Thursday, September 15, 2011

Appetite of Giants

Appetite of Giants 

 "The Book of Watchers, the Animal Apocalypse,  Jubilees, and the Book of Giants present the insatiable appetite of the giants as the key for understanding their crimes, which include murder, anthropothphagy and the consumption of blood. Blood plays a major role in the retribution by the angels against them. This phenomena is true in all the works of the Cree  by Norman Brown, The Wishing Bone Cycle, etc. and all of the Abenaki tales of Ken Morrison. the Embattled Northeast, the Solidarity of Kin, what Mennonites called long before the Bloody Theatre of principalities and powers.

The  appetite of the giants reflects the payback of their bodies and destroyed spirits. They are ravenous but can no longer eat. Overwhelming hunger remains the twin themes of appetite and consumption in other Enochic texts that reformulate the Watchers story, including Jubilees, the Book of Giants and the Animal Apocalypse 3, where the impossibility  of eating occurs,  the punishment of the giants forced to exist as spirits that cannot eat.
Goff: I also speculate about the ancient Near Eastern literary background of the trope of destructive consumption
In the Syncellus text the giants are divided into “three kinds”(γένα τρία; :) and are given a lead role in the introduction of illicit revelation to the world 21
--the giants’ appetite is the key factor motivat-ing their destructive activities. They begin by eating the toil of the humans.12 When this is insufficient, they eat the humans themselves.
--the extraordinary amount of food and drink consumed by the Canaanite king Og, who is regarded as a giant in Deut  is described in the late rabbinic work Tractate Sopherim(b; Soncino edition) 26
--In a Freudian twist on the consumption trope, the text envisions a violent scene in which the giants fight with and eventually eat their fathers the Watchers, who are imagined as bulls once they descend to earth:“And all the bulls feared them [the elephants, camels and asses] and were terrified before them, and they began to bite with their teeth and devour and gore with their horns. And they began to devour those bulls, and look, all the sons of the earth began to tremble and quake before them, and to flee” ( En 86:5–6). 28"

These call all change form into their opposite, so
--We have this  first hand evidence besides legends of incubus and succubi in the Romantics, tales of Zeus and Apollo taking women and making demigod half breeds, and at that these are all worthwhile experiences for the women, enveloped in showers of golden light, promises of ecstasy and transcendence. So these aren’t presented as monsters but what we would all aspire too, to be have intercourse with the gods. The products aren’t bloodthirsty terrors but heroes, men of renown. So when we read in the Genesis text that these are men of renown that gets our respect and so it goes until we develop something more than childhood awe, for that is the programming of the human race, so easily suggested and controlled. Don’t you want to be a god yourself? Asks the guru. Sure just take some of this potion, psychedelic and then from Ginsburg smoke dope smoke dope smoke dope as the train leaves the station and little neighborhood parties of DMT  spring up for personal enlightenment. The Greek experience for the masses. Canada legalizes it. Not only that but the highest repositories of wisdom in academia and in philosophy and history  teach the paths of this wisdom of transcendence, as do the religions. Just look in Krishna’s eye to see the universe.

Smithsonian destroys 10,000 Giant remains in 1900
Giants are first ideas, not buildings, but the effects are similar, but not the nostrums of fantasy. As Tolkien says of faerie dragons, "I in my timid body did not wish to have them in the  neighborhood." (Tree and Leaf, 41).

 Among the many pics of gigantomy there is little explanation of the war or the monster camp. Piecing together parts of it from Nemrut Dagi, Alcyoneus was the eldest of the Thracian Gigantes of Greek mythology who led a major rebellion against the Olympian Gods. Athena against Alkyoneus is  designed to prevent understanding. Look at the incomprehension on the faces of crowds and firefighters in the lobby of South Tower which changes to knowledge in a short hour. The giants collapsed around them.

That's an analogy of buildings to giants and malevolent intent. If the real has turned to fantasy then  that fantasy is real, even if intruding. Distinguishing child from adult in this, Tolkien asks "if adults are to read fairy-stories as a natural branch of literature...what are the values and functions of this kind?" He answers that they offer in peculiar degree Fantasy, Recovery, Escape, Consolation, all things of which children have, as a rule, less need than older people" (46). So how do we read real stories? As Masked. So C. S. Lewis subtitles his third novel, a modern fairy tale for grown-ups. But it is journalism.

