Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Impersonating The Temple, the Church and the Nation Israel

If you want to know how to judge all the inclusive goods and evils in every church from the start, here it is. The churches are a collection of wheat and tares, the First and only church.The Israel that the Savior was born into was the one that had assumed all the habits of Babylon from captivity to the point that it could no longer say the name of the Father but spoke in circumlocutions and called it piety. This Israel had so many rules for piety it could sell them in the Temple. To say these rules no longer apply, like the great one of circumcision and the scapegoat, along with the thousand conducts and rituals, seems to endanger Israel itself, for "the outer worlds practice the inner and the fractions add to one" (Hawk's Call in PL3:HSTBIS. Dallas 1986). We don't know but we ask if the New Jerusalem and all these issues are meant to practice the inner.

All the biblical support mandated for Israel assumed Christians who respect that scripture support Israel, and this has been a rallying cry not only for the modern state of Protestant theology best known as evangelical. Except Israel is not Israel. And that has been the rumination of David Ben-Gurion's concern in Memoir of Angels (Phoenix, 2022). And if all that leads to the startling conclusion that if the outer Israel is not Israel then shall we ask whether the Church is the Church? If the outer church is not real what does it show of the formal reform doctrines to the charismatics?  The spectrum runs from speakers and elders who match the demographic in attitudes and prejudices, mostly of business, narrower and narrower, which means more and vague and circumspect, mirroring the business and military beliefs of the nation state and world that is U. S. policy of a general sort, and not offending these folkways at all costs. The other component besides these blandishments offered each Sunday is continuing lessons in psychology as a substitute for action and faith, a counterfeit, a primer on what it is to be human according to that doctrine, and how to negotiate the fact that there is a mind, an inner world, inner speech, and conflict in how to manage these discoveries by people who have as much experience of the inner world as their audience, from reform to Mennonite to tongue talkers is child's play for the advanced artists of mind control to dictate without their knowing all the beliefs of these groups. With no effort at completeness, for the cases are endless, such examples as the Fall of the Evangelical: the Latin American Mission on the evangelical side and Jonathan Kleck on the charismatic are dwarfed by the Catholic, the Baptized Martians, which control and absorb them all. What these attitudes and actions should be is evident in partial histories of these same groups, as in the Player Manual. Imposters and counterfeits are taken as real. And how to know? Take what they give you, preachers with rings on middle fingers, pointing fingers, loud voices. Is there a true church and a true Israel. There is, proven by their counterfeits, but are we likely to know them/? Not if the modern Israel is the state of the antichrist and the protestant theologies that support it are plants of the CIA, where waiting for the return of Christ becomes waiting for anti-Christ. Not taking CIA too narrowly.

