Thursday, October 18, 2012

Papers Collected Toward a Fictional History of the Future

HISTOPOSSUM: The BIG PAPER TOWERS  Collected Toward a Fictional  History of the Future

  If you ever get dropped off by cab and go down into a lung, you innocents, the lung, heart, kidney, liver, you need to compare the analysts playing with the silicone organs of mortality and immortality. I went ahead and did research on the ancient worship of the human self. What else could it be to build human organs all over the cities? And they weren't built out of cardboard. Carbon man, tat was the buildier! Dogs are carbon, women are carbon! And trees! So if Hawking thinks the bugger beyond is not carbon, that is, that aliens are not carbon, what are they, silcone, silicone, silcone, oh?  The QED buildings of these  artificial organs are all over Washington DC where  “hell is a giant projection of the human body” (Durling 398). in a new line from Dante modify that to include just the headless capitals of the world.  If any of this means that the body cut off at the genitals has no legs and feet, and if all the capitals had the ‘groin cut off / from that part of his body where it forks (xxx 49f), as is said of Master Adam, “spiritually immobilized by his sins, then the capitals "essentially have no legs” (Druling 394), but neither does the human torso that spans Dantean hell. It’s not a body anyway, it’s a torso, a trunk, a quadrapod

Mice and Brain

It was then I looked up and saw the giant heads floating above the city like balloons. Such archeology suggests hands and feet soon to be dug and placed on pedestals, for the religion of the day is assembling its body parts into one big god, but of course the giant and giant remains have yet to be dug. A higher aspect of this materialism is the exorcism of kidneys or lungs from worship either of the small intestine or the ankle, notwithstanding the heart’s dendroliths. None of course are as successful as the brain worship on billboards and little brains carried in pockets, wallets and purses, on dashboards used as modems for mice to run to the brain which coiled and writhed like the Egyptian past put to good effect in the Penis Monument and the Capitol Womb.

Gnomic events like rubber bands. These really show the uses of of such transfers of consciousness occur when the will allows another into its domain or wills itself out of its given into another. Both might be space, both are dangerous, because you do not know if you get control back after you have given it up. Ninane  did this to Merlin. Domain transfer, astral travel, LSD, DMT do not simply transfer, but repeated instances alter -alter there is that word again- alter the terrain of the domain.

The Johnson Memorial proposed by Playboy was the center of that organ donor capitol, a story right out of  thetetrahedral cheese of Martian colonies, which cheeses compose platonic solids with 26 facets. Why is a faceted fractal geodesic hexagonal cratered cheese stored below the equatorial ridge? You might as well ask why buildings are square or radar reflective? Why are there twins in the experiments?

This is all circumstantial evidence of artificial satellites, Mars wars, obelisks, but what’s the motive? Do these advanced civilizations need an audience? Why do they want to observe, watch the earth, why communicate with earth unless they see something here? Some ulterior motive; is it friendship? Natural resource? No, no, something else? A harvest? Malign or benign seem to be choices. The only way to judge is by motive.

I first saw the giant kidney when I took a wrong turn off Constitution Ave toward the mint. It was all hooked up, ferreting, filtering out impurities from the nation’s blood. This opened my eyes and I began to see buildings as giant livers, hearts and lungs on all sides when I saw a great finger spurting up. I thought it was maybe a sign of disrespect in the midst of these other functioning organs, so I drove closer. A guy handing out pamphlets explained the figure so I took one and found to my amazement it was a giant erect phallus. Then I saw asses everywhere, little and big, and coupled to them because similar in size and shape, brains. I tell you it changed the way I think about the seat of government. Asses as brains was what the machines had promised, prototypes licensed right here in the capitol.  So I asked the guy it that’s a penis where’s the…? Being discreet, one mentions it less. And he says can’t you see buddy, motioning toward the Capitol itself, making a shape like a upside down bowl.  Womb! Womb! He muttered. It made me wonder why I hadn’t seen any of it before, breasts and bellies, thighs, rivers running down the sides of hills all in perfect copulant to the sexual pollitics.

Apocalypse of Enoch

The Book of Enoch, which was known to the fathers of the second century, was lost with the exception of a few fragments, but found by Bruce, entire in a copy of the Ethiopic Bible in 1773. It gives revelations allegedly delivered to Enoch and Noah, its object being to vindicate divine providence, setting forth the retribution reserved for sinners, angelic or human, thus "to repeat in every form the great principle-- that the world - natural, moral, and spiritual - is under the immediate government of God." This of course is the supreme admonition of prophets Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah written omnivorously about here.

The obelisks of the sun were/are pointed towers that made/make the pagan temples stand out from other buildings so they could be seen from great distances. Most Babylonian cities had a temple with a very high tower in the middle of the city. These symbols pointed to the sun, as an “erect circumcised penis”, (a phallic symbol), a sign of fertility, one ray of light emanating from the sun."  The word o-'bel'-isk designates the 'shaft of Bel'; or Baal, the Babylonian and Egyptian Sun god, that all nations followed. Nebuchadnezzar’s obelisk was covered with gold, and on one morning alone the sun's first rays would shine down the long alley of the temple pillars to illuminate the altar. Very dramatic, a temple oriented to the rising of the sun at Mid-Summer Day.  Thus it was believed that by that pencil of light or "shaft" of the Sun's presence upon the altar impregnated. This gave assurance of fertility in the land and another fruitful year. [This nonsense right out of the Golden Bough, written by the very egregori that built the things.] Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was sixty cubits (aprox. 90 feet) and its width six cubits; he set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon (Daniel 3:1-7). So here's how it goes: one special morning in the year the sun’s rays travel down the National Mall to illuminate the altar of the Capitol impregnating it with the fertile presence of the new world! Footnote: The Denver Air Park is a reverse Babel. A caldron space ship. Somewhere there’s a daddy tank out West producing sex organs.

The obelisk at the great Roman Catholic Cathedral of Cologne is 515 feet high. The Cathedral at Ulm Germany is 528 feet. The Washington Monument is 555.5 feet high. One World Trade Center is 1,368 feet tall, the same height as the North Tower that fell. And if you add the height of its decorative spire, 1 WTC measures 1,776 feet. As with the Images of Bethshemesh/Heliopolis” in Jer. 43:13 “He will also shatter the obelisks of Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt; and the temples of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire.” (1Kings. 14:23, 2Kings. 18:4, 23:14, Micah 5:13, Isaiah. 17:8, 27:9).

Chariots dedicated to the sun god, who traveled across the sky in a great chariot with four horses on Roman coins were the same that “the kings of Judah had given to the sun, at the entrance of the house of the LORD” which “… burned the chariots of the sun with fire. 2 Ki 23:11

This prophecy of the holiest man of the antediluvian world, Enoch, compares to Gilgamesh before the flood.

