Thursday, November 23, 2017

Defense Against Faergrygrum

Defense Against Faergrygrum

Faergrygrum is not only the reign of terror that Yahoo and Drudge boost from their headlines every day of America's mass shootings put up jobs that never end, (Lisa Belkin 14 Dec 17), with maps and narrative of their 92 and counting shootings. The reign of terror in this week's Faergrygrum is just the bottom rung. Faergrygrum is a mischwesen of high order.

White socks is a symbol of their innocence. Trade in Body parts is one part in the mix of truth and fantasy to review , cited at the end. What is the meaning of fairy tales, Eating disorder/ Sublimated erosis? ha.The professor’s name is Fairy Tale to show that tales consume children with the fallen. Hey, the fallen run the world! Why do you link in the original English faer means to fear? We however are supposed to call that good even while they are eating. In the old language it means an awful horror headlong sudden fall, beset by dangers, sudden seizure, apoplexy, pestilence, sudden cold, sudden death. Faergrygrum is the rule of these. In other words using Higher Ed Stanford/Harvard to do it and convince the children they are something special to make them slaves, Hansel and Gretel are emblems in this case of the poverty home prerepackaged in their education at the univ where they are completely consumed. The bait consists of the ornate promises of the digital life they lead, cake roofs, gold grapefruits, right NOW, the way all nature is corrupted, falsified by its bowers of bliss, instantaneous gratification, lack of ownerships in reality, self driving cars, but the villain consumes them with false ideas of the world and life even while it convinces them they are superior to it all. They go in but none come out! Victim consciousness, flora of the golden age, masks. Heorot is the Cake House torn apart. I say we have no kinship with this darkness, with its giants, ogres and fairies except to kill them. faer- gryrum (against the inroads of Grendel into Heorot)

This materially effects genetic damage nephilim did to humans that left Noah the only human DNA. Today's pack of nephilim attack at Fukushima and cell wave tower in schools, 5G  coming to irradiate so that 60 years from inception only one in eight child will be born undamaged [unless superceded by the 4200 SpaceX satellites removing all these electronics to space, which brings even greater spoil]. The greatest danger is to the eggs in the female when she is in her mother's womb, hence to the grandchildren of that family, whose DNA will be forever and indelibly changed.

“God’s first victory, presumably, was a victory over chaos (so as both Christian and Northern tradition would have it), but he soon won another which caused Grendel’s sorrow. When Cain murdered Abel, “feuding” with God and setting off the long war of God and the monsters, Grendel won exile and darkness for all his line. In his comment “he him thaes lean forgeald,” (114b) the poet ironically contrasts the reward of the kind Scyld got for his worthy deeds and the grim reward God gave Cain for what was, in effect, his wicked perversion of arma.[courage]”…eternal exile for Cain and his line. Gardner 68


18 FirstNet The urgency to install 5G is first to establish ist responder 5G secure com network. Secure meaning it cannot be monitored by civilians as present 911, fire dept police calls. No doubt expanded to medical…That is, the gov’t gets more private as the civilian become only public. Mrcati  ATT and govtybisque, public monitor of 911, fire dept, police scanner prevented by this network

--Thornburg coal.  the pervasivendss of soft coal mining on every aspect of life is a sample of the 4G 5G Spacex, Intel, Microost, “savior of the world” meaning its pollution


Isa 24.21 in that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below.
Jer 46.25: "I am about to bring punishment on Amon god of Thebes, on Pharaoh, on Egypt and her gods and her kings, and on those who rely on Pharaoh.
Zeph 2.11, The LORD will be awesome to them when he destroys all the gods of the land. The nations on every shore will worship him, every one in its own land
The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.
Psalm 78.49 He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.
Isa 14.29 Do not rejoice, all you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken; from the root of that snake will spring up a viper, its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent.

Apocryphal Texts and Traditions in Anglo-Saxon England

Sword that slays Grendel's mother is "the work of giants" (Beowulf 107f, 1258f)
made by Tubal-Cain from instruction by nephilim
2 enochs skiba
Dallas airport is secret base; Orlando too; Miami of the 200 million--
figure of Noah clinging to a horse between two pillars--"China Lake Naval Weapons Center"--Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer. 



-Constance E. Gane’s 2012 AD dissertation “Composite Beings in Neo-Babylonian Art”: apkallu and the genius in human form, as well as creatures based on bulls, lions, canines, winged quadrupeds, fish, birds, scorpions, and snakes. Where do all these instant ancient scholars come from so easily in America, what can they know all hot house language and thought and they breed each other…for all the vaunted cosmic significance all the images are creatres of earth, fish, lion, bird, not cosmic at all except for the overlay.Watanabe observes that the names of animals mentioned in ancient texts generally carry meaning beyond references to the natural creatures themselves…Each composite creature is derived from two or more species, with each animal part embodying a concept associated with the given animal’s natural behavior.” Samizdat-gane

Mischwesen -composite late neo babylonigan creatures, easily taken as result of Enoch genetic tamperers, curse of the earth, cf. Pember’s animals.

All secret labs  under Beltway and elsewhere must seek apkallu, eph DNA, which they hope to reconstitute with the woolly mammoth, but they really want samples of angel sperm, annunki so called, but then DNA and sperm wats the diff, except who makes angel sperm but angels themselves, and since they must be able to adapt their bodies in physical form to accommodate their sex wih a woman, so she can give birth, that is, angels make themselves to found their own hybrid race, which of course is the world order, infiltrated by the Reversal. But compare T.H. White’s bestiary with these mischwesens and Enoch’s condemnation, and Maimonimerkabahdies, and Pember. Also note that as glorious as Babylon was it was disproven by Daniel!

Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography, by Wayne Horowitz (1998; rev. 2011), has informed the present study, especially with regard to the “Babylonian Map of the World

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...