Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Death of Scalia - Politics II

Marfa Courthouse
The greatest diversion in the psychology of assassination is wh hen you don't believe the news, take it automatically as a twist of some specie of deception, your first thought of any large social event is a misdirect, Scalia obviously murdered in his sleep, poisoned with one of those CIA ice darts to the heart, which would be in the running among the more important assassinations of American history along with Lincoln and JFK, considering all the crucial corporate and international agendas he was hocking, and as one of the great symbolic props Scalia is such a nice fable illustrating a riddle of Aesop, the great one liner on the Betty Crocker box, "just add one egg," except this egg is the pillow over the face to smother the world.

Just add one pillow to smother the world. The fiat accompli is not just the hat on the head, but the pillow on the face and the judge's game of justice by phone. Justice Scalia on a ranch in Big Bend owned by an Obama war hero, Poindexter, but without his federal marshal guard, was "quail hunting," whatever quail that may be, live females a la Bohemian Grove.

 Scalia was declared dead by phone by Presidio County’s most infamous female county judge, named Cinderela, who had already ruled an arbitrary suicide in her short term. There was just nobody else available, as if they had been warned off. Two other judges said they could not come to the Cibolo Ranch, hence defered. They could have saved the trouble. Cinderela couldn't come either. She pronounced the cause of death without seeing the body which was embalmed immediately thereafter without autopsy. We are supposed to think him murdered at the same time as we have no proof  to debate these causes naturally, no physical exam at all, while the next ruse encounters our noses. Have the cake and eat it too.These setups are everywhere suspicious, counter suspicious, all meant to function together as one massive self contradicting puzzle pie to provoke the multiple end. Don't ask. Both things in predictive programming are true and beyond. If there are two sides to the execution/assassination, there is a third urged in Alex Jones' call for revolution, sometimes peaceful anyway, that this and like deeds call for. That would be one of the forced middle choices of the Hegelian synthesis. There are a lot of voices shouting, deriding one another.

When you go back and look at Scalia's interviews and social diversity it's a little hard to feel sympathy for such blow hards, until you think of him murdered in his bed and dead, embalmed and gone while they debate his successor! Viva le constitution. Every important news event is staged, and if one knew, predicted. The pillow found over Scalia's face is meant to symbolize this. And especially its report by Poindexter. In the symbol the muffle of the pillow signifies Scalia's notion that the constitution be taken literally and be read as purposed and not as a series of reinterpretations must be muffled along with all text, authorship and even readers in the the destruction of meaning outside the controls of mind forged manacles. Biblical and constitutional issues combine in his assassination by hive, which means only the one, stated, point of view.

Cinderela pronounced Judge Scalia dead by phone. Do not let them get into your ears is Hamlet's lesson or put a pillow on your head. No matter, if there is a death it will be judged backwards, Little Red Riding Hood will pronounce the wolf.  If  Goldilocks is calling Poindexter* do not answer.

. These setups are everywhere, suspicious, counter suspicious, all meant to function as one massive self contradicting puzzle to provoke one end. That said, do not ask what is it. This utterance of language, roots and alphabet is the least spiritual power of the Sons against the pronouncements. Both things in predictive programming are true. Scalia was both declared dead by phone by a woman named Cinderela and embalmed immediately without autopsy and we are supposed to think him murdered when we discover the body. At the same time we have no proof in order to debate these causes naturally. This allows the next ruse before our nose can smell. Have the cake and eat it quick. When you go back and look it's a little hard to feel sympathy for blow hards, unless you think of Scalia murdered in his bed, embalmed and gone under. Every important news event is staged you know, and  predicted. The pillow found over Scalia's face symbolizes this while they debate his successor.  But there is more to the pillow muffle. Read literally as purposed and not as reinterpretations muffled with all text, authorship and even readers in the *Destruktion* of meaning outside the controls of mind manacles, biblical and constitutional combine in assassination.
*Obama grants presidential awards to prized donors. Poindexter initially discovered the Justice Scalia's body, and coordinated to have the Justice declared dead via phone, but without an actual medical examination of the body.
* Destruktion* "Everyone will readily agree that it is of the highest importance to know whether we are not duped by morality, to be precise, the deconstruction of every European metaphysic of morality accomplished in Auschwitz became a way for the murderer to see in his victim an optics to sanction murder with a clear conscience." Levinas.