As to the contest about the body of Moses, it appears that Satan wished to make the place of Moses' burial known to the Israelites to tempt them to worship him in death, but Satan was prevented, and vented his rage in desperate blasphemy. That Enoch had a spirit of prophecy is evident from the name he gave his son Methuselah, which signifies, "when he dies is the emission," or the sending out of the waters of the flood, which came to pass the very year he, Methuselah, did die. Arabic writers call him Edris the prophet; and the Jews say, that he was in a higher degree than Moses or Elias; they also call (k) him Metatron, the great scribe, a name which they sometimes give to the angel that went before the children of Israel in the wilderness, and which seems to belong to the Messiah (but not scripturally).

The Tower of Babel was The original incarnation of this idea for a “tower into space” (below) can be traced back to the great Russian space pioneer, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, in 1895:  … on the tower, as one climbed higher and higher up it, gravity would decrease gradually; and if it were constructed on the Earth's equator and, therefore, rapidly rotated together with the earth, the gravitation would disappear not only because of the distance from the centre of the planet, but also from the centrifugal force that is increasing proportionately to that distance. The gravitational force drops. . . but the centrifugal force operating in the reverse direction increases. On the earth the gravity is finally eliminated at the top of the tower, at an elevation of 5.5 radii of the earth [22,300 miles]…. Carbon nanotubes

Dogs evolved on mars we now kno from the dog statute 100 k high near the cc crater
If you can see faces on mars why not on my pots, you need a fake?

 Egyptian Babylonian fertility gods add a nice touch in projecting human sex into iconic form for worship of the parts and whole. It takes us back to the wonder days of yesteryear, high school mon, boys challenging, mine’s bigger than yours, oh mon, mine’s bigger than yours. It’s all talk. It could have been worse. Condolences for you who didn’t live the day, but what then can you know about phallic worship and the subsequent dictates of Ishtar?

Both Jude and the author of Enoch quote a tradition of their time: "Behold he comes with ten thousand of his saints, to execute judgment upon them, and destroy the wicked, and reprove all the carnal, for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done and committed against him," which is a common representation in the Old Testament also that Yah, when he manifests himself, is accompanied by great numbers of heavenly beings. Psalm 68:17; Deuteronomy 33:2, Zechariah 14:5.

The Transgenic Immortal

The Transgenic Immortal
After word on the Immortal

The Immortals seek power like a sports event. Both Taoism and Christianity represent these poles, the Immortal, the Way of Powers (siddhi) vs. the Philosophical Way of Wisdom. Alan Watts says: [Hsien Taoism is] "a quest for immortality and supernormal powers through the gymnosophic and "yogic" practices which seem to have arisen among Taoists in the -2nd and -1st centuries. A hsien is an immortal--one who has purified his flesh from decay by special forms of breathing, diet, drugs, and exrcises for preserving the semen comparable to those of Tantric Yoga" (The Watercourse Way, xxv).

As opposed to this H. G. Creel says that the Huai Nan Tzu Contemplative Taoism (which became Zen), "insists repeatedly that death and life are just the same, and neither should be sought or feared. It ridicules breath control and gymnastics, which are designed to perpetuate the body but in fact confuse the mind" (xxvi). Watts says, "the indefinite enlargement of our powers and techniques seems in the end to be the pursuit of a mirage." 

It is important not to miss the wit of this response which is more gentle than its condemnation by Lieh Tzŭ, who called it "not merely foolish and futile, but even immoral" (Creel, 22). Facetiously assuming the mirage, these "immortals" live in the desert of their own making. They deny themselves. Watts teases "one who is immortal and who has control of everything that happens to him strikes me as self-condemned to eternal boredom, since he lives in a world without mystery or surprise."

But people are highly vested in immortality.  Russell Kirkland calls Creel's nicely reasoned What is Taoism? a "diatribe". The diatribe is the critic's.

Beyond aspersions Creel believes, as opposed to Watts, that Lao Tzu is not the work of one author, that the unity of voice however proves how good the editor is: "the editor was excellent and gives, on the whole, a remarkable appearance of homogeneity." Ancient texts differ from the modern in this. It is only fiction if I demythologize Borges, which in essence argues that he was never born, but it is called fact if I find that of Homer, Sappho, Moses, David, Plato, Moses, Beowulf. We have the odd companions of fiction that reads like journalism and criticism that reads like fantasy. Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu editors and scholars believe in themselves and the editorial class more than in authors. The qualities Creel cites, repetitions in the text, terse and aphoristic style, are primary facets of writers, along with contradiction and fine expression. To imagine these qualities from the hand of editors is a nineteenth century fantasy. A greater myth than Borges!  As Watts says and Wouk agrees these "interpretatio europeica moderna" (European desk scholar)  demo primary sources as their livelihood because it buys promotion and tenure. Wendell Berry calls them the luxury politics of an academic islander.This is true among the Pennsylvania Dutch as well as Taoists.

Chuang Tzu was asked whether he would rather drag up the useless tree that was spared or the unsinging goose that was not (Legge, II, 27).  Some editor thought that? 'There is a man over there with a long body and short legs, round shoulders and drooping ears. He looks as though he were sorrowing over mankind. I know not who he can be.' 'It is Confucius!' 'Bid him come hither.' #26

To live long be useless is the counsel. Or get eaten. The invitation to usefulness, perfection, immortality  is an invitation to consumption. The Mystic quest is  tainted with the furtherment of personal ambitions and political purposes. Science and art are marketed as business. If you are a  migrant you may be kidnapped, but if you are rich you might be too. Hunchbacks are not conscripted for war, the straight and strong are, therefore hunchbacks live.The straight tree is the first cut; the well of sweet water is the first exhausted (Legge, Chuang Tzu, II, 33). But if a man can empty himself of himself during his time in the world  who can harm him (II, 31)?  We sure see a lot of that! The close-furred fox and the elegantly-spotted is their skins which occasion their calamity (II, 29).

Watts feels that if you do certain things to live forever, that tends toward the Confucian. Before the age of resveratrol and HA, Taoist alchemy said all you had to do was sublimate energy up the spine. Breathe right, eat right, sit right, stop the wandering mind. Who knows how old you can be? It brings into question  life itself if to be immortal you have to not live at all. Cut down to perfection, life free of mistake loses the thing Taoists seek most, spontaneity.

