day when we have transworld salvation and transworld damnation hell is declined. It lacks social media, no peasants in churches go to see the saved or the damned, the saints or the devils. All non church goers see is invisible writing on the wall covered with the controls they can't see. Transworld Molinism, after the Jesuit, is the Transworld depravity adopted by Craig and Plantinga as the property a person has if he would commit a sin in any of the superpositional worlds in which he was or might have been created.

I was just trying to find a source for Cornelius van Til saying it was a Christian moon when I found that transworld damnation "is possessed by any person who freely does not respond to God's grace and so is lost in every world feasible for God in which that person exists." So if there are a thousand yous in a thousand worlds only one needs to be saved. If you are one of those you understand there is nothing Satan has done or can do not to create his own finished judgment -- witness the numbering of the people which confirmed the site of the temple. All Satan did, like Balaam, was to bless the building of the Temple. Balaam cannot curse but only bless even if he wishes otherwise.

 "For all the gods of the nations are idols - All the gods worshiped by the people of other lands are "idols." None of them can claim real existence as gods. The word here rendered "idols" translated by the Septuagint, is δαιμόνια daimonia, "demons." So also the Latin Vulgate "daemonia." The Hebrew word - אליל 'ĕlı̂yl - means properly "of nothing, nought, empty, vain." See Job 13:4. The meaning of idols is that they were mere nothings, have no real existence; were creations of the imagination and could not be regarded as what they pretended to be; they had no claim to reverence and worship as gods." Barnes' Notes, Psalm 96.5, taken from I Chron 16.26

In the modern scheme of Dantean three heavens, three hells and untold worlds between, illuminists, politicians, prophets and priests with all their alarms, survey the vast intelligences paid to nephilim fallens. Artificial intelligence and science mutations, cloning and hybridizing in dark tunnels such as the seven levels under Dulce base or Denver Airport realize human civilizations. The modern intellectual and artistic expressions in their erudite and vulgar forms, do not however realize that this human is more that all the pantheons of the Roman alien put together. We are not the walkover we are painted to be. This is obvious in all the forces mounted against us to destroy, and if so, then why, for what?

I tell you why, we got something they don't got! Putting on that reality is like throwing a bucket of gasoline on the embers our destroyers think they have made of the Old and New Testaments. So Get Ready, Get Ready. We are made for this. We embrace it. We have no part in it except to see it. You gonna defeat Delta force with a hand gun, the robotim and clones of Psalm 2 and the nephilim of Genesis 6? A thousand shall fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes  will you see you see the reward of the wicked.  So we must be superior (more valuable than) to all that puts itself upon us, or tries to, and that is the reason for what they do, which should be obvious at the start.  We have made Yahweh our refuge, the Most High is our habitation. No evil shall befall us. And finally the ancient word that Satan wanted to test the real King with comes true,  for now His angels shall bear thee up lest you dash your foot against a stone! How a man untainted must gall those who claim none are. All civilization asks about the wrong thought that Israel was made to example, but the right thought is Psalms 145-50.

When Jesus the Messiah says that if" by the finger of Yahweh He casts out demons then the kingdom of God is come upon you,' and if, as the Greek reads, he said kurios, Greek for God, no one doubts he meant and said, the Kingdom of Yahweh is come upon you. So whether Lindisfarne, Wycliffe, Tyndale, German, Scandinavian or English the point is that in the Son of Yahweh the kingdom plunders the plunderer.  This is the biblical concept; plunder the plunderer, destroy the destroyer, stop the mouth of the avenger (Psalm 8), forbid demonic speech (Mark. 1.25, 34), which are matters that Jude says the Archangel Michael could not do directly, for he could not speak in this Name. But as Ezekiel 39 says of the plunder of Gog and Magog, they shall spoil those that spoiled them and rob those that robbed them. Immediately following the fall of the strong man's house, the fall of the todaelde, his helm, the texts of Luke cited above say further, "he that is not with me is against me" (KJV). This is to say that our authority resides in this: "I am in the Father, you are in me and I am in you" (John 14.11). So truly the Kingdom of Yahweh comes upon you.