Scalia's Hat, A Postmortem

Beside the pillow, Cinderela the judge, and the absence of investigative reporting in the quick death and burial of this judicial embarrassment, be glad they even found the body at all, but that disappearance is coming in a future time, in these machinations of the nephilim elite, there is a natural/supernatural protection to our lives which however we can negate by thoughtless speech and acts. It is obvious we should watch out the higher we get. I started thinking this with King Arthur in those days when I thought of the legends, that his sex acts made him vulnerable, obviously so if his illicit Mordred killed him, contrasting him to Gawain who receives only a  scratch on the neck for his one venial thought. Hence I regard assassinations as also deriving from the foolishness of the victim. JFK's amazing and complicit affairs made him vulnerable in ways that allowed his taking,  to which add as a preface to Justice Scalia's taking off by aping the martyr Sir Th More in wearing his hat, showboating at the inaugural, which bluster made him vulnerable so that he permits himself to become a martyr to the state as Thomas More was. At the level of symbolism this further confirms Cinderela and the Pillow, for Scalia becomes a Thomas More for Obama, is executed (covert) by the state for the interference of his beliefs. You say, well who wants to be famous if so little an error can get you killed? Everything is magnified at that level, for the Christian especially. Lamar Odom can do what he will as long as he behaves, but he is a slave. Deals with the devil are deceptive (what a statement!). Deals with Yahweh require everything and more. Look at David's loss of his sons over his lusts. These are big matters, but when made vulnerable...consider Dr. King. Now Christians and moralists agonize over assassinations, proved and unproved, but Illuminati kill as a means of living, so advantage themselves in the moral envelop. Consider the agony of this moralist, Elizabeth Scalia, over the murder of last day abortionist George Tiller, worse than Mengele. Levinas gives it best: "Everyone will readily agree that it is of the highest importance to know whether we are not duped by morality." Whether Scalia died to defend a corrupt state and its morality is wonderfully ambilevent.

These comments on the Justice document the Hat:

" I forced myself to reflect upon the importance of getting our pictures of God sorted out in a previous post by briefly engaging what Justice Scalia said about God and state in Louisiana. It would be easy to say Scalia Santo Subito after his showboating in a St. Thomas More hat during the Obama inaugural if, if we didn’t pay attention to his theological language. The theological language neither matches the bombast of the headware, nor the demands of orthodoxy. Scalia might be talking about the Judeo-Christian God, but he does so in radically inadequate ways." Patheos 6 Jan 16

 "Scalia ended his talk by considering St. Thomas More, a man who died to defend a corrupt Church and papacy, and considered by many, including his wife, to be a fool for accepting martyrdom. More gave his life because he refused to sign an oath that disparaged the pope and Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Scalia pointed out that Pope Clement XII, the pope during the time of More, was not one of the most reputable popes in history. And yet, More saw beyond the current circumstances and believed in the permanence of the Church that Jesus established." Pusued by Truth

13 Feb 16  "Justice Antonin Scalia and the Foolishness of Christianity"

 My current world view holds three worlds. First the patina world of art lit poetry work life culture we think is valuable and exists in itself for itself and which we think can change, but which is without meaning and a deception of various causes. It is all agency and no principal. The first is absolutely assured it is the only reality. These people will swear to you that the news is accurate, America is right, that all stars are stars. These are the true believers in the JFK lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan in front of RFK not a bullet from behind, MLK lone gun, Twin Towers terrorism, Sandy Hook elementary. Any question of this to first levelers will produce paroxysms of hate as they try to choke the life our of you. There is no discussion between the first and second layers. The First doesn't like to hear its stars are devils, but in the Second deep, under reality manipulated by the elite councils where wars are decided ahead, and the winner pays the debts of the loser and Stalin is an English agent, this goes on and on from the polio cancer vaccine, Antarctica/Atlantis, fake moon landings, politicat assassinations, underground cities, submarine bases under Kansas, Blue Beam epigenetics, crisis actors, Bohemian groves, aluminum clouds: angelic princes that fell, metalic aerosolized fiberglass slices of microscopic crosssection particles in clouds to fill lungs of nano tubules immersed in molten aluminum, all and more sponsored by nephilim/human hybrids serving Satan, but in Three, the providence and benevolence of the Father and the sacrifice of the Son to redeem all of us, wraps completely around this and opposes the underground. Herein we have all Value in itself because of His creation in us!

This false morality is most exposed by Levinas who says that  all of our lives are organized around the hidden referent, not of the Shoah (Holocaust), but the Shoah to come of war. not a tumor in our memories, but a war now breaking our ribs for which we have no word. You can't read Levinas long without seeing that Difficult Freedom, Difficile Liberte, Totality and Infinity, Otherwise Than Being are dizzying reflections of height, or depth of the presentiment and memory of horror, w/o taking the holocaust of the past as a limited edition of the future. With the Nazi charges of subhuman ape and carrier of germs amplified to the useless eaters that British royalty thinks of the commoners of the world, the no time of Levinas past that he lives the rest of his life in a vigil of, endures his life "when one has that tumor in the memory...and death will no doubt cancel the unjustified privilege of having survived six million deaths. " That is the present of this past and a down payment in reverse, the past for the tumor of the future that nothing can cover over, even if we stand away from it in the present with out still everyday occupations, almost as if neither the past and its vertigo and the future that  grips at our edge were never there, when both are the same. Past and future inhabit a non time, immemorial past and future, which have no memory and no prediction, but have in common a search for a language dedicated to the memory of those who died, or will, but without naming it as such, so that it is no theme for the news or discussion of any kind. Leave the present nameless, for if it fails to name itself. Why should we help it? It is too eager to  name. We deny it space and we deny it time. It is Destruktion that makes every mountain and hill of morals made low, a perfect recasting of the human without empathy, palaces, flags, magistrates tempests raging in  shipwrecks so the murderer can see its sanction of the world with a clear conscience.
It's a good thing this is invisible. It is visible here.

