Thursday, May 26, 2022

2013 Operation Gladio,

10 January 2013  Operation Gladio

These  sentences that appear in various sources might attempt to unravel an impossibly tangled ball of string in the Empire Burlesque.

1) Walter Bejamin says history is the residue of vertigo, the vertigo of civilization, a world as "an endless series of facts" "strangely altered" by society into a phantasmagoria of pomp and splendor making society prey to mythic anguish (Arcades, 14-15) which the infected history of science and medicine so document.

Every public event is staged for effect. Every media event is staged. Actors perform their lines because it gives them fame. They are on sale for Limelight, money, and the illusion of power, because people "listen" when they speak. Actors will do and say the most appalling things. Most of them say they want to Punch Trump. Embody horror. Play-Commit every worst imagined deed and then wail when somebody does it for real. This venture models for us the increasing deadness of souls? 

Ask this. Why is it  necessary to be so brutal? And there's the rub. People still living outside the media, don't actually become its virtual reality. Babies are being born and men and women are marrying. People are digging gardens, talking to neighbors about the weather and the street. The stars at night and the sun during the day are yet to overcome. The force of life defeats death at every outing. Try as the actors may they cannot defeat the sun. This only needs saying in order to see.

The Dual State, Carl Schmitt.  Tuesday, November 27th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast).

Guest: Eric Wilson, senior lecturer of public international law at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and editor of the brand-new scholarly book
The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex, as well as  Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty (Pluto Press, 2009). 

Eric Wilson argues that nazi philospher Carl Schmitt (who spawned neocon guru Leo Strauss) got some things right, and some wrong...but that a serious consideration of his ideas can help us understand why the "liberal" mainstream is so blind to the reality of such phenomena as the deeply questionable events of 9/11, Operation Gladio, the JFK assassination, and so on.-Eric Wilson argues that nazi philospher Carl Schmitt (who spawned neocon guru Leo Strauss) got some things right, and some wrong...but that a serious consideration of his ideas can help us understand why the "liberal" mainstream is so blind to the reality of such phenomena as the deeply questionable events of 9/11, Operation Gladio, the JFK assassination, and so on.

-Add Eric Wilson's books to the growing list of scholarly pro-9/11-truth books published by respected academic presses, alongside those of
Peter Dale Scott (University of California Press), Paul Zarembka (Elsevier, Europe's leading scholarly publisher), Anthony Hall (McGill), Four Arrows (University of California Press), and American Behavioral Scientist. If we add the many dozens of "pro-truth" articles issued by scholarly publishers,

-Most of the best evidence challenging the official story has been reported in ten highly documented books by Dr. David Ray Griffin, who had taught philosophy of religion, with a heavy focus on the relation between religion and science, for 35 years. His books, videotaped lectures, and online essays are available on a website.[8]

Published articles in the scientific literature include:

  • a paper reporting the presence of nanothermite in the dust from the destruction of the World Trade Center;[9]
  • six papers in the February 2010 American Behavioral Scientist, indexed by 67 databases, and published as a whole issue on State Crimes Against Democracy, with 9/11 used as a primary example;[10]
  • an article in The Environmentalist, “Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials;”[11]
  • a paper, “Extremely High Temperatures during the World Trade Center Destruction;”[12]
  • a science article countering popular myths about the WTC collapses;[13]
  • 59 peer-reviewed papers on the physics of 9/11 events, published since 2006 in the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and 67 letters between members of the academic community;[14]
  • 9 scholarly papers published as a compendium in 2006 by Elsevier Science Press, suggesting US complicity in a false flag operation.[15] The Hidden History of 9-11-2001 was never reviewed in the mainstream press.

Other resources include Morgan and Henshall’s 9/11 Revealed [16] and Flight 93 Revealed;[17] two books by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, America’s War on Terrorism,[18] and War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11;[19] and the Complete 9/11 Timeline investigative project.[20]


14 January 2013

What Robert Bly feared and the anima accomplished was absorption. Our sons were absorbed. A is in the middle of his now, B is long gone, absorbed into the mother unit by adoption. Part of the mechanics of this are criticism of the native’s home, parents, siblings, even their dogs and cats, in order to sever those ties and be absorbed. What kind of colonization this makes depends.

I can remember my sons by the dents they left in my cars.

16 January 2013

Archeologypt, Biology, philosophy of myth. Beowulf’s theory of Cain and the shadow lands is evidence, maybe better than Enoch, of something behind these monster myths.

25 Jan 2013

All the occultism and search for power and control devoted by so many cabalists priests and criminals culminates in Satellite ELF transmissions


Mann, Transposed Heads

Julie Taymor

Pope Benedict XVI calls for a New World Order This is a complete itinerary of now

 The Pope is the Antichrist! & a freemason! MUST SEE!

Suspicions occurred on first search of Constantine not from his own work but from all the detractions and mockeries that came up first. It was like a validation of a sort. Further search produced these specific details which in no way validates them but they have a unique place in the universe since no one else seems to have said them.

Chris Constantine

JFK ritual suicide, pulls open his shirt,

Holy Spirit filled testimony for Jesus Christ

Beasts, men-angels, Hercules,Alexander…

Tares. This on a site that mocks Constantine, Encyclopediadramatica…KHC switched on 9/10 08, Japan quake 9/11. Hex means six. The flying disc and the pyramid. Winged disc, horned disc, Damian Hurst, Golden Calf, mark of the beast, Free Mason

the gherkin building

ururu bolivia hat

Sun discs

Somebody choreographs these elaborate performances, but who?

-UFO Hats Let’s do the time warp again

-beyonce choreography worship of appolloyon--Beyonce put a ring on it- – dance comprised of the 666 --greek letter sigma, one upper, two lower case versions, Greek s, or DC LX VI here

Bukaka-Beatles CUM together right now over me?, Bukakke”  “In this song, Lennon extolled the joy of simultaneous orgasm, urging listeners to "come together". He added the "over me" line after Yoko introduced him to a Japanese style of pornography called bukkake.” Zoloft, Milton, WV

Bambi Muse is a cute literary corporation built on the core principles of goth babies, bukakke babies, boy bunnies, and black anne franks. Bambie Muse discriminates constantly and doesn't believe in equality. Seth Oelbaum at HTML

-Kata dance patterns of worship-

Green Day pop groupListen at 2:52 as they sing HAO repeatedly while the crowd throw up the horned hand sign and other hand signs


 HAO is Apollon (written in Greek it is XAO which break up as follows: X is a Roman IO pronounced EO, EO is Greek for SUN, Apollyon is the Pagan sun god and also "AO" which means Saint or Holy in Greek - HAO (XAO) cryptography break is: AO X = Holy IO and was also used by the satanist Aleister Crowley who preached HAO as meaning "Do as thou will"The Green Day band and the Pagans in the audience by singing HAO are singing "Holy IO" and "Do as thou will".

Isaiah 5:20 to 5:21

Anagram search engineMihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and in research conducted by Arthur J. Marr (In the Zone: A Biobehavioral Theory of the Flow Experience)

Satanic symbols in churches

When the early church departed from Christ and imbibed pagan errors she became Babylon, International Sabbath School Quarterly,  feb 29, 1896

Womb of Semiramis

Ancient temple designed as womb

 26 January 2013 

Woke up contemplating green mason stain against Jamaica unglazed.

Untold Tales

 You don’t get to decide you get to act. I ended up working in factories in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia on assembly lines among blacks, immigrants of all kinds. They don’t give you sensitivity training when they hand you a jack hammer and say, here. This is when I was still a teenager. But I grew up in Pittsburgh  in working class schools, not the mainline of Philadelphia where my parents moved when I was 17, finishing high school there as a senior. Some dislocation. I spent formative time in Pittsburgh in factories, bars and worse impressions beyond the pale, which nobody ever knew. Clandestine habits are not clandestine among the ignorant.. The resulting grade point showed itself. My father had a favor coming from an lobbyist at Drexel, Rudy Vogler, so even with that grade point I was admitted. Privilege I admit, but I needed it or you’d not have a PhD. Nobody knows, but if you live, you get a chance. The first assembly at Drexel we were told that they graduate 90% of their admissions, so look around and see your future grads. This was encouraging. So I went from making gunpowder in a basement lab in Pittsburgh, walking the railroad tracks with a gun, raucous untold tales of carnivals, bars, factories, fights, baseball, the Crickets, to Jim Fallon in my first college class pushing a piece of chalk against his lower lip, peering intently at the class of all males at this tech school, delivering his first line, “I love the Greeks!” He was a PhD. candidate in philosophy at Penn as were many of the teachers there.

To be sure, just prior to this, June of that summer at 17, just out of high school, I had had an experience in the tent of Oliver B. Greene which changed my life, which is and is not yet told,  still though a peasant. The fear was gone, replaced by certitude, scary to the nitwits and profs who don’t hold to much, unless their own. So when Jim Fallon assigned the first paper I asked what I should write about. He said how about “Over and above man there exists some super-human power or force, god or gods, fate or destiny.” The gods and immortality? I have that paper still. Immortality is spelled immorality, but he gave it an A. I don’t know whether I could have enjoyed lit without a point of view. The next years I took a long drink of the Bible, real long, went to Bible school at  night for two years, while I went to college in the day. But with a point of view things came clear, especially since the Bible is the point of view of all English lit in the positive or its negation. I knew this Bible so well that when later, Bill Ingram, who I asked what there was still to read, said the Faerie Queene, assigned a paper on the allegory of evil in Book I, I had the Variorum, just knew it, which same thing happened in grad school at Iowa, over and over with every author from Hawthorne, Milton, Spenser…. So that tent meeting gave me a PhD as well as freedom from fear. The single most important thing in my life was the development of this point of view without which I was lost. To find it was everything and  entry into the mysteries and knowledge of  art and the imagination.

It is bleak to contemplate the notion that all is a ruse a trick, but compared to the houses we have owned all a piece. We came to Phoenix in the 1986 to a house in a area that had been cleared to make the Papago freeway. When you are not rich you live in such places, but it was near the hospital, where few other neighborhoods could be much better. So two streets to the south the next four streets had been cleared. No houses, just streets and remaining sidewalks in preparation for the whole thing to go. We walked there among derelicts. Saying hello elected a frown from the mostly Latino, Indian under classes. Syringes, baby shoes from wires, gang active signs were the thing, mixed with a lot of people, widows everywhere, who got left in the  open when the tide went out. Old ladies especially, who had lived there in prior prosperity when the orange trees, pomegranates, peaches flourished. There were few fences. We bought from a widow of 80 who when she went to the store her refrigerator was stolen. Completely surrounded by these women, one across the street, Mrs. Nigh was a Baptist lady of firm character. Behind us Margaret was a jovial gadabout who had lived there 40 years. Catty-corner was Pearl, same thing. To the west were Jane and her daughter who came over and sat on the berm. They had wrecked red Oldsmobiles and goats in their yard. Immediately next to Margaret was the local youth gang leader of about 14 who met with his compañeros on the corners and at the head of the canal ditches. He considered it his neighborhood, considered that he ruled the women.  When we moved in, with two small kids I went out to water the grass by hand where fifteen gathered,  and got a little near them too, but that is the nature of man, who will not back down like an a old woman.

The first burglary was one night thereafter when they broke into the garage and took lawn mowers, tools, bikes. The place was insecure. There were three of these events all told, all of which burglars were caught. Ricardo  the gang leader behind us, was the first. After the police left with their report I put on my boots and got a stick and was off to tramp the neighborhood for restitution. I had asked the my tent-master first whether he had wanted the stuff, but he said no, so on the way out Margaret happened to walking by and I saw her right away and spoke of it. She said look at Ricardo’s, since this had happened so many times to her knowledge. Sure enough when I looked over the fence there was the lawn mower. I had told the cops I was going to find out who did it, but in less than two hours they had to return and take it up. They asked we to identify the mower. I said, well I bought it from Sears. Especially I got back the green tool box my father gave me when I left home! So Ricardo went to Adobe Mountain. This and all the other burglaries would have been prevented by a dog, which we did get later, rather he got us, but that is another story. 