As to that facetious question the Son of Yahweh is asked, which wife of the seven the woman would be, Jesus says, none, for in heaven there is no marrying or giving in marriage, for they are "equal to the angels (Luke 20.36). But consider as Hebrews 1.13 does, citing Psalm 110.1, that to which of the angels did he say "sit thou here while I make thine enemies thy footstool." The answer is none, which is to say neither to any angels did he say, "you are in me and I am in you," or otherwise referring to those who are "made the righteousness of  Yahweh in him" (2 Cor 5.21). To none of the angels did he put all things under his feet (Psalm 8). The authority of plundering the plunderer comes from this. He has subjected captivity. (Psalm 68.18). The house plundered is more than its possessions. It is the self. In a kind of opposite conceit the Yeshua plunderer is freed from captivity even as he frees, "the slave abideth not in the house forever" (John 8.35), hence "if the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed." Plunderers of the nephilim await Yahweh to empower his sons who abide in Him to cast these mountains into the midst of the sea. There is a long line of these: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, [against the two hundred fallen watchers who descended in the days of Jared in the summit of Mount Hermon. 1 Enoch 6:6],  Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.

A taste for such lineage comes to the tenth in a line of forebearers who settled the new world in Philadelphia. I was never quite a tin man intelligensia, having no credentials, but rationality is a good, and careful logic, fair selection of examples, the avoidance of error. Even in that segment of the life of fictional and poetic forays, the parables want to be fair.  The choices become however that to be right is to agree with the meliorists that this is the best of all possible worlds and getting better, but  not one in which we can live and work. Presented with going along or confronting the worst possibilities of the senses alert, chronicled more and more in writing since 2010,  inklings from the entertained seriously purpose that the purpose of the  literary scientific establishment is to induce sleep, indifference and impotence even while bullets are flying. If a signal is needed from our best and brightest, the Russians, then Victor Pelevin's Life of Insects (1993) serves for many. Businessmen and security agents are really insects.

In another time such thoughts as ruminate here would be reproached by the tin men revealing their own fears. To a large degree this point of view continues unchanged among the intelligensia.

 However these wraiths are anesthetized away, Lucifer,  the cherub that originally covered the throne, is the Renowns' master, not to say father, for there was an interbreeding between those princes, called Watchers when they raped our women. That they turn around and say they were seduced, blame the victim, makes them paradigms of Woody Allen, otherwise known as high democrats. When this Cherub Lucifer was deposed his role was assumed by two who then covered (as in the ark). But Satan, for that is his name now, retained his powers of anointing and the great gifts listed in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. In our world that strange law that if a house is vacant a squatter can come and possess it as if he had the rights of the original is claimed. Hence squatters are said to have rights before the law and can hardly be evicted. In the spiritual realms however they can be evicted and dispossessed. For this purpose came the one who said, as the Anglo Saxon remedies:

 Lindisfarne reads: "Gyf donne strengra ofer hine cymþ and hine ofer-winþ, ealle his wæpnu, de he on-truwode, he him afyrþ, and todælþ his here-reaf."
Tyndale says, "Sothli if a strongere comynge  above overcome him, he schal tak a wey alle his armeris, in which he tristide, and schal dele abrood his spuylis,"
Wycliffe that: when a stronger than he cometh apon hym and overcommeth hym, he taketh from him his harnes, wherein he trusted, and devideth his gooddes.

Modern prophets fatalistically assume the point that prophecy would establish, but a Third Temple, or Fourth Temple (!) is not yet built. Those presciently capable of subliminal conditioning and direct politics operating in Washington D.C. as a mirror-Vatican, which  preoccupies hundreds of years of planning Egyptian mythology are conditioned by the men of renown so smart they can do all these things in open view and then explain as if they were nothing. Hence they subvert the prophecy of St. John to prepare for their one world transcendent empire. The whole myth and fact of the breaking dimensions at CERN waits in line to assist. Line up naked masses to be shot or gassed. The ballet dancer comes to mind who began to dance and took the gun away from the guard and killed him. Some indeed resisted. Kill the nephilim! It's been done. Esau killed Nimrod. Kill the giants. It's been done. Don't worry about transgressing the prophet, whoever that is, by annihilating these spirits. Jude says Michael dared not accuse Satan over the body of Moses, but we do not speak for Michael. None of the angels made the world. We are not speaking in the name of angels or our own name or with our own power but with the power of Word that made all things and in Whom all things are held together. I am in the Father, you are in me and I am in you. You shall ask what you will and it shall be done for you.  Let CERN therefore be swallowed up. Let it be swallowed by the earth in the Name that is Above every name. And when CERN goes let tyranny go with it, and hybrids, technology and silicone genetics! Know you not that you shall judge angels? I Cor 6.2-3. The commentator says, "Christ has been exalted above all the angels (see Ephesians 1:20-23), and it seems reasonable that those who are in Him and made in His likeness (Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:49; Ephesians 4:24; 1 John 3:2) will share in His authority, including His authority over the angels (Matthew 19:28; 2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 20:4)." So be reasonable.

