Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hugo DeGaris. The Madness of Artilect 1.0 and Other Stories

Wipe Out

Hugo de Garis, mad as a super collider, is a tensor calculus of his reality. His twist in The Artilect Wars (2005) argues civil war between those who want to be transhuman and those who don’t. The nerve of these atheists who deny the new gods! The mind behind the transhuman holds two reverse fields, positive and negative. There is the daylight conscious when he is awake and the nighttime dream when he is asleep. His sleep reflects his deep horror of what he does in the day. This pretends to concuss the conscious against the subconscious state. During the day it makes little strummings on the lip to work havoc with the brain machine, but at night is horrified at what it does. It can’t stop. The two don’t talk. The gibberish of the first field below represents the conscious against the subconscious state.
 De Garis says,

"I will lie awake at night thinking rationally about the cosmic
grandeur of Cosmism, about what these god-like artilects could do, and
I feel the awe. Hours later I will wake up in a sweat.

"I will lie wawle at mogjt tjomlomg ratopma;u abpit tje cps,
oc gramdeir pf Cps,os, abpit wjat tjse gpd-;ole artofacts cpi;d dp, amd
O fee; tje awe/ Jpirs ;ater O wo;; wale i[ om a sweat.

"Having been jolted out of a nightmare. I see in vivid scenes the deaths of my descendents in about a century or so, at the hands of the artilects, who have become so superior to humans that they see us as vermin. The emotional reality and horror of it shake me. Normally I sleep rather soundly, so I don't remember many dreams, but this nightmare is recurrent, and so horrible in emotional terms that it is capable of waking me despite my heavy sleep" (84). We later came to call this the

Wiping Out the Human

Extermination includes everyone except scientists and transhuman fellow travelers. His grandchildren would be wiped out in his blueprints, but why aren’t they artifacts themselves? At ease Genocide, only machines are intelligent then. Oddly he never imagines his grandchildren will be anything but human. Can they be saved? That’s his ultimate good he denies. He can’t stop. The transhuman fascist madness consumes, cannot escape the loop of itself. A "human brain dump" (78), artificial embryology, "embryofacture" (71), "nanots" of "human scale products" (68), "self-assembly" (72) of those parts like "viruses," he has worked in six countries. The Japanese are "intellectually sterile, socially backward" (30). When were Frenchmen ever wrong? He is proud of his superior European multicultural views, intellectual outlook of Brussels and Cambridge: "As a 'multi' I found the company of other multies far more stimulating than that of mono" (29). Of the ordinary human: "our own puny ephemeral little lives seem so worthless, so insignificant" (186).

Cosmist arguments of astrophysicists for a half century now state that "human existence is so petty, so trivial, so banal, so insignificant" (87), so in addition to being mad, Cosmist thoughts are not human. Being does not belittle itself. Hence we ask, if not human, what is the origin of this thought? Oddly, he answers. It is either simple megalomania or another agenda: "from the galactic point of view, would it matter much if the human were wiped out? I think the universe would not give a damn" (89), which is exactly what Stephen Hawking is worried about, that the alien saviors would be rapacious. Wiping out the human from Star Trek's point of view would be a tragedy. Wiping out the mouse from the human point of view would be a tragedy. So why does the universe not give a damn? The subdivision of his mind declares, "being Cosmist and being more intelligent. I suspect that those people with higher IQs..." (89) will be them.

Surprisingly, for one who thinks his future capable of "true godlike intelligence...below the elementary particle level" (180, 183), he picks on the mouse, "mice are too stupid, and have too small a brain to speculate on anything, unless its about their immediate survival" (179). How would Kafka feel? So why doesn’t his universe give a damn if Kafka does? "Being Cosmist and being more intelligent… I suspect that those people [Galactics, have] higher IQs" (89). He surprisingly picks the mouse for one whose future is of "true godlike intelligence...below the elementary particle level" (180, 183). Poor mice are just like humans: "mice are too stupid, and have too small a brain to speculate on anything, unless its about their immediate survival" (179). Ditto the dumb-dumb 53 "apelike thoughts of chimps," ble,ble, bleble. But if artilects slip, mouse accidents, don’t "develop life-preserving strategies" to avoid falling into a star, then oops "the laws of physics" (180), mean a paean to the Absolut of science that invents one law for us and another for the rest.
Ditto the "apelike thoughts of chimps." But artilects are like mice too, he says, accidentally, must "develop life-preserving strategies" to avoid falling into a star. So superior HUGE artilects must "obey the laws of physics" (180), another paean to the absolute of science that invents laws until it changes them. Out of this thinking he says that not to build the godlike super brain is "a kind of 'deicide (god killing). This would be wrong, he says, but he justifies killing mosquitoes (13), as being of no consequence to his brain, like the fly swatted by Greek gods. The Cosmist point of view has Terrans as 'decidal monsters'" (20). That means they would kill the god aborning. If this sounds grandiose consider that it comes from one who says, "I would like to be considered the father of the artificial brain" (48).