Gigantomachy takes each element of the equation as it comes in view, changing before the eyes. Change is important to the giant, but it hardly matters which opposites it structures upon chaos, whether faerie stories, ideas or buildings first, or religious-political movements, governments like twin towers, corporate conglomerates, universities, or giants demythologized as robots. Giants embody everything you think is true (unless you are one of the few), but they are not what you think. These together turn the ship, open the flood gates to occupy. That's no joke.  Go downtown after the collapse but take a gun.  The political tower will be the first one down. Then the 200 million will be unleashed. How do we know? Isaiah again. Why can't we just see?  Because the real has become fantasy. Will, consciousness, ideal, real, subconsciousness, the imagination. Originally the guy said, open the window and fly yourself out of the flybottle, but now you first want to know...[and then like the Pied Cow of Nietzsche you forget the question] what is it you want to know?

  St. Matthew says  Jesus' conception by the Holy Ghost was first spoken by Isaiah, "the virgin shall be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Immanuel." But he keeps on saying. From 7.14 he goes to 9.6-7, "of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end," and then to 11.1-2, " the spirit of Yahweh shall rest upon Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding." It's not just a text, it's an ongoing theme, but scholars can't believe that text or theme, the real having become fantasy some time ago.

Here: Reading:

Transhumanism: Genetic Manipulation  Tom Horn, Steve Quayle. Five hours taking seriously transhuman opposition. They were able to burn down one of their opponents when name calling didn't work, On Wrestling With A Pig,

The Concept of Existential Risk. Nick Bostrom. Oxford, 2011. Posits every possible Existential Risk except singularity! Which he did in 2004 when Mark Studdock was at Oxford in That Hideous Strength: A Fairy Tale for Grownups
Leon Kass. The Wisdom of Repugnance. Also, Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity. 2002.

6. Sperm Light in Egypt

 It all starts from the noble cause of invitrio fertilization, to give children to infertile couples, through the children also come in handy for wars and experiments, bovine humans turned to lab animals and mocked. So many mockeries of the man and women occur in so little time  it is unbelieved. But then that is what Nietzsche's Zarathustra said was the problem with all cows, they have no memory so can be done over as often as you like. How else could the misinformants play their masque over and over to a believing audience, which of course they tend to to vax.  Likewise the tree of knowledge substituted for the tree of life to gain immortality from the demon names of the Lesser Keys of Solomon, substituted for the real Name the Cumaean sybil could not speak in Virgil's 4th eclogue, instead announcing the eon of Osiris. I know that is a lot to take in. But it is no more Osiris than Apollo. Flourishes of many names come from such devotes whose children were fed to Moloch, as if anybody noticed. These names appear in the Lesser Key of Solomon as a hubris sink to find and speak the unknown unspeakable Name. This is the Name Above Every Name! This, the invitrio say, is hidden in the bottom of the last of nine vertical vaults buried  on top of top. Buñuel had these guys cryout Adonai! in his Exterminating Angel, but it did no good. Wrong name! even if Israel emerged from Babylon saying it. Those who escaped the dining room were caught in the Church when the angel came down. Naming lesser things goes only so far. Till it is no good at all. They wanted to know the Name Above All Names written in hearts of flesh and blood, the Name of the Bright Extensive Will. The Name excellent in all the earth. But they could not. They could not believe the Name those bodies bore, so they killed them. That was hubris. Of 300 or a thousand names they think worth knowing,  like Borges, the page burns just a little bit faster than can be read, as if  where they go looking for death each is summoned back. This  is the Orbis Tertius,  the Book of Imaginary Beings, which subterfuge confuses itself as takes in the utterances of geomancy, the Novus Ordo. Dead Osiris impersonates impregnating the Capitol Dome.

Therefore everything about the human from egg to sperm to embryo had to be discredited. They boast about their alien DNA, depend on Sitchin, but Wilcock says only 15 % are contaminated. Celebrate the reptile brain? The intercourse of steles, obelisks and domes in a mock imitation of the union of man and woman, but the obelisks aren't penises, they're symbolic rays of Satanic light cast in stone, with a DNA hieroglyph carved on the faces.

 This is the sperm light of Egypt, which initiation begins in the pledged DNA revivals of extinct mammoths, working toward the resurrection  of Ramses the Great and finally, it is said, the antimessiah: " the discovery of his hidden tomb and the revealing of his corpse as the great archaeological marvel from  the Great Pyramid of Egypt, long understood to be the Tomb of Osiris. After sounding of the fifth Trumpet, the Abyss will be opened and the body will come back to life" (Peter Goodgame on Nimrod) as an apotheosis.