 It seems superfluous  that the Council of Nicea changed the gospel by omission and commission, and therefore that all letter of instruction is lessened in importance.  It is superfluous to think as Israel did after Babylon that not saying the Name of Father is an act of respect and holiness. Discernment is vested in reason. Reason is examination of sources. Caution would be better applied to the cautioner! Where does discernment come from anyway but models of reality we make ourselves, expectations based on boundaries, customs we believe in? One test continually taken of discernment might occur when no matter what the report or the news, the first thought would be how this fits into the big picture woven by Renowns. Doubt would itself begin the textbook of understanding the methodeia. Reverse engineering occurs when one country steals the technology of another and reengineers it, except the purpose here isn't to rebuild it, but to piece together with other clues  the myriad elements of the methodeia design. The environment of conflicting disinformations attributed to groups,  singly as in Illuminati councils or as hegemony among Watchers who scheme singly and jointly in groups and all in one group whole, hide one hand behind the back, show the endgame where three of the ten heads are demolished by the Beast. The only way to discern that is by contrast with the word that opposes it. That is the quick and powerful, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.

 It is pointless to say we should abide in the Father without this Word when the means of our meditation in those very Psalms show us to abide in the Father. It's not as if Genesis is dictating Sumerian notions of creation by the warlords of outer space. Higher and lower mind may discern that reliance is never merely in the letter of the Septuagint at least, not to speak of fragments of the gospels found in the Dead Sea scroll caves. So  the prevalent inner life of praise and worship that preoccupies David, Isaiah, Daniel, not to speak of the Savior, that empowers the three boys before they go in the furnace and in the furnace is not just Galatians 3 where all the attempt of gentiles to identify with the Hebrew is pointless, but Romans 9-11 too, since they are already sons of Abraham by faith and those who are not of faith are none at all. Descartes asks, can the imperfect originate the perfect? It cannot. So the promise comes to the gentiles outside the ceremonies and disobediences of Israel. You need to get your own.

Disobedience is encouraged by the reliance upon the letter of the word only and not its utterance. Anyone can speak the letter and for any purpose as the Torah codes show. All deception goes by the letter and is only prevented by discernment. Reliance upon the letter has produced as many lame constructions baptized as systemic theology as those divisions. Not far from here one is drawn to conclude that anyone deceived by the cherub has allowed it, with all the reasons to be offered. There are 28,000 pastors who have committed to work for FEMA in that day when the government comes to take you from your home. They will tell you to obey Romans 13. That is to say they themselves are the enemy of the Father. Hence they have been conditioned by prophecy to accept their demise, that there is nothing to be done except sit back and admit defeat. Prophecy must come true, right? but their god of wrath is the god of the earth who seeks to open the portals. I have heard the words prayed in church, "I pray God you do not destroy us." Faith however is a portal to the Father of lights, of Goodness! More are with us than against us! Messiah did not die on the cross to give us a book, say what.  Jesus Messiah is not the living Word of God transformed to a book! He is the Word together, not a false choice meant to hide something else, that being the destruction of the body, the letter.

But CERN will be swallowed by the earth! All things under His feet! Dash them to pieces. Earthquake 10.0 breaks it in half. Turns it over. The power of Jesus substituted by, confined to a book, is the thought that if the word says it, prophecy demands it, we must acquiesce to it, completely obviating His word that if we have a grain of mustard seed of faith we shall say to CERN, be broken and swallowed by the earth, and it will be so! Why should I give up and not fight for the lives of my children and grandchildren. If I don't who will!