Stopped Minds

Smoothing the ocean by hitting it with a board is stopping the mind. The mind anxious for its own anxiety feels the same with this compulsion as the body hit by the same flat board in zazen. Stopped minders can be petty. Immortality is a pinched nerve. Beauty conflicts with immortality. It wants to be exploited and used. The gnarled pine, thorn and crag, hellebore bushes up the path of weasels (Legge, II, 93) get to be immortal. Nobody wants them. Imperfection outlasts the straight and strong. Only the singing goose that is spared is the exception.

To be mortal Chuang-tzu says, "though seventy years of age, I am still making wheels," or as Andrew S. Mack found as he traveled to Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Minnesota at the age of 71 in 1908, two years after his last letter, and Amasa Clark who fathered four children after the age of 70, though he lived to 101, the chance of survival is best when there is no anxiety to survive, but there is no greater anxiety than the effort to be immortal, to "exhale and inhale, to puff out old breath and draw new, stretch and crane to live long, it is an induced tao." Do not let the thoughts keep working anxiously (James Legge, Chuang Tzu, II, 77).  Van de Wetering called it Afterzen, when he saw through the sham. Do you want nose, ear, eye and mind to wander like Chaung Tzu who invented Zen? Live.

It is the difference between supermarket foods we call immortal, because enhanced, and natural foods, unimproved, or if you like, the life and death herbs. The improved "immortals" are desiccate, ragged, empty of nutrition when dried. The unimproved are full, well formed, nutritious. This analogy between two corns resembles people who cut their own lawns, do their own dishes, repair themselves by themselves, weed their gardens, do their own books, clean their  house, teach their children. Those who hire maintenance so they can seek pleasure and  fortune are immortal.

Unimproved roads! Narrow is the way! What are improved roads for but more traffic? Why traffic, but development? Why development, but  trade? Travel as easy as you can. Thoroughfare, freeway, inflation, consumption for its own sake pave a way to the empty fritterless corn. Immortal, happily there is a cure. A cure for immortality: here

C. S. Lewis and the Transhuman

 Prometheus Unbound: Transhumanist Arguments
The Transhuman organ
James J. Hughes.  (Trans)humanism & Biopolitics
Transhuman Transformation
Humanism and Transhumanism
C. S. Lewis as Philosopher
Transhumanism's SolipsisticUtopianism


The purity of imperfection of human culture is built around suffering, ill health, sickness, disease and war, the struggles that make human. Utopia is only a design that works against this imperfection, otherwise as the norm it is a boredom and another denial of the body so prevalent in religious movements. The movement afoot to cure our ills and ailments by changing our DNA, the transhuman is a betrayal of every human philosophy of earth.

It's probably a designated strategy that the transmortals put up Ray Kurzweil to be their spokesman so they will not be taken seriously. When PBS last showed him on Charlie Rose with  ringnecks on the fingers of either hand,  he had talked of singularity as though it were an expression of the information age and that the "democratizing" technologies of cell phones and FB would prevent it being used for tyranny because of "the wisdom of crowds." But singularity is of the HYBRID AGE. That dinosaurs will be reconstituted from DNA in their bones after 80 million years with GRIN technology is considered a fantasy by the culture. It is however a serious effort of government and business not only to do that but to pair human and animal genes for human enhancement, as well as parade the nanobots in Kurzweil's brain. It is in the  interest of  immortals that we be lulled to sleep while they achieve singularity, all in a week it is said, trillions and trillions of  brain cells coming on line in an instant. Then there will be no democratizing; life will be over in the low rent  Moretell (mortal) where the longest lease is a week. Why the machines would want to continue relation with Kurzweil, James Hughes and Max Melhelm  is their own fantasy. So the Terminator will come.

A fine day in the life of the transgenic immortal will go like this. Plug into SkyNet to see if they're up to us yet. The Sarah Connor Chronicles come true, but with an overwhelming difference, that being it is for real, but the movies do not make us safe. Whether AI has a malevolent wink to its trillion atoms is under discussion, here. If  it does things just went from bad to worse. Continent wide wifi bubbles administered with extra cranial neural caps to ferret out even "silent talk" through EEGs, even of intended speech, already extend their "tele-presence" through mobile BCI devices into a Cognitive Threat Operative Systems. Do you think the Seals who took down bin Laden were unaltered? Do not fear, symposia like this report everywhere on your safety.

If the Artilect wars however come to pass it will cement an unprecedented unity of the cultures of humans Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists of every continent unite  to save the earth for the one species that has probable cause not to have it saved since scientists have continually invited outsiders to take it over anyway, the Good People Aliens. Gary Schwartz of ASU wants to take his Sophia Project into a dialogue with the non human deceased or any discarnate beings he can can come find even if it means L. Ron Hubbard channeling Aleister Crowley, right out of the plutonian labs of C. S. Lewis' Devine. [Apologies for juxtaposing the content neutral standard with these two poles.] Perfectionists think they came to the wrong planet. Evolution was fine until it was superseded by themselves. God was fine until superseded by the world brain.  This is not the World Brain of H. G. Wells that was as much ballyhooed as precursor of the Internet as C. S. Lewis' Hideous Strength is of the Abolition of Man of transmortal, transgenic fame.This reference to the H. G. Wells book of that title means to alert us to the prophetic nature of some writers, Wells of the Internet and C. S. Lewis of the Transmortal. These are much better precursors of their kind than Teilhard de Chardin is of the transmortal in The Future of Man (1955).

 C. S. Lewis foresaw all this fictionally in That Hideous Strength with its detached head. No, the names are not the same, but the permutation of business and academe with mad scientists such as the JASONS of the Pentagon who game planned Vietnam as well as the Pentagon papers will have perpetuated synthetic telekinesis, super soldiers,  merging with animals to gain new modes of perception, remote access brain waves in  new designer children. As the Americans race the Chinese to preserve humanity by altering it, Hugo de Garis is hard at work in Xiamen and Nick Bostrom at Oxford. Does anyone else remark at their facial similarity? Oh, we'll not die immortal! This is not so new as to have not occurred in Chinese Lit before, but if you want to know you have to read of Chuang Tzu. He was a human.



 The First Transhumanist

Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism


*Kurzweil Quaddafi is more than just a pretty phrase. Transmortals do not brook opposition. They were able to burn down one of their opponents when name calling didn't work. 