 The question would be, if Solomon's Temple was destroyed because it was truth that lived a lie, what was done to the lie? The correspondences between the Novus Ordo in the American seal and Solomon in this giant complex of religious and political intrigue are both blinds. That is, religiously, the sons of god of Genesis 6 who start all this are not really after women, and politically, the magic rituals of  this disorder do not really come from Solomon. Even though the sons of god  saw that the daughters of men were beautiful their lust was not for their beauty, but for  bestial/human chimeric mutation to destroy all humanity. Neither do the Lesser Keys of Solomon design a political construct of any kind, but to erect a metaphysical architecture inhabited by nephilim devils.

None of the keys originate with Solomon. The sons of god, nephilim and giants, come into the discussion of Solomon's Temple in this wise, the lore of  giants and their cohabiting friends, whatever you call them, express the wisdom of Babylon before Solomon and before Babylon and after. The nephs were smart enough to leave predictions of their return as anunnaki, counterfeit creators, in the Sumerian tablets. The workings of the dimensions of the temple revived in all  subsequent builders of adytum, who want to build it in themselves and in the world, is foisted on Solomon with its thousand names among Rosicrucians, boeta, goetia of divinations and  schemes.

Building the Temple

These are biggie sized, not small. Solomon in all his glory is no plain dresser.  Like the prayer of a charismatic, it's a toss up in the prayer of Dedication of the Temple whether Solomon or God is more mentioned (II Chron. 6.10). Solomon "I's" himself 4 times. The furnishings are ornate enough and the Temple itself, for a place to sacrifice. Solomon says the heavens cannot contain Him (2.6). Excess, 22,000 cattle. But "were you not just doing it for yourselves" ("Ask all the people of the land and the priests, When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past seventy years, was it really for me that you fasted? (Zech 7.5f).  120,000 sheep and goats, and since it is said He does not dwell in house made with hands, what is the meaning of Solomon's glory when as  "a wise son" (2 Chron. 2.12) he "made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones" (1.15). "A temple for the Name of the Lord and a royal palace for himself" (2.1). These are not symbolic but actual. The charismatics again, who boast, if you build God's house he will build yours, cover up their pyramid schemes. The principle is that one sacrifice will not do if there can be many, and it is built of the labor of aliens (2.17). Whether God would dwell " in a dark cloud" or in the place of Solomon's desiring "forever" (6.2), the politics was not sustained. What was put down "with his hands" "was "promised with his mouth" (6.4).  Humanized as Solomon's hands, in this political moment Solomon kneels  on the platform, spreads his hands and invokes the conditions of the foundation promise, of "sons careful in all they do to walk" (6.16).  In the very next breath he begins what he later completes in his 1000 wives; he disqualifies himself. He says doubtfully, "will God really dwell on earth with men" (6.18)? As though addressed to the audience he commands seven acts of mercy, a formality, with the invites, "come to your resting place" (6.41). When they see the fire come down to consume the sacrifice and the glory (cloud, smoke) they chant as they had. (5.13).

Gold and Baboons

Yahweh confirms the day but with the greater promise to “uproot Israel” “if you turn away” (7.20,19). This took twenty years (8.1).

Did Solomon imbibe a lust from his conception as the son of David and Bathsheba, that contributed to his uprooting?
When the Queen of Sheba came to “test him with hard questions” (9.1) and he answered them all, doesn't it prove how corrupt a man can be and very wise at the same time?

This is shown also in  his trading ships that every three years brought in “gold and baboons” (9.21). I kid you not. The story is complete. At the fall of Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar  "carried to Babylon all the articles from the temple of God, both large and small. He set fire to God's temple and broke down the wall.  This is what Cyrus, king of Persia said:
The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah. Anyone of his people among you--may the LORD his God be with him, let him go up." (2 Ch 36.23). So Then, after Solomon, Cyrus builds the temple.