The second B was only an attempt. My wife worked nights and slept on the wards so I had the two kids and myself, but the house had only an evap cooler, not AC , which in order to work  needed a window cracked to draw air. To learn the hard way, without fences, the bathroom casement window was open. As a precaution I had put a little blue jar on the ledge next to the screen so that it it came off when the window were opened further with the crank that would knock the jar to the floor. This mechanism actually worked. That night, about 11 pm I was asleep when the jar broke. Getting up I went naked to bathroom and turned on the light. The screen was on the floor and the arm of the burglar was reaching in. This elicited the story about the event where my response was a roar which scared my neighbor so much she called 9-11. The burglar had an odd reaction to this. He shouted back, "call the police, call the police." I did then call, but my neighbor’s call  was sooner. It makes you wonder what truth drug people are using. I had been about to grab his arm and break it off at the elbow, but instead went to the phone. The rest of the story is as told. The short of it he was caught. When the police descended they found him  one block away pretending to work on a car as if he lived there, then he went into house and opened the door, where a woman was watching TV with an airdale  and 357 magnum. She held him at gunpoint till the police came in. They took me up the intersection to identify him. Since she had the prior claim and he went away for her. 

I put up a fence around that side, the west, but the third burglar came from the south. I had planted a cholla planted in front of that cracked window, but it did not work. I was out, about 11 AM,  came home to the deed already done, all my cameras gone. This time prints were left on a metal file box which had been taken down, which the police ran and ID’d the guy, who turned out to have a withered arm. His lawyer argued in court that therefore he could not have entered by the window, that he was my friend and was invited in. His prints were undeniable however. While sitting in court waiting to address the judge, I was nervous, and went over and over with my tent-master, with my eyes will I see the result of the wicked (Psalm 91) There were three months between the event and capture and appearance so I said this the whole time. He got 8 months, but escaped from a work detail and got three years.

All this is preventable by dog. My son had been praying for a dog, so when a black male chow appeared, dragging his chain, and adopted us, the burglars  stopped. But also fences were up and tight. There was one more event before the black chow when one Sunday morning preparing to go to church, never easy with two little kids and  a wife getting ready, she was taking out mulch to the pile when I heard her voice raised in the yard. I went out and there were two big guys in the back yard she was yelling out to get out. I took over and walked them to the curb. They claimed they were looking for someone. Pretty lame, but they were not quite ready to leave until when a police car turned the corner and came up 27th St as if summoned. I hailed the cop, who took their info and let them go. He told me their particulars.. After that there was no trouble because of the black show.

This was preceded by our time in Dallas before this, where she went to med school and I taught at Bishop College. Again, the poor have to work for it. When we had decided to move to Dallas from Austin for med school, we wrangled a 5K down payment from some money that had been  returned from a land deal in Arkansas by a malefactor who married a Christian wife, plus a gift from her parents. In the draw we were give a big name agent, Fred Outlaw, who found us a house inhabited by druggies and their mother, all on speed, crack and coke, completely trashed, but fixable, next to lady who had prayed for deliverance for ten years. We offered 30 K and put 20% down, got it, lived there 5 years, fixed it up nice while I taught at Bishop and she commuted to Southwestern. We had begun raking out the trash from the house onto the lawn on the first day of occupancy when the woman's kingpin son came around all irate, but what could have been bad was smoothed. I found a loaded pistol under the house that some kid came by a week later for but didn’t get it back. This turned out good neighborhood near to White Rock Lake.

 We were in east Dallas then looking for furnishings with our little daughter, standing outside Gossips Used Furniture Store, when two young black men cased me up close.I had my wallet in my t shirt pocket. Such an easy target, they wanted to rip it out, but couldn’t quite summon the moment because I could see their intent was absolutely ready to break their hands. Who is it thinks he can break hands and arms. With a clean hand and a pure heart? I didn’t have the sheltered upbringing my children have had. The previous conditioning of factory jobs, assembly line jobs,  fighting for survival and dignity in high school against bullies also stemmed from an athleticism that was dormant much of the time, but came out early and later in life, in baseball and tennis. There was a strength and speed of hand and eye and mind, along with an aggression for fuel.

The period of five years at Bishop college also had many dangers and difficulties, from the low ball offer of 15 K, when budgeted for 18.5, to the anger of Black History month each year for a  virile and white male in that situation. All perfectly acceptable however, but was was not acceptable was the treatment of some of my students in Dallas high schools, girls being spit upon, appalling things, over and over, which I had heard about also in my tenure at Fayetteville State from the faculty and students there.

Species of this are everywhere. In our first practice in Phoenix in a series of conundrums experienced from marring a woman like myself, who flouted the de rigueur standard of the emotionally withdrawn docs who are calloused and hardened in defense. Many of these interns had never really lived a life outside of college, med school and privilege. But after completing residency and facing dislocation from this and other affects, we ended up running a practice in the shelter zip code affiliated with  a hospital which eventuated divested it upon us because the demographic coding practices of Medicare and the plans made it unprofitable. Of course for us this was all divine appointment and rescue, but what is good for one is not for another. So we rented the building the practice was in from the previous family of docs who owned it and practiced there before it was taken over by the hospital. But the property had also a retail shop attached and the parking spots allotted arbitrarily caused difficulty with the shop keeper, who, since it was an office of all women, continually bullied them. After a lengthy run of this it came to my attention that he had one of our assistants cars towed. The bill was 171.00 with the impounding. I met with him and the landlord, but the same desire to break arms and hands had got me by then and I picked the whole practice up and moved it four blocks down the street to anyway a quieter neighborhood, where it has been all this time. The point is the same about aggression and danger, burglars, gangs, power and authority. We gutted the new site, rebuilt it, added plumbing for the rooms, etc, dry walled, painted and hung the office, which is a big deal for all the stuff than hangs, and moved in. We had 5 assistants then. One day I came in at lunch and counted out five piles of $171 for each for them, as recognition of the gift.

After this than my nephew moved to town to study CAD, computer assisted design, and in the course of events said he played tennis and would beat me. I had played my last year in college as a walk on. This began a new athletic career, which was more serious than all previous efforts since it involved my sons too and we spent a good ten years competing at the highest junior levels. Other athletic high points are remembered, like the time I hit five home runs in a ball game in Austin on my 30th birthday, but my sons victories in most of the cities of the southwest and CA lasted until they aged out and moved out, when I began to seriously write and publish.






27 Jan 2013

Dear E,

 I’m glad to hear from you. The argument is not that cell phones are killing us all but that we are getting symptomatic. I at least wanted you to consider some of the arguments about electrosensitivity, not to believe them especially. I guess you did not really view it so don’t know.  I am probably going to put it in front of your brothers. You are a strong minded person with formed beliefs, but why should anybody agree? You were not always as taciturn as recent years. You have gained the company of two other minds in your sisters in law. They believe their own ways and challenge ours. Different people demand different things. A family isn't a zero sum game and must allow difference. Which you seem to do in responding. It is a big family too, with many points of view.  As to whether anything can be done, about anything, I consider the news and  bought out science with politics and entertainment utter woo-woo. You in turn might consider that being willfully blind on my part. On the other hand you say you’ll wait until deciding whether to get rid of your Iphone, so that would be something you could do. The study you mention is one reason I sent the thing. I notice how much faith you put in medicine and proper scientific oligarchy. We get wrapped up in our arguments but they do not contain us. Today’s your birthday. You didn’t necessarily choose it, though years ago I thought otherwise. I wish you health. Your Mother does too. She is in SA comforting Ruth this weekend. A lot has been and is going on. Do you at all miss hearing of all of us and our little lives? I can honestly say we miss hearing from you. I don’t know whether you wish you had been better apprised of Carl’s decline. There were positive moments. He aced the end. The last thing he told Ruth was, “you’re beautiful.” Love from Mom and Dad

28 January 2013

Algorithms Walkman headphones lead to parricide.

The switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk in SA do this with a similar code used in dating medieval deeds. Algorithms of Lexican, syntactic, frequency of words  of undated ms. is compared to dated and the machine ids the undated. Some such code must be used to ferret out the unsilent talk. The silent talk we leave to another venue.

-computer-automated statistical methods

-patterns in the distribution of words occurring once, twice, three times and so on.

-maximum prevalence technique. This is a statistical technique that gives a most probable date by comparing the set of words in the document with the distribution in the training set

Gelila Tilahun and colleagues at the University of Toronto

A team of British researchers has developed an algorithm that uses tracking data on people’s phones to predict where they’ll be in 24 hours. The average error: just 20 meters.

That’s far more accurate than past studies that have tried to predict people’s movements. Studies have shown that most people follow fairly consistent patterns over time, but traditional prediction algorithms have no way of accounting for breaks in the routine.

The researchers solved that problem by combining tracking data from individual participants’ phones with tracking data from their friends—i.e., other people in their mobile phonebooks. By looking at how an individual’s movements correlate with those of people they know, the team’s algorithm is able to guess when she might be headed, say, downtown for a show on a Sunday afternoon rather than staying uptown for lunch as usual. here

Stingray, cell phone tracker

An Opte Project visualization of routing paths through a portion of the Internet here


29 Jan 2013

I woke up somewhere off Terra del Fuego swimming in  ultra clear water where I saw 2 large brown donkeys or horses walking on the bottom and swimming up.

 I had a dream a few nights ago to put this up, as ridiculous a reason for doing it at all after thirty years as any. Why is Prufrock enjoyable? It's about nothing after all. Chuckles from the audience caught that, but then a desire to polish it occurred, and my son a sound tech, I teased him, "it's like retribution from my children for never teaching after that." The thing went back to Keats to explore nature lost, Ode to Autumn, forward again to the quantum and Kafka, back to Wordsworth's Ode,  forward to Sartre's No Exit.  There is no video or pic of the classroom. A retake is to be made and uploaded. I'm afraid there will be may be ten tapes in all.

Precursors of the Modern Investigation of Consciousness-Kafka 43.41

Precursors of the modern investigation of consciousness. Ovid. Transformations. Rimbaud. Expansion by disorder. Mystics, drugs, the candle (turn to a bug). Visionaries, mental shackles, Rimbaud's statement. Kafka and the reader. What's a bug? Conscious production of madness in the  artist-soul made monstrous (want some larvae?) digressions. Vision quest. Huysmans. Sense Banquet, altered states, Bug consciousness a primitivism? Lilly and dolphins, not ET. Star Trek inside. Ordering the mind, rule. Debauch.

Listened to 1984 tape of precursors to 20th cent lit, 1984 World Lit II class. Had dreamed of the Quantum Theory of J. Alfred Prufrock the night before, listened to both. Today Tao Lin loaded to FB a tape of McKenna, The World Could be Anything, 1990 which is an mp3 essentially, with just a photo mounted as video.

But The Experiment at Petaluma is a tweated, solarized video

(William Moloney) Chromozoid-

T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

1. Tape I, side 1: Ideas of the 20th century. Science redefines reality. Copernican revolution, 17th century, Marx, Freud, Newtonian-Einsteinian physics, quantum, determinism vs. indeterminism. Structure of matter, random, atomic structure. Is matter empty? Brownian movement, photo-electric effect, special relativity. Time-space  relative to each other. Uncertainty principle. Man changes the universe, random universe. Prufrock an allegory of quantum man. Actions are mere probability. Freedom is necessity collectively. This is true only for conventional ideas. Security via Newtonian physics. Light is particle and wave. Absolutism vs. relativist thinking. Solid matter or empty space? Provisional view of the course. Quantum ideas in Prufrock. Patient etherized? Man adrift, fog, medical image of sunset. Certainty vs. uncertainty. Anything might happen.

Side 2: Cat and fog. Transformations, humanity and nature. Man and land cursed in Eliot, spirit of the time. Poets, physicists, artists are prophets. Negative transformation. What before why. Time-space, tea and chit-chat. Weather and sports. Michaelangelo, cowards. Who are they? No yes no yes. Steady state? Universal body. Running circles. Eating a peach. Decisions. Netwooking, hair on her arms. Shall I? Death Wish.

Tape 2, Side 1: Symbol of peach. Critical views on Prufrock: real character or mere allusions. Sleep, dream, time, age, water. Image of evening. Indeterminate connections. Parable of the quantum. Copenhagen theory. Objectivity-world exists independently of our observation? Observer-created reality. Indeterminate reality occurs only under observation. Wwaking up to indeterminate reality and events. CPR. Suspicious details. Hugh Kenner’s “zone of consciousness.” Caesar’s atoms. Vague congruity.

Side 2: End and beginning of The Wasteland. Arthurian legends. Fall of Fisher King, myth, April life, Merlin. Eliot’s Christian poem, Four Quartets non-quantum, place mere detail are doors, thingness, complete simplicity.