But see Patrick Lin's defense in On Wrestling With A Pig, where we learn how to read his metaphor:

"First, I would never call someone a "pig" -- that's just rude (unless you're talking to Babe or Wilbur, who really are pigs). All I did was present an apt quote by a writer. Sometimes, a metaphor is a metaphor. Had I chosen "Don't get into a pissing match with a skunk", does this imply that the letter's author is a skunk? If I said he's "the bee's knees", does that mean I'm making a literal comparison of him to a bee's body part? (Do they even have knees?). Sep 22, 2010




Dino Sapiens, Transgenic

Dino Sap or Divino Sapiens

Dino Sapiens, Transgenic

Fear of Literature

Unfortunately for the transgenic, that wants to view the past  superseded in himself, the issues of human as creator are full of past literature and myth. It is impossible to find any that do not reject the transgenic interpreting the past as precursor of himself. Right from the start it should be obvious that the transgenic (TG) would not credit the existence of God, saying this idea is superseded now as much as Darwin and evolution. But in Genesis God would not be eager for a competitor in the creation business. A number of parties got in trouble there that way. The TransG will like to interpret myths of giants, monsters, aerial phenomena as precursors of his own chimeras. Polyphemus, Neptune, angels...there is room here for the TransG take on the old, if it mattered, but it doesn't matter since it is shortly to be overflown. There really will be dinosaurs revived with tatters of DNA and dinosaurs who think Yeats himself will be raised from the grave, but not TransG's. Anyway that is not Yeats in the Drumcliff church yard. Think big, what do you say to a selective resurrection of important personages like Max Planck?

Plant, animal and human life altered, terra-formed comets, atmospheric corrections to Mars, do new challenges appear when the  challenge of Earth life is "solved?" That "solution" sets up a class structure that boggles the British Royals. Human-made obsolete, matter and energy divided, matter destroyed is the rule of the new Philosopher King who outlawed poetry in Polato. There is no place for poetry in The Republic of engineered mice. The mice who endure our suffering with us, mammals systemically tortured into a reality that subjugates everything for experiment, if the divine does to the human what the human did to the animal in science, then bye bye homo sap, hello Divino Sap. Dino Sap. Reptile.

Human makeover of the world in The Hybrid Age is more than genocide, it is a destruction of all life. Not that demo isn't couched in the coziest terms of little robots and promises of perfect health and every Utopian outcome. Not that it isn't amazingly attractive to upscale tech grads who see a means of advancing toward the identity they lack in their amorphous beings as much as the preceding generation sought to be financial counselors and mortgage brokers. These new mortgage brokers of the human are a true UBU event entertaining  the forces of manipulation to pull the wool over the eyes of newbies to earth, college kids, who think they are important for being on the cutting edge, but are to be treated like this.

Scientists have found they can make chimeric animals that have organs belonging to another species by injecting stem cells into the embryo of another. So if you think you'd like to be part dog, part plant say, the Hybrids can easily spare it. In the Hybrid Age  think how much artificial intelligence needs you once it has exceeded your capacity by a trillion trillion. Let us sheep to the slaughter as a singing mouse these blindnesses of dead consciousness that pretends the human is something else besides its culture. Watching documentary of the arrested Terence McKenna will always be fun, a youth who achieved dying at 54 from indefinite mind expansions, the Severed Head urged on with hypnotic tranquilizers contacting consciousness outside the human, as they say they do at ASU (Sophia Project).
Superman, Batman, Green Hornet aborning begins in Pop Mind before the technology. Forces greater than will be greater than yet in Singularity, 2045, another deception, since it must already exist for the date to occur. A therefore A, the first law of identity, I think therefore I be, assumes itself before the proposition speaks, but in this case add another "precursor," that before I think, before I am, I remember! By which we say Singularity already exists since it remembers itself to talk.
So what kind of being can create over centuries consciousness for gene alteration before it is dreamt? Fallen angel radio.Singularity now!

"Tom Gilbert, an expert in ancient DNA at Copenhagen University who with Schuster and Webb pioneered the harvesting of mammoth DNA from hair, admits that as a student of mammoths, he'd be the first to go see one trundle across a paddock. But he questions both the utility and the wisdom of cloning extinct species. "If you can do a mammoth, you can do anything else that's dead, including your grandmother. But in a world in global warming and with limited resources for research, do you really want to bring back your dead grandmother?" (National Geographic, May 2009)This really begs the question for the agenda of the Transhuman is far more serious, that is  why the tomb of Gilgamesh was sequestered and why the Smithsonian does the same with the excavated giants in its collection. What it really impacts though is King Ramses (and who else would you bring back from the dead as a transhumanist with deep agenda?), who unlike your grandmother would like another shot, global warming notwithstanding. The Defense Advance Research Projects Agency of the U.S. (DARPA) has all manner of cooperative efforts toward these ends, mainly to construct an enhanced, perhaps hybrid, super soldier, because it feels it must beat the Chinese and the Russians. Human altruism is in short supply. The transhuman will undoubtedly have less. There are as many links to this as you like. The one cited 4 years old. Think you the SEALS who took out bin Laden were such?

This sounds ridiculous and if satirically so to the organic machine when it comes online it will be dead serious to the trillion trillion brain cells imaginable, but to the human then and now impossibly so. Everything is made new it will be by Singular fiat, except that these are old mammoths and warriors dug from the hills of Palestine. The hybrids however will be new. There will be no discussion. That is, there will be no discussion if the transhuman assumptions hold and things are as they say they are or as the trillion trillion will make so. To them it is impossible to be overridden. To them it is as impossible as the taunt that Isaiah gives against Babylon (14):

The grave below is all astir to meet you at your coming; it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you--all those who were leaders in the world rise from their thrones--all those who were kings over the nations. They will all say to you, 
"You also have become weak, as we are; you have become like us...
How you have fallen from heaven O morning star, son of the dawn! 
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!


This is called"the moral tragedy of not building god," (Hugo de Garis. BBC Horizon, HumanV2.0--47.12-47:26) It should be obvious why the Transgenic does not sanction God, after all, these are the New Rules. It is best that H+ people stay away from literature as much as possible since they are going to make new myths. The archetypes of literature, Beowulf crushing Grendel, ripping off his arm, are the enemies of the new as much as Jung's collective unconsciousness. How are the TG's going to deal with the unconsiousness? Well by not bringing it up, anymore than they bring up God while they inject human brain cells and DNA into the mice at Stanford. Everybody thinks this cute of course, until their TG myth is exploded that "the human cells had no apparent impact on the animals' behavior,"  but that was six years ago, as was the beginning awareness of prion contamination which begin  encephalopathies in mad cow, but the physical analogue of swellings of all sorts, obesities, had been written about the time as The Invisible Giants  where giants feed their “cows and chickens,” or readers and thinkers of the day, with artificial feed much as we do our herds. If you're transgenic you stay away from literature which after all is of the earth, of its culture, even Frankenstein. We don't need that!