Among all false appearances and flags of the counterfeit Messiah in a counterfeit Zion promises to put an end to Abraham's "seed." Twelve tribes occupy both old and new testaments to the end, but not, according to Arthur Koestler's Thirteenth Tribe, a race of Turks are none of Abraham. This is complicated by the statement that anyone of faith is of the seed of Abraham, as Paul to the Romans says. The times are equivocated enough. None of what we know is as it seems.  Muslims are blamed for 9/11 jihad conducted by intelligence forces of western powers against their own people to justify dictatorial powers. If that's not enough, and Dizzying means Disneying, this is conducted in an atmosphere of extreme indifference by the populations as if they have been tranquilized, who go about as if none of this were happening, except they are given to outbreaks of patriotism and jingoism against all the straw men that The Contradiction puts forward. In a nutshell this is it. BushClinton BushObama were more evil that we knew. They both designed and carried out 9/11 via Mossad in order to invade Iraq and Afganistgan, which puts the Arab Spring a mechanism to drive Arabs and Muslim peoples to invade  by forced immigration-invitation to disestablish Europe. Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, chaos and disordered intententional defeat, the virus, Ukraine, disorders leading to ET! And each one had their prophets, like the 400 who opposed Elijah. These are all Hapax Legomenon, always different, always the same. Chaos produces forced Order. But even while they of the Bush-caused 9/11, not the Muslim nations, took as pretext in another compartment of their clutch-state motive to torture in the Salt Pit with the most extreme tortures of The Hypothetical Mandarin with their reptile natures, the Queen, the King and highest star-- these reptiles are the best and brightest-- just like Christians do that Israel is God's chosen are false, these tides ripsaw to divide. Trump speeds the Vax spike protein and his proponents say that was to  make it from being worse. Who knows whether this Israel is false Israel, its Zion  the head that controls the Bushes and the dominations in the first place in concert with the Jesuit authority, its government intended to destroy the surrounding Muslim peoples to prove their false messiah, all to be announced. Public attention is systemically diverted from this by the triad of  GMO food, irradiated sea and water and chemtrailed air. In this new aluminum earth of the aluminum age, Jerusalem, the great city is called spiritually Sodom and Egypt Babylon (Rev 11.8) is New York and D.C., the center of all the world  shoo-in for the beast. Not Rome, not the Vatican, but its counterpart, Washington D.C. is  the great whore that sits upon many waters. the home of the creature that rides all the beauty of the world embodied in its celebrities all outward, coded, multidimensional vampires within.

The Jewish Conspiracy

It's not so much about impersonating the Temple as realizing that a site for animal sacrifice, blood of bulls and goats and sheep to take away sin, is a sacred charnel house. This is fostered by Christians who think of it  as a  site of worship, but for them Messiah entered in once and for all to take away sin, so any other sacrifice is a rejection of Him.

But the principle of Joseph always operates, so what Serpent meant for ill Yahweh turns to good. Out of evil good may come. Gen. 50.20. Thus the trophies of Goliath or Og or Sippai, or Lahmi, those men of great stature or the one whose fingers and toes were 24, six on each hand and foot slain by Jonathan, Sibbochai and Elhanan related also in the narrative of I Chron 20, so angered the Satan that immediately following their report it provoked King David into Numbering the People. The result was that 70,000 died from three days of pestilence. But the Numbering proves that there is nothing the Serpent has done or can do cannot diminish its own finished judgment. In the Numbering David cried out for mercy on the threshing floor where the angel at that moment stood, the threshing floor where the angel stood between earth and heaven with a drawn sword in his hand, stretched over Jerusalem. There, as the result of the entire event as a Serpent provocation of David's error and its disastrous result, where the angel's hand was stayed, David built an altar. This is the same place in Genesis 22.14 named Moriah where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac and it is where Messiah climbed to Golgotha. David's altar was later further built by Solomon to form the Temple of Mt. Moriah, holy place of the ordination of the first and second temples, Temple Mount of Old City Jerusalem, the temple that Jesus cleansed.

 In seeking revenge for the defeat of his minions the Serpent further provoked its own greater defeat. Maybe that's why in itself there has been no walkover by the manifest powers. All civilization asks about the wrong thought that Israel was made to example, but the right thought is Psalms 145-50.  When David lifted up his eyes and saw the angel of Yahweh on the threshing floor, it was not a nepenthe angel, an angel of history, as celebrated by Walter Benjamin, but a ruby, garnet, almandine between earth and heaven. (I Chronicles 20, 4-8; 21.1). That is where the Temple of Solomon was built!  So once again, as has happened since the times have been distilled, blessing is shepherded out of calamity. The last sentence of the vision of Ezekiel completes the prophecy of restoration. And the name of the city from that day shall be, Yahweh Shammah is there. Nobody is  smarter than Yahweh.

The overwhelming majority of Judaism comprises the worship of Saturn. Holocaust is a ritualistic sacrificial burnt offering, Abraham/Isaac, but likewise these 6 million Jews found Israel.