 Indiscriminate Notes: To say there are localities prepared by the Nephilim for false rapture lift offs is their form of population control. Compare this with the current series Leftovers as predictive programing. Nearly every TV show and ad and all literature is suspect of quisling intent, an educated class to implement co-opted events. Consider the suppressed videos of Apollo 11 and the airbrushing of Mars photos.The nephs are prescient beyond knowing so they create a show which sows all kinds of disinformative doubts upon their own programs, that some people are "lenses" of disappearance in order not only to cloud their acts but to create guilt in the population for being victimized, a debasement and diversion of all that people believe, even the meaning of words themselves, which is what Nimrod did, as Jerusalem Targum says: "He was mighty in hunting (or in prey) and in sin before God, for he was a hunter of the children of men in their languages; and he said unto them, Depart from the religion of Shem, and cleave to the institutes of Nimrod." (Clarke). In the TV show the town of Miracle where every foundation and ground of being is overturned is like lives under nephilim rule. Not only  a finger in every pie but in every cherry and the crust rises with their gas which you are charged for so that infinite debt makes you a willing buyer of that new loan forgiveness program when you swear to live in galactic peace, just before you are attained.

Dichotomies everywhere, on all sides say abide with the Father to gain discernment as opposed to following the letter. But Jesus says if you abide in me and my word abides in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done, so the letter is like himself, as Psalm 138 says, you have exalted above all things your word and your name. This is important because the written word is the instrument of the meditation that abides in the Father, so that I am put before the moment in the moment that after succeeds in the moment. That is rescue. So wait on the LORD, says Psalm 27, and he shall strengthen your heart, wait patiently for Him, says Psalm 37, wait, my hope in in Him, Psalm 39, I waited patiently for the LORD, Psalm 40. I know this saves the lives of others but what it does to oneself is it makes  abiding all in all as we begin to calculate how many times he has saved, delivered and sanctified us before our inquiring, answered our prayers before they were prayed, before ever the situations arose that we knew them. Before the foundation of the world, before the cataclysm of the neph. Here's the first problem I have with the nephilim and with Nimrod and even Gilgamesh: the disrespect of woman. It is our women not theirs, so I say this to Nephs: the  Lord of Heaven and Earth, the only Lord confuse your councils and break into pieces never again put together all your plans.

 Benson says: Zechariah 12:8-9. In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem — Not only Jerusalem itself from being taken and destroyed, but all the inhabitants of it from being in any way injured: he will not only be a wall of fire about the city to fortify it, but he will compass particular persons with his favor as with a shield. The mystical Jerusalem, the Christian Church, and particularly that of the converted Jews, seems to be chiefly intended. And he that is feeble among them shall be as David — The feeblest among them shall be men of war, bold and brave, skillful and strong: shall enterprise and accomplish great things, as David did, and become as serviceable to Jerusalem in guarding it as David himself was in founding and enlarging it, and as formidable as he was to the enemies of it. Observe, reader, God helps and defends his church and people by giving them courage and strength to defend and help themselves. He enables them to do their part, and then he is not wanting to do his. And the house of David shall be as God — Or, as angels, as the word אלהים, Elohim, is rendered, Psalm 8:3. As the angel of the Lord before them — Or, at the head of them; as that angel (so some interpret it) which went before the people of Israel through the wilderness, Exodus 23:20. God will increase the gifts and abilities, both of the people and princes, in proportion to the respective services for which they are designed. It was said of David, that he was as an angel of God, to discern good and bad, 2 Samuel 14:17; such shall now the house of David be. But this was to have its full accomplishment in Christ: now the house of David looked little and mean, and its glory was eclipsed, but in Christ the house of David was to shine more bright than ever. In him it was to become more blessed, and more a blessing than ever it had been. And l will seek to destroy all the nations, &c. — See notes on Zechariah 12:3-6.

Angel Passages cut from Fall

A nephilim child of the modern might take the aura of an "other worldly being," a poet "supernaturally brilliant and detached," as the description of poet James Merrill is given. Remember he is one of many. The son of the brokerage house of Merrill Lynch,s celebrated by his friend Allison Lurie and as the American Mozart by the famous neph critic Harold Bloom. Winner of every literary prize from the Pulitzer to the National Book Award, these awards were based largely upon the decades Merrill spent translating from a Ouija board the orders and ministrations of an alleged superior order of spirits. He seems to think he's talking to a stranger on the telephone. Instead of just reading Genesis 5 and 6, Robert Shaw says, the "volume was forced on the poet by these spectral beings...they pre-empted the board to dictate messages that the poet was instructed to communicate to the world, "SOULS OF A FORM I NEVER SAW ON EARTH/ SOULS FROM B4 THE FLOOD... MEN B4 MANKIND" (NYTimes, Books, 1/03/04). These perfect descriptions of nephilim do not much mask the brass era of the pagan, like second century Justin Martyr said, they were "devils disguised as god" spying on the manuscripts of Isaiah and Jeremiah, eavesdropping on the prophets' ecstasies, but specifically with Merrill's writing, spectral lessons, gnomic lines doubling back upon themselves, dictating the histories and sciences of Atlantis, Stonehenge, black holes, Bermuda Triangle, sun worship of Akhnaton. It is not amiss to cite the ancient Book of Enoch where these beings also presumed to give instruction. As said, Enoch too says the fallen assume "many different forms in defiling mankind and shall lead hem astray into sacrificing to demons as gods" (I.19). 