He projects he whole Terran / Cosmist dichotomy upon his audiences much the same as his animus against Japan and the mouse. He says the whole culture is mad, like himself, that there will be "planetary civil war" (86), that people "say that they felt the same schizophrenia as I have been feeling for years" (85).


The repeated schizophrenia of his work is a science cut off from the whole. He thinks that nanobot steam shovels and tow trucks will traverse the blood, repairing cells and trucking off cancer, that "with a regular dose of such 'fountain of youth' robots, people could become immortal" (67). If not immortal the madness is immoral. Consider how the world depends on balance. Wolf kills elk so willow can grow on banks of a stream, which together houses birds, beavers and bugs, to shade the fish. It's all from the predation of the wolf and the consequent fear of the elk to survive that adapts the watercourse. If immortality contradicts nature, nature must go.

His notion of the brain takes the brain for Einstein. Intelligence is personality. Without personality intelligence is incapable of nuance, that is, it is a mad poseur taking the bird with the mouse, not as an "immense world of delight compassed by your senses five," but as utility. Utility is cruel. The scientist practices on the rabbit, the rat, the mouse, the man without recognizing its person-hood. Witness those who were downwind in the 126 nuclear explosions in Nevada in the 50s and 60s. This is a sin beyond those committed in the secret recesses of the intellect. It is oppression of life. Intelligence must love, accept and care for the mouse.

In fact Einstein was no more inevitable than a series of forking paths toward what we know as Einstein. Any one of those paths changed would change the outcome. On many of them he was a sailor. His expression of the core was a result of circumstance, the people he met, luck if you want. So every personality that continues to grow, and only in growth does intelligence express, repatriates the term intelligence from its hijack. Intelligence is growth not in the sense of becoming more powerful to exercise its own designs, but to understand and exercise compassion and understanding of the world.

Zero Paradox

It does not occur to de Garis that computational ability is only valuable if the brain is thinking. If the brain is not thinking it is not valuable. This is much the same as saying that the brain must know what it is thinking and that it is thinking in order to think. That's
why the primitive, the absurdist, the Dadaist tests him, because unlike machines, humans think by not thinking and afterward reflect the results of their nonthought. I bet you already knew that. This way of working and discovery does not compute to de Garis. For him the human ability of sleep is a nightmare, and his hierarchy of being is medieval. Humans are to be supplanted by artilects and artilects by femtotechs, a hierarchy that is still inferior to the Elohim, who are already godlike.

Artilect Wars displays arithmetic qualities, as if they will be immortal unless oops, they have an accident and fall into a black hole (181). That's why they too, like de Garis “will need to become scientists" to "develop life-preserving strategies" (181). Here comes the pesky surviving mouse again. You would think that all artilects would be born scientists, the way he was (92)! To compare the Elohim, scientists were so busy confecting brain superiority they were ignorant of Maimonides who showed the word elohim a homonym referring simultaneously to angels and to God, depending upon what part of the sound branch the context reveals, rather more sophisticated.


Problematic artilects will be "confronted with limitations of their memory in the society of other artilects. There they will reach a limit the human does not. He just doesn't get that the human already has access to all space and time, which memory exceeds his wildest femtolect, because the lowly human is already "made in the image of God." The image in a mirror lacks a dimension. An image of a man, as a sculpture, lacks a dimension of the man, so likewise a man in the image of God is not God, but like. Sometimes artilects will "probably be immortal" (188), but those made in the image of God already are.

Artilects, nanolects, trillion trillion brain, beyond H(uman), in turn will be consumed by the femolects a trillion trillion of them. He doesn't keep going but we expect Zeno's Paradox in reverse to infinitely divide femolects into baboonolects, a trillion trillion of them. If you think articlect 1.0 mad wait until the Thetan remake passes through the fire.

As to what artilects do to kill time he suggests they either make or "experiment" making universes. Amateurs! The spirit of wisdom "was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began...I was there when he set the heavens in place...I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence (Proverbs 8).