The so called animus of Milton against Eve first occurs in the Greeks:

"Since man had access to fire, Zeus devised woman as a general punishment, in trade. Hephaistos and Athena built woman with exquisite detail, and she was considered beautiful by all men and gods. (It is generally agreed in academic translations that this woman was Pandora.) Hesiod writes that, despite her beauty, woman is a bane for mankind, attributing women with laziness and a waste of resources. Hesiod notes that Zeus' curse, womankind, can only bring man suffering, whether by taking a woman as his wife, or by trying to avoid marriage" (Hesiod, Theogony, Wikapedia).

This is far worse than Milton and is pure slander which begs to be taken as the speaker's assessment and condemnation of himself. Guten noirSimilar animus against woman appears in the Book of Enoch (interpreted) and in the Book of Noah and Genesis Apocryphon.

The Sons of Jared, a putative org to battle the Watcher-nephilim and descendants of the Watchers, are alleged, as notorious Pharaohs, Kings and Dictators, throughout history have dominated mankind. 

 S. H. Hooke, for instance, in his book Middle Eastern Mythology, accepts that:
Behind the brief and probably intentionally obscure reference in (Genesis) 6:I-4 there lies a more widely known myth of a race of semi-divine beings who rebelled against the gods and were cast down into the underworld ... The fragment of the myth here preserved by the Yahwist was originally an aetiological myth explaining the belief in the existence of a vanished race of giants ... Myths and Legends of Giants

Demolitions and Annihilation

Angel anthropology seems a misnomer, but angels have more to do with men. Robert Bly is another spokesman for the world upside down, along with Hesiod, who when he translates makes everything over into himself, mujaheddin in his garage become him, the icy fields are in his blood, not contradicted by an elaborate system that requires a Babylonian Talmud: “People say that even in the highest heaven / If you managed to keep your ears open /You would hear angels weeping night and day.” This is hearsay unequal to the fact that he has never been there and that angels praise night and day. He and I and you do the weeping. This is what passes among the brilliant nephilim who think to rule the human mind through their surrogates, the great ones, the men of renown, like Bly, etc.
Bly who are full of excuses for their failures as men:

 "When something goes wrong in a marriage, and it all comes to grief, it’s our habit to think, It’s my fault. But from the point of view of an older culture, each of us has had many past lives, and the suffering that you and your spouse just went through is not coming from your connection to each other.It’s coming from those past lives the albatross began flying a thousand years ago. The wife or husband who landed at the altar with you began flying a thousand years ago."

Thomas Campion. Ad Themesin (1595): English Propaganda Myth of the New World as Hades

It's possible to name the corporations of empire: America for Europe, Spain for England, Greece and Troy for Rome and Carthage, Babylon for Assyria and not lose much. Empire encompasses mythological and religious overtones in the epic conventions of poetry where deaths, victories and defeats are a measure of divine favor, "for in the whole of the Aeneid, no great event ever occurs without Virgil reminding us that it is the will and work of the gods...the great men of this world are merely their tools...who send storms and destruction upon is they, not the Greek forces, who destroy Troy...the Trojans are overcome by a higher power" (Richard Heinze. Virgil's Epic Technique, 11)
Thomas Campion's Latin poem Ad Thamesin (1595)  joins the English defeat of the Spanish Armada of 1588 with the English, Spanish contest for the new world. The imagery of storms in the poem, “A gloomy storm  and unseasonable night,” suit both the storm that wrecked the Armada and the storms of the Indies. The translator, Walter R. Davis says, "The confrontation between Dis and Oceanus, and the resulting storm, is reminiscent of the opening of the Aeneid (and also of the Tempest, as Prospero guards his secret island)" (9). Campion divides America between Neptune and Dis in a kind of mockery of the Treaty of Tordesilla (1494) where Spain and Portugal divided  worlds. The lands to the east would belong to Portugal and the lands to the west to Spain. 
Campion says that Neptune takes the side of Britain against Spain because Britain is descended from Troy, referring to the Trojan kings of England out of Nennius' Historia Brittonum (9th century), an odd argument if we remember that Neptune caused the fall of Troy in the first place, where the two serpents rise from the sea to strangle Laocoön, priest of Neptune who was strangled by his own god. England is a nation of the sea so the Thames is called to witness how the Spanish "have deserted your ports in panicked flight. / For father Neptune refused to bear the Spanish as they followed their cruel standards / And the very waves were furious with foam."
 Ad Thamesin  describes the other journey, saying that America is poetically Hades, home of "the unseen" Greek god of the underworld. The literal sense of the gloss “Americae poetica descriptio” appended to the lines says,

“There is a place in the west sacred to Dis hidden in the waves, which the blessed Nereus and Oceanus, taking pity on men, concealed.”