Mr. Bloom finds much spectral glory in Merrill's ricochet of "extended angelic passages" (197) and rescission of Yeats' A Vision, though there is a difference between Merrill's twenty years at the Ouija  and Yeats' twenty months of automatic writing. Yeats' wife Georgie was his medium starting four days into their marriage which came to a sudden halt after she gave birth to their son, which absolutely suggests, as Maddox wants (Yeats's Ghosts), that the automatic writing was a ruse on her part to engage the affections of her husband. Yeats longed for but never had any spiritual gifts. Surely a disappointment to the paranormal he used every part of this paradigm to provoke meaning in his life, he was that deeply insecure. His experience of rude swords conditioned by all manner of astrology, automatic writing, theosophy, omens, signs and mystical symbols, convinced him to seek images of the anima mundi, the world soul as some sort of pool or sea of accumulated imaginations and wisdom that would connect him to "the source." This anima is better developed by Jung of course in his exposition of these devils of shimmering delight as compellingly beautiful as the blue cloak around Ishtar. So inasmuch as "the academic world is less embarrassed by the paranormal than it used to be," (Maddox, xii) these parasols are now commonly accepted doctrines of the working of the muse. The anima of Jung devils created by the fallen in literature is the grail of its beauty, producing on the one hand in Yeats the greatness of the  Death of Cuchulain but on the other the follies of rejuvenation, fascism, eugenics and senescent affairs that have become all the elite transhuman rage. If you ape the immortal you will drink young blood, eat monotonic gold and get a dozen heart transplants.

Bloom's love of Kabbalah triangulates the probable comparison of Merrill's thefts and acquisitions with Yeats and his gematria. On his own Bloom says "six is the perfect number" for numbering the days of creation, which is just as far off for omitting the seventh day of creation as his attributing at the end of the previous chapter that Shelley "had urged cast out remorse" (Anatomy, 193), which exaggerates the possibility, considering Shelley's death. Not in the flesh, Bloom communicates with the dead in his own self-conducted séance, holding hands with Yeats. Casting out remorse is the darkness Bloom would evoke upon the urchins of Shelley, Nietzsche and includes Yeats, calling them Satan's descendants  (Ruin the Sacred Truths, 110). Nephilim have been running the critical departments at these schools for some time. Somewhere Mr. Bloom confesses with a little regret that he is  not a poet, but he is a word smith. Bloom says "I summoned metalepsis," I rewrought Kenosis, I called apophrades" (Anatomy of Influence 194). He is proud of himself, and also like some Prospero or Faustus, shows the deeper nature of his possession. To call a literary critic possessed might be the best compliment he ever gets, but higher critics have been possessed before, Gunkel thought Jacob was a Titan.

Nephilim, Torah

Considerations of  Nephilim join with the Days of Noah as the principle motive of the Flood, that as in the days of Noah so also shall the coming of the son of man be, which of course is Messiah speaking, and refers to the Revelation. Such linkage of Genesis to Revelation is deeply opposed by the force of destruction itself, which does not want exposure. Nonetheless the statement stands of the Days of Noah and the Son of Man, thought to be for our time. So what correspondences exist between the two?

1) a dramatic increase in population: Gen 6.1 occurred when men began to multiply on the face of the earth. This compares with the tripling of the world population since 1927. That fact is utterly astonishing and absolutely true.

2) beings of mixed birth, mutations, hybrids were commonplace then. This compared with so much genetic mutation and repurposing in everything from breakfast foods to pigs growing human organs for transplant today,  but this has further to go, much further so as to be a separate subject, that is,  The Book of Enoch compared with transhumanism.