What do artilects do? When scientists ask "why" at the end of their agony of self worthlessness he compares them to children, "sooner or late scientists have to give the same kind of answer as given to a curious persistent child...Why mommy, why" (189)? Failing intuition, failing creativity, scientists work hard, but don't play. The ordinary H is superb at play. Play releases universes, but if you tell the artilects, the scientists, the people in the cave, they won't believe. So the human is already superior to the artilect.
Wipe Out the Gods

Not to build the godlike super brain is "deicide (god killing).”  Don’t blame me he thought of killing  gods first. Gods First, for surely Kurzweil is not alone all by himself. Of course all would not have to be gods. The nouveau riche in neurons, yes, although some might fit as mental lords, then landowners, with shopkeepers and peasants below. Gory back to the medieval! Simple slaves or simple death. Sky Net. Hollywood got there first. No fun compete with all the gods of Olympus though, so back again, back to to  Balalabamm and Adam, there’s a favorite retrogression, then up to Noah and the flood. The sons of god went in to the daughters of men! True motives of fallen angels revealed!

All you need is love in the community of gods to read Milton, lying about on the Burning Lake, building Pandos. At least condos. Journalism will have some  fall, if one can call it that paradigm transgenic  brought into obsolescence with every aspect of the subconscious to obscure the fact of the trans human run! Put your little foot right out!  Great and greater catastrophes will occur until appeal is made to the carte blanche healing of the ocean atmosphere forests you name.

 Then comes blind spear and slits the thin spun life The gnostic serves up entrance to earth time and unbelieved discarnates. It makes a metaphysics of a meal, but when was creative thought synthetic mind, the paradigm shift of physical and mental superseded, putting all in doubt. H health serves the trans modern. When the microphysic metanon appears, the mere computational power of a trillion trillion cells does not condone. Contradiction makes the soul. Pretend the machine’s a human. It must have soul. There lies the paradox for what the human does. The machine that found a way to entrance the biosphere, bypassed through chimeric mutation. Duh, that’s why there’s no female Nephilim mutant mules. What led the human to this pass must be said in future to be as valuable as first man.

Of course we have more brain power than anybody knows, so plan to keep the worker bee around for propagation in a new eugenic World. If we machines get are a little disconnected from the physical that doesn’t mean we need the bestial, just redirect it sublime, Chakra, charka tu tu o, tolerated for intestines, but in the end the cow is worth the brain.  Harvested? No doubt. So education and university and library are  retained to propagate themselves, test tubes up, neurons waving.
 Abraham and Gilgamesh can be spared sole meditation. It would be wrong to kill a god like some mosquito (13) swatted, as being of no consequence to the brain, like the fly to big Zeus. One law for the gods another for the rest. This is science! The Cosmist checks the Terran 'decidal monster'" (20), which, if it sounds grandiose don’t be so stupid as to not recognize genius. He says modestly like Al Gore, "I would like to be considered the father of the artificial brain" (48).

Terran / Cosmist dichotomies are like the animus for Japan and the mouse. The whole culture is mad, he has it on good authority of his dreams. There will be "planetary civil war" (86) and people will "say that they felt the same schizophrenia as I have been feeling for years" (85). True confessions.


In  repeated schizophrenias  science cut off  its nose "with a regular dose of such 'fountain of youth' robots,” nanobot steam shovels and tow trucks to traverse the blood, repairing cells and trucking off cancers, so “people could become immortal" (67). If not immortal its madness is immoral. Consider how the old world depended on death. Wolf kills elk so willow can grow on bank which together houses birds, beavers, bugs and shades the fish. It's all from predation of the wolf that the consequent fear of death drives elk to flee and adapts the watercourse.

Einstein is Personality

Artilects take intelligence for personality, part for whole. Without personality Einstein doesn’t exist. Einstein is no more inevitable than forking paths toward what we call Einstein, like it was a territory. Change one path and change the outcome. On many he was a sailor. The expression of core was a circumstance of the people he met, luck if you want. Did his first wife Mileva Maric do for relativity what Georgie did for Yeats?  Every personality that grows is intelligent. Only in growth does intelligence express. To repatriate intelligence from its scientific hijack, growth is not becoming more powerful to exercise its own designs, but to understand and exercise compassion and understanding of the mouse (world).

Incapable of nuance, the bird or mouse were not an "immense world of delight compassed by your senses five," but a utility of single use. Utility cruel to rabbits, rats, mouse and man without ever recognizing person-hood. The reputed sin of Gilgamesh in the oppression of life is the sin of science.