Friday, February 12, 2016




Every scientific announcement is predictive programming, every film and TV series, social sit coms, scy fi  netflix, HBO, alien, human, robot sex by Spielberg and beyond. It comes in all shapes and sizes. It's hard to take fiction hybrid hints far enough. Luck or The Patriot seem exceptions but they were canceled. Scientists remotely hack a brain, the same day another U.S. navy ship collides in open sea with a tanker. That's a predictive hint for more than gang stalking. That's universal 5G pervasive hacking of all digital devices. The clip from the first x files exposing the agenda of the new order, regularizes it as fiction, serves two functions: first it announces the agenda before the fact --as in tell them ahead because they're sheep and that's fair warning-- and second it trivializes that agenda to the masses. Sure that was on X Files, ho, ho. Prior authorization has been given to disclosure, each one more deceived. This works so well because it is like the predictions of synchronicity, for example that Trump must be guilty of some deep act worth impeachment to rattle his guns so easily and so transparently on obvious false intelligence in bombing Syria.

Movie stars, entertainment are no other than corrupt agents for defusing and destroying the citizens. The oppressor always makes itself the victim and the victim the oppressor.

 Evidence of synchronicity:  I saw Manchurian Candidate 2004 on Stream watcher that day and it came  up on Netflix too, so watching it together with Trump's incomprehensible acts of bombing, in concert with the fire in the wall in my backyard betrays the 4D truth. That's as clear as it gets. But what is it? It's in images not words. The point of such films is to tell you you told them in symbology and fiction so warned, hence Trump is a Manchurian Candidate. chipped and cloned. Which # is he now, the present one? Such predictions loose Deja Vu time travel and ET fictions meant to make you believe the fictions they create, but not fictions like Solaris by Lem or Nova Express by Burroughs which really give the dope. Books of profound prediction are not apparently suited. More synchronicity, when the office doors were later kicked in, the locks having first been cut off the steel door with bolt cutters and the laptop stolen, that signifies what happened to Trump who has had his cell phone taken. Even his clone is literally held prisoner!

Deconstruction doesn't go far enough if it does deconstruct itself.  Deja vu 2006 Anti history, anachronism must make reportage narrative. History is rhetoric. Selected details support the majority, we all know that, so all the facts are not just suspect, they are false and if you like fake news, then that supposes a true. I will say that the only truth is revelation and that if we don't understand it too bad, that doesn't make it fable, if makes history a foible. Trained historians are a laugh, along with trained poets. Not only must history perform to these fools but it must  do so according to their methods. Just like physics is false, or is that too much to allow? Now medicine joins up doing what it can to discredit CHQ. Anti-science joins anti-history in the queue that howls from monkey island with a hundred savants who derive their intelligence from Blavatsky. When all is said and done, Hoagland and Lear, Greer and High prophecies cannot admit to being wrong and so there she blows. In this case history is a preconstructed artifact distributed for effect.

So many varieties of this, like Zika virus causing microcephaly, discarded for Monsanto larvicide, to be discarded, keep guessing, but not observing the criminals of the last eight, sixteen, twenty-four years wanted another four. The NBA and NFL title thrown  to Lebron and Brady is just chickenfeed.
Steph Curry's behind the back pass out of bounds in the waning 4th quarter of the NBA 2016 7th game to give the title to Lebron is the same as Matt Ryan's roll out for a sack to take Atlanta out of FG range in the 2017 Superbowl to give the title to Brady. It also shows Drudge an absolute party to the game for he anointed Brady on his site the day before and the day of, part of the fix which is in only to show how the elite rule in plain sight but you still don't know how they do it. They make you call it a miracle. Greatest show on earth. Greatest Superbowl Comeback ever! It's like being made to believe in global warming at the start of an ice age. All these set up Covid-19 to set up the great next facade.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Kurk Wold, Scientist

Kurk Wold worked on the NanoUber AlterBot in prison and underground, which experiments and escapes are a little unbelievable, with the science. These shorthand translations of numerical codes from the Mouser Airpark with its eight unfathomed levels in the Distortion Dome are often in the form of palimpsest.