Hey baby, you think that's true? Playing both ends against the middle, it's going to be hard to understand how 200 fallen angels could orchestrate the phenomenal effects now culminating, not to speak of engineering the return to Israel, embedding it as a code in copies of scripture, just as in the Sumer tablets spaceships were encoded, and releasing the means in computers to divulge the code, as Isaac Newton's Prophecies of Daniel so that the distance from London to Jerusalem is 1948 nautical miles, the year of modern Israel, all of which to prepare for the false Messiah to come and annihilate most of the surrounding nations to validate, in imitation of the true Messiah's exploits, in order to fool the world, the church, the nations. Oh yeah that's a lot to take.

The false Messiah looks more like the truth than the true Messiah. But get this, that with all that Serpent can only further his own demise, as in the anointing of the threshing floor before David becoming the founding of the Temple Mount, all because he was deceived in numbering the people, but who was deceived? The Serpent brought its own demise there, but here in this day, the false Messiah bringing the false Israel into being by sacrificing millions in the Holocaust a la Rothschild and Zionism, will only do what was previously done, the false in usurping the true will prepares its way as the chaff prepares the corn of wheat. Bible codes, Torah Codes, Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis, based on a belief that the Torah is unique among biblical texts in that it was given directly to mankind (via Moses) in exact letter-by-letter sequence and in the original Hebrew Language are here taken as counterfeits because no one has doctrines of inspiration of scripture inerrant beyond the originals, long gone. Only gemetria and kabbalah remain. So if you add up the number of the letters you get what ever number is then interpreted as meaningful, eg. the year of Messiah. So they will be waiting with dictionary, text of Deuteronomy, computer in hand. Not exactly in the dark with the virgin faith with extra bottles of oil.

 Is it proof you want or faith? Want to kill giants or talk about the Smithsonian collection from the Grand Canyon? Readers of the codes find that Obama was born in Kenya of a Muslim father, so the codes reflect the PR of the news and prejudice of the viewer, because neither of those assertions are true. Validate the Codes with government news and statistics? Nonsense. Niburu and Messiah will come in year 5776, 2016, the number of the name of God multiplied by the number of secret equals 1820, the ELS skip code, which means... all false, beautifully made to sound and prove true, as much as that Name was changed to Adonai or Ha Shem or, if you like, the Shroud of Turin was a "love letter to the church. The Codes predict all the false flag events perpetrated like New Town, 9/11, Paris, Brussels, you name it, but don't reveal Mossad loaded the buildings and blew them up? Oops. Want to know what the codes say about the Khazar empire? The initial ELS were worked out by Rabbi Weissmandel on note cards and grids, Toras Chemed (Mt. Kisco, 1958) after his escape from the boxcar going to Auschwitz. He did not take his wife and children with him though. Many sides of this can be told, but his guilt rules his life thereafter. See Shabtai Teveth. Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1996. See Angel MurdersThat's all Babylon, taken as true.

None of it is true any more than the codes reveal Messiah the false. Remember that the Law was lost under Manasseh until his grandson Josiah and that this is the book of the Law now extant.The remaining chain of copies, faithful as they may be, are editions codified at various times, hence susceptible to editorial functions, which in the fallen angel means letter skips engineered to the finest degree, unless you doubt the Serpent is not superior to a quantum computer. Satan was allowed to sift in the New Testament, predict, plan and found the false Israel, all the ingathering and aliyah in order that the true Israel would emerge from the tare. Before the deconstruction of all sacred authors in the nineteenth century, Newton could be taken as a benchmark of what can be internally known of the manuscript editions. His Compilers of the Books of the Old Testament give these constructions in precise language, inferences justified such as Kings etc, "collected out of the historical writings of the antient Seers and Prophets. And because the books of the Kings and Chronicles quote one another, they were written at on and the same time."(9)