Tape3. John Keats, Ode to Autumn. See addendum

Tape 4. Franz Kafka. The Metamorphosis (1917)

Tape 1, Side 1 (p. 1518 Precursors of the modern investigation of consciousness. Ovid. Transformations. Rimbaud. Expansion by disorder. Mystics, drugs, the candle )turn to a bug). Visionaries, mental shackles, Rimbaud’s statement. Kafka and the reader. Wh a bug? Conscious production of madness in the  artist-soul made monsterous (want some larvae?) digressions. Vision quest. Huysmans. Sense Banquet, altered states, Bug consciousness a primitivism? Lilly and dolphins, not ET. Star Trek inside. Ordering the mind, rule. Debauch.

Side 2 Medical diagnosis of Gregor: when, why symptoms, how? Primitive doctors, buffalo. Myth to reality—a dream? Ego disorder, bugs, indeterminate reality, special relativity, new worlds (throws a bug from a bag!)

 1.      Tape 2 Bug Bromides for the bug-man. How Gregor sees himself-observor created reality, ego projection. Bugish thoghts. Forearm fur muff (1524) But cry. Angels into men/ Habitual virtue. Angel unaware. The inner man. Bug ET (1551)

2.      Side 2 The man-bug. Apple in bug. Tree roaches. Bugs or mammals? Hinduismin Germany, holy cow. Down’s syndrome. Keats. Shame an Kafka. Man/god dualism. What is human? Conscience-what are we? Duality. Psalm 8. Man’s fall. Memory wars. Adam perfected or restored? Man-animal dualism. Primitive identity. Have animals sinned? Teisitic evolution (Crow caws!)

3.      6a. Tape 3  Side 1 p. 1554. Guilt after death. Memories. Consequences of Gregor’s death. Contradiction of surviving. Scuttling. Kafka and theuncoonsciousness. Body bags. Memories and new dreams.Happy ending. Incomplete? Kafka and family. Business and money. Higher and lower mind dualism. Dream self-waking self. Divided self. Fetal unity. Birth.

 A vast underground system of psychs who have been doing the bidding of CIA for decades.

4 Feb 2013

Alternating between reading the American ed. of B. Traven's Treasure of the Sierra Madre while waiting for a copy of the British true first and only authentic (Knopf's editors added some 70 more pages) and cutting the uncut edges of Yeats Early Poems and Stories, 1925, so to read, today I received Garbanzo Volume Two of Seraphemera Books in the mail, hand printed and bound, with appearances of Futhark (54) and Dream Song (111). The mail man had to knock. He had two Garbanzos, an archival reprint of Igra v adu  A Game in Hell and, hot dog, the 2012 annual of the Pennsylvania German Society The Heart of the Taufschein: Fraktur and the Pivotal Role of Berks County, Pennsylvania by the Earnests.

It is comforting to realize the purpose of the century was to set up singularity, break down boundaries in order to initiate earth into its new order. So we are not the causes of world pollution, disease, famine, destruction we are being held accountable for, the modern a long time preparing, so relax as we find out who we are. There are no control groups to measure global pandemics. We'd not have proved the harm of tobacco without them however, people who didn't smoke. In the midst of experiments that change the course of human existence these tapes are a kind of control group of what we thought then. We knew it was coming but now it is here. Reconstruct by contrast what we were then to know now what we are.

5 February 2013

Theorists of hybridity as Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway, who have questioned the epistemological foundations of the modern scientific enterprise

The Hybrid Age is the preparation for the apotheosis of the Singularity— a Singularity-lite of sorts. (Ayesha Khanna serves as a faculty adviser to Singularity University.

Allan Bloom’s admonition in The Closing of the American Mind that Walkman headphones lead to parricide.

7 February 2013

The only thing different is I took a bath in frankincense last evening after working on the Prufrock tape of Investigations of Consciousness, a lit course at Bishop College, tape recorded. I hadn’t taught since, instead raised a family, coached tennis on the junior circuits, drew in the desert, took trips to the wilderness. Couldn’t get a job at ASU, MCCC or GC.  These tapes are all that’s left. Of course they’d not be displayed without son’s doing and editing, so there is some payback for 30 years lost at something I was good at. It’s the old question if the figure is made of paper but the paper is cut away, or the figure is made of clay but the clay is cut away the pot becomes a sculpture, but in making of paper and of clay, pretends to be three D. So in teaching if the teaching is cut away what is the taught?

10 February 2013

I was in the middle of this war last night in my sleep. Forces were raging over my citation of the proposition that to them gave he the power to become the sons of God. I was reciting this New Testament psalm as if it were Psalm 1 of the Old when these forces surrounded me, which I cannot now say exactly what they were. Hard to fight against phantoms, but who has not felt these in the wee of night? Let us say the antagonisms were great spirits and I was defending against their attacks, but not happily or really successfully until right in the middle of the psalm-saying, right in the middle of  the ebb and flow of forces I said the name, Jesus. In an instant it all stopped and there was such a palpable peace that my son's chow, staying overnight as a guest, came and lay beside my bed, there was such peace as I have not felt in sleep for  years, such stillness and peace I plan to carry it through the day. Jesus!

Traven’s Sierra Madre

 Traven’s Sierra Madre, the British ed. -Creighton was himself a novelist, though he is better known as a translator from German of such books as Vicki Baum's "Grand Hotel" and Hermann Hesse's "Steppenwolf." Though opinions vary on the relative merits of the British and American translations (which were completely different), Traven was a fan of Creighton's translation, and once told his publisher, "Creighton has said everything I wanted, but said it so much better." This UK edition was translated by Basil Creighton from the 1927 German text. The 1935 US edition was rewritten in English by Traven himself and is about 100 pages longer. Traven himself preferred the Creighton translation.

. Traven's most famous novel first U.S. edition and his second book published in America. was prepared from Traven's English-language manuscript, the basis of the John Huston directed film classic starring Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston was supposedly heavily rewritten by Knopf's editorial staff.

Verlag der Buchergilde Gutenberg, Berlin, 1927. Hardcover. First edition. Tall octavo. Orange decorated cloth. Text in German. Slightest sunning at the spine, a very near fine copy lacking the rare dustwrapper. This true first edition, with the correct issue point on page 19, is extremely uncommon. Basis for John Huston's masterpiece, featuring Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston (both father and son won Oscars). According to the Hollywood legend, writer/director John Huston negotiated the film rights in a seedy Mexican hotel with the author's "representative," one Hal Croves, who stayed on the set as an advisor and vanished when filming was completed. Huston later confirmed his suspicion that Croves was actually the mysterious and reclusive author, about whom little is known with certainty to this day. The mysterious and elusive author sent his agent Hal Croves to assist with the filming. Subsequently it turned out that Croves was Traven himself.

1948 Film: Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) and Curtin (Tim Holt), cheated out of promised wages and down on their luck, meet old prospector Howard (Walter Huston) in the Mexican oil-town of Tampico. They set out to strike it rich in the remote Sierra Madre mountains, searching for gold.

They ride a train into the hinterlands, surviving a bandit attack en route. In the desert, Howard proves to be the toughest and most knowledgeable; he is the one to discover the gold they seek. A mine is dug, and much gold is extracted. Greed soon sets in, and Dobbs begins to lose both his trust and his sanity, lusting to possess the entire treasure. Dobbs is also unreasonably afraid that he will be killed by his partners.

A fourth American named James Cody (Bruce Bennett) appears, which sets up a moral debate about what to do with the new stranger. The men decide to kill Cody, but just as the three confront him with pistols and prepare to kill him, the bandits reappear, crudely pretending to be Federales. (This leads to a now-iconic line about not needing to show any "stinking badges.") After a gunfight with the bandits, in which Cody is killed, a real troop of Federales appears and chases away the bandits.

Howard is called away to assist some local villagers in saving a little boy. The next day he is asked, without the option of declining, to go back to the village to be honored. However, he leaves his goods with Dobbs and Curtin. Dobbs, whose paranoia continues, and Curtin constantly argue, until one night when Curtin falls asleep, Dobbs holds him at gunpoint, takes him behind the camp, shoots him, grabs all three shares of the gold, and leaves him for dead. However, the wounded Curtin survives and manages to crawl away during the night.

Dobbs is later ambushed and killed by some of the bandits. In their ignorance, the bandits believe Dobbs' bags of unrefined gold are merely filled with sand, and they scatter the gold to the winds. Curtin is discovered by indios and taken to Howard's village, where he recovers. He and Howard miss witnessing the bandits' execution by Federales by only a few minutes as they arrive back in town, and learn that the gold is gone.

While checking the area where the bandits dropped the gold, Howard realizes that the winds must have carried the gold away. They accept the loss with equanimity, and then part ways, Howard returning to his village, and Curtin returning home to the United States.

John Huston won the Academy Award for Directing and Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay in 1948 for his work on The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Walter Huston, John Huston's father, also won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in this film, the first father-son win. The film was nominated for the Best Picture award, but lost to Laurence Olivier's film adaptation of Hamlet.

In 1990, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". The film was among the first 100 films to be selected.[1]

Director Stanley Kubrick listed The Treasure of Sierra Madre as his 4th favorite film of all time in his list of his top ten favorite films, director Sam Raimi ranked it as his favourite film of all time in an interview with Rotten Tomatoes and director Paul Thomas Anderson watched it at night before bed while writing his film There Will Be Blood.[3]


The Film



17 Feb

Jonathan Gray-


The images of eating pop: Pop  will eat itself


pop as a modern pagan deity. “Initially, the characters of the ceramic Superego collection were not designed as ceramic construction, but as sick toys. The “sickness” of toys is given by corruption and human suffering. Massimo, with his objects, wants to represent the negative influence which is directly expressed in his works. The characters of his ceramics collection are like modern martyrs who wonder what happened and why things are so bad nowadays. The pop objects have shining colors and terrifying expressions.”

Massimo Giacon is a protagonist in the change of Italian cartoon bubbles. From Design Design Blog

2. Scott Musgrove is a painter / sculptor / illustrator, a prominent exponent of American pop surrealism, but I prefer to introduce him as the Honorary President of National Institute for Creative Zoology. He seeks and finds traces of never existed animals in the obscure zones of the consumer society, in the crevices of shopping centers, under the overpasses of the highways, in the cracks in the asphalt of huge American parkings. He brings to light evidence of the existence and extinction of strange animals, as the famous Hairy Brook Trout or of the Equine Elliptical, not to mention the Booted Glamour Cat. If the poor Hairy Trout probably disappeared for its delicious organoleptic qualities, Glamour Cat was hunted to extinction for it’s wonderful neck fur, appreciated especially as a male accessory.

Without Scott Musgrove these fantastic animals would not be even classified, as a result of conservative zoologists attitude, unwilling to surrealist digressions.

We, at Superego, self-appointed honorary member of that Institute, and we edited a ceramic from one of Scott’s paintings, the Glamour Cat, which, although extinct, we thought deserved a special place in the homes of our collectors. To do justice and give scientific importance to the operation, we offer it in a gold enamel finish, very bling bling, a bit flashy but rightly appropriate to an animal so glamorous and maybe even a little cocky. You can find it on

Nancy Lieder Zetatalk

Life in a DUMB is a little constrained. They want to manage us as well as possible. It is the ultimate nirvana

Two mile high pile of eyes

Great Lakes empty into the Gulf

Shackled boxcars, portland

Al Bielek went to the future


Andrew  Basiago, In 2009, the controversial “Web Bot,” an internet software program that predicts future events by tracking keywords on the internet, began describing the impending emergence of a “planetary-level whistleblower” calling for disclosure to the public of life on Mars and the existence of time travel and teleportation technology. the Pegasus project, life on mars


let the gash on mars in the Hubble Telescope do your thinking for you

I mumble enough to stand up

What about C/2012 S1 (ISON), which is coming November 2013, brighter then a full moon, can be seen in the day. This is coming around the sun, and will be seen with the naked eye. It sure seems like NASA is getting people ready to see this extra sun looking object in the sky. The article from astronomy now says, "peak brightness in late November it will remain visible without optical aid until mid-January 2014." The article said they just found this last Sept. 2012,

I was standing out side the dub gates arms and legs tossed, bound, gagged wondering if life were worth this much to be kept underground and realeased later into the nw hell. All because of a poem. I wrote in 1969 which put me on the radar but what greally got me in wass the tapes my son broadcast from twenty years later. Yes it was an enterance to a cave.cursed to survive the millennium and the tributlation.