[He concealed it out of pity that if they found it it would be to their destruction.]

At first the consecrated place appears to be “hidden” in the waves, secluded from discovery “beneath the unknown waters,” but it emerges from the sea as Dis complains,

“Why does this island remain unseen? The earth groans with its weight, with shining gold ripened in its fertile womb.”
(Tr. Walter R. Davis,The Works of Thomas Campion, (New York, 1967)

According to Campion, the attempted Spanish invasion was motivated by the Spanish because in their travels they looked too long into the fountain of envy in hell, where Dis entertained them, and became jealous of England, the land of “white cliffs,”  “the island which sparkled with white rocks in the spring.’ The two islands, England and America are compounded because the Spanish threaten both, thus the poem spans two worlds of fortune, old and the new. The island of Dis is invisible, “remains unseen,” both for its concealment by the underground lord and for the fact that it remains undiscovered. Dis would have the Spanish newly plant civilization, and since the Spaniards seek a place “sacred to Dis” he [Dis] asks Oceanus to give them smooth passage. The phrase "gold ripened in its fertile womb" joins gold with the human womb, which was a common association among the English and the Spanish. Copying older writers they found trees with roots like mines which yielded literal  gold  "walnuts" or nuggets as much as they could find gold "as big as the head of a child.' These images of America do not seem as bizarre in the naive "golden" sense that C. S. Lewis uses to describe the best of Elizabethan poetry. He means golden as an easy grasp of the image, but there is no ease about the underpinnings of Dis. For all the good fun of the Renaissance, most knowledge of Dis came from no knowledge, otherwise it would be said as Campion does at the start, that it would be altogether "another" voyage.
Dis and Oceanus opposed each other that the Hesperians, the Spanish – should be first to discover America. Oceanus argues for the British are more worthy, being descendants of the Trojans, the virtue of the British, and of their Queen, Elizabeth.  Thus Oceanus gives the Spanish a freshening east wind to sink their fleet on the shoals, only diverting his plan when "he realized that you, Drake, would bring destruction to the Spaniards, and noble Frobisher of outstanding daring, and likewise the wealthy Cavendish bringing back rich spoils to his native shores from new successes; for fortune favors bold hearts."

Such blatant English propaganda was everywhere in the discovery writings. The Spanish were then examined by Hyperion, who "wondered what new colonist had come into unknown lands." Dis cast a spell on the Spanish youth: "The Hesperians were mourning not out of respect for the bard but because they were indeed wracked by the vision of the noxious fountain." Good stuff, this fountain of envy, along with the many fountains in the Faerie Queene. "The Spanish youth greedily flooded their eyes with the waters," is the stated cause of the failure of the Armada in 1588. Finally "the diseases of Phlegethon and raving madness, unwelcome pain, and Erinnys lauding her own death sent the Spaniards down under black Tartarus." Thus America (Hades) seems to swallow up the Spanish so that Britain can occupy, while at the same moment the Armada is defeated. Tartarus and Elysium,  two levels of hell, are both realized in that the Spanish do down under Tartarus while the British go on to Elysium. Fare thee well.

Commmenting on l. 15 Davis says, "The hellish inhabitants of the Americas are associated with the Spanish, also protected by Dis: Catholic and pagan are thus aligned as the forces of darkness in comparison to the light and grace of the Protestant British, beloved by Oceanus." This of course part and parcel of the displacement of the pagan for the Christian that preoccupied the pilgrims, but whether it was enough to supplant the darkness was always an off and on battle.

Campion's logic that Oceanus/Neptune supports the sea power of British Troy is contradictory.  When the sea serpents kill Laocoön and his two sons to confirm the fall of the city and the introduction of the horse into it, the serpents are an agency of Oceanus/Neptune that confirms the lie of Sinon, deceiving the Trojans.  That they slither up to Athena's shrine in Troy for shelter, after crushing Laocoon and his family, makes the Trojans believe they were intended by the gods to take the wooden horse into the city because the priest  has been silenced. 