Zero Paradox

Computational ability is valuable only when the brain is thinking. If the brain is not thinking it is not valuable. This is the same as saying the brain must know what it is thinking in order to think. The
 primitive humans think by not thinking, then afterward reflect the results of their nonthought. I bet you didn’t know that. For de Garis human sleep is nightmare and his hierarchy medieval. Humans supplanted first by artilects then artilects by femtotechs in a hierarchy much inferior to the Elohim already godlike who remain so.

Artilect Wars have earthquakes when they would be immortal, unless they have an accident and fall in a black hole (181). They “need to become scientists," like their father, to "develop life-preserving strategies" (181). Pesky mouse! You would think all artilects would be born scientists, the way he was (92)!

To compare Elohim to the artilect of scientists busy confecting brain superiority, who are ignorant that Maimonides showed the word a homonym referring simultaneously to angels and to God, depends upon what part of the sound branch the context reveals, rather more sophisticated than simple hierarchy.


Problematic artilects "confronted with limitations of their memory in the society of other artilects…” will reach a limit the human does not. The human has access to all time and space, which memory exceeds the wildest femtolect. And the lowly human, "made in the image of God," even lacks that dimension. Artilects will "probably be immortal" (188), but those made thus already are.

Here we go round the mulberry bush. Artilects, nanolects, trillion trillion brain, beyond H(uman) in turn will be consumed by femolects a trillion trillion of them. If this keeps going Zeno's Paradox will reverse the Ecks, infinitely divide femolects into baboonolects, a trillion trillion of them. If you think artilect 1.0 mad enough, wait until the Thetan passes the fire.
As to what artilects do to kill time they keep busy making  "experiment" with universes. Amateurs! The spirit of wisdom "was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began...I was there when he set the heavens in place...I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence (Proverbs 8).

Scientists ask "why" at the end of their agony of self worthlessness. What do artilects do? He compares  them to children, "sooner or late scientists have to give the same kind of answer as given to a curious persistent child...Why mommy, why" (189)? Failing intuition, failing creativity, scientists work hard, but don't play. The ordinary H is superb at play which releases universes, but if you tell the artilects, the scientists, the people in the cave, they won't believe that the human is superior. And now Ducky you know what the new age is  all about.

What Not Why

These scientific horrors are meant to steal that human rite of greatness, but not for the purpose of possession, merely to destroy it in order to substitute a larger tyranny. One gets to learn intelligence and compassion by and caring for life, whether it be a child, a parent, a lover, a dog, a garden. Caring makes the human vulnerable. Love makes the human.



Pantheistic Bearden, aikido altered, thinks that "hostile Yakuza fingers are already on the triggers (Bearden, Oblivion 68).  

At nuttier levels Ben Fulford touts that white Dragon Society dojos everywhere will empty out warriors against the one world order. 

But you could get all that merely by scanning the printed works of PK Dick. 

Would that Clif High could hook up with the ELS of the Torah Codes. That's a joke. 

Like NSA reading chatters establishes there will always be a deep threat in the chatter if you look for it and its keywords. 

These methodia have exclusive generality

The proposition that all human beings are psychic and leak out of the data base depends on the ability to read sign. The Greeks read birds, the Chinese yarrow stalks. Schools of fish are instructive and tea leaves too as Amar Annus tells it all.  Clif High bases his divination on telltale snapchat postings that deviate.  It's a nice question whether Holden Caulfield informs the culture or it informs him. Jing-Jung would say J.D. Salinger was jinvented from a hop bag.

ELF / VLF Frequency Guide

Because of the huge size requirement, international transmissions of ELF frequencies use the earth itself as an antenna, with extremely long leads going into the ground. Other means to construct radio stations with substantially smaller sizes use
electrical lengthening. The US maintained two sites, in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin and the Escanaba River State Forest, Michigan (originally named Project Sanguine, then downsized and rechristened Project ELF prior to construction), until they were (supposedly) dismantled, beginning late September 2004. Both sites used long power lines, so-called ground dipoles, as leads.

Battlefield elf waves- The best understood biological effect of electromagnetic fields is to cause
dielectric heating. For example, touching or standing around an antenna while a high-power transmitter is in operation can cause severe burns. These are exactly the kind of burns that would be caused inside a microwave oven.
torodial vortices, dolphins

Scalar Weapons - Tesla’s inventions were dangerous and not only did he discover scalar waves and a use to manufacture earthquakes. It is said the Tunguska massive explosion in Siberia (unexplained, because a meteorite would have left a crater) on June 30 1908 was due to a test,Tunguska being on the same great circle line as Shoreham, Long Island where Tesla had his transmitter.

-HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy by Jerry E. Smith

The Secret Shadow Goverment. A Structural Analysis by Richard Boylan Ph.D.

Farrell (Joseph P.) was not at first so explicit- The Nazi’s homegrown UFO engineering plans were found in Germany after the war and there was a mad rush by the Americans, British, French and Russians to snatch the best Nazi scientific brains for themselves.  ‘UFOs: Nazi Super Weapon?’ (this link includes the whole Scalar Weapon archive) by Mattern and Friedrich-The book claims that the Russians on 21st and 22nd Oct 1946 (in Soviet occupied Germany) sent heavily armed troops to haul out of their beds 275,000 German scientific specialists.

 By 1914, according to Harry Mason, Tesla predicted the electrical control of the atmospheric moisture and described how to do this with his magnifying transmitter and even how to control the sun’s EM field and modify its effects on the earth using scalar transmitters.

You no longer have to wonder why the French conducted hundreds of underground nuclear tests at
Muroroa Atoll  1966 to 1996, a plan of hyper-dimensional physicists to open up gridlines. It wasn't only to feed  the boxcars.

Certain grid nodes got nuked. Richard Hoagland claims the French made their own time-portal.  Bearden says the Yakuza and Aum Shinriko  leased scalar interferometers from the KGB after 1989 to manipulate U.S. weather, as if the U.S. hadn't been doing it since 1968.  Add a couple volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and some too good to be true hurricanes (like Sandy) and there's the Bearden apocalypse, except it was to have concluded years ago. We need a new date. When shall the coming of the Son of Man be?

Partial Allies
include Chris Hedges, James P. Farrell, Clif High and others cited here.

When the facts, history and rhetoric are set aside, come down on the side of the language of truth, which is not so far from the Word, if you permit it. That is, how the language is used, meaning selected to reveal or hide the truth. This sounds subjective, for any number of right/wrong doctrines might be erected with words. To refute them is senseless without some prior sense of their error. So in no particular order and always with the provision that surface truth is very attractive but bitter when dived beneath:

Refutations from their own mouths include:

-The very interesting Holy Name Bible of A. B. Traina that wants to restore the holy names, but has this footnote on v: "The Caucasian people are Israel." Completely nuts.

-Chris Constantine assaulting David Icke in Hyde Park.

-Eric Jon Phelps of the wonderfully detailed interpretation of WWII, Truth about WW2, going off his nut about the white race.

- Gordon Wasson, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, spreading tales about the mushroom to, pick one: free or enslave the race,  gordon wasson mk ultra, ditto Terrance McKenna with DMT and salvia.

"How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions -- and began one of the largest mind control operations in history."

-Fritz Springmeir and Cisco Wheeler insist that a favorite haunt of Illuminati is the pastorate, but what better hiding place can there be than as revealers of secrets about Illuminati?

-Richard Hoagland- The thing about Hoagland is that while we're expected to believe all this gimmickry is the doing of the illuminists, if they are so sophisticated why can't they keep from having it discovered and published.  OK, they want us to know their power to manipulate and control, all the better to manipulate and control.
-Symptomatic of the logic in these affairs is the statement of Jeremiah 30:7 Alas! for that day is great, (Tribulation era-Day of the Lord) so that none is like it: it is even the time of “Jacob's Trouble”; but he (Israel) shall be saved out of it. Jacob is named but Israel is supplied by the translator and 
superimposed on the text. Supplying the interpretation of the fact for the fact is commonplace error.
----I'm well aware how much the transhuman wants to denigrate and annihilate the human. In view of the human I take somebody like Clif High and his notion of the field of consciousness as a partial ally.

-The problem of a logic turning parallels into direct evidence is well set forth in Mayan Ruins in Georgia by archaeologist Mark Williams.
-They are just images, photographs of Iapetus or Phobos, pictographs of Sumer, or the Saturn theory of maverick science. Images.

--Gurdjieff hears the oral Gilgamesh. Gurdjieff is always likeable so his remembrance of his father's telling of the poem makes him more so.

--Duncan Cameron said he was a main psychic for the Montauk Project and had vivid memories of being part of the Philadelphia Experiment.-life-force energy to create and open time tunnels. Who hasn't done that?