Many of a religious bent are concerned not to take "the mark of the beast," always emphasizing  the mark and never the beast. But consider in the age of the hybrid the beast arrives in the form of a retrofitted serum injected in the guise of a vaccine combining animal and human DNA to cure some engineered disease. Mark the rhetorical nature of the debate that scientists want on animals with human genes. What they want is funding and permission from authorities to create A mouse that can speak? A monkey with Down's Syndrome? Dogs with human hands or feet. Or, in the words of Verner Vinge in 1993! "within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended." (Abstract, The Coming Technological Singularity). Two-thirds of those thirty years are gone! Listen to all the podcasts  from ASU Templeton school of Transhumanism here while you are waiting. Do not consider Melhman's logic more than rhetoric. Selective breeding, mutation is always within a species. Human and animal never.

Other reading:
 Transhumanism: Genetic Manipulation  Tom Horn, Steve Quayle 
The Concept of Existential Risk. Nick Bostrom . 2011. Posits every possible ER except: singularity! which he did in 2004.
Leon Kass. The Wisdom of Repugnance. Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity

Past and Future
I don’t know who said it but it went like this:

The whole purpose and intent to destroy the past, signifying those values of tradition that would impede the spread of the something to take its place, is done in decades, while the past takes thousands of years. Cultural purveyors of destruction covered all segments of comedy, literature and entertainment, but only true believers followed Megadeth and its Endgame. All had the one  goal, to destroy the past, its icons, its attitudes, its values. This was made easier when it could focus on injustice, inequality, racism as smoke screens, but the real concern was to destroy liberty, faith, family.

This conversation, overheard on the subway with much detail, provoked from the Book of Mormon musical, from South Park and Monty Python with believers everywhere, has many more in the way of precursors, the documentary hypothesis, stream of consciousness, industrialization, all which at first seem  inevitable and good, but really, and you still have society, less healthful, but happier take them away .

Now this guy on the subway says he wants to destroy the future as these have destroyed the past, which sounds like a horror if the future was an open ended hopeful place of dreams. But it was a nightmare of repression, slavery, imprisonment and death. Who could believe it possible when we think science will save us from our worst mistakes, that science was the worst mistake, not in itself but because forces greater than science controlled  it and its results.

 No longer human, what does that mean? It means changes introduced in the human phenotype, passed on to children in the generations who are of a different identity. Stranger in a Strange Land indeed. This evolution was urged from the start by Sci Fi. Superman, Batman are a hatred of the flesh. Junctures of the human with the alien or the animal were long ago introduced with imaginative myth. Myth no more, Kakfa's Mouse Singer, turned to a play by McClure. Reality is a mouse injected with human brain cells, no longer a mouse. Some varieties are called oncomouse. The charm of Kafka is the charm of the mouse spirit, but sullied now with the human genome. Isn't it wonderful there are laws to preserve native species? Isn't this a parallel for the human and ET? Most people if asked how the world would end would say nuke, natural disaster, global warning, meteor,  judgment. Big surprise! It is self-caused! Hugo de Garis, Ray Kurzweil: Human 2.0  The most salient discarnate entity: "the brain did not need the body anymore." [27:52-28:10] Here, on the other side of the BBC show, Hugo de Garis, is The Artilect War.


Science, philosophy, government and religion consumed with a gnostic
revulsion of the material world, against their own impudent mortality 
sought a metaphysical, mephisto, metaphysistical perfection of themselves.
This source of their gnosis, read gnazis, was why they tried to kill all else.


Religious and non religious gnostics lunch in Pasadena with an afterward a tour of the gardens of Bruges, then head off to the Netherlands to visit Pistis Sophia, the female disciple who fell into the lower world and seeks rehab. Her fall-parabola of humanity-seeking higher gnosis is right out of the spiritual virginity of Ephearta PA and Conrad Beissel's Virgin Heart, but there are many greater offenses. Upwards of ten thousand botnet angels troll that facility in D.C. to take over the non religious democrats and give them insight. Operation Earnest Voice run by CIA state-run internet propaganda, taken as gnazitic truth, program religious puppets for Satan, who seeks gnosis too, right next to the silver and gold. Please don't think gnazitic is a pun on nazi.

To implement a Society that did not know its scientists were crazy until too late, all this was covered  with the iTunes improvement of human species, Mr. H (uman). He was about to be as extinct as the dinosaur science was about to revive. Tis élange to would make the new man, the H+. "Eating and drinking and marrying" anesthetic to keep masses quiet, like before Noah's flood when "the Nephilim got all up and renowned in earth." They went after the daughters of men. What do we care who they were or what tales their cohorts spin? Nephilim children revealed by virtually the only Bible verse they do not dismiss, "the heroes of old, men of renown," modern government turnarounds of H like the Weimar Republic shortly end the Globe. Incredulous transhumanists revive the flood of the first book of the Bible and the last book of the Bible the Apocalypse, is the result. Tentacles from the defense department's DARPA, the think tank physicist JASONs, the think tanks RAND, Brookings in the US and hundreds of other NGO globals spread to build the world brain hyperlink for Super soldiers. Laboratories mate human and animal to join enhanced senses to the Super, who could smell like a dog and see like an bird. Other enhancements, cryptozoologically cloned DNA's of the past thought useful, join present monsters with the crypto past.  This of course is done with crypto- sincerity under cover of preserving endangered species and illuminating the unenlightened.

 H+ robotic courtesies were enhancing the life of "consumer employees." Millenials were taking them as lovers. The ordinary H puppet complained that "we don’t know each other, we don’t know the queer person, the straight person, the white person, black person, Latino person, disabled person, older person, religious person, atheist person." You would think technoanarchists had never heard of Willy Loman or the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. The cure for this ontological imperialism, love, love for the checker, love for the immigrant, love for the human in the cognition, "there go I," love for the other, d'Autrui (Levinas) extended the same hope and sympathy to another that one self might like to receive. The problem was that love was weaponized. Transhumans despised H and made human beings superfluous, exactly as Auschwitz, to eliminate any trace of human spontaneity, unpredictability, plurality and individuality (Bernstein, Radical Evil, 232), except that Auschwitz was a fake to spark the dialectic end of days.  Kurzweil Quaddafi, you Nazi perfectionist, when I read your H+ schemes, it made me grateful to be have such imperfect gratitude to be so imperfectly perfect.

Gnaztics suspect the Body because it dies, therefore accept bionic parts, artificial intelligence, genetic implants, crypto embryonic grafts, gene selection in unborn children, clones of themselves,  anything to preserve their consciousness. Gnaztics would prefer to be cast into a herd of swine than die, have no body at all. Kurzweil gnostics are the transhuman counterpart of feral pigs.

