Hugo de Garis, mad as a super collider, is a tensor calculus of his reality. His twist in The Artilect Wars (2005) argues civil war between those who want to be transhuman and those who don’t. The nerve of these atheists who deny the new gods! The mind behind the transhuman holds two reverse fields, positive and negative. There is the daylight conscious when he is awake and the nighttime dream when he is asleep. His sleep reflects his deep horror of what he does in the day. This pretends to concuss the conscious against the subconscious state. During the day it makes little strummings on the lip to work havoc with the brain machine, but at night is horrified at what it does. It can’t stop. The two don’t talk. The gibberish of the first field below represents the conscious against the subconscious state.
De Garis says,
Wiping Out the Human
Extermination includes everyone except scientists and transhuman fellow travelers. His grandchildren would be wiped out in his blueprints, but why aren’t they artifacts themselves? At ease Genocide, only machines are intelligent then. Oddly he never imagines his grandchildren will be anything but human. Can they be saved? That’s his ultimate good he denies. He can’t stop. The transhuman fascist madness consumes, cannot escape the loop of itself. A "human brain dump" (78), artificial embryology, "embryofacture" (71), "nanots" of "human scale products" (68), "self-assembly" (72) of those parts like "viruses," he has worked in six countries. The Japanese are "intellectually sterile, socially backward" (30). When were Frenchmen ever wrong? He is proud of his superior European multicultural views, intellectual outlook of Brussels and Cambridge: "As a 'multi' I found the company of other multies far more stimulating than that of mono" (29). Of the ordinary human: "our own puny ephemeral little lives seem so worthless, so insignificant" (186).
Cosmist arguments of astrophysicists for a half century now state that "human existence is so petty, so trivial, so banal, so insignificant" (87), so in addition to being mad, Cosmist thoughts are not human. Being does not belittle itself. Hence we ask, if not human, what is the origin of this thought? Oddly, he answers. It is either simple megalomania or another agenda: "from the galactic point of view, would it matter much if the human were wiped out? I think the universe would not give a damn" (89), which is exactly what Stephen Hawking is worried about, that the alien saviors would be rapacious. Wiping out the human from Star Trek's point of view would be a tragedy. Wiping out the mouse from the human point of view would be a tragedy. So why does the universe not give a damn? The subdivision of his mind declares, "being Cosmist and being more intelligent. I suspect that those people with higher IQs..." (89) will be them.
Surprisingly, for one who thinks his future capable of "true godlike intelligence...below the elementary particle level" (180, 183), he picks on the mouse, "mice are too stupid, and have too small a brain to speculate on anything, unless its about their immediate survival" (179). How would Kafka feel? So why doesn’t his universe give a damn if Kafka does? "Being Cosmist and being more intelligent… I suspect that those people [Galactics, have] higher IQs" (89). He surprisingly picks the mouse for one whose future is of "true godlike intelligence...below the elementary particle level" (180, 183). Poor mice are just like humans: "mice are too stupid, and have too small a brain to speculate on anything, unless its about their immediate survival" (179). Ditto the dumb-dumb 53 "apelike thoughts of chimps," ble,ble, bleble. But if artilects slip, mouse accidents, don’t "develop life-preserving strategies" to avoid falling into a star, then oops "the laws of physics" (180), mean a paean to the Absolut of science that invents one law for us and another for the rest.
Ditto the "apelike thoughts of chimps." But artilects are like mice too, he says, accidentally, must "develop life-preserving strategies" to avoid falling into a star. So superior HUGE artilects must "obey the laws of physics" (180), another paean to the absolute of science that invents laws until it changes them. Out of this thinking he says that not to build the godlike super brain is "a kind of 'deicide (god killing). This would be wrong, he says, but he justifies killing mosquitoes (13), as being of no consequence to his brain, like the fly swatted by Greek gods. The Cosmist point of view has Terrans as 'decidal monsters'" (20). That means they would kill the god aborning. If this sounds grandiose consider that it comes from one who says, "I would like to be considered the father of the artificial brain" (48).
He projects he whole Terran / Cosmist dichotomy upon his audiences much the same as his animus against Japan and the mouse. He says the whole culture is mad, like himself, that there will be "planetary civil war" (86), that people "say that they felt the same schizophrenia as I have been feeling for years" (85).
The repeated schizophrenia of his work is a science cut off from the whole. He thinks that nanobot steam shovels and tow trucks will traverse the blood, repairing cells and trucking off cancer, that "with a regular dose of such 'fountain of youth' robots, people could become immortal" (67). If not immortal the madness is immoral. Consider how the world depends on balance. Wolf kills elk so willow can grow on banks of a stream, which together houses birds, beavers and bugs, to shade the fish. It's all from the predation of the wolf and the consequent fear of the elk to survive that adapts the watercourse. If immortality contradicts nature, nature must go.
His notion of the brain takes the brain for Einstein. Intelligence is personality. Without personality intelligence is incapable of nuance, that is, it is a mad poseur taking the bird with the mouse, not as an "immense world of delight compassed by your senses five," but as utility. Utility is cruel. The scientist practices on the rabbit, the rat, the mouse, the man without recognizing its person-hood. Witness those who were downwind in the 126 nuclear explosions in Nevada in the 50s and 60s. This is a sin beyond those committed in the secret recesses of the intellect. It is oppression of life. Intelligence must love, accept and care for the mouse.