I was reading when they came. Do you want to go with us to be saved from the end of the world. No. But they don’t take no for an answer. So I’m bound and gagged. My neighbers left behind and I’m to lecture in the humanities program at Dumbpra live. If they can get me to talk. So when all the species are pulversized by rock, but I’m numb to that. The real question is whether to tell any body ahead of the event since it is foregone it can do them no good. Instead I go over my notes for the first class. You’re here because you’ve been captured. Pop will eat itself, himself, your self and all. Pop a doddle do. I had told them they didn’t need me, that the tapes would do, the hundreds of hours of lit rebroadcast from the previous century. But no they said they wanted contemporary criticism! [the reason why this was so hard to get was, and they didn’t wanbt the the loonies they had created by imitation in the UG, was because all the patterning copied from the 20th century Beastles etc  only made zombies and they wanted a century or teaching to preserve the human soul, see Arthur Cristian image patterning. The whole purpose of contemp culture was to prevent awareness that the wipeout was coming. Bly distraction in entertainment, etc.). I was not up for a slate at the big Dumbo, the Denver Airport, the ivy boys were there. The paradigm of mindlessness to dull the senses to miss the event must be replace with mindfulness and courage in order to come out of the bunkers in a hundred years.

Jon Rappoport and Darpa

Visual cryptography, ufo taking off from  pyramid, linking Nephilim giants, great Britain, nibiur 2012 olympics, Niburu part 9

The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft
"The Superman [Satan] is living amongst us now! He is here!" exclaimed Hitler triumphantly. "Isn't that enough for you? I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him."

Tyche / DEEHee=luck NASA companion to the sun

The Greek gods are Nephilim NASA Reveal Planet X is Real Again

Planet X Earth Poleshift wheel Planet X, realign


18 February 2013


The colonies underground would be the worst gulags with no hope of escape. Compared to Noah’s ark maybe, but with a difference. First they will be run like academies and military camps, for they were set up and planned by just such people. And the operating procedures will be containment, control of thought. Imagine no silence, music piped in all places with subliminal messages of control. Imagine the use of coveret tranks ans stimimulants in the foods, microchips in all inhabitants. It is the fperfect Nazi camp. Imagine how much they will desire to real litereature that provokes thought and rebellion, yet  they must also realize that without those their population becomes less and less vibrant, able to survive once the gates are opened again.. So while gov’t and academic science plans to survive and produces the means to survive they simultaneously kill the human spirit by these controls. The corruption and totalitarian nature of these undergrounds cannot be overstated.

So what do you do underg. Can’t go out. Better to gout outside in the event to denjoy it. Raise the hads in wonder and praise, sing Psalm 46. Why they will put the Psalms on the news. Echoing fromn from every channel minerats of praise. Channel 3 has Psalm 8. Channel 5 has Psalm 91.. All the the neighbors will be out side singing, praising, O Lord our Lord, how excellent is they name in all the earth.

“a stealthy, massively funded, high-tech, underground and/or undersea power”

fdfd says:

May 16, 2012 at 1:27 pm

if the web of tunnels are extensive enough, could they constitute an earth destabilizing factor


in and of themselves? sort of like a web of hugely enlarged fracking will collapse the ground it runs through?


“Richard Sauder, Hidden in Plain Sight, Oct 2011By Dr. Richard Sauder
May 15, 2012

(Part 4 in our exclusive underground base series published with permission from the author and publisher)

You can read Part 1, “Nazi Engineers, Secret U.S. Military Bases, and Elevators To The Subterranean and Submarine Depths” (Part 1) “power structures on this planet that closely interface with, and yet remain separate from, the official power establishment of any nation as publicly presented…

salt mines around 2000 feet below the surface, I have been in the Diamond Crystal Salt Mine in Detroit with around 1000 miles plus of underground tunneling. It is very large. The White Pine Copper Mine in Upper Michigan has over 10,000 miles of under ground tunneling. The 25 Salt Peter Mines by Hobbs New Mexico all are over 800 miles of under ground tunneling  in the mainstream news media.


You can read Part 2, “Where Are All the Deep Underground Military Bases?” (Part 2)

You can read Part 3, “Letters From the Underground Mail Bag: Subterranean Labyrinths, Underground Bases, and Hollowed Out Norwegian Mountains” (Part 3)


See Intel Hub, by same author: “And in a very brief summary at the conclusion of his most informative book, Mr. [Jason]Goodwin briefly mentions the elevators “that are never mentioned but are needed to service the extensive infrastructures that make the cities run – the power plants, refineries, factories, and underground facilities (my emphasis).”

 -consensual reality of everyday life

-The Puzzle Palace, James Bamford alludes to the mammoth computing center that lies beneath the NSA

-mag-lev trains



-“David Adair’s description (elsewhere in this book) of a mammoth, football-field-sized platform elevator supported by huge screws the size of giant sequoia tree trunks that took him underground at Area-51 in Nevada”… sub-seafloor environment via elevators in their legs, which would permit personnel to travel to the platform and then travel down below the seafloor.”


Russ Miller says:

April 17, 2012 at 11:34 pm

Re: Underground military bases.

While working for a congressman in Washington, DC, in 1982, I would travel the underground subway system connecting House offices to the U.S. Capitol. One day, with extra time, I got off with a small crowd I was not connected with and followed them through a door. Instead of following them, I stopped at an elevator, got in and pushed a down button. The door opened and I was seven levels below the Capitol. (The subways – there are two -operate seperatly at the second and third (or fourth) levels, if I remember right)

I followed hallways with doors. Went down stairways, into caverns with no markings, except coded markings. I wandered around, perhaps more than 10 to 14 levels below the capitol. As I went deeper, the walls went from stone to just cave-like, carved out rock passages. Down there were stored artifacts of some nature – statuettes, for example. I was lost. I was stuck there for hours wandering until I found stairways leading up. None of them connected from one floor to the other. Kept walking. Eventually finding stone walls. Up I go until finding an elevator. Pushed the up button and found myself in a non-public area of the Capitol. But I had my clearance tag. And when asked by security, just told them I was lost. They escorted me into one of the main hallways. I know I made it 10-14 levels below the Capitol (passages slope up and down). I wandered underground for four hours, unseen, as far as I know.

Tunnels to at least 13 underground bases being sealed off

Preparing For Massive Civil War, Re-Education Camps




-“So rule number one of mass extinction survival is to find an underground or underwater city, stock it with food, and wait for about a decade before poking your head out. There are at least 200 underground cities in Turkey, built between 500-1000 AD by Christians hoping to evade persecution during the Byzantine era. One of the biggest of these, Derinkuyu, could hold up to 35,000 people plus food storage and wine-making facilities. These ancient cities might be the best hope for the future in a mass extinction event.”

-“future society threatened with extinction might choose to store thousands of people in cryosleep deep underground”

-“Here are some takeaway lessons from our crash course in mass extinction survival:

1. Burrow underground or build an underwater city to shield you from the elements.
If we can't hibernate for a few centuries, we're only going to survive a mass extinction by moving into modern versions of the Turkish city Derinkuyu. We'll need massive underground complexes - perhaps like the huge underground mall in Montreal - where we can grow food and produce our own energy. We'll need air shafts with purification systems built in, and perhaps even a way to make oxygen. But most of all, we need to be prepared. Let's start building our underwater cities and subterranean farms now, before it's too late. And hope they don't turn out like the infamous science fictional cities of Ember and Rapture.

Second American revolution underground



20 Feb 2013

 Marfa base north of the city


[Editor's Note: Phil Schneider used to work for the government and was involved in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMB bases). In talks given in 1995, he said that there were 129 active deep military bases in America and two more under construction, He confirmed (at that ime) that there existed a minimum of two underground bases in each state. Phil also mentioned that there were more than 1,450 DUMB bases worldwide. Ken Adachi


“We normally locate underground bases by the smog fields that they produce above ground. This happens because nuclear generators produce dense deadly orgone radiation (DOR) which forms smog by positive-charged ionization. Smog is nothing but filth in colloidal suspension in the atmosphere. The various colors of smog are determined by what kind of filth is available” Don Croft


Who gets to go to these UG bases. After the Govt athoritiess and their functionaries and the military come the illuminate and kings and dqueens and the super rich, but also included is a large sample of the gene pool previously screened. Truly for brood purposes only these , mainly women will be used to cultivate the new race of earth UG. Will there be any men at all? Will there be an society, culture? It is in doubt simply from the way these functionaries think, but in case they are more knowing, even if fueled by Stanford faculty, a human culture must be seen a prerequisite for human growth, as necessary as food, clothing, shelter, literature, music, art, as well as competition. Thus it would seem men would have to be included. Whether these gene pool men and women raise their own children…whether they are encouraged in creative free thought…

No dogs or pets, In order to get along these people will be permanently drugged, as if the model ofr the planners were 1984 and Brave New World, they will live out of their heads, emotions and bodies being controlled and if they survive and are let out again will be the diametric opposite of any proletarians who survive who will have little or no technology but fully developed skill sets and psyches of survival. Maye I can be an emmiissary to these two groups outside the walls who think they will form separately the new humanity, They can join forces to see what good that will do them.


1984 and deep underground secret bases Underground Anomalous


Dulce Base, New Mexico

Functions: Alien interface, Research of mind related functions.Levels: 1-7 Known
y Level 1 - garage for STREET MAINTENANCE.y Level 2 - garage for TRAINS, SHUTTLES, TUNNEL BORINg

y Level 3 - everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump
suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D.
card each day. change in over three pounds requires a physical
exam and X-ray.
y Level 4 - Human research in the Occult areas - Auras - mental
telepathy - hypnosis - astral traveling - etc. The technology is
apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the
Bioplasmic Body (of Man). In other works they can remove
the ¶soul¶ of the human and turn it into a vessel to be used by
another entity, in order to allow it to work and operate in the
physical realm.. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep
Sleep ¶Delta Waves,¶ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via
a Brain- Computer link. They can introduce data and
programmed reactions into your Mind
y Level 5 - Alien housing is on level 5. "...The room circular for
the (electro- magnetic) generator is nearly 200 feet diameter
and covers the fifth and sixth levels (extreme west south wing).
There (are) five entrances (plus an escape trap door on the
sixth floor) on each floor. Each portal has double door. The
security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in
addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and
eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer
of atoms.
y Level 6 - Level 6 is privately called ¶Nightmare Hall¶. It holds the
genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice
that are vastly altered from their original, forms. There are
multi- armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and
vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7-feet tall. Aliens
have taught the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful
and dangerous.
y Level 7 - Humans in cages here, usually drugged or dazed,
sometimes crying out for help. LEVEL #7 is the worst. Row
after row of 1,000¶s of humans & human-mixture remains in
cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various
stages of development. Also, many human children¶s¶ remains
in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?"y Below Level 7 - Unknown other levels unexplored by humans.
Aliens here. Exits into a vast underground cavern series,
unexplored by humans, but suspected to be a huge alien
culture area.



Some of you might ask what the "space shuttle" is"shuttling". Large ingots of special metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. From Phil Schneider’s May 1995 Lecture


Mount Perdido, Mt. Inyangani, Mount Hayes, Mount Ziel,


This is what happens to the dirt:

The United States Atomic Energy Commission and the United States Energy Research and

Development Administration took out Patents in the 1970s for nuclear subterrenes. The first patent, in 1972 went to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
The nuclear subterrene has an advantage over mechanical TBMs in that it produces no muck that must be disposed of by conveyors, trains, trucks, etc.
This greatly simplifies tunneling. If nuclear subterrenes actually exist (and I do not know if they do) their presence, and the tunnels they make, could be very hard to detect, for the simple reason that there would not be the tell-tale muck piles or tailings dumps that are associated with the conventional tunneling activities.

The 1972 patent makes this clear. It states:

"... (D)ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and
as a dispersal in cracks produced in the surrounding rock. The rock-melting drill
is of a shape and is propelled under sufficient pressure to produce and extend
cracks in solid rock radially around the bore by means of hydrostatic pressure
developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. All
melt not used in glass-lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it freezes
and remains ... (U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)

"... Such a (vitreous) lining eliminates, in most cases, the expensive and
cumbersome problem of debris elimination and at the same time achieves the
advantage of a casing type of bore hole liner."
(U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972)

There you have it: a tunneling machine that creates no muck, and leaves a smooth, vitreous (glassy) tunnel lining behind.