Take the severed head as a parable of particle physics and of the failure of the standard model to describe 4-space time or 5 space entering 3-space: "energy compressed by exactly the same factor by which matter is considered compressed energy: the speed-of-light-squared! Then the empty space is the empty head. A parable of particles! We don’t think they are pursuing particle physics at all. The paradigm is incomplete if not false, a half speed pipe dream of Higgs, thinking skewed, as if it were being done to them, not by them.

The deep space science of Kurk Wold recollects these astonishing discoveries under pretense of 19th century assumptions. Wold called such mummeries EXPERIMENTS OF THE HEAD, meaning by amputation, anything that did not fit ruling assumptions, black science substituted with propeller airplanes or jets just for laughs, substitutions for globes of anti-gravity. Science was absurd before the Greeks, but after that ancestor of Darwin, Erasmus Darwin, "saw" light blinking from the marigold like a code of Nibiru and Newton's research showed biblical codes of supernatural mathematics correlating time and distance in Daniel and Revelations, science got mum. Another of Wold's monographs, Opiomes, argued America symbolically given to Iraq (meaning Babylon) at the Obama inauguration in Denver, which he calls the Enthronement of ISIS, capitalized to indicate its fulfillment in the founding of the Syrian Caliphate. That iconic designers built in Denver a gigantic stage to usher in super events, meaning the arrival of super mensch, and that buildings and art encoded genetic science, weather manipulation and chemtrails on postage stamps, with unspeakable government drug experiments and psychological manipulations, was enough reason to take him prisoner. Wold was held twice, escaped thrice. This exploration of this underworld and the iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy were prima facie evidence to him of the giant arms that subterfuge hides.

Whether or not Wold is a relocated identity becomes a question only because the two, and more, share botanical science and art as covalents, Kurk and Kurt, not to confuse. But also suppose a superpositional character of the deep web that can be in more than one place at a time. Many places, many faces, each labeled a Kurk, to cover the bases, a Kirk Wold, and a Norwegian Kurk Wold, married to Petra Wold in the 1900 census, currently a farmer who develops Seeds for Northern Climes, as well as the artist of Kinetic sculpture, Kurt Wold, known as the bicycle head banger. These and other writings diffused about the understate, as Wold's editor mentions, are not limited to Kurk, Kurt, Kirk. Superpositional identities access precognitions of themselves, unknown before the fact, or rather, are known before the fact only if believed. Because if the viewer does not believe the superposition fact, the precognition, then it cannot be proven, since to prove it means to remember it before the fact. If this seems difficult try comparing it to faith, in which many cannot master. You cannot remember before what you never knew, so if the viewer does not store the identity in the memory it ceases to exist right there.

 Wold's writing scanned by image includes Account of Three Prefaces the Trans Human Paradign Shift, and Why the Investigations of Kurk Wold Were Leaked. We're never really certain whether we have the original papers however since these are edited from translations and shorthand allusion with interpretations of image. Wold appears to have been incarcerated three times in private prisons run by corporations, such as in old mines, aboard ships, abandoned hospitals, but without without formal trial. Captives of gulags and their revelation are one part of the Wold story he accounts  in his published letters.

Another background is his profession as a quantum physicist/chemist which keeps shifting from tale to tale, to be compared with those missing microbiologists of urban legend. To include the dead and the missing makes the list longer by far, but to think it stops around 2005 is naive. Let's say though that it stopped being mentioned. Of course Wold's name is not on the list nor indeed do his personal records seem to exist, which suggests they were expunged, or some other diversion. Five were memorialized here. Not ever knowing where he was headed Wold is influenced and backgrounded by Goya, Caligula, Gehry and more Blake than would be believed.

What does architecture and the grounds surrounding buildings with sculptures, ponds, pools, stairs have to do with politics? The creation or destruction of pyramids or Afgan Buddhas, Noah's tomb in Nineveh is more than religion, it is a hybrid religion and state. When the politics is gone the architecture remains, in ancient cases hiding the tablets of Gilgamesh, Sumerian writing and hieroglyphs, in more recent cases the bones of giant progenitors in museums. Modern America and the world have monuments defined by ideas, the Capitol Dome, the Washington Monument, but with no obvious religion or state to accompany, which understates at first what seems as diffuse and boring as fascist aesthetics. The most remarkable building in Germany in this light was the burning of the Reichstag, a symbol affecting more than politics. Created or destroyed, but mostly destroyed, the Twin Towers of New York are a burned Reichstag afeared to be known as such, motive of a patriotic act of revenge against the perps, a feigned act of patriotism. Lacking long established gods, kings, traditions of Aztec, Inca, Greece, Rome, Babylon, science shorn of gods had only itself left to enshrine. Those epic states maintained with Tyranny when oddly the modern will claim the earth has never been more free. If you tell them the opposite you will pay.