That the forces of Neptune silence the priest of Neptune indicates a deeper game. One way around Neptune opposing himself is to attribute the sea serpents to Minerva, who, according to tradition, helped build the wooden horse. She killed Laocoön and his sons because she wanted the Trojans to believe that Sinon's story was true and fool the Trojans. But sea serpents coming from the sea to crush the priest and his sons in their coils is a sign that Neptune does not agree with what Laocoön is trying to tell the Trojans. Virgil is the only ancient source to say that both sons and Laocoön were killed (Pearson, et al. The Fragment of Sophocles, III). The culpability of Laocoön to Apollo and Athena in the matter of disrespect and his sons has a lengthy history before Virgil gets it. Laocoön against the powers and authorities of the kingdom empires is made to seem "a scoffer who ridiculed the notion of divine interference" (Spivey) that is, an atheist against the gods, practical hero like Abraham say, but not a truth teller and prophet, rather the opposite, a disgraced man who defied the gods and was broken (Pearson, 41).

The word “poetical” in the sense of a “poetical description” of America should be understood  as a poetical device or interpretation of Elysium wherein ancient poets held that Elysium was in Hell, as opposed to philosophers who thought Elysium was the Fortunate Islands and theologians who thought it was the dark side of the moon. In calling Hades an island Campion may be thinking of the America of naive geography, an impediment around which to seek passage for India; but it is also there that Bermuda served as a model for Dis’s home in its reputation for storms and devils, already well known.

See Oceanus; or Neptune Copy after Hendrick Goltzius, 1598-1600 Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Restitution of the original, the Golden Age, takes from Jewish Messianism the return of all things to their origin. This is accompanied with nostalgia and affinity for traditional peasant communities which especially appeal when celebrity interprets reality for the world. States are not countries they are businesses, the strip mall of the world with its anchor stores China, India, Merica thinks to protect its gain of market share to bring the ideal world to profit, which is as much a sham as that idea that utopia is a secular humanist dream. It is religious.

Reexamining  Restorations (1975) in this light, such sentences occur to the effect that  “Europe reduplicated Greek mythology exactly in the new world, finding fictional parallels of Ophir and Hades in the Indies. The American voyage represents a descent into hell, an Orphic event. Such a drift toward the underworld was evidently what Columbus wished for his critics at home when he proposed ‘another journey’ for them: ‘Let the habitual critics and fault-finders sitting safely at home ask me now: ‘why did  you not do this in those circumstances?’ I should like to have had them there on that voyage. But I truly believe that another journey of a different character is in store for them if there is any reliance to be placed upon our Faith.”

Harry Levin and anthropologists who tout the noble savage myth of this were never aware it was a messianic restoration and a Zionist apocalypse. The new order has elements of the old, of the past, but they are transformed. In the re-establishment of the past ideal state, Zion, a radical new state is formed that never existed before, a New Jerusalem. Ancient Judaism  was revolutionary when it posited a world and an earth history destined to be replaced by  Messiah. One can emphasize the overthrow of the old political and social systems in this revolution, or the establishment of the new, which accounts for the  alternate flags of satire and lyrical romanticism it flies under. No wonder then the similarity of radical anarchisms with chiliasm, utopian with millennial consciousness. Those zen forces and spiritual guides that think to establish an unconscious  grid and make a collective Messiah show the lengths  to which the  the historical fights against the new order.

There are many new orders, but that rational utopia, the evolving social state opposes the revolutionary apocalypse of Messiah. Trutheers hold that the original makers of hybrid slave man are coming back, being the Annunaki, to terrorize the elite who have so bungled their governance when they were left in charge. These hold variously that Enki-Lucifer, in alliance with Sirius and reptiles opposed to the original nonagenarians of the belt of Orion, is about to be kicked off the planet or start a new war. Going so far afield to see this everywhere in Genesis to Revelation is not necessary however. There is no progress in history leading to redemption, only a transcendent breaking in. Colossal uprooting, total destruction of existing order don't make a lot of friends among a society constantly benefiting from that order. That they do not see the need is obvious. Don't rock the boat, even if it comes to totally eliminating the microbiologists and starting French camps everywhere.  Messiah comes only when the world has prepared itself with utter corruption, amid boasts of contagious singularity, mutation, superman. But as it is a past and a transformed past, redemption is historical and public, private and personal, a spiritual process and inward transformation as well as a visible event in the world.