It is easy to see how  classicists chafe at the countless supernaturalisms of  Old Testament texts, Noah saved from the flood,  Abraham  rescued when Nimrod cast him into the furnace,  the Red Sea parted during the exodus from Egypt  (Me'am Lo'ez, 16). We revisit this supernaturalism throughout  transhuman science, one almost wrote transhuman sacrifice, implying that  the breaking of their idols would be as appalling to them as Abraham was to Nimrod. This science has as its end the making of its own idol, that being immortality. But we would also  revisit Nimrod too, who while a shadowy figure, is linked to Gilgamesh as ruler of the city of Uruk, an opponent of God, a Hunter in the Face of God, who unbelievably had his remains dug up by the American quartermaster corp, or perhaps it is better to say his remains were stolen from the French-German archeologists because of some heretofore unsuspected information the military would weaponize. How would the classicists, the Form theorists, handle that kind of redaction by the supernaturalist government Elohists who seek to revive, either literally resurrect or use the scrolls among the grave remains toward what to the 19th century would be impossible supernatural ends?

 It is pretty easy to exhaust the data on the irreality of the nephilim in a short time, unlike the alleged conspiracy of academic science, corporation and government to master that technology. Whatever antediluvian civilization was, to consider the nephilim  connected to the sons of God there and to the transhuman movement now would not be mentioned by the transhumans. Especially since, if it is party, it would not be known as such. If not, then what? An urging, a compulsion, a preoccupation binding heart, mind and deed. Perhaps more than the sound of it, these in the ideal world would be opposed by the nephilim.  Taking only the supernatural sense of the interpretation these are the fallen, the giants and chimeras.


Nimrod a hunter "in opposition to the Lord"; ruled Uruk, city of Gilgamesh:  Wikipedia
Genesis says that the "beginning of his kingdom" (reshit memelketo) was the towns of "Babel, Uruk, Akkad and Calneh in the land of Shinar" (Mesopotamia) — understood variously to imply that he either founded these cities, ruled over them, or both. See Raleigh History of the World x, on this

 The people before the flood were"called by seven names: Eymim, Refa'im, Gibborim, Zamsumim, Anakim, Ivvim, and Nefilim (Lo'ez 23)

The neutral stance of  Wikipedia was never more welcome:

"Nephilim" (נְפִילִים) probably derives from the Hebrew root npl (נָפַל), "to fall" which also includes "to cause to fall" and "to kill, to ruin". The Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon gives the meaning as "giants"[1] Robert Baker Girdlestone[2] argued the word comes from the Hiphil causative stem. Adam Clarke took it as passive, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to paqid "one who is appointed" (i.e. overseer), asir, "one who is bound", (i.e. prisoner) etc.[3] 

[4]Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different time periods—in antediluvian times "and afterward." If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, it is possible that the "giants of Canaan" in Book of Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural mutants.

The Book of Enoch says the most, that when these beings were so tempted, they bound themselves  by mutual imprecations not to abandon their plan. The plan? One that all men can appreciate--woman! To know a woman.

Wikepedia: According to these texts, the fallen angels who begat the Nephilim were cast into Tartarus (Greek Enoch 20:2),[27] a place of 'total darkness'. However, Jubilees also states that God granted ten percent of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons, to try to lead the human race astray (through idolatry, the occult, etc.) until the final Judgment.

However the rabbis with church fathers hold the view that the sons of God are merely the children of Seth who went astray with women of surrounding nations.

Wikepedia: In the Hebrew Bible, there are a number of other words that, like "Nephilim", are sometimes translated as "giants":
  • Emim — the fearful ones
  • Rephaim — the dead ones
  • Anakim — the [long]-necked ones
There is interesting data elsewhere besides Wikepedia, discounting point of view. Consider  The whole site is worth a read.

Nephilim is translated "giants" in the Authorized King James Version, but "giants" is in no way a complete description.

Commentators like Lange trace the word "Nephilim" to the root "Niphal" meaning "distinguished ones." This corresponds perfectly with the "men of renown" at the end of Genesis 6:4, nevertheless it is not a generally accepted translation.

Others have sought the root of the word in the Hebrew consonants "npl" as found in Psalm 58:8. Here it means "miscarriage." Accepting this theory, the Nephilim would be those superhuman beings that resulted from miscarriages. Genesis Rabbah (26:7) seems to confirm this translation when it states:

Nephilim denotes that they hurled the world down, themselves fell (naflu) from the world, and filled the world with abortions (nephilim) through their immorality. (1)

Most scholars, however, reject both these interpretations and trace the word "Nephilim" to the Hebrew root "Naphal" meaning "to fall." The Nephilim are the "fallen ones." A direct reference to the fallen angels who sired them. Some writers such as Ben Adam believe the word "Nephilim" refers to the fallen angels themselves and not to their offspring.