In fact Einstein was no more inevitable than a series of forking paths toward what we know as Einstein. Any one of those paths changed would change the outcome. On many of them he was a sailor. His expression of the core was a result of circumstance, the people he met, luck if you want. So every personality that continues to grow, and only in growth does intelligence express, repatriates the term intelligence from its hijack. Intelligence is growth not in the sense of becoming more powerful to exercise its own designs, but to understand and exercise compassion and understanding of the world.
Zero Paradox
It does not occur to de Garis that computational ability is only valuable if the brain is thinking. If the brain is not thinking it is not valuable. This is much the same as saying that the brain must know what it is thinking and that it is thinking in order to think. That's
why the primitive, the absurdist, the Dadaist tests him, because unlike machines, humans think by not thinking and afterward reflect the results of their nonthought. I bet you already knew that. This way of working and discovery does not compute to de Garis. For him the human ability of sleep is a nightmare, and his hierarchy of being is medieval. Humans are to be supplanted by artilects and artilects by femtotechs, a hierarchy that is still inferior to the Elohim, who are already godlike.
Artilect Wars displays arithmetic qualities, as if they will be immortal unless oops, they have an accident and fall into a black hole (181). That's why they too, like de Garis “will need to become scientists" to "develop life-preserving strategies" (181). Here comes the pesky surviving mouse again. You would think that all artilects would be born scientists, the way he was (92)! To compare the Elohim, scientists were so busy confecting brain superiority they were ignorant of Maimonides who showed the word elohim a homonym referring simultaneously to angels and to God, depending upon what part of the sound branch the context reveals, rather more sophisticated.
Problematic artilects will be "confronted with limitations of their memory in the society of other artilects. There they will reach a limit the human does not. He just doesn't get that the human already has access to all space and time, which memory exceeds his wildest femtolect, because the lowly human is already "made in the image of God." The image in a mirror lacks a dimension. An image of a man, as a sculpture, lacks a dimension of the man, so likewise a man in the image of God is not God, but like. Sometimes artilects will "probably be immortal" (188), but those made in the image of God already are.
Artilects, nanolects, trillion trillion brain, beyond H(uman), in turn will be consumed by the femolects a trillion trillion of them. He doesn't keep going but we expect Zeno's Paradox in reverse to infinitely divide femolects into baboonolects, a trillion trillion of them. If you think articlect 1.0 mad wait until the Thetan remake passes through the fire.
As to what artilects do to kill time he suggests they either make or "experiment" making universes. Amateurs! The spirit of wisdom "was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began...I was there when he set the heavens in place...I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence (Proverbs 8).
What do artilects do? When scientists ask "why" at the end of their agony of self worthlessness he compares them to children, "sooner or late scientists have to give the same kind of answer as given to a curious persistent child...Why mommy, why" (189)? Failing intuition, failing creativity, scientists work hard, but don't play. The ordinary H is superb at play. Play releases universes, but if you tell the artilects, the scientists, the people in the cave, they won't believe. So the human is already superior to the artilect.
All you need is love in the community of gods to read Milton, lying about on the Burning Lake, building Pandos. At least condos. Journalism will have some fall, if one can call it that paradigm transgenic brought into obsolescence with every aspect of the subconscious to obscure the fact of the trans human run! Put your little foot right out! Great and greater catastrophes will occur until appeal is made to the carte blanche healing of the ocean atmosphere forests you name.
Of course we have more brain power than anybody knows, so plan to keep the worker bee around for propagation in a new eugenic World. If we machines get are a little disconnected from the physical that doesn’t mean we need the bestial, just redirect it sublime, Chakra, charka tu tu o, tolerated for intestines, but in the end the cow is worth the brain. Harvested? No doubt. So education and university and library are retained to propagate themselves, test tubes up, neurons waving.
Terran / Cosmist dichotomies are like the animus for Japan and the mouse. The whole culture is mad, he has it on good authority of his dreams. There will be "planetary civil war" (86) and people will "say that they felt the same schizophrenia as I have been feeling for years" (85). True confessions.
Zero Paradox
Computational ability is valuable only when the brain is thinking. If the brain is not thinking it is not valuable. This is the same as saying the brain must know what it is thinking in order to think. The
Problematic artilects "confronted with limitations of their memory in the society of other artilects…” will reach a limit the human does not. The human has access to all time and space, which memory exceeds the wildest femtolect. And the lowly human, "made in the image of God," even lacks that dimension. Artilects will "probably be immortal" (188), but those made thus already are.
Here we go round the mulberry bush. Artilects, nanolects, trillion trillion brain, beyond H(uman) in turn will be consumed by femolects a trillion trillion of them. If this keeps going Zeno's Paradox will reverse the Ecks, infinitely divide femolects into baboonolects, a trillion trillion of them. If you think artilect 1.0 mad enough, wait until the Thetan passes the fire.
As to what artilects do to kill time they keep busy making "experiment" with universes. Amateurs! The spirit of wisdom "was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began...I was there when he set the heavens in place...I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence (Proverbs 8).
These scientific horrors are meant to steal that human rite of greatness, but not for the purpose of possession, merely to destroy it in order to substitute a larger tyranny. One gets to learn intelligence and compassion by and caring for life, whether it be a child, a parent, a lover, a dog, a garden. Caring makes the human vulnerable. Love makes the human.