The opposite of the true is now true. In ancient worlds you spoke for the court or were put to death.  Trends are too large to see. Academics spin a web to host the fly. The best we see is art, architecture, Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel West, Hart Crane, the list is long, dismissed as imaginative visions, taken as irrelevant to the modern state. Plenty of professors hide it, but the buildings speak from the rooftops to the ground below. There you will find how OPIOMES formed of this chaos, Visions of the Starchitect, Ishtar Hotel in its first reel. It's just in fun to blame Coleridge. Then TROJAN HORSE or Histopossum formed of the spit. Poseidon, out of the dread locks of Medusa made horses like Pegasus, but still retained her SEVERED HEAD. This is as ghastly. Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor formed just at that moment when Perseus severed it. Then the immigrant Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile. Denver, home of the Broncos and Mustang Sally. Two of his versions, neither read any more, Trojan Horse and Opiomes, were once one. One became two out of chaos, and now they are three. Myth become fact, surrealism absurd, Dean Swift rowing down the Thames.

To anybody who persevered through Kurk Wold's Letters, 1, 2, 3, 4 as a kind of faux nonfiction, a hundred visions and revisions, three times as much exists in other states. In the beginning The Severed Head was called BUILDING TRANSHUMAN IMMORTALS revised. It got revised but eventually when two electronic interfaces disagreed and it was lost. Somewhere it existed who can doubt? Of the hundred not one remained. A caption in Status of the Soul of the World says: This from the archive of the renegade biophysicist Kurk Wold who disappeared. His papers keep turning up in amazing places as if timed ...

Alternative News 26 Oct 2012
Exploration of the underworld and the iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy, Twin Towers a burned Reichstag, Academics spin the web of spider government that hosts the fly, immigrant Kurk Wold docked his Batcave Neptune Mobile, A parable of particle physics!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

5. Angelus Novus Roast

In case you didn't know DeKooning took the angel of history as his model for  woman 1952.
The left eye is wall eyed, the right looks at the viewer  divided. Two molars hang upside down with gaps between.  The eyes and eye sockets come out of the forehead like light bulbs. Gershom Scholem said the hair was scrolls of the secret wisdom of angels. Geoffrey Hartman kidding calls the Klee fingers candelabras and says the hair is up in curlers.  "Thick candelabra fingers and heady excrescences, curlers."   "I cannot make out extended wings and staring eyes," says Hartman, "I see a grotesque being, disymmetric, demon rather than angel, helplessly reading itself." (A Critics Journey, 198). The bird toes support that angel-demon take, "kakangelic," as if this angel brings the bad news (kaka) "like Freud about the psyche, and offers no cure except through the very activity-analysis- which reveals this news." (Hartman, Critic's Journey 212).  

 What is the bad news Freud brings?  Civilization is the evil, the in loco parentis we wish to die. The angel is its nature concealed. [And then, the question comes, what will we have, chaos? The answer is no, redemption.] It is all taught esoterically and not, for history is hidden behind draperies of pretended ignorance, as if the occult were not the mainspring of civilization from Egypt and before and the new world ovum not a geographic entity in Washington DC and the Vatican. Rediscover it in daily life, the colossal uprooting and destruction of the existing order, where there is no progress in its history leading to redemption. Redemption is a breaking in, a revolution, not a reason, the total and complete overthrow of all the powers of the world, the reinstitution of every original thing, the return of all things to their origin. Klee's angel is the pure azure of spirituality to be destroyed. All illumination is deception. Mystical experience is a fraud. The Angel Novus version of Benjamin is a picture of this occult reality itself. The in-H-man is the new man conquered by the angel whose perfect nature is the recitation of old hermeneutics, Satan, angel of the Talmud, who hides his Theses of History and the Philosophy in the personal reflections of enormity and the subversion of humanity, in camps and propaganda which hold in bondage. It is no self. It is a dragon ornament, star boys bounding to take human beings to make them happy. It makes Star Boys happy to kill a man.
 Answer, that civilization is demonic and we wish for its death. Oedipus wishes for the death of the father says Freud
As the angel is being blown away, out to sea in a posture of surrender, hands up. it gets to watch the implosion of our history from Troy, Rome and Jerusalem and before. More bad news, wreckage on wreckage, we imagine the man in his rowboat blown about below on a dark sea at the bottom of a rectangle of history of storm clouds, swirled with twisted faces, supercharged with Babylonian Bohemian Grove-Mammon-Ishtar hordes. Then good news, in this scenario, suddenly the whole is rent down the middle, destroyed by a figure of light, a man. This is not in the painting nor in Klee's Benjamin's Scholem's mind.  History present and past is the allegory where eternal life takes shape.

Our acceptance of  the transference of inner speech is like a dream of odd complacencies  surgically removed like some body part and kept in a jar, a spent meniscus, a clam in amber. We both view this and are it.