Because of some uncertainty in the translation of the Hebrew word, more and more Bible versions are now leaving the original word untranslated. Thus the New International Version renders the passage: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days..." (Genesis 6:4). This also does justice to the fact that the definite article precedes the word in the original. "The Nephilim were on the earth..." The same definite article is also found in the other biblical passage where the word "Nephilim" occurs, namely, Numbers 13:33. "We saw the Nephilim there..."

 " Rav Kook noted that the great Nephilim who brought about the world's moral collapse were "anshei shem." Usually translated as 'men of renown,' this phrase literally means 'men of names,' or 'men of words.' They were great leaders, skilled in the arts of persuasion and rhetoric. But their talents were an empty shell, devoid of inner content. On the contrary, they used their superficial eloquence for unscrupulous purposes."

Not only in size but in knowledge, but whether all ancient artifacts of civilization and its sudden wax and wane are caused by Nephilim is not germane here.

"The Nephilim also were giants in knowledge. According to the Book of Enoch, God was incensed against the fallen angels partly because they disclosed certain classified information to humans. The ancient world associated demons with special esoteric knowledge and with superior intelligence. The word "demon" in Greek (daimon) comes from the root meaning "knowledge" or "intelligence." The Scriptures also testify to the fact that demons have access to knowledge and information denied to ordinary mortals." It might follow from this that the Nephilim founded the mystery schools, all theosophy, and every secret knowledge.

Were there any female Nephilim?
None produced in the hybrid line of human and angelic mating. Only sons. The Nephilim sons were like mutant births of the animal kingdom that cannot reproduce. Had that restriction not been in place, then there would have probably been Nephilim and angelic breeding going on and the production of an even more fierce hybrid than already existed. here

Tomb of Gilgamesh found,                   /                 reportedly sequestered 
Middle East giants 
DMT, a nephilim nootropic (smart drug)
smithsonian cover up giants

collider: "some kind of invasion by spontaneously swelling and shrinking spherical or wheel-shaped creatures"
"Dr Bertolucci later got in touch to confirm that yes indeed, there would be an "open door", but that even with the power of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open "a very tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it."

" Tertullian and some of the other Church Fathers considered it of such import that they included it as part of the sacred canon of Scripture. Jude 14 is a direct quote from Enoch 1:9, 5:4, and 27:2. There is also in the Book of Enoch a doctrine that one finds nowhere else. Other authors tell us that each nation has its sar or parton, and that of Israel was Michael, or sometimes God Himself. However, in the Book of Enoch we are told that,"

Torah and the Mystery Itself

The difference in narrative between the Hebrews and the Greeks is a "background narrative" in the Hebrew that leaves whole worlds unexplained. Events implicit in these accounts are spelled out in the Greek narrative with detail, color of eyes, hair, the whole scene. (Eric Auerbach, Odysseus' Scar). There may be a political purpose behind opposing the Hebrew and Greek as an analogy between "Judeo-Christian tradition and the Aryan Nazism." The Wikipedia entry for Odysseus'  Scar suspects Auerbach is a "German-Jewish philologist." There are notable examples of Auerbach's premise of background narrative in Kierkegaard's account of the sacrifice of Isaac, Fear and Trembling. These spell out a range of issues submerged in the text. A lot of people know this best in the most powerful words Bob Dylan ever wrote:

God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"...
Well Abe says, "Where do you want this killin' done?"
God says, "Out on Highway 61."

"God tested him and said, take Isaac,  your only son, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain that I shall show you" (Genesis 22.2).

Kierkegaard sees in the Abraham/Isaac sacrifice grand philosophic principles such as the famous Teleological Suspension of the Ethical, but what then do the  tales about Hagar, Laban and Balaam's donkey signify? The rabbis declare that "Moses wrote the Torah with very precious ink. Nothing is superfluous, not even the smallest letter." As angels disguise their radiance in  human form when on earth,  the Torah's secrets and mysteries are disguised in the form of stories, which had they remained "in true spiritual form the human intellect could never comprehend. (20) "  The stories, while true in themselves, serve as garments that clothe deeper mysteries...neither are they chronological, the true order of the Torah is therefore concealed from all but God Himself" (Yalket Me'am Lo'ez, The Torah Anthology [1720]  I, 17f, 20, 21). More emphasis on the literal occurs in that "if there is even the slightest error in the writing of a Torah scroll, it is invalid and cannot be used" (19).