A tunneling machine for producing large tunnels in soft rock or wet, clayey,
unconsolidated or bouldery earth by simultaneously detaching the tunnel core
by thermal melting a boundary kerf into the tunnel face and forming a supporting
excavation wall liner by deflecting the molten materials against the excavation
walls to provide, when solidified, a continuous wall supporting liner, and
detaching the tunnel face circumscribed by the kerf with powered mechanical
earth detachment means and in which the heat required for melting the kerf and
liner material is provided by a compact nuclear reactor.
This is a $13 million tunnel boring machine (TBM) used for tunneling at the Nevada Test Site. (Remember that Area 51 is part of the test site.) Many other types of TBMs are used by many government agencies, including the 'nuclear powered TBM' [NTBM] that melts solid rock and leaves behind glass-like walls. Project Camelot



Exchange Programs: secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78


“Construction work continued for several years on large underground facilities which are rumoured to extend some twelve levels below the base. Long tunnels are laid out in a pattern similar to the spokes of a wheel and extend several miles from the center of the base.’ Pine Gap Australia


Alien involvement in Australia is similar to that of the USA, Europe and Russia. For some technological rewards and minor co-operation in other areas the ET's conduct their own genetic experimentation and the exploitation of the country is generally totally unhindered by humans. They have a free hand to do what they want as there is no way of stopping them…There are indications that the technical help provided by the two initial contact groups brought about a tremendous leap forward in technology and made the development of SDI a real possibility. In return for our governments giving the groups a free hand to exploit the planet and human race, and as far as possible keep their presence a secret, they would provide the technical know how to prevent further major wars and stop any other interested extraterrestrials from invading the planet. It has been said with some authority that they are the brains behind SDI the extension of which is the HAARP (High Frequency Active Aural Research Programme) system which is aimed at creating an electromagnetic shield around the world to prevent an attack from outer space. This development never had anything to do with the threat from Soviet Russia, in fact the Russians have actively co-operated in the development programme since it's inception.


Power by nuclear sub reactor


Fort Worth explosions


1984-there are some differences, there is an outside, a sun, if colorless, but no sign Big Brother is Watching You because the eye is always watching you and nobody has to watch it because algorithms of computers sift all the data by programmed parameters. There are  cameras to spot the general, there are microchips for the particular. BP, heart rate, brain all monitored for normality. So what are Thought Police in 1984 are much more. “It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time” 3 means et tu. Turning your back to the screen means nothing to internal monitor. Of course the Pyramid of Truth must be introverted, stretching 300 levels below  surface and Newspeak might not be needed because microwave brain manipulation, reading thoughts by satellite was the rule. There is some reason to believe no people were needed at all. “In 2002, the anthropologist John H. Moore estimated that a population of 150–180 would allow normal reproduction for 60 to 80 generations — equivalent to 2000 years.” Space colonization. With in vitriol fertilization and sperm banks sexual reproduction seemed superfluous. Bodies would only be needed to perform menial tasks. Indeed less and less reason to store anything but token populations became more and more appealing of gov science., and there was no other kind. The eggheads who run it denigrate such thinking as dystopian, but we would all be prisoners. Squads with trank darts would patrol random quadrants prior to the Event, to store natives at random, as prisoners, or guinea pigs as needed, the rest be left to melt into stone and dust. Of course there is a selective service draft program based on gene records kept by gov’t of the best and brightest. These were not hard to get hold of or convince to go with their keepers. They considered if a compliment. An infrastructure was put in place to train these from all the faculties, but the programmer foresaw the need to pattern breakers, iconoclasts who however by the nature the beast would not go, so these had to be tranked as well. Literally nothing can be said to the govt or its ministries below. It is presumed you will obey and if not there are levels below where you can be made to. Do not think either of due process or dissidence, except in the class room, for the directorate is divide on whether to allow, foster this in the classes to provoke thought, but these are opposed by agencies of control.




"The Report Concerning the Cave Heavens and Lands of Happiness in Famous Mountains," by Tu Kuang-t'ing, who lived from 850 to 933 A.D.


Arizona Tunnels and Caves

y GRAND CANYON - Cave[s] near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado
rivers. Hopi legends say that their ancestors once lived underground with a friendly race
of "ant people" [not to be confused with the sinister "mantis" people described by several
abductees], but some of their kind turned to sorcery and made an alliance with lizard or
serpent men known as the "two hearts", which dwelt in still deeper caverns below. The
"flood" of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi's to the surface world. An explorer
named G. E. Kincaid claimed to have found "one of" the ancient caves, in which were
reportedly discovered Oriental, Egyptian & Central American type artifacts.
Smithsonian archaeologists S. A. Jordan and associates also explored the man-made
cavern with hundreds of rooms, enough to hold over 50 thousand people. The

underground city is about 42 miles up river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon and Crystal
Creek, and about 2000 feet above the river bed on the east wall. John Rhodes after 3
years of field research reportedly discovered the Grand Canyon city, which is now being
used as a museum for elitist groups and has lower levels that are being used by "super
secret black book operatives", which can only be entered via a stainless steel door at the
bottom of a stairwell deep within the "city" that is "guarded by a very lonely soldier staring
into the darkness... dressed in a white jumpsuit and armed only with an M16 assault rifle
to ward off his imagination."

source: ARIZONA GAZETTE, March 12, 1909 & April 5, 1909; Robert Morning Sky; John Rhodes

21 February 2013

The UG cities are a sham of tyranny and betrayal of every American political principle, that’

S why they are kept secret, or one reason. If known, proportional entrance by the canons of diversity would be de bated. But there will be no black people in the new UG society. It will be as white as the ace of spades, meaning that genocide will be perpetuated by default upon all the ethnic and racial strains of the U>S>. This secret coup detat allows it to happen. While society goes its merry way with the many entertainment sources serving up the many religions, foods, diversions. So yes there is ethnic cleansing underground. Everything else is meant to prevent debate even while those who think they are in the know assume their ticket is good. No only are there no blacks below, there are no ethnic peoples or religions. That leaves the English, again.

All this si deduced from the secret existence of a minimal 129 DUMBs in the U.S. and some 1500 world wide. Who populates those other entities is not clear. Australia’s are operated by the U.S.



John Lear, Grudge 13 does Abductions


Interview w Art Bell: get Osama out of Afghanistan because Osama - as bad as he was - he was shutting down all the heroin poppy fields and was causing a disastrous monetary loss to the illegal drug industry


Yeah! But - well that was just up to 1972 - up until 1972, there was 572 people eliminated from the program because they disagreed wtih the way it was going, but after 1972, they don't kill them anymore.  What they do - I don't know! I have my suspicions - of what they do!

A - Why do you imagine ...

J - Don't bring that into the argument ...

Project Disclosure

Here are the web links that John Lear provided in support of his data:

Entire Grudge 13 report was written as if report was geared toward preparation of defenses

During the late 60's or early 70's, MJ-12 representing the U. S. Government made a deal with those creatures called EBE's (extra-terrestrial biological entities, named by Detlev Bronk, original MJ-12 member and 6th president of Johns Hopkins University).

The "deal" was that in exchange for "technology" that they would provide to us we agreed to "ignore" the abductions that were going on and suppress information on the cattle mutilations. The EBE's assured MJ-12 that the abductions (usually lasting about 2 hours) were merely the ongoing monitoring of developing civilizations.

In fact, the purposes for the abductions turned out to be:

Insertion of a 3 mm spherical device through the nasal cavity of the abductee into the brain. The device is used for the biological monitoring, tracking and control of the abductee.

Implementation of a post hypnotic suggestion to carry out a specific activity during a specific time period, the actuation of which will occur within the next 2 to 5 years.

Termination of some people so that they could function as living sources for biological material and substances.

Termination of individuals who represent a threat to the continuation of their activity.

Effect genetic engineering experiments.

Impregnation of human females and early termination of pregnancies to procure the crossbred infant. During the period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as planned. It became known that many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were listed on the official abduction lists. In addition it became obvious that some, not all, but some of the nation's missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens.

According to some, there was an altercation between the U. S. military and the aliens at the Dulce laboratory. A special armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number of our people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on. According to one source 66 of the soldiers were killed in the effort and our people were not freed.

By 1983 MJ-12 must have been in stark terror at the mistake they had made in dealing with the EBE's. They had subtly influenced, through Dr. Hynek, (formerly with the Blue Book project, who had allegedly broken ties with the Air Force in the late 60's but who in reality continued to be their informant in his cover capacity of Director of the Center for UFO Studies) "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T." (now admitted by some members of MJ-12 to have been a "drastic mistake") to get the public used to "odd looking" aliens that were compassionate, benevolent and very much our "space brothers". MJ-12 had, in effect, "sold" the EBE's to the public, and were now faced with the fact that quite the opposite was true. In addition, a plan had been formulated in 1968 to make the public aware of the existence of aliens on earth over the next 20 years to be culminated with several documentaries to be released during the 1985-1987 period of time.

The EBE's Extraterrestrial Biological Entity claim to have created Christ - which in view of the "Grand Deception" could be on effort to disrupt traditional values for undetermined reasons. [reasons are clear,

Cf. Constantine…Greys. They are definitely cybernetic organisms . They are not a "species" themselves. They work for someone else.



Bill English dictated 2 audio cassettes outlining what he remembered from the Grudge 13 report. These audio cassettes were transcribed into hand written notes by another person. The Information contained therein Indicated what had been suspected all along: that the U.S. Government was Involved In the greatest deception In the history of mankind and that not only did flying saucers exist, but that the government had several in secret storage and had captured at least 3 live aliens.

In Box, diplomatic pouch under lock and key system. Lock had been opened, pouch was easily accessed. Standard diplomatic couriers pouch marked American Embassy Couriers, contained pouch serial number JL327Delta. Inside a publication with red tape which indicated code red security precautions and an Air Force disposition form. Disposition form was standard white page copy, title was ‘Analysis Report’.


Further down was ‘Analyse enclosed report under code red measures, give abstract breakdown and report on validity. Observe all code red measures. Analysis required immediately’.


Underneath were a series of dashes then the letters NDF then another series of dashes. Below that, lower left hand corner were the initials WGB.

Publication was withdrawn from pouch. It measured approximately 8” by 11” with gray cover. Heavily bound, paper back style similar to technical manuals. Across the center front It read, “
Grudge/Blue Book Report No. 13”. It was dated 1953-(1963). In the lower right hand corner was AFSN 2246-3. In upper left hand corner was the word ‘annotated’. Across the front upper right hand corner to lower left hand corner was red tape indicating code red security measures .


YY-II Los Alamos John Lear

Element 116 Uuh Ununhexium-

surely it were better to go to a fema camp then ug

    • quantum technology
    • underground bases

    • A Principle of Recognition
    • It is possible to recognize forms when they are show to us:
    • Beyonce’s dance by Chris Constantine
    • JFk’s assignation
    • DUMBs
    • the Quantum advance of science
    •  it  works by analogies, miller’s analogies, so there are many that don’t have a complement. In lit a dog’s nose and wall socket, in architecture Bilbao Guggenheim and a whale, or Jonah and Jesus, or the Vatican obelisk and the Washington monument capitol
    • The Ishtar gate and Obama’s Denver Acceptance
    • Rihanna getting high with diamonds in the sky.
    • The principle is recognized with two or more figures interact to form a match, like the target zero of auto lock
    • It can work by similitarity or opposite, Hawthorne and Poe


23 February 2013-


Re: Rihanna's MK Ultra programming type

We now refer to it as MK Ultra because of the name of the experiments which sought to create a scientific methodology out of it. In essence, they are a series of spells. Therefore, Marilyn is not the first Mk Ultra'd escort. I'd say the Canaanite women who sold sex to support the temple are some of the first documented examples of what we now see as MK Ultra Sex Slave programming. That's thousands of years ago.

10-18-2012, 03:07 AM

  #106 (permalink)


Nana Peazant

24 February 2013 these links occurred on the youtube side after uploading Ode to Autumn and adding info to it

Web-bot predictor

From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology


Exposing the Matrix, Carlee Janey


ExoVaticana, Tom Horn, L.U.C.I.F.E.R. at Mt Graham, U of Arizona. Honeycomb mirror, Vatican Advance Technology Telescope, of the Max Plank Institute (Nazi arm of Mengele)

Fr. Paul Gabor developing collaborations of Lucifer with U of A.

NASA and Lucifer at Vatican Observatory looking at Nibiru and Nemesis.

Job 26 11-13 destruction of Rehab from which God drove the fugitive snake. Watching it from Mt. Graham. Malachi Martin said this.

Petras Romanus

David Flynn Collection

Raider’s News Update



top Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno stated how contemporary societies may soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.” “Did the Vatican’s top astronomer actually mean to use the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man could soon look to for salvation? This incredible assertion is only topped by what he says next. In quoting John 10:16, which says, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd,” Consolmago writes: “Perhaps it’s not so far-fetched to see the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word, Who was present “In the beginning” (John 1: l), coming to lay down His life and take it up again (John 10: 18) not only as the Son of Man but also as a Child of other races?”

Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race? [This is a Raelean belief]


Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”),


Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.


Monsignor Corrado Balducci—an exorcist, theologian and member of the Vatican Curia (governing body at Rome) and friend of the Pope—who went perhaps furthest, appearing on Italian national television numerous times to state that ETs were not only possible but already interacting with Earth and that the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it…“I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part of God’s glory,


Writing for Newsweek on Thursday, May 15, 2008, in the article “The Vatican and Little Green Men,” Sharon Begley noted…


Consolmagno’s job included reconciling “the wildest reaches of science fiction with the flint-eyed dogma of the Holy See” and that his latest mental meander was about “the Jesus Seed,” described as “a brain-warping theory which speculates that, perhaps, every planet that harbours intelligent, self-aware life may also have had a Christ walk across its methane seas, just as Jesus did here on Earth in Galilee. The salvation of the Betelguesians may have happened simultaneously with the salvation of the Earthlings.”[i][ii][xi]This sounds like a sanctified version of panspermia.


Father Funes, titled, “The Extraterrestrial is My Brother.”… “If other intelligent beings exist, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their Creator.”[iii][iv][xii] extraterrestrial species may exist that is morally superior to men—closer to God than we fallen humans are—and that, as a consequence, they may come here to evangelize us.


Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti—an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome—explains…spiritual aliens,” as every believer in God would, he argues, greet an extraterrestrial civilization as an extraordinary experience and would be inclined to respect the alien and to recognize the common origin of our different species as originating from the same Creator.


Vatican Observatory vice director, Christopher Corbally, in his article “What if There Were Other Inhabited Worlds”… While Christ is the First and the Last Word (the Alpha and the Omega) spoken to humanity, he is not necessarily the only word spoke to the universe… For, the Word spoken to us does not seem to exclude an equivalent “Word” spoken to aliens. They, too, could have had their “Logos-event”. Whatever that event might have been, it does not have to be a repeated death-and-resurrection, if we allow God more imagination than some religious thinkers seem to have had. For God, as omnipotent, is not restricted to one form of language, the human.[v][vi][xvii]

Father Domenico Grasso not only thought such beings would be “far ahead of us in science and related fields,”[vii][viii][ix] but that their version of salvation might be based on a savior other than Jesus…even a messianic member of their own race.



“Are you aware the Vatican owns better than 1/2 of all Radio Telescopes through out the world, including NASA's and The US Governments as well as all other UN Nations?”

The Vatican owns some of the world’s most powerful telescopes and has been exploring the skies since Pope Gregory XIII who had the Tower of the Winds built in the Vatican in 1578 and later called on Jesuit astronomers and mathematicians to study the scientific data and implications involved in the reform of the calendar which occurred in 1582. The picture on the left is one of the world's most powerful telescopes at the Vatican Observatory Research Grou and is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The world's largest optical telescope is owned by the Vatican, who coincidently named it "LUCIFER" which is an acronym for Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.
“With the large light-gathering power of the LBT, astronomers are now able to collect the spectral fingerprints of the faintest and most distant objects in the universe,” said LBT director Richard Green, a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory.
This telescope is located on Mount Graham in southeastern Arizona.



27 February 2013 The book written in 1974 by the priest Don Nello Castello, "CosI parlU Padre Pio" ("Thus Spoke Padre Pio"), says that someone in Padre Pio's confraternity asked him "Father, I thought Earth was nothing compared to the stars and all the other planets", to which Padre Pio replied "Yes, and if we leave the Earth we are nothing. The Lord certainly didn't restrict his glory to this little planet. On other planets, there will be beings without sin.". Many saints believed in extraterrestrial life: Vatican Monsignor


A new interpretation of limited atonement: whether to include Exos or not.

FUNES: I believe no. As a multiplicity of creatures exist on earth, so there could be other beings, also intelligent, created by God. This does not contrast with our faith because we cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God. To say it with Saint Francis, if we consider earthly creatures as “brother” and “sister,” why cannot we also speak of an “extraterrestrial brother?” It would therefore be a part of creation.
LOR: And what about redemption? FUNES: We borrow the gospel image of the lost sheep. The pastor leaves the 99 in the herd for go look for the one that is lost. We think that in this universe there can be 100 sheep, corresponding to diverse forms of creatures. We that belong to the human race could be precisely the lost sheep, sinners who have need of a pastor. God was made man in Jesus to save us. In this way, if other intelligent beings existed, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their Creator. [C. S. Lewis, Perelandra]


Consolmagno hits the theological bull’s-eye: The doctrine of the incarnation could be a starting point for the church to understand the presence of intelligent life (or life forms of any kind) on other planets. - See more at:



n the middle ages, the definition of a soul was to have intelligence, free will, freedom to love and freedom to make decisions, he said. Those characteristics may not be unique to humans. 'Any entity - no matter how many tentacles it has - has a soul,' he added. In practice, machines were unlikely to be smart or human enough to have souls. Read more:
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Funes: "Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God’s creative freedom."


Gary Bates’ book Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection,


Search term-- republish Operation Mind Control:

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1 March 2013

Zephaniah 3:9

King James Version (KJV)

For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

Ps. 14 pure silver words


Request #256817


5 March

“N Korea needs to get right with the world


7Mar the same day holder says yes we will no we won’t drone attack you n. korea says we will nuke you, yup. Lawlessness in the stat


8 March 2013 counterfeit Holy Spirit movement in Rev (27.42in vid)


12 March 2013

“consecration of the whole world through evolutionary transformation and ascent to the Omega point”


“....Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the new spiritual atmosphere created by the appearance of the idea of evolution, there float, in a state of extreme mutual sensitivity, love of God and faith in the world: the two essential components of the Ultra-human.”


Noosphere “moves towards a final total unity of all minds in a “Super-Mind.” “we can all see the fantastic anatomical structure of a vast phylum [social, psychic, informational, etc.] whose branches, instead of diverging as they normally do, are ceaselessly folding in upon one another ever more closely, like some monstrous inflorescence – like, indeed, an enormous flower folding-in upon itself; the literally global physiology of an organism in which production, nutrition, the machine, research, and the legacy of heredity are, beyond any doubt, building to planetary dimensions.

He soundslike JohnRuskin, sodisappointed on his weddingnight that he could never tourch a woman again, except Teilhard is embarrassed by conception and birth, the awfulness of it, the flesh of it, the joy, feel,


13 March 2013

The level of anestheticide they are spraying must be grater than usual, people sleeping, listening to the make up news, the pseudo news projected from the dome into the dome while the skies are screaming and the rocks are weeping, the oceans/ I walk on the pavement in the suny afternoon. The irreality of it is so great, like having tear before a tsumani. Whells within wheels.


“the psychosis present in many of the citizens as a result of living in the 'shelter state' (an earlier reference to the "Corridor Riots of 1993" indicates that this is not the first time violence has burst out among the buried cities) During the riot, Agronski dies as a result of being stung by one or more genetically modified honeybees.” Summary of Part II, A Case of Conscience


14 March 2013


Sun images on high above the altar of Baalim

What made the Baal so attractive to so many kings? Must be a drug.


Amos 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

The pagan association of the obelisk was something well understood by the church. The Jesuit scholar, Athanasius Kircher in his book Obeliscus Pamphilius, published in 1650, gives an account of the ancient views of the obelisk as the digitus solis, or "finger of the sun".

Pope Sixtus V (1585 - 1590) had the Egyptian obelisks erected all over Rome, as Counter-Reformation monuments.

The word matstsebah in Hebrew means standing images or obelisk and it can be found in many places of the Bible. Here is Strong's definition of the Hebrew word matstsebah-

H4676. matstsebah, mats-tsay-baw'; fem. (causat.) part. of H5324; something stationed, i.e. a column or (memorial stone); by anal. an idol:--garrison, (standing) image, pillar.

In the following verses matstsebah has been translated as image(s)-

Exo 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.

Exo 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:

Lev 26:1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.

Deu 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Deu 12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

1 Ki 14:23 For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree.

2 Ki 3:2 And he wrought evil in the sight of the LORD; but not like his father, and like his mother: for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made.

2 Ki 10:26 And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them.

2 Ki 10:27 And they brake down the image of Baal, and brake down the house of Baal, and made it a draught house unto this day.

2 Chr 14:3 For he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the high places, and brake down the images, and cut down the groves:

2 Chr 31:1 Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present went out to the cities of Judah, and brake the images in pieces, and cut down the groves, and threw down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.

Jer 43:13 He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire.

Micah 5:13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.

Another Hebrew word is also used for "sun images" or obelisks, the word chamman. Again, here is the Strong's definition-

H2553. chamman, kham-mawn'; from H2535; a sun-pillar:--idol, image.

Chamman is also translated as simply image(s) in the King James:

Isa 17:8 And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect that which his fingers have made, either the groves, or the images.

Isa 27:9 By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up.

2 Chr 34:4 And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that were on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust of them, and strowed it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

15 March 2013

It is all very much about the feet of Jesus. All things under his feet, crowned with glory and honor, that is how Ps. 8 is messianic. These were the feet anointed with lavender, these the feet washed

17 March 2013

Andrew is here to earn money for a concert, but Sabrina stayed home sick. He is excavating the side garden for Pat. To dump the dirt on berms around the house I pick up a black bag with leaves with a little tortoise under it hiberenating. I put it under the bench but in looking for a bag to put over it went back to the first which I put in the mulch pile. It was a bag inside a bag so to halve it I tore it open…and found Tracey on her side inside! Hadn’t been able to find her all winter.

18 March 2013

Two things,


 light blue mediumblue background with the marooned lily plus a dark gold in the figures!


Another brown, manilla, temuku, maybe ohare figures walking across a white canvas


Here’s another. All, All human culture is infected with corruption of the adversary. It’s what they have in common. All!

In Rev 19 the Jewish Marriage custom is instituted, He leaves his Father’s house to seek her, he arranges and pays the dowry. He goes back to his Father’s house to prepare it for her, she prepares herself for the wedding. At the wedding supper bad and good with a wedding garment attend. At another feast after, for all the rest, the birds feast. Like the poem… Noah’s Ark


19 March 2013


When Joan Baez sings, all the descendants of Abaham lay down their swords in Jerusalem, the mid east is not about the Israelis and the Arabs, it is both against Babylon


In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a "control system." UFOs and related phenomena are "the means through which man's concepts are being rearranged."


20 March 2013

From 8/21/10 Ceramics: 


So it was out of this thought I considered her, for her father died when she was twelve or so, she would work with him in his workshop , he a carpenter and she loved him, him and only him, but his death then, with his insides so old they were twice the age of thirty nine, and the dismay of the news her mother gave that he was a philanderer, what the hey, all together broke her heart in that unregenerate, denying way of things, so she was never able to settle her affections on another, the great all consuming love, like Yeats in that. He never settled in his passion on another, always kept it it in. But she was made prey by this to all the men, the grad student from texas, ed aghib, bill hollis too maybe, and myself of course who insisted we be married, although she feared it with every thought and rightly so, being rh negative, not impossibly, but producing at least two miscarriages in our time together, married in the white church on the hill in red bank, not planning any part of it beyond that,  happening later that night to a romany bistro where we ate, then began the trials of negligee and marriage that she feared, but could not say no to, the passion confronted in him she thought maybe it could fulfill her too, for she longed for that, to feel the security of her father’s love, which she had lost. So it went until


26 March 2013

Words for Sons. This is how he teaches our hands to war and our fingers to do battle.

Passover began yesterday, Monday. On Sunday we purpose to give funds to clinic and Mennonites.  That night watched Rev 20, the two resurrections. Monday morning sent four explicit praises to Orion H. Still did not know it was Passover. Praying in the Spirit on the way to the club I was praying about Egypt, the escape, Pharoh, matters too far to utter, which I usually can’t remember except Mon night a TV rabbi spoke of the Passover, how the family each one killed the lamb, how they ate it  All, how they participated in the 10 plagues of Egypt until the last escape by Crossing, all this analogue to ourselves, marking our doorposts, garnishing our robes about us now, eating bread with the shoes on our feet and holding our staffs in our hands. I ate a matzah.


1 April 2013

Doorway anointed for Obama to pass through on his way to the platform to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States on January 20.