No need to speak of Marduk when we have Zeus, but it's not any way comforting to learn that the Golden Age is a stooge for these Novus Ordo Seclorum new/old world orders. What name in government, business, science and art isn't pushing a prepackaged Golden Age after life from Hesiod and Homer, that Virgil transferred to the present life? Virgil invented the golden age as it came to be understood, as likewise he was later hijacked by entertainments of the Italian Renaissance to make it further gold and absurd. Before Virgil something older than occurs in Hesiod that is not at all Greek or golden. The Greeks Pergamon Altar replays a similar antagonism between ancient forces that embody the competitions of empires. So whether it is Set and Osiris or the Titans and Chaos, older myths do not promise earthly bliss, they promise you will be eaten by the gods.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Trans Human Paradise Paradigm Silk

Trans Human Paradise Paradign Silk

ns Human Paradise Paradigm Silk

Transgender is a metaphor of Transgenic the way  spider silk is made out of goat genes. The transgenic holds that every aspect of evolution and the subconscious, all inter relation of human beings, and every aspect of news management is obsolescent against the fact of the transhuman. Licensed in their creation by crises that impose controls as  greater and greater catastrophes occur, the ultimate purpose of this is to invite some greater human, post human, superhuman to restore order, even if it has to be from outer space. This is already evident in the intentional bungling of the Las Vegas murders and every other flag op. They are bungled on purpose, to roil, cast up dirt and mire.

This is done in reverse,  to heal the atmosphere, oceans, forests must be destroyed. Invitation to the superhuman re-programs physical and mental. Physical being superseded betrays all ecofeminism and human health unless it serves the transhuman. Women don't have to serve men anymore, they can serve what men serve and as they do, the machine. Back to Balaam again. As trans-sexual prepares the way for transgender, transgender prepares the way for bestiality and robot sex, which prepare the way for hybrid ET sex and hybrid children part leaf, part vegetable. Prepare as a word here is past perfect.  Transhuman, robot and human consciousness all together is a metaphor of the outer space Exogenic joined to the human. They are coming! The Navy said so. The Exoterran from inside/outside the earth,  a Gnostic DMT, acts as a drug. The hardest thing for humans to believe, since it signals a demonic entrance into earth time and space of discarnate entities, is believing. Being unbelieved these are all the more empowered. New metaphysics joins with the machine (except that the machine is impaired; lacks a subconsciousness, needs therapy and memory implants, still simulated though, its own experience, personal and collective memory and creative thought, which makes C. S. Lewis' Hideous Strength the greatest prophet of all.

People will be prevented from knowing any of this by the countless divisions and diversions, Trump!, of their awareness into "safe" places away from the old rough and tumble of life. Be safe they call write now. Countless aphorisms from  programmed parents and schools legislate child and adult behavior.


Non human consciousness has two sides, artificial intelligence as a reptilian brain function and hyper-space drug-induced manifests. A long time ago Tracy Kidder titled his book The Soul in the Machine as a joke. The mere computation power of a trillion trillion brain cells connotes power, not consciousness. That is, it lacks creative purpose and the contradiction that makes consciousness. You cannot have consciousness without dialogue and you cannot have dialogue without doubt. Without contraries is no progression. "Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence" (Blake, MHH). When theorists posit nonhuman intelligence they are begging the question, for they are talking about artificial intelligence, always monolithic, without doubt, hence reptilian. Compassionate consciousness of the other belongs to mammals, elephants, dolphins, dogs, cats, not reptiles. The autonomic part of the brain called reptilian has no doubt. Mammalian consciousness is not part of the machine or part of the exterre. You may pretend that the machine interfaces with the human, but the human is only a monitor, a screen to display it, reflection of the machine itself, not any kind of partner with it. Were the machine to have a soul it must have a spirit. but the human already has a spirit but is to give it up to the machine. This means that the machine had a spirit all along that found a way to entrance biology, bypassing the usual confines through chimeric mutation, which is indeed argued as the reason there is no need for female Nephilim:

"None produced in the hybrid line of human and angelic mating. Only sons. The Nephilim son’s were like mutant births of the animal kingdom that cannot reproduce. Had that restriction not been in place, then there would have probably been Nephilim and angelic breeding going on and the production of an even more fierce hybrid than already existed at that period of time." here Hence, the spirit that used the machine as a stalking horse, must all along have designed, provoked  and led the human to this dependance on itself. That is it is conscious, but demonic. In the alternative future, images of a man will be as scarce as First Folios.