Up and down, the ladder of consciousness mirrors the most painful state of the citizen in the realization that the world is false, all the world, the whole world and  it has been so from the beginning. This means everything the child has been taught to love and respect, all the leaders, all the art, the science, on and on. Because the Serpent is so vastly intelligent  it can design effects millennia in advance and set such mousetraps to catch the well meaning. Nowhere is this more distressing than with the case of the counterfeit Israel. Mirrorings of every aspect of the faith preoccupy modern practice. Given this mirroring occurs on every front producing serpent Christians who preach the word in season and out of season. Yes they are preaching the truth, but mixed with what, a little bit of falsehood. Nobody can sort it out until after the fact. So Zion, that sacred mount on which all aliyah rests is turned to a betrayal of Zion.

Why is Satan loosed from his chains after a thousand years? Why was Satan loosed in the earth in the first place? It must be we are that important, to be tested against the once highest created being in the universe--the cast out highest, the supplanted highest. Supplanted by who? By men and women! We take Lucifer diminished to Satan in the place in high praise of creation! What! Do you feel it? There are many wheels in the wheels, whether the end comes to the Ecumene from Blue Beam Projections of mass control, or radioactive Fukushima poisoning of the worlds and seas, or the arrival of the mass deception of the Cydonians from all civilizations before, or from the past 33rd parallel boys, the anti pretending to subdue Israel's neighbors as in Psalm 82 and Isaiah 17, all to impersonate the true Messiah, who by the way has the last word and all the glory, --or some lesser scenario of WWIII, the Pope, the Ark of Gabriel, a banking collapse, the elite underground. Or all.

 This endears the Valley of the Passengers of Ezekiel to us. They are all cognitive, with a full measure of the emotion of fear. But cognition is the way we arrived in this mass of tangled deception, 9/11, Sandy Hook, every false flag of TV news, global warming, drug induced sickness induced to sell drugs, calls to patriotism for enlistees to die, all cognitive. What makes anyone think cognition and its ensuing emotion is an exit? There is and has been extreme cognitive interference with chemical and electromagnetic means. Food with additives, water with additives, air with additives, EM waves of every kind, Cesium radiation. All these conspiracies, counter conspiracies, devastations, poisonings  have an overt purpose to distract from the validity of life, which is to love and to work, to create with the gifts bestowed, the very subjects our false liberators say comprise our sleep. But over and above all our purpose is to love not the world neither the things that are in the world. That means Hollywood and fashion, possessions for their own sake, tourism, etc and instead to seek true government and truth. As Pilate and Herod, who were enemies, became friends at the death of Jesus,  so the Sabbetatians befriend their anti messiah to bring him in, even if the mutual destruction of evil destroys the wicked. That's their goal, to destroy the world. They think to return Messiah with their evil will but it will be the false messiah ET, UN, Cydonic nephilim, the fallen angels they return, bring back and it will kill them. All this is accepted, fomented by religious, government, scientific leaders who rejoice in rejecting Jesus. Let us call them now the leaders against Trump, the Pope, the president, the Chinese and Trump himself. Psychological suasion to conform has never been greater. Opinion makers large and small. Tyrannies small and great. Your father and mother, millennials think. You want to get out? Do this.

Nowhere in any worldly counsels is the obvious stated, that Israel is the crux of the end of the world. Jesus the Blessed, the Messiah comes of Israel and celebrates the Passover as his last religious act, after a life of speaking in the Temple and serving people. But Point Two is that given these circumstances nowhere is it also obvious that this Temple, Israel and Jesus would be the most counterfeited to deceive the real, the true event. So to reach the end we have to go through all its imitations first. Point Three: the gamet of these imitations is the invention of Satan, who can read and think and plan and would co-opt every particle of Temple, Israel and Jesus. So the messiah that will come to Israel is the antichrist, divided into two messiahs who will seem to fulfill the times, places and seasons, but will only deceive. So look for Zionist Israel to be false. Among American Christians this is tantamount to denying the faith, for they take Israel as the truth, but are deceived by the false.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...