The Patriarch Benjamin was the last child of Isaac born after the Angel's touch in the groin. Whether the angel's touch in the hollow was at the place where the testes descend, hence a inguanal hernia affecting the life of son Benjamin, the son born after, "little Benjamin, with their ruler, the princes of Judah" (Ps 68.27) was influenced by the angel at a second remove. As Benjamin was born after Jacob's wrestling, so Walter Benjamin took his identity after Klee's angel. Identical, not identical with himself, new name or old, audible / inaudible like the secret spelled in archetypal form, the changing mask of the Angel Novus was worn over the face of the man.

Its name projects itself on a picture which doesn't reveal the true name in Benjamin, the child father of the man, the child primal in expression and true. Peeling back the cultural history of nations, Wordsworth's year in France produced his insight that it's odd the French so supported the American revolution when they deconstructed their own. Somehow this implicates the whole nature of iambic verse and whether the English language was a turning of natural rhythms into artificial ones. But of the song rhythms, whoever THOUGHT OF SHAKESPEARE AS A WALTZ? 

Scholem says "Benjamin interrupted the angel from the singing of his hymn" and prevented his passing away. Such songs are not real, but mere figments of fun taken as religion, as if Benjamin locked the angel in his room on the wall and said, I will not let thee go unless thou bless me, and sits down under the picture on the wall.

But dawn is coming and the angel must sleep after singing. Benjamin is worried that the angel will miss its divine appointment, which Benjamin himself prevents in his sitting. You can say Jacob did it, but Benjamin also prevented the angel singing if he turned him into Samael, or Satan in the old text, as if there were any doubt as to who Satan was, the angel of light hiding in darkness, which the darkness comprehended not and could not prevent. It needed the True Light that lights every one who comes into the world. To compare these thoughts with a picture on the wall that never did anything except decay, even if preserved now in Jerusalem, Benjamin is Jacob and his Agesilaus Santander of that secret name cannot sing.  Jacob changed to Israel is just opposite Benjamin changed to Satan. No wonder these angels won't give their real names. Benjamin's frustrations with women, unrequited, unconsummated made him divide the angel in two, male and female he uncreated them out of some Kabbalah legend. 

"The angel and his feminine form in the figure of the beloved did not know each other though they had once been most intimately adjacent" (Scholem 220). One street over, in Heidelberg, Berlin and Munich, the angel Satan "wanted to destroy Benjamin through his feminine form." The Mt. Hermon Watchers had taught the angelic imposters to pretend they were women. Scholem gives their name but we will spare them. Scholem/Benjamin finds the Angelus his emblem, projects his unrequited love, his divisions upon it. This is a hermetic allegory really, division of the paths, separation of the poles restored by the alchemical marriage.  Angelus lay in wait on the life path of both. Patience, is it cunning? If the angel is faithful, Satan is not, if the angel is faithful Benjamin is not. It's all coming to an end for Angelus. Once descended from heaven, held under sway, the Satanic character, claws and knife wings proved in lore, resembles everything in this current state with which it has to part. Benjamin going over the Pyrenees with a black brief case, leaving two cases with Batille, with the angel rolled up inside, never to be seen by him again, is Satan, at last! Build the pyre from a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning. Walter Benjamin goes to his apparent suicide. Behind the surface his destiny is to sing at end of day or not to sing the hexenlied.

Benjamin discovers in finite things the infinite depth of allegories but cannot step over or into, any more than he can consummate the woman, the lieder of life. Consummate the woman who is no symbol to contact like a metaphysical being, but a woman and person like him who longs to surrender, but he only thinks it. They call this imagination the epicene world where the angel takes up residence in the vanished things that affront it daily. The two versions under knife attack are an interesting case for our best analysis, "tied eye to eye." His hair in the painting, like scrolls of learning in his briefcase, suggests the angel's thoughts are scrolls, his curls are cursives, his message of the mind in his hair there inscribes, "he has been pushed forward from the future and goes back into it"  (Scholem 225). This documents the peril of intellect that imagines but does not engage, is alienated from the angel, man or woman. "That way into the future from which he came" is dissolution for the angel who wants to return home, if that is a home of fire. If you go home you sing and then you die. It sounds like life. I came, I sang, I died. What else did you there? I had "the conflict in which lies the ecstasy of the unique" (Scholem 226). Scholem says, I'm turning black, "my wing is ready for a flight, I'm all for turning back." Little poem, little poem, going home. Often the angel just means himself. We speak in riddles between the once only and the yet again.