The only way Descartes and John Dee are associated is in Famous Figurines

Opera, Dr. Dee


John Dee turns out to have had a makeover of the hugest kind. The Joh Dee society and countless books and internets reamblers. The point would be to be fair to a man not to be selective in his judgment making him holy or not. Dee to his embarassemnt kept meticulous diaries of everything the Society would not like to know, his magic, his “revelations” the menstruation of his wife, here trysts with Kelley. He is a lesson in demoing your work before you die. He had no Tatham like Blake to burn it for him. Micelangelo burned his, but Dee’s got kept. This compromises his traditions of master in math and magic, as if suggesting he was a lost pill.


Bacon was an early student of Dee says Peter Dawkins. Modern precursor of wife swapping. They call him an astronomer, but he was an astrologer, who talked to angels, he thought, the Enochian, scrying mirror like the Hubble space telescope! His operatics say, he was a good guy, who got demonized…like Martin Rees! Fog, smoke, knowledge, on Dee’s influence with Elizabeth it was because the designed her title deed to the new world, serving forgeries against Spanish rivals, Dee also forged the Northwest Passage along with “codebreaking” (out of Trithemius) as if he were MI5 and James Bond 007, he found the wood for English ships ten years before the Armada! The neoplatonic drive for moral perfection, hear them equivocate that one. Moral perfection scares them to death. Opera Damon Albarn, John Dee Pivotal figure in Britain of magic and science. He drew the chart for Elizaeth’s coronation. Model for Prospero, Faust! All puffery. Tlhe scandalous stories of wife swapping are the only true thing.

Bacon and Dee

The wildly various points of view on Dee stem more from a desire to rehab the occult he practice as do they, as if he had he empire of Ron Hubbard behind him. “Holyness, phoniness, feeblemindedness’ (E. M. Butler) That these “investigations” always revolve around sex is its own tale as much as Osirus and Isis (So he is praised as a scientist, savior of the fleet, and his cuckoldry is a mere scandalous story, his northwest passage, title deed to the new world not mentioned any more than the mumbo jumbo of his True Relation of which Lewis says: “for the tragic-comical human story in his True Relation has to be picked out from reams of stuff as fatuous as is reported from any modern séance.” 12 If only Mr. Lewis had lived to the internet age he could have learned how Dee then “began to write truly remarkable, albeit sublime, works that he maintained were the product of angels who spoke in language known as Enochian.” Andrew Gough That Lewis thinks these “reams of stuff fatuous.” Nobody seems to credit Dee’s Kelley’s ghost Madimi, who showed “herself all naked” (who like Dee also has her own, Bruce Wolosoff’s, opera) who Kelley said dictated this stuff off a wejee. It appears that Yeats to some extent, as well as Crowley, followed mixed species of interrogation, their wives in place of Dee’s Kelley. See Yeats and Baal. Dee kept meticulous records of Jane’s trysts with Kelley in his Dairies and Yeats was forever writing down every word of their apocalypse in place of intercourse that his Georgie really desired. Georgie it is thought used these sessions to get Yeats love, and Kelley no doubt had the same desire. Gough calls this the Apocalypse Working, taken up later by Crowley and of course Hubbard and Jack Parsons…summoning the Archons, the Babylon Working they say, as if the Apocalpyse needed to be provoked to come in its time. Will it out? It will out! But it was not to any of those that He gave the power to become the sons of God Which is not to say Dee didn’t translate Trithemius or preface Euclid, among science worshippers no one is more exalted than the pure dee mathematician who led them all to the Stargates! Holy cow. People will line up. The witch will Robert Hardy illuminate you about Dee

 Arthur's imperial conquests to argue that Arthur had established a 'British empire' abroad.[37] He further argued that England exploit new lands through colonisation and that this vision could become reality through maritime supremacy.[38][39] Dee has been credited with the coining of the term British Empire,[40] however, Humphrey Llwyd has also been credited with the first use of the term in his Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum, published eight years earlier in 1568.[41]

Dee posited a formal claim to North America on the back of a map drawn in 1577–80;[42] he noted Circa 1494 Mr Robert Thorn his father, and Mr Eliot of Bristow, discovered Newfound Land.[43] In his Title Royal of 1580, he invented the claim that Madog ab Owain Gwynedd had discovered America, with the intention of ensuring that England's claim to the New World was stronger than that of Spain.[44] He further asserted that Brutus of Britain and King Arthur as well as Madog had conquered lands in the Americas and therefore their heir Elizabeth I of England had a priority claim there.[45][46]


His work is a farrago of true and false which his friends in the new age make over into his lauds, but he lacked discrimination of the true from the false in his northwest passage and british empire, not to speak of his continual search to know the occult. He could cast a chart, but who couldn’t. He had some powerful friends, but that is the nature of the occult politics, for such people as heads of state seek to know the results of their actions which lack integrity in themselves. Since they have doubt about their choices they seem to shore them up with certainty such as astrologers and self help gurus provide. Dee was as unable to tell the true from the false as Jimmy Swaggart visting  prostitutes sat night before church. Dee took a counterfeiter as his Virgil to the otherworld, and got thoroughly scammed, even gave him his wife to bed and raised Kelly’s child by her as his own. This is not the high sounding horn, but a hoot. A hired gun really who fueled political intrique at count in high society by feeding prejudice with high sounding rhetoric. If his admirers see this kind of self sereving rhetoric in those they despise they call it character assignation, as Dee did the Spanish title to the new world. As if reading Kierkgaard one could excerpt passages that prove him to be…just whatever you want, so why not have King Arthur establish a British Empire because one spurious Geoffrey of Monmouth says he took Ireland, certainly that justifies taking India, the English are long infected with empire, Madog of Wales, Arthur, Brutus all took lands in the new world so the Queen’s foot was in the door. Instead of lauding Dee’s prowess at chiromancy one should look at the flood of British empire over the earth and think about the brutes of Rome in this day, Obama’s drones.


When researching Restorations of the Golden Age in New World Discoveries my efforts found themselves in the British Museum holding in my hands the title deed John Dee designed for Queen Elizabeth for the new world. At that time I felt sorry for Dee because he lost his books, his estate and wandered Europe as if he had no ability to make his own home. Of course he rather forfeited that by giving his wife to Kelley. Now I feel sorry for him because he spoke the language of piety he bypassed that on the continent when it was readily available among the Mennonists and early pietists and took up magic among the rich and powerful. The truth he traded for the false as a life, but worse, he needed Kelley just because he could not fathom the spirit himself, therefore bought not just spurious spirit of Kelley, but lost it himself, for he could have had in the other, the true way as a gift. But he could not have sold it or merchandised it for power, however he would have had it. And if you know the power of God and the Holy Spirit what matter these lesser?

John Dee, Britannia online


Elias Ashmole, Dee and Osirus Bacon and Dee

CERN and Dee


As an early believer in the new world order fables of  alchemical man

Francis Yates in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment suggests that," in Bacon's writings there is nowhere to be found any mention of Dee…




I was first attracted to allegory college, Fletcher, whoever, as if it were romance to woo another under the guise of this. What the imagination is preoccupies media, medicine and art as if it were not known. If only you could teach it!  That must be why the Renaissance so attracted me, It’s all been about the imagination for me, which I never consciously knew, and only know now is some practical seizings of the moment and with repetition have a method, not that I can say what it is, or if I did would be embarrassed and disgraced. One thing I ever knew and that has not changed, anything about the universe and all that entails. I seem to have though a naïve fact of faith, or belief, that can apprehend its object and does so without wondering why or how or ho or what, just goes ahead again naively and does d not seem to need to explain itself to itself, like  current in a river or a stream or a bird. Like go to sleep, wake up, and type. I would be at a loss if to do I’d first have to know what to do, to plan. But if it is enough to just do, with no plan, then I can proceed. It’s easy to see that in the first an middle stages of this it is a fruitless gesture, unknowing, unconscious, for only when conscious can it be worked and it is only conscious after the many repetitions, not that it knows  aught then, but there is something then to do, to edit I suppose, to meditate, to stew,. So the ability to recognize the thing before your eyes, when it is birthed, is that a consciousness? If so then I am conscious. There are drawbacks to this, especially the length of time it takes, because having no purpose, no goal, you don’t know when it is reached, when finished. You can keep working however as long as the medium is plastic and malleable, which words always are before final publication, even then they are often revised. Clay remains malleable for a short time, days, then it is hard. So with writing 20 years seems an average case to figure out what a piece is about and 40 maybe many pieces together to make a book. And of course one can then extrapolate from this known, even if it is self invented,  or generalize to some greater whole, that is , make a kind of rule out of it, that this is a principle, that this works, or at least has. So when forming these things whether in words or clay, the two ways must omniscient to me, the doubt always arises, is this the time when you are defeated, when the method of not knowing ceases to work? But always out that comes the solution, not a solution really, not an answer, either, but a way is found, through faith, and it somehow works out. By faith the worlds were framed by the word of God the Testament says, by father Abraham believed the impossible and acted as if it were true. That means he fathered a son and that Sarah’s womb received his seed as if it too were fertile. Believe a thing is so and  mountains move is not a cogent or acceptable way. Believe you walk on water and it is so. All things are possible to him that believe. This just doesn’t sound plausible, any more than that other that says to as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his Name. I’m saying here that if I read these words I would quarrel with them and say, not just anything can be believed in. The object of belief must be veracious, living, real empowering. I say I would quarrel like that and conduct an inquisition with my friend to see if his object met the standard of my tests, which is absurd because as you know I already said, have admitted that I know nothing of itself and only intuit after the fact of doing any knowing. So my friend would be answering for his conduct to a riddle, somebody who knows nothing except what is done. So in another way all those who seek power by formula, whether scientific, laboratory, magic ritual, divination, drugs, I eschew them all, not that I never tried any, but they didn’t work, or I met my end in them, unlike the method above where it somehow works out—or I die. Dying is the end of it all for the one who comes up against the greater, even lesser, powers, unless his call of faith, upon the Name, the hope is clear. Now save me!


It’s all been about the imagination for me, which I never consciously knew, and only know now is some practical seizings of the moment and with repetition have a method, not that I can say what it is, or if I did would be embarrassed and disgraced. One thing I ever knew and that has not changed, anything about the universe and all that entails. I seem to have though a naïve fact of faith, or belief, that can apprehend its object and does so without wondering why or how or ho or what, just goes ahead again naively and does d not seem to need to explain itself to itself, like  current in a river or a stream or a bird. I would be at a loss if to do I’d first have to know what to do, to plan. But if it is enough to just do, with no plan, then I can proceed. It’s easy to see that in the first an middle stages of this it is a fruitless gesture, unknowing, unconscious, for only when conscious can it be worked and it is only conscious after the many repetitions, not that it knows  aught then, but there is something then to do, to edit I suppose, to meditate, to stew,. So the ability to recognize the thing before your eyes, when it is birthed, is that a consciousness? If so then I am conscious. And of course one can then extrapolate from this known, even if it is self invented,  or generalize to some greater whole, that is , make a kind of rule out of it, that this is a principle, that this works, or at least has. So when forming these things whether in words or clay, the two ways must omniscient to me, the doubt always arises, is this the time when you are defeated, when the method of not knowing ceases to work? But always out that comes the solution, not a solution really, not an answer, either, but a way is found, through faith, and it somehow works out. By faith the worlds were framed by the word of God the Testament says, by father Abraham believed the impossible and acted as if it were true. That means he fathered a son and that Sarah’s womb received his seed as if it too were fertile. Believe a thing is so and  mountains move is not a cogent or acceptable way. Believe you walk on water and it is so. All things are possible to him that believe. This just doesn’t sound plausible, any more than that other that says to as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believe on his Name. I’m saying here that if I read these words I would quarrel with them and say, not just anything can be believed in. The object of belief must be veracious, living, real empowering. I say I would quarrel like that and conduct an inquisition with my friend to see if his object met the standard of my tests, which is absurd because as you know I already said, have admitted that I know nothing of itself and only intuit after the fact of doing any knowing. So my friend would be answering for his conduct to a riddle, somebody who knows nothing except what is done. So in another way all those who seek power by formula, whether scientific, laboratory, magic ritual, divination, drugs, I eschew them all, not that I never tried any, but they didn’t work, or I met my end in them, unlike the method above where it somehow works out—or I die. Dying is the end of it all for the one who comes up against the greater, even lesser, powers, unless his call of faith, upon the Name, the hope is clear. Now save me!