Now of course machines have excessive brain power but one does known how, if they plan to keep the worker bee human around at all, its propagation will be done. Asexual you should not necessarily presume. Obviously a program of eugenics in the offing makes Brave New World also prophetic of the transhuman. For if the machine is a little disconnected from the physical that does not mean it might not need the bestial, call it the physical redirected toward the sublime, the way they speak of John Dee's contact of the spirits, "truly remarkable, albeit sublime, works that he maintained were the product of angels,' or otherwise, as C. S. Lewis says,  "reams of stuff as fatuous as is reported from any modern séance,” tolerated if you will for its messy qualities, the physical being, all those intestines and what not, but in the end the cow is worth it for the brain cells to be harvested no doubt. So education, university and library are  retained, even propagated themselves by the brain. Test tubes up. Neurons waving.

It cannot be fun for Kurzweil to be a god all by himself, not that we all would have to be. Presumably that could be reserved for the newly rich in neurons, although the rest of us might fit in a feudal society of lords, barons, landowners, middleclass shopkeepers and peasants. Gory be, to go back to the medieval after all this progress is a tad regressive. But no matter, there is a choice. After all there is a choice of life or death. Life as slaves or simple death in destruction at the hands of Sky Net and Terminator, sorry that Hollywood got there first. It shows how vigilant the news media have been. That journalism has a future, if one can call it that after the human fall, that is opposite to the Arab spring. No fun to be a god in competition with all the other gods of Olympus either, so if it's back to the medievals, ever more it's back to the Greeks.Who knows but that we soon enough get to Babylon,and to Balaam, that's sure to be a favorite, until finally, retrogressin back to Noah, the time before the flood when the sons of god went in to the daughters of men  the true motive of the fallen manifests. All you need is love, a god in the community of gods until we have to read Milton, Paradise Lost, Book II (reading Milton these days is like reading Revelations 12) where they are all lying about on the burning lake seeking to raise up Pandominums, Pandos for short. After all we  had our condos.

 If dreams reveal anything, when  transhumans have completed their genetic altering the rest will be domestic pets. This means a stiffening of genes, genetic code forever altered to be more like Fido. Natural selection? It's all done in the lab now. Just the one artificial dog.The purpose of our cryonics group is that we all want to know each other so we can have a long life together.  Cryonics do not listen to Messiah to put on the incorruptible. Imitation of this Life, life eternal, available only at the Door, is like the imitation of life the stiffened genes produce in dogs.  That is, if dreams....
 "Wikileaks Transhuman"
"transhuman separatists already feel so… disassociated with the norms of behaviour accepted by the average member of society we no longer wish to exist within it. We feel that our mindset and attitudes are so different from that of the average human that they may as well be a separate species." comment 33  here

"Second Life"
-on the loss of identity and culture simulcast.  Site
expression of nephilim precursors, concepts-here
 -This is what the disassociation demon says here

Evidence of personal, social disintegration produced by  nootropic, transsexual, transhuman etc. freely admits it cannot find itself whole. This motivates it toward the divide, attempts to penetrate, as it says, to converse with... 'practice of Nym....'"I sometimes feel that what I have become has transcended a fundamental boundary of propriety and is setting an absolute standard."

This identity is capable of deceiving itself. While Nym is a suffix for name. Lam was the name Crowley gave to the entity he says he let into the building in 1918.

Fortean Zoology  -Cryptozoology
Anarcho-Transhumanism items of interest

-induction of primordial pre-flood atmosphere (Noah)
-silent talk through eeg: The project "Silent Talk" aims to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable. [41]

-Techno-facism blog -"once we build it we are no longer the builder" Hugo de Garis That is, it builds itself. Scientists like to play philosopher.

-Daniel Tammet and the Power of perception-He describes that he solves math problems by observing the shapes that dance before his eyes and he recites PI by flying over a multi-colored landscape that represents that number stretching into eternity.

-Search Hugo de Garis blog. -"It is becoming clear that 2011 is the year that the issue of “Species Dominance” (i.e. whether humanity should build artilects (artificial intellects) this century or not) is going mainstream." It was quite a debate. Feces were flung from trees. [actually not. Scientist not prophet. Can't have it all!]

Persona Management software: "armies" of digital personas manipulated to control opinion on FB -Air Force, from wikileaks @ Transhuman separatists

Fiber Spinning

Der stoff of fiber spinning super colliders on one hand with boundary stones of sculptures made like severed heads , on the other, this fan...