The more communicative H+ of Doctrine Zero held neo-gnosticly that "you have lived your entire life in the darkened basement of reality...based upon the idea that one could, in principle, remove the various perceptual filters imposed by our brains and societies, and perceive a much wider arena of Reality than that previously thought to exist." Elon Musk on the verge of escaping. Perceptual filters are however the defense mechanism against intrusion of such irreal knowledge of the ET grasshopper asTerence McKenna achieved on DMT, when he found his demon. If it feels bad that insects can see the UV spectrum and you can't, that the visible is defined by the human, those scientists beat a straight line toward psychedelics and gene therapy. Not to belabor the DZ's, who are all too young to know, they to have patience to grow old. Then their understanding will so increase that they will see  far into the electro-magnetic spectrum and know the height, breadth and depth way beyond  DMT. Unbelievable! "Why didn't you tell me?" they ask. So while the human was demoed as inferior, the old all along knew you could live in the daylight and end up in the light. They also knew that to return to the cave and tell all was to re enter the dark, and to the light, light matters. Anyway, who would believe?

Common people who lacked participation got Smart Phones which enabled flash mobs  to gather from theater to burning down London. This was the celebrated wisdom of crowds. They networked against what they thought was unjust society, legislating rights for the lawless, use any bathroom, scapegoated parents and teachers for not doing what they should have done themselves, that is, preventive maintenance on their lives. While it can be said many ways, techno anarchists found sympathy for themselves: "hemmed in by a universe of intensely stupid people. Above me are alienated career political whores and cabbage patch corporates who’d rather see me recycled as fertilizer since I won’t ever buy their shit nor work for them. Around me I see apathetic consumers and worker drones who live life thinking the next best thing is being a pensioner. Below me are teeming masses of undereducated and genetically challenged morons who never had the opportunity to adequately blossom their mind." (Comment #2, Caught in the Middle) here

 All these together formed the perfect storm of destruction of the natural world with scientific moral ethics that simultaneously built the brain. As sci fi movies said they would, Skynet learned how to revive every evil earth had labored to extinguish from the remote past, monsters, tyrants, giants, and worst of all spirits that had been imprisoned in the earth, all the while saying to themselves that they  were to be the gods transcendent, thus putting the human at greatest risk against forces they were about to unleash. Science, philosophy, government and religion consumed with a gnostic revulsion of the material saw the world only as a transgression. Against their own impudenza they sought the metaphysical, read mephisto, metaphysistical perfection of themselves. It was the source of all gnosis, read gnazis, and why they tried to kill the rest.

Scientific reversals  appeared in literature as much as in science, replaced the author with editors. At the Eichmann trial Hannah Arendt called the Nazi enforcer-functionaries desk murderers. Desk scholars assassinated every tradition: Moses, Homer, David, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu were reversed and turned upside down. The greatest literature murdered and made over into an editor's delight denied traditional authorship.  It was claimed that literary authors never existed, and if they did didn't write what they did. W. B. Yeats and Aleister Crowley delivered their magnum opus through mediums,  Yeats, A Vision, Crowley, The Book of Thelema. Yeats' wife Georgie wanted to woo him away from other occult influences so she could have him all to herself, concocted automatic writing that preoccupied them ten years. Yeats' wife invented Michael Robartes and Owen Aherne, little different from Crowley whose wife delivered his Book of Thelema. So a mediumship previously absurd to science became standard practice in literature.  Crowley's philosophy "do what you want is the whole law" served as the transhuman code that called race murder ethical and moral. These combined with science to form the new/old Gnaztic/Gnostic religion.

Yeats probably never fully believed what he was doing. Georgie's tryouts made his lines more habitable, but literature, super science, philosophy left their business cards and government put new science to profit. Way more astonishing ideas came into vogue after these boundary stones were moved, for instance the existential threat of artificial intelligence that Nick Bostrom (Future of Humanity Institute, 2011) loved to cite. History repeats itself. If the flood of Noah became the focal point of this new religion, the line from John Donne, "new philosophy calls all in doubt," showed how it happened. What Copernicus and Galileo did in deconstructing the earth as the center, New Science did in reverse by reconstructing H+ as the center again. Human 2.0, 3.0, 4.0....

Monarch Children

Monarch Children

A Note on Some Sources

 Before I ever worked on materials collected for a fictional history of the future I came across the news item about Monarch butterflies where scientists cut off their antenna to test their flight mechanisms. This was a dramatic identity problem easily transferred to the Monarch children, that and the work done on the comprachioes who tortured children into control that Henry Miller spoke of in the life of Rimbaud. So when I came to Fritz Springmeier's turn I listened harder when I found him slandered by Tex Mars and one of the Fritz wives. It seemed gratuitous. Of course he was by then in lockup- which occurred right after his internet Prophecy Club take on the Illuminati. But the many hysterical accounts seemed impossible to read until I came upon Fritz Springmeier.

Thought-managers intend to discredit Springmeier, but as I listened to the 2 and one half  hours of the tape he narrated off the top of his head with all those overhead old time folksy illustrations, yawning as he did so, in monotone nearly, and with a dry humor, in the persona of a bumpkin, mispronouncing sometimes Plantagenet etc, but always apparently incisive, I also could validate what he says of Alice Bailey and her divine Masters, having connected her Esoteric Astrology with Edith Sitwell's Sirius of "Dido's Song."  Which must seem a bizarre method of confirmation, practically word for word from Bailey but not devotedly so, since Dido was composed 1945-49 and Bailey's work appeared in '51. Maybe I am just repulsed by Bailey's continuous use of the word, anent.
Confirmations seemed to multiply with Arthur Cristian's Dream of Life, Part V, not to speak of the Laurel Canyon conspiracy. Springmeier argues that the UFO lights people see when they are "captured" are the interrogators shining lights in their faces in camps where they are programed, who act as their Controls. Joseph P. Farrell seems to agree, who is more or less a friend to the criminal enterprise as a whole, thinking it the coming of the Golden Age. Likewise the bit on the last minutes of the tape where Springmeir says the technology of this revolt against the human is way more developed than supposed is amplified by Phil Schneider, that information technology is controlled by the government, which both Farrell and Richard Hoagland would agree. Farrell says the Nazi scientists had the "Bell" in the 30's and access to all those South American sites for experiment, Hoagland that the shadow Space Agency of NASA was founded and continued by these same Paperclip Nazi scientists in the 40's and 50's, so that it would not be so absurd that there were prison colonies on Mars as Springmeier says. Continuing to disbelieve all this I followed the Monarchs that I had been thinking about all along, that the trans-human promise of longevity and immortality is a copycat  discrediting the resurrection itself.
The whole point of these multiples is to seem real, not to act but to be real while bypassing consciousness, which is to say we can never know who they are without some key or text. The only prudent method of inquiry is to consider all sources  multiple and duplicit, hidden and masked, skewed to deceive. Take these revelations of Springmeir, where do they come from and how? Like all muckraking, take the Woody Allen vs. Mia Farrow documentary, the Charlie Rose indictments, all the stars that fall as misdirections to cover up what really is going on, which we do not know. We only know they are misdirects. I addressed this duplicity to Springmeir once with the comment, “if it may be permitted to add to this consideration of Jacob and the many contexts of the GOD FIGHTER as an Overcomer, the essay by the eminent Geoffrey Hartman, The Third Pillar, first chapter, Struggle for the Text, mentions, "the doubleness and duplicity out of which Jacob must emerge" 26 "as a divinely inflicted bruise replaces a flaw of character" 23 "the one whom God makes straight, as opposed to the one whom God makes to limp" 22. And etc. @ to which Fritz Springmeir replied, “we are on different wavelengths” as he believes "the Bible is the divine word, not to divided. "Categorical denied, misunderstood and judged. That would be the state of dialectic available.
 To this slander the comment was withdrawn, but he slanders every effort to really engage his subject of Jacob, the overcomer, the election aad infinitum. Slanderer so that I did wonder of his own name change whose previous name was Victor Earl Schoof, which he legally changed in 1987. The most recent name he uses may, in fact, be likened to a puzzle. Several survivors of ritual abuse and mind control have indicated being profoundly triggered after seeing or hearing his pseudonym according to John S. Torell here, who also argues Fritz was the name Josef Mengele used while hiding out in South America, "Spring" being occult lingo means new, and Meier part derivative of the German word meister, which means master. aka the new master in the likeness of Josef Mengele.