 Poems were guardian angels to Kabbalists. If Paul Klee's angel was what they said it would be, the angel of Satan, that fallen angel who represented the secret self with the hidden name was opposed by its own angel the way Balaam and his ass were. Do angels have angels? Well at least they have a LORD. The Satanic mortgage that fell from the stars "assumed Satanic features: though more the expression Satanic knowing, contentment, serenity." To these delusions everything had a guardian angel, if only a joke.  Hence Mona Lisa revised comes compromised with "the indescribably beautiful face of a human being [to] appear as Satanic features with a half-suppressed smile." As the wrinkle of reason, or the self important dreamer in 4D printing today changes the portrait of Dorian Grey to meet the real politik, when did Benjamin realize the angel of history was the Angel Novus of Satan? "His capacity of concentration on spiritual matters was of miraculous intensity" (Scholem 214). What we call self absorbed dementia he calls concentration. The image of Klee has nothing to do with Benjamin's meditation of Satan or the Kabbal or how syllables of a word combine to individual letters to make anagrams. In the second printing two names occur, Spartan king Agesilaus and a city of Spain, Santander somehow spelled Satan. Agesilaus Santander signed to Angel Satan "[Der Angelus Satanas] identical with Lucifer. But the first nature died. I die daily. The concept of two names and two natures keeps the commandments of Sodom against all earthly creatures who allow it and certainly those who meditate thereon.

Secret Names

The mystic intuition that connects clairvoyant theories, as if reason were stranded on a bridge admiring the beautiful Lucifer, whose appearance cancels, conceals and reveals the beautiful, is far from experience. This angel ex cathedra thinks the mystical is God, connecting the soul with the angel when the angel is not any way a likeness of the soul. These deceptions need Deliverance, but it is in the personal, not the social or religious that Providence names itself. Those who give secret names to their children do not tell them before the time of their maturity. They are prescient it is hoped, for it is He Who IS Above All Things who gives a new name out of a bag of fine white quartz. Parents remain a citadel of the past effects of the child who is made to wander in the world without inhibition, but surrender to those futures who the parent, like the Angel Novus, observes blown backward from their birth. They are not named for angels. The befallen think a man divided into male and female seeks reunification, which preoccupies marriage and family, but reunity is only realized in the greater catching up which the angels might hope to know but don't.

Turning all this mystical pious and impious thought into the secret Ad Depravitorim is a way of joining true and false, angel and man. Just the thing the higher powers seek, then marry it to the art of stars. This is the future which will belong to those who live from the forces of the cosmos. "The angel had a secret name [or a legion of them], but it is hard to get account of their names lest they be invoked or cast out: "unexpectedly the human person of Benjamin now changes into the angelic-Luciferian nature of the angel in the picture by Paul Klee, a nature connected so unfathomably deep and magical with his own" (Scholem 218). 


 New person, old person, there is only one character, not three in the angel, himself and the new. All chimera, deception, division, altered. "Did Benjamin, when he first saw the angel, and Klee's picture affected him like a revelation of his own angel, journey back with the latter into the future that was his origin" (Scholem 227)? Out of this the Frankfurt school was born, the observation of a realm of spiritual terror where advertising was a history written by the vanquished out of blind spots that escaped the dialectic. Surely some dialectic is at hand when Klee's Angelus Novus is the angel of history who shows today as Marvel Comics. The sins of the time are discovered in the hidden. Oh who hath he smitten?

In Benjamin's encounter with Satan, his angel, and Klee's, and Scholem's, and everyone who reputedly has one on the cover of their notebook, undergoes an illumination of himself. Busted, there stands Benjamin's personal angel "between past and future and causes him to journey back" (Scholem 232), turned into the angel of history whose fourteenth thesis is, Origin is the Goal, but the storm blows him back and back. History fails to enter through the gate. "What prevents the angel? The storm from Paradise? No, the real redemption. "It is a matter of dispute whether one can speak here-as I am rather inclined to do-of a melancholy, in deep desperate view of history for which the hope that the later might be burst asunder by an act like redemption or revolution continuous to have about it some thing of that leap into transcendence which these theses seem to deny" (Scholem 235). Benjamin and Scholem end up transfunctioned, another name of Satan. For there is no division of Messiah.

"What kind of novum, then, does this evangelist bring?" Much of Benjamin's view could be questioned, revisited. 

Satan getting  in here has more to do with thought than the art. Thinking makes it so.  Benjamin wrote a spurious little Journal of Angelology that Scholem calls a dear little demonology  of "devils who bring an intentional banality [like Nazi murderers] to conceal they are devils. Cubs with a lizard body, banally corpulent."  Benjamin was going to edit a magazine of various and sundry fictions called Angelus Novus with the myth omnipresent in all these writers that Midrash angels are so ephemeral that once they sing they die, a romantic notion, to cease upon the midnight with no pain like Keats' Nightingale. Keats said of Shakespeare that he led a life of allegory. We should be glad he didn't profess it was a life of fraud. Keats could probably do the voices of others too, since he was able to imagine what it was to be in another’s head and to speak just like them, that is, excluding Shelley. There is something of a chameleon in Benjamin too, in this myth of the Angelus Novus and its interpretation which came to have a life of its own. 