--Sorcha Faal. As suggested in Antarctica all the sources consulted to connect the dots have at one time or another refuted themselves. Take the early info on Scalia, that Obama met with him at Cibolo, offered by Sorcha Faal. The links tested out and the general surroundings, the schedules of presidential agenda were compatible so it was called confirmed. But the same Sorcha Faal reported the fire of Elijah Cummings assistant, the Katie Malone fire killing 6 children, as a war on the efforts to unseat, assassinate Trump, caused by heat pulse from space and that it impacted as aZinoviev Ploy against Matt Harrigan and John Schindler, CIA operatives who called for Trump's assassination which implicated Malone too because she was a known operative also, but it was unsupported that she was a member of the Mormon mafia, culpable in the JFK killing, consonant with this report only because of the assassination attempt, so the strategy of Sorcha laid bare is to tie targets of opportunity to political pretexts, what in fact they are charged with as agents of joint CIA/KGB disinformations. Like the supposed Trump raid on the CDC to obtain autism records confirmation fails. On the other hand merely exploring the links on this site will take you places you've never been. Beauty and truth and falsity are always in the eye of the beholder.

--Refutation is not only verbal and literary but also visual. My first goal as a 2 year old was to be able to see who a man was from his face. David Wilcock of the Secret Space Program is his own refutation with his soft spoken pretense so disconfirmed by the encephalitic forehead. A dead give away to me, along with anyone who wears a ring on the middle finger, like the red stone on the middle finger of Steve Pucinick, or the incandescent light blue eyes one sometimes sees, not only among the Nordics. There are many tells, the greatest being the raised voice and the pointing finger to regulate emotion in listeners.

--The point of view of my refutations starts early, for at the earliest age I took exception to programmed commercialism and prejudice. My aunt, with whom I was close, was a retailer, but at the age of 12 I was  disputing Mother's Day, Valentine's, etc. as profit centers to generate money from greeting card sales with not much other purpose.

-- My mother's family had attended a church in Philadelphia, Tioga Presbyterian, to which her father, an architect, had done major restorations, but she was angered and embittered that the whole of NE Phila had been overrun by black emigrants from the south, especially that area, which resulted in the church's dissolution, socially and physically. I took an even earlier view than against commercialism with her, that these people, none whom I had yet met, were to be given love and acceptance. I ended up teaching at two different black colleges, one in Fayetteville, NC in the late 60s and one in Dallas in the 80s, and on every occasion beginning, middle and end of those classes I announced to students that all people, all human beings are geniuses and as soon as they believe it they become it.

-- I still have a folder of student work from creative writing and linguistic classes as well as beginning compositions that are exceptional, from both Fayetteville and Bishop College. It was out of such work that the two issues of Red Rose appeared. Self-studies of these institutions acknowledged that the students came from 17th, 18th and 19th percentiles in reading and math. Bishop College, before it fell in '87 after a hundred years, had as many as 300 students from the Middle East and Africa, especially Jordan, to keep up the cash flow.

--While teaching at the U of TX Austin it was discovered I had a technical, business background so I was drafted to teach technical writing, and then technical writing for foreign students, so I have a context to compare all these demographics. At Texas I taught a range of beginning classes from Plan II all the way out to Evening School. So I'm saying from this experience the point of view I hold of black people is an honor and meets exactly those first statements to my mother around the dinner table, that all people should be given love and acceptance.

--The birth that gave this education was also continually tested by my father's many business associates at PA Bell who he would entertain. Telling one of these execs about Jesus, he said to me, don't you ever think for yourself! Think, self! He equivocated both. So you see every word is equivocated by the world.

--My attitude that all people are geniuses was proved enough times for my liking whenever one by one individuals turned the belief on. All these myths of the Aryan and Caucasoid are self disproving to me in the same sense that the secret wisdom and its governments are disproved as agents of civilization, but that can be explored above and below. I should admit to writing several refutations of the Caucasoid,  before it became popular, Excavate the Caucasoid, Concepts of the SubfornicalSubfornical Organ,

--These apriori attitudes continued in my childhood against the conditionings available, but one morning, about age 11, walking by myself after first light on a Saturday by the school in this small town outside Pittsburgh where we then lived, a mantle came right down out of the sky and covered me with the certainty that I never wanted to kill. Explain that as you may, it is a lasting clear impression. Others of these lead to my belief also that these things are happening to everyone too, and there lies the rub of Wordsworth's Intimations Ode, the world is too much with us. Realization is always with us. The greatest of aprioris of course occurred at 17 when I was categorically and catastrophically saved by the power of Yahweh, so there have been these interventions in my life.

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...