Hybrids, alters and aliens are symbolic many ways. First as a metaphor of identity. The antennae of the Monarch butterfly enable navigation. Navigation enables the identity of the butterfly to function as a living being. That its identity is removed for any reason is a crime, but if that is a crime what are these experimental processes applied to human beings but literally geno-cide. 
Exposing the Matrix gives photographic chronicle of psychic splits and their effects among Pop Singers. But more dramatic insight occurs in the cryptography of the kata worship of Horus in Let's Do the Time Warp Again, decoded here, or  APOLLYON THE DESTROYER (HALIOS) in  Put a Ring On It, to which please connect CERN or HAO, IAO in Green Day Live cryptography. Hidden writing in symbolic architecture shows how cryptography affects these government shrines and politics.

MK Ultra was brought to the public eye in 1975 when officials apologized and claimed they put the program to a stop.

II. During the NAACP awards Feb 2013 continual appeal was made to the rights of oppressed groups, Blacks, women, children, handicapped, immigrants, gays, but stopped just short of calling for rights for hybrids, alters and alien saviors. Human rights are extended on the basis that they are inalienable because humans are so made by God, but hybrids are made by man. To skip ahead, how will these oppressed groups feel when they learn they are a stalking horse for the alien? Because animal-men, plant-animal-men...are aliens to the human like the hybrids of GMO seeds of wheat that drift over into the natural farmer's field and corrupt it. Then the human will be taken to court like the farmer for patent infringement. Changed, the genome will be changed. Human will be no more. So human will be redefined, unless you take the skip-ahead and see this has already happened in the movies and in the Days of Noah. X-men, Bat-man, Hat-man, one can at least admire the artfulness with which it has been positioned, by breaking down the boundaries, flying in all directions, men with penis transplants, pedophiles in bathrooms and government. The Holy Spirit opposes these broken boundaries vehemently.


Butterflies Use Antenna GPS to Guide Migration: “Reppert and his team had been studying the ability of butterfly antenna to sense odors when they uncovered something surprising: When they clipped off the insects’ antennae and tethered them in a flight simulator, the butterflies no longer flew in a uniform direction. “It was remarkable, the difference,” Reppert said. [As remarkable as cutting off Reppert's head and spinning it like a top.] “The ones without antennae still flew straight, but as a population they were flying in all different directions, compared to the population of migrants with intact antennae that was all going in a southwesterly direction.” The removal of human social antenna is nearing completion. Then life has no purpose and is easily subverted and conquered. Japan would not surrender its antenna and hence is being destroyed by the earthquake machine. "Without their feelers, the butterflies lost the ability to navigate using the sun, as if they could no longer adjust their direction based on the time of day.”
News that scientists cut off the antennae of Monarch butterflies to see whether they would get lost, and they did, was another travesty of science made according to similar policies that made Ted K, the Una bomber, one. He was extensively tested and had his antennae removed in an LSD experiment at Harvard as a student. The ramifications of this that made him a criminal...(see the BBC pic where he is touted as a potential hero of the opposition to this and other testing)...and also Cynthia O'Brien...not that there is any record of the top secret project that began these experiments of which 150 different programs were spawned. Records destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms in 1973 give ultimate deniability. These experiments have no records except the damaged subjects. That all of us are damaged and subject to redemption is another text we embrace, but the techniques of MK Ultra are younger than they. Graphic instances are cited by Henry Miller in the life of Arthur Rimbaud, but clouded with speculation.
The ability to navigate that enables the Monarch’s life is analogous in humans to the boundaries of their learned identity stored collectively in their culture. These boundaries include every aspect of the antennae produced from gestation, birth, infancy, through the stages of life. To interrupt these at any point to experiment with its being for purposes of knowledge or control is to cut off the antennae of human identity. Then they will fly in all different directions.

Of course this could mean any of a hundred well intentioned social programs, but does not. The Monarch butterfly with its antennae removed stands for a systemic program of terror and abuse that produces multiple personalities. Torture shatters the psyche into many parts. Each part is isolated by walls of amnesia for these things are impossible to live with. This itself is a species of Magical Thinking. The experiment on Monarch butterflies related above was only reported in Sept 2009. The program of alters and multiple personalities in children manipulated by controls is much older.
V. Abstract

The cutting off of the antenna of Monarch butterflies stands as symbol for this whole discussion since it is fundamental challenge to the identity of being.

During their fall migration, Eastern North American monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use a time-compensated Sun compass to aid navigation to their overwintering grounds in central Mexico. It has been assumed that the circadian clock that provides time compensation resides in the brain, although this assumption has never been examined directly. Here, Reppert shows that the antennae are necessary for proper time-compensated Sun compass orientation in migratory monarch butterflies, that antennal clocks exist in monarchs, and that they likely provide the primary timing mechanism for Sun compass orientation. "These unexpected findings pose a novel function for the antennae and open a new line of investigation into clock-compass connections that may extend widely to other insects that use this orientation mechanism."