Admittedly the Old Testament Torah is believed many ways but always with an emphasis on the letter, on the literal so that "the rules and laws of the Torah are its body. The histories and stories in the Torah are the garments that clothe its mysteries. The soul of the Torah though consists of the mysteries themselves." You would like to know these mysteries, but the revelation is in words and even when  they are directly apprehended must still be expressed. How to directly apprehend mystery, truth is a study itself. We however declare that any intervention between the mystery and the soul by drugs, shaman, priest, or otherwise, is deception itself. The mystery must be seen naked. How to get there is of course the quest of the world's seekers, to boost the ego let it be said, but the process is other than this; it has much to do with boring a hole in the lob of the ear and pinning it to the door. This means it has everything to do with hearing, hearing the sound thereof, as one born of the spirit, or as one says in another place, he wakens me morning by morning, he wakens my ear to listen as one being taught. That is why the Psalm says, further, I have more insight than all my teachers. You can no more transfer this by words then you can know life without living. You can read about putting on the ephod, the urim and thummin, yes and no, but to know the voice is itself itself. No more than a bride can know the mind her husband by giving herself to another man before she marries can anyone know the  mystery in itself by taking any drug. Do you want to name them? Go ahead, the drugs are known but are not a way to know. They will have you comparing your husband to an idol when you want to be wholly enveloped, I mean immersed in him. They will have you criticizing him for his acts, for he does not act like an idol, when in fact he is the One, the only one to hear.

But the clothing of Torah may also be implicit, as it is in the non-biblical account  of Nimrod, the founder of Babylon, Genesis 10, throwing Abraham into the fiery furnace. All the text says is "When Terah had lived seventy years, he begot Abraham, Nahor and Haran... Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in his native land, in Ur Kasdim" (Genesis 11:26-29). The Midrash however is an oral Torah, not written down, at least until late. It says that Abraham broke the idols of his father's house and that Nimrod, who was threatened by Abraham's ideas of a supreme God,  threw him in the furnace.

 Ask the Rabbi explains: Abraham's brother Haran was also there and he witnessed Abram being thrown into the furnace. Knowing that Nimrod could turn on him too and ask him whose side he was on, either Nimrod's or Abraham's, Haran said to himself that if a miracle was wrought for Abraham, he would say that he was on Abraham's side. However, if Abram died, Haran would say that he supported Nimrod.  Immediately after making this decision, Abraham walked out of the fiery furnace untouched! Nimrod turned to Haran and yelled, "Whose side are you on?" Haran responded "Abram's!"

 Nimrod angrily picked up Haran and cast him too in the fiery pit. However, God did not create the miracle for Haran as He had done for Abraham, because Haran was only trying to save his skin. Abraham, on the other hand, was willing to die to prove his point that he believed in God. Therefore, God wrought a miracle for Abraham, but not for Haran. And so Haran died in the "presence of his father."

Why does scripture note that this instance took place in "Ur Kasdim?" Although these words have very little meaning in English, in Hebrew, the world "Ur" actually means "fire." Hence, the name of the city properly understood was "fire of Kasdim" which refers to the fiery pit that Abraham was thrown into, but saved from (Rashi - Genesis 11:28).

It is written, "When Terah had lived seventy years, he begot Abraham, Nahor and Haran... Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in his native land, in Ur Kasdim" (Genesis 11:26-29) Ask the Rabbi. Abraham was still a young child when he realized that idol worship was nothing but foolishness. To make his point, one day, when Abraham was asked to watch the store, he took a hammer and smashed all the idols - except for the largest. His father came home aghast. "What happened?!" he shouted. "It was amazing, Dad," replied Abraham. "The idols all got into a fight and the biggest idol won!" Nimrod, as the most powerful world leader of the time, was the one most threatened by Abraham's ideas of a supreme God. So Nimrod threw Abraham into a fiery furnace, saying "Let's see your God save you now." Abraham emerged unscathed.

God commanded Moses that the written Torah should not be recited from memory, and that the Oral Torah should not be written down." (2) Yalket Me'am Lo'ez, The Torah Anthology I!
See  Taddeo di bartolo the leviathan, (the Last Judgment).

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...