What is called messianic interpretation reflects the personal effects of wars that result from unbelieved manipulation. In this they present an object lesson blissfully unaware before the fact of what history will be. For Benjamin and Scholem the causes would be scorned. It's really only possible to talk about the idea of history, totalitarianism, genocide, and not the specific acts or persons who  commit to serving them. These are as hidden and unspoken as subway riders who chew on their own arms. We do not likely know anyone of this 9th circle, otherwise our sons would be waking up in cold sweats.  History is diabolical in that all particular cases of its counterfeits must be rejected, not only because they are unbelievable but because even so, who can bring the offenders to account? So we are intended to think. Are you going to indict the kings and queens of Inland? Are you going to abjure the Greek gods? That leaves us with the lives of men and women confused by every aspect of society, religion and their own foibles. The angel in other words is viewing what it itself has made. The angel shall be taken as malign in this view, that also codes its hermeneutic in nearly any work of art and links it to some poem or life to dissemble. If we allow that to seem innocent is to be sinister and destructive, how else could the Angelus Novus, the angel of history so called, appear on the covers of notebooks as a symbol of the new world order? 

What is the bad news? We are about to hear it, a piety that wrestles the suspended fallen angel in the unconscious. 

What must the libido of science be if it wishes for the death of the world? If Freud is right, and this bad news is the unconscious of our state, it is acceptable that Klee modeled the angel after Adolf Hitler who lived in Munich in 1920. Hitler was giving speeches in beer halls then and it is sometimes argued the master of this dubious angel of the unconscious is Hitler.

  There is going to be an angel registration after all, so be sure to get its name. We wrestle this thing into submission when we realize what it is we struggle against and its demonic thought. We bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ against whom the devils have no answer. It's not that the death of Oedipus might have been ours, or that his curse comes on us at birth, but that the death of Christ is ours and the blessing that comes on us from his birth enables our thought to go beyond the bad news Freud and science bring.

Imagine all this and more as Benjamin and Scholem did in a painting called the New Angel. But the painting cannot be said to truly exist, for the commentary is the thing and not the work. So we come to the outward edge of understanding the new angel.  It is made with words, even if it "has claws like the angel and knife-sharp wings" (Scholem 205). It is an inversion of the meta-theological stance of a Marxist rabbi and occult church father.

They say the angel pulls its partner, a female emanation, along into a future, but backwards, while looking at the past and the mounting rubble, for historical rubble grows greater as time progresses.

 In its maturity the (counterfeit) Novus name that should not have been given is said to join the life forces, male and female, but it loses the gift of being human. No man now and if not, what? Armored and encased, a picture on the wall? Considered a self portrait of the masculine, it could be anyone. "The new angel passed himself off as one of these before he was prepared to name himself" (Scholem 207), but the counterfeit name once given is fatal, as though both male and female, angel and man, project into the angel the image and the world. These are what the angel let go of forever in order to be called by its new name to be revealed. In this absence it exists once removed. But fire from the quartz is struck for the new human, the new man not the angel, whose "regeneration, at least in its commencement, is a work of the mind, and when it first takes place, it has the lusts of the flesh, yea, all the evil inclinations to war against; and even ignorance itself, together with the temptations and allurements from without" (Abraham Godshalk, A Description of the New Creature. 1838). Who pulls along the new, the old or the old made new, the art on the wall or the words it describes? These images, names hanging in the eternal catalog appear miniature, but one most important concession is the New Angel / Angelus Novus to Benjamin (Scholem 210) as a momento of spiritual vocation, a living allegory, flesh into nonflesh, that sea washed uplifted fella.

These nuances are called elective affinities by Emmanel Levinas, meaning a force that brings heterogeneous entities together and unites them in what they like to call a chemical wedding, but the phrase is redundant. Affinity itself elects, so strike elective. All this depends on the creation of a reality so small and obvious that when it is contradicted is bigger than what we had imagined. So it is with these angels. Benjamin had not gotten approval for his views on the angel from history however.


 Angelus Novus was first displayed at Paul Klee's exhibition in Munich, 1920. The supernatural beings that inhabit his later work began then, fifty terrestrial angels imagined from the metaphysical Weimar and the further later puppets. Call them terrestrial angels as a consolation; we will see  they are not celestial, but rather southy, below. Are they imposters? It depends on the point of view. Matters of art are not determined by being human, but slightly more than human, or less. What are the archetypes offered for today? Walter Benjamin purchased Klee’s aquarelle of the Angelus Novus (1920) in 1921 for an equivalent of 14 dollars, some say thirty. Before Benjamin went over the Pyrenees to his death in his escape from Paris and the Gestapo, he put Angelus in one of two valises filled with his manuscripts that he gave to George Batille to hide in the Bibliothèque Nationale. After Benjamin's death Angelus passed to Gershom Scholem who delivered his treatise to its altar, Walter Benjamin and His Angel. After Scholem's mortal reward it went to Jerusalem. Scholem's, Benjamin's, Klee's angel was called the "angel of history" in Benjamin's Theses on the Philosophy of History IX.  This melancholy doctoring of angels in ink divined the historical process as an unceasing cycle of despair.

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...