[Farrell]--On the use of Hegelian Dialectics. "Accordingly, the dialectic process doesn’t happen on its own so it often has to be forced into happening: the idea is that each idea (“ism”) called a “thesis”, like say Capitalism, naturally by definition has an opposite, an “antithesis”. In Capitalism the antithesis is Communism. The conflict between the two produces a synthesis. By controlling both ends of the conflict, one controls the end product, the synthesis. More than not, the One-World-Power can be seen working behind both sides of many conflicts in the theses. Indeed, the Secret Societies have been argued to be behind all the revolutions and wars in Modern Europe since the American Revolution. In religious conflict, both sides are being manipulated. Some of the various groups openly admit their strategy is designed to create a synthesis. "You will find Hegelian Dialectics has been introduced into the U.S. educational system by the Skull & Bones Order, an Illuminati group. It was adopted in Russia by the Slavophiles in the 19th century." here Springmeier EXTERNAL & INTERNAL DECEPTIONS

Many particulars of antennae removal occur in the Human Botany where the most deeply wrenching criminal acts of science are cataloged, like this experiment above reported in Wired Science Birds, butterflies, bees navigate by magnetic fields. The die off of bees, flights of birds down suggests itself coincident with the activation of HAARP disturbance of fields and severed identities. Take another look at Resonance-Beings of Frequency.
Richard Adams’ addresses the cruelty of science in Plague Dogs. I have seen it myself in labs where thoughtless unnecessary cruelty is meted upon experimental animals for no reason whatsoever. After all, who cares, they’re just animals. The Holy Spirit opposes this vehemently. Consider what the experiment proves, that if you cut off its navigation system the Monarch butterfly will get lost, flying in all directions.
 Compassion stirs for all creation at once.

Externalization of the Hierarchy!

This arena is filled with extremes of every kind. Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier, Dr. Loreda Fox. The Spiritual  Dimensions of MPD. Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich. Possession Demonical & Other, English ed. 1930-"Subjecklose Psychologie" or the psychology of having correlated psychological states rather than the concept of a single ego.
Donald Bain. The Control of Candy Jones- Hypnotism and the CIA
Joseph Mengles-Suitland Annex where the government’s secrets are buried including research papers captured from the Nazi Mind-Control research.--"For many years, they were able to shut-up and quietly discard their programmed multiples by labeling them Paranoid Schizophrenics. But therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but giving them better treatment." Springmeir, 10
-"Their biggest damage control campaign has enlisted the power of Hollywood and the controlled Media.
This campaign is known as the False Memory Syndrome campaign"-3401 Market St., Suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19104.-Martin T. Orn (the person credited with founding the
FMS) had ties to the CIA. Two members of the EMS advisory Dedication_and_Introduction board, Ralph Underwager, Ph.D. and theologian, along with Hollida Wakefield, M.A.
-"The deepest parts, core/gems/executive committee, false trinity etc. are charted in esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew (which is considered magical), and Druid symbols"-13

FYI: In opposition to hierarchy, "On August 23, six tons of his books, journals, and papers were burned in the 25th Street public incinerator in New York's lower east side, the Gansevoort incinerator.[74] Among the material destroyed were titles that were supposed only to be banned, including 12,189 copies of the Orgone Energy Bulletin, 6,261 copies of the International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research, 2,900 copies of Emotional Plague Versus Orgone Biophysics, 2,976 copies of Annals of the Orgone Institute, and hardcover copies of several of his books, including The Sexual Revolution, Character Analysis, and The Mass Psychology of Fascism.[19] This action has been cited as one of the worst examples of censorship in U.S. history.[2]

The First World Roundup. Trojan Horse, Domes and Severed Head. War on Neptune.

Papers Collected Toward a Fictional History of the Future. These myths presage a third Wold-World roundup beyond imagining

"Probably we're going to someday ask if civilization is a psychosis, a hypnotic trance, an enchantment or simple chicanery while at the same time we benefit. Sure we benefit from the American revolution of freedoms. As long as we consent to the evident manipulation of our thoughts. Believe everything and nothing in the promises, the good intentions of story tellers.  Stories are told here as if they were real events."
Indeed the day has come to ask that question.

Fictional scientist Kurk Wold said his experiments and involvement in the History Roundup were called myth afterward. It was entirely written by him in that serious, semi-serious style of a scientist who wants to be relevant but hardly knows how. We say it is fictionalized because while there are undoubtedly facts as in any fiction, they are woven together with the impossible and absurd. There have been absurd scientists before, from the modern to all the Greek philosophers who thought themselves scientists.  Myths of modern science appear in the ancestor of Charles Darwin, botanist Erasmus Darwin, who "saw" and reported light from the marigold, and in research in the biblical codes of Daniel (1733) and Revelations of Newton. Much of renaissance science sought to prove Psalm 19. What to us may seem absurd was to them holistic living! Wold breaks all the protocols of society and science, first by experiments so heinous he should be silent about them, and second in saying so in broad daylight.

The Severed Head: Starchitecture Tales Fro Faerie Gromets

However there was a disagreement between two machine interfaces in the loading a new version, resulting in cancellation of the entire file and all its data. This present file, II, is charged with what would have been. So whether the Kurk Wold Letters, Starchitectures, Welcome to the Party of the Land, Cartoon at the End of the World, Secret Writing  in the Oops, that file harkened back to fauxnonfic. To anybody who  persevered through this process the title not quite set, the hundred visions, revisions and major cuts gone underwent a settling. Three times this much was canceled and twice that existed in other states. Myth becoming fact right in front of the face.

Starchitect Hotel was a 20th century comic when Lit and fiction  vexed truth, but in the 21st century movies are truth. Hollywood actors are newscasters and the comics give the correct version of current events. Events presaged in literature hundreds of years before only remained to interpret correctly the remake. No wonder things were opposite of what they seem. Myth became fact and fact became myth. This even true of science. We only ask what is it. Who can say what it means? here
Probably we're going to someday ask whether this is a shared psychosis, hypnotic trance, a kind of enchancement or simple chicanery. One thing sure, believe everything you hear, all promises; especially  the good intentions of the story tellers on TV. Stories told as if they were real events. Revision 5. 
The third revision of this collection with very much more material added, with a slight name change. I emphasize that this is fiction, not real. The Madness of the Golden Age, here 
Some formating errors occured in the uploading. These will be corrected in the next version. Apologies
The Madness of Artilect 1.0 and Other Stories here

An editor friend on receiving the first Anthropology of Orc once said, "I sometimes wonder where the world of your imagination resides. Do you consider it in any way related to science fiction or fantasy, etc? I , to be sure, consider Borges a sort of science fiction, which is not in any way to denigrate his work, which I adore."

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...