15 June 2013


“From Lyndsay’s I gather much that has made it, for me, worth reading. I learn (in answer to a question often raised) that our first parents loved par amors in Eden, delighting in each utheris bodies soft and quhyte, and no wonder, says the poet, consyderying thare gret bewete; that in the antediluvian world


The watter was so strang and yne

They wald nocht laubour to mak wyne;


That the Mediterranean and all other inland seas are relics of the flood; and that when the building of the tower of Babel was abandoned the schaddow of that hidduous strength was already six miles long.” Lewis, Sixteenth Century, 104.


17 June 2013

It takes an overweeing to  edit the text after the fact, even centuries, millennia. Who would bother, only those who have some apriori the text does not fulfill, therefore the text must be wrong, not themselves. One favorite of intellectuals is finding the true Jesus. Jefferson was so overcome with this he published his own edition, leaving out what he felt was curious. He did not so edit his personal life. For such critics life is seperate from the mind. Do they sometimes call this the Faustian split? Newton caught this too. He wanted to correct the Trinity by discrediting the”false texts” which he considered to be fabrications of Jerome. So “Newton followed a recognized source for a while and then leaped far beyond the authority on whom he was relying, often proceeding to extremes which would hav been summarily rejected” ( Manuel, Isaac Newton, Historian, 157). Even the lowly John Foxe of Foxes Book of Martyrs was not immune. After two hundred fifty years,  “the nineteenth-century tradition represents Foxe as an unscrupulous propagandist who records what he knows to be false, surpresses what he knows to be true, and claims to have seen documents he has not seen” (Lewis, 16th Century, 299). All of which revisions were later disproven (299-300)..

These overweening Jeffersonian Newtoning ego men are fun because we know them and enjoy their company, but don’t take it seriously. Their lesser editors themselves think editors wrote the Bible, indeed wrote all of Plato and most noteworthies, and this from evidence they concoct from their own isotopes of literature, who “attribute to rhythm, and indeed to style in general, more than its due” (16th Century, 214).


23 July 2013 Fait Accompli

It is certainly too much to ask that anybody believe public events are being staged for effect when one hardly believes  commercials are. To cite such unsavory sources as must be done to evidence this, as below, is only necessary because careerists in the news and public thought would find themselves marginalized if they said so. That iridescent shine in the eye of the model who takes the drug is not sincere. It is airbrushed. The events are staged so much we read them as real, having lost their opposites in the maze. So easily manipulated are staged moments we hardly believe the greater events are made in order to manipulate reactions of sympathy or anger, to manipulate minds of the masses in the greater whole. That the greater whole still needs manipulating is a comfort. The job is not complete. It’s end however is dark.

Now and then a clue comes either because for that moment we have been thrown out of the circle of expectation by some chance event, or maybe the mind skips and we see a thing differently if just for a second. That moment could have occurred in the latest of President Obama’s speeches in Denver, this time in his moving presidential and spiritual speech “to comfort the victims of the latest mass shooting,”  a model of intelligent and sympathetic mirroring of the moment, well worth seeing again, perfect in its appeal to very quietly, “do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country.” The smallest things however tip the hat if we attend, in this case the length of time he kept those two fingers against his neck, showing how pressure was applied to the gunshot wound by that girl’s friend to save her life. He kept his fingers there a full 45 seconds, so long it was startling when he finally took them away.

Each person must have a take on staging that depends on their own time, place, mood and perception, and if they were to offer their insight would have it rejected by their fellows, who however have their own, which would be equally rejected. So the placing of the two fingers against his neck as a tell suggesting that the whole speech was staged, not impromptu at all, would be universally disputed as arbitrary.

This compartmentalization, walling off the sense from the intellect because the conclusion is too too horrible, that in this case if the speech were staged then was the whole event too? What greater subtexts that question hides were better forever lost to consciousness: “I hope that over the next several days, next several weeks and next several months we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country.” If the simple detail of fingers against a neck questions it is important to realize the impossibility of bringing railing accusations against higher powers. Indeed, Michael could not bring one in his own name against the covering cherub, but still the little detail opens the eye.

Compartmentalization must wall off the sense from the intellect because the conclusion is too too horrible, utterly unthinkable. Unthinkable, its outcome must be isolated and rejected, never to be asked why, and if so, what? Chris Hedges calls moral compartmentalization Goldman Sachs’ worship of death.  He adds further unthinkable thoughts that  all institutions are inherently demonic. Such charges are countered easily in the public eye by the families of Goldman Sachs with their good deeds and patriotic shibboleths. Hedges likewise cites the purpose of the passage of NAFTA being to dispossess three million small Central American farmers of their land for agribusiness, and then to remarket their loss by attracting them to Florida and California to pick crops, bent over, irradiated, toxified by sprays and left broken and incompetent at 40 while liberals bemoan immigration policies in Scarsdale which are turned further to the advantage of Goldman futures in unspeakable speculations. We call this a win win win situation for agriculture, investments and politics. We call these situations fait accompli.

Thus is argued here that history is an engineering project in all its stages, early drafted plans, cost analysis, competitive bids, deadlines, completion and marketing the finished project. If we call it a Trojan Horse with likenesses from images in classical and modern literature and art, that is merely for  relief and because it is a fiat. There are so many of them we have begun to count, not that it matters for you, since you will have your own.

25 July 2012


So Aeyrie and I on the road @ 5.30 AM set out early to Tuba City to visit Andrew Reiff in Flag, taking the long way, maybe do a little rug thing, when we got this call just about when we entered Flag that the office was flooded (again!) so we turned round, headed back down the mountain, the worst part being not knowing, driving 100, but made it finally to a pipe fitting and its connection showering the place and flooding (4 rooms...not! Instead we canceled the Flag-Tuba event and went straight there @ 5:30 to do the roof and found the same flood water babbling out the front door. All fixed by 11:30. Fans, wet vac, towels, dry wall gutted, pipe refitted. Best birthday!



22 July Went to Boots Memorial after church. It rained an inch in an hour. Talked to John on the porch


5 Sept 2013

I have this ongoing series of visits in dreams with John Cullen that have gone on for years and years. Like the relation of philsophers or poets or scholars we talk but also share mutual concrns


4 Dec 2013

The religion of Charlie rose via plotkim zen Judah


5 December 2013 I grew up among proles, with basketball games in the Hill district, the gym lined on both sides with black people I scored the first points in that game, we took a good team but no way we were going to win. The scorers table saw to that. No prob, lots of fun. All the familes in our small town were escaped proles, into and beyond the mid class, but all their connections were back in McKees Rocks, Oakland, or where I went fishing with a friend from Poland. So there were lots of contacts with the Pirates, all Pittsburgh prole studs, and I hung in college with proles from Manyunk, went to Catholic dances at St. Denis Friday nights in Phila.,  was friends later with more escaped proles, Scaffario, McGuire, but not much with the anglos. One time we took an all star team to Cleveland from Pgh in the back of a uhaul truck, stayed there in a garage, but that was to Shaker Heights, unprole. It was all prole out door, cave explorations, Schoolhouse Cave, Delaney’s cave, canoeing down the upper Susqhehenna, Alleghany rivers, county fairs, and especially walks alone among the slag piles of stipmining remains. We lived literally a stone throw from a railroad, two tracks, going and coming from the rail yard a few miles off. Coming out of the yard, accelerating, the engines gave off immense black soot and smoke before the smoke laws in 1947, when we moved there. There was a creek, Chartiers right next to parts of the railroad that was up on an incline from it but trains had rolled down the hill into the creek and the cars and large cubes of scrap metal were still there. I walked these tracks with a .22 rifle shooting out insulators on electric lines.The little country school playground was shared with the remains of an oil well, the derrick, the platforms, oil soaked beams, spillages. When it went off the gusher hit the schoolhouse window. These hills were a little steep, up from the creek, up to the rails, then up the hills, way up to the school, then up further from there. The fires those trains sometimes set would flare high up over the trees. In winter we could walk all the way to the top of that town and sled all the way down to the tracks, over the bridge to the trolley, and down to the golf course surrounded by dikes to keep the creek out during the flood. European immigrants were proles, blacks lived in settlements set off by themselves. They went to Langely h.s. we went to Crafton, but downtown Pittsburgh was never far and no money needed except for pinball, hitch down and back.


23 Dec 13

Pat got two scholarships to college, the Principal’s Award National Honor Society one for the highest combined scores in math and English in San Antonio and one for being in Engineering. Was enrolled in engineering Science with 18 hours, plus band, got assigned to Plan II English because it was all that fit her schedule and it was this slender thread that put her in my arms. She lasted in engineering one more semester, Fall, 69. I of course was the instructor because Roseann Potter, another grad student but involved in administration, liked me and put me down for the class. There were 600 TAs in English to choose from. In those days UT was not called the elite it is now from Dell being in Austin, although classics made it the Athens of Texas. Imagine. People asked me if I was taking a gun. Look out for snakes, they said.  I settled outside town on Spicewood Spgs on a sheep ranch, venue familiar from all the outdoors of Pgh. I knew about snakes, but only applied to UT because it was cheap, ie. No application fee. Preferred it to U of Wisconsin at Madison though, also a possibility, but not U of Chicago or Johns Hopkins. At least they showed good sense. At Iowa though I got the better and the best.


 Having finished Road Notes and reread to some extent its three incoherent precursors, but seeking a voice to tell a story, I know not what, except loving the lyric, and reading the Elizabethans of 1580 and 1590 against all counsel and reason preoccupied my desire, from which I admit I learned very little and absorbed less, except maybe some the spirit of prose audacity of Kyd’s Geronimo, Marlow, Donne, euphuisms, Spenser, intrigues, Raleigh, in ferment with backward asides into Grammars and propagandists, Martin Marprelate, Henry Peachum. preceded byC. S. Lewis but more the Bible, Bill Ingram, the Faerie Queene, the Testaments, Knox, Tyndale, Puritans in Prison, the Coverdale versions, the bishops at bowls. Shakespeare was not really at the center of it as much as could be wished, but the propaganda of the extreme romance in the Bower of Bliss and Cervantes, so lyricism ended in absurdity, complaint and wrestling of Donne against death, Milton’s Lost Paradise, Traherene’s songs of wheat. I still care as deeply and as fully about whatever caused this as then, more, more with others like Blake and Wordsworth and Yeats and the list goes ever forward on.

 The message of these words is conveyed in tones and voice, all sounds, music, but the depth of meaning has been severed, as for example In the imagination of Sarah Weddington the baby died, followed by the news that that baby’s still alive in her imagination, which irony is severed. There is no irony, wit or nuance in this there is only sensationalism to evoke outraged feelings. These are then rhetorically directed. There is no individual thought in   “a world where nearly everything that passes for art is tinny and commercial and often, in addition, hollow and academic (Moral Fiction, 5).    Musician Bob Dylan condemned the practice, saying: "You listen to these modern records, they're atrocious, they have sound all over them. There's no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, just like—static." Loudness War, Brick Wall. Mothers are powerless against the corporate forces of addiction in thesecommercials that destroy their children. 85% of rural El Salvador children have Black rotting teeth down to the roots from Coke, Pepsi, Fritos in the last 30 years.All the children came forward with a surprise in a bag, a bow, of which the preacher said, holding it up and drawing the string at the ceiling,  if God breaks his promise we can shoot him in the heart with this bow! The substance of this meaning is like the bread of life projected on the screen as a loaf of Safeway bread, mass produced, puffed tasteless so even the symbol is gone, for this is the bread of death. If water is acid and bread poison, wine must be fire, not blood and air toxic in earth.

 Flann O'Brien's Third Policeman ch. 3, walks on the road, his soul offering names, which reminds me of the high pitched songs that came down from the mountain that foggy morning before burn off. But the meditation of Judah’s wound last night and the compress, the poultice of the healing blood placed upon his blood is the rescue. It connects to all the organs, the code of the whole in each cell, the brain, the nerves, the gates to the brain, so glorious.

Russian Futurists, Natalia Goncharova, Alexei Kruchenykh Penn Sound Readings in Russian and English, Steve McCaffery, Christian Bok, Grain Boundaries.


“The Sandy Hook tragedy was on a far larger scale than the past year’s numerous slaughters, including the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting and the Batman theater shooting in Colorado. It also included glaringly illogical exercises and contradictory pronouncements by authorities alongside remarkably unusual evidentiary fissures indistinguishable by an American political imagination cultivated to believe that the corporate, government and military’s sophisticated system of organized crime is largely confined to Hollywood-style story lines while really existing malfeasance and crises are without exception returned to normalcy.” Memory Hole,  The Sandy Hook Massacre, James Tracy

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...