Monday, April 20, 2015

New Town Beta Tests

The Newtown experiment was a case study of FEMA's control of Capstone events to manipulate the twitter crowd. Sandy Hook School, being a magnet  for upwardly mobile professionals to send their children, a community blended with Bahai ideology,  models the middle class slave-elite, the first American society agencies wish to control, that is, the easiest. They don't have guns. They hardly have bodies! I mean, corpses. Ha, that's because no bodies of victims turned up, unless they were needed for the test. Newtown experiment tweets and time stamps identify before the fact that these dress rehearsals at Newtown were intended to model future disaster management of the nation as a whole. Conceptual work designs big Neph(lim) pictures and one leads to another given connected events. Details must jibe in the end, but this is the beginning. Government critics disprove this theory by questioning details, but the important thing is the concept in which agencies run tests to improve systems. You can bet agencies will be a lot more careful with airbrushing and incidental details next time round. This soap opera of sociology had its completion with these Beta tests.

The Experiment further down road translates into mobs in streets after elections, paid and incentivized  to disenfranchise, inflamed by  cell towers, diet, vid games, crowd purposes, to be turned on and off according to desire like the mobs against Trump. Venezuela, Libya come home to roost. Still however just testing.

The same mismatch of airbrushing and details, impossible time sequences and multiple continuing 99.9 improbable coincidences and correlations proliferate in Rebekah Roth's Methodical  Illusion. All these borrow from the New Testament notion of methodeia to follow closely, pursue by devious means, capture, trick, seduce. This is what if we were in science we would call strangelets, but here stratagems will do, well thought out methods of leading astray. The men of renown love a good deus machina. These Beta tests, dry runs, might include any and all crises from Ebola to riots. None of which makes much difference when the emotion overrides the intellect. Anyone who had a threshold emotion response to the fall of towers feels that so strongly that even if convinced otherwise they do not credit it.

1. Pseudo science is a terrific thing. Philosophy could be called pseudo science with psychology and religion giving it a massage. But crackpot journalism, reporting events that didn't occur as if they did, is definitely psuedo. Oh there really was a massacre, assassination, bombing except it was fake, not done by the perps, done by the anti-perps. Anti-perps proliferate in fiction, except fiction is real. Take  Sandy Hook as a test of that big data game afoot. Disconnects are strong all along the watchtowers, at all levels of conspiracy mongering, but not as bizarre as those smirks and smiles of aggrieved parents who lost their children. Parts of their faces had to be airbrushed out to obscure this. Next time, acting lessons! One test of truth is whether Agencies reveal the experiment by ignoring the main contentions and pick at small stuff. Not Hitler's words but his mustache. Another disconnect is how conspiracists themselves ignore and just don't know about really good writers who, without contending, utterly justify their suspicions, that the government of Renowns is not being believed. None of these politicos ever reference Charles Bowden or Barry Lopez, but they have everything to do with that feared redneck gun in the background. But there are some smoking guns:

Item: no bodies.

Item: 26 Christmas trees stored behind firehouse ahead of time . 1.19f - Note announcement of Lt. Paul Vance.
Item: staging for the event by news and police before the event, plethora of black and silver cars in parking lot.

John Woodall, the Unity Project psychiatrist giving the Sandy Hook Bahai benediction to this alleged consumption of children by Mammon at Sandy Hook, states a model transition of social passivity for this new game changing drill, new 9/11.  Yes and we had his picture up for awhile but it was the only truly evil thing on the site so took it down, which you can assay yourself by image search, but beware the eyes and the devil shine and the tilt of the head and the hair, to see what depths of depraved can come in the human spokesperson for the insane who live in their communities of hell where they loose the insensible into acceptance of the thing we all dread to know. But then what else are hybrids for?

Twitter is a major element in this new Smart 9-11 of referring biometric data, names, numbers. Disaster an experiment in multiple variability, a metadata DHS experiment upon a culture to harvest information designed to produce the optimal future society, that is to build the fifth dimension into existence from FEMA capstone events (Smallstorm, 1.19f). Sandy Hook a Capstone event, i.e. the importance is not what happened, but how the story occurs and is told in the dimensions. The parties were actors set on a stage for effects. The future or what will happen is the fifth dimension. The sixth dimension is this paradigm extended to the national. In this milieu Hegel has become problem-reaction-solution champion of the new manipulation, Hegelian dialectic a fifth dimension tool in which all participant actors play a part, but then you knew this from Training Hege.

 Twitter is a major in Smart911, refering biometric data, names, numbers. Disaster an experiment in multiple variability. a metadata experiment, a DHS experiment upon a culture. information designed to produce the optimal future society, that is to build the fifth dimension into existence. FEMA capstone events 1.19f. Sandy Hook a Capstone event, ie. not what happened, but how the story occurs and is told in the dimensions. The parties were actors set on a stage for effects. The future or what will happen is the fifth dimension. the sixth dimension is national.problem reaction solution hegalian dialectic a fifth dimension tool John and Margaret Woodall Sandy Hook Bahai benediction to consumption of Mammon. Sandy Hook a model of transition ot social passivity, game changing drill, new  9/11. plethora of black and silver cars in parking lot, Christmas trees  behind firehouse ahead of time Newtown an experiment in time, tweets, time stamp to dress rehearse disaster management of nation as a whole.

2. What are red blood cells doing falling out the sky?
desiccated erythrocytes, filaments resembling bacteria but acting like archaea, transbiological hybrid forms, Clifford carnicon
Biodesign at ASU developed first GNA. NanoARRAYS used for DNA hybridization. pEOPLE WITH MORGELLONS SYMPTOMS MAY BE REJECTING IT WHEREAS those with no symptoms ARE ACCEPTING IT. A paradigm shift in biology. A singularity, artificial, robotic blood cells, made into The Hive. GNA, PNA. Upload computers into brains. Human machine, Karl Hillie. No gender, nonreproduction beasts tailored to specific tasks.
1.19f - note announcement Lt. Paul Vance.  
--body electric piezo electricity.
--em radiation causes hardening of eggs in girls causing sterility, 9.30;
--moving targets absorb less em; 
--human energy harvesting, generated from eyelids, venous return, arterial pulse, footsteps, motion of walking, loose clothing fitted with nano batteries, 15.00, 
--men conditioned female with estrogen products 35.00, conditioned homosexual, incomplete males, post gender, non reproductive, Agenda 21, neuter human, state takes over reproduction, worker bee, hive society, invasive jewelry to generate body energy, hooked in the veins, memory ports,

@ Sophia Smallstorm

All this goes very well with CERN Ports.

Sir Halford Mackinder, Geopolitics, and Policymaking in the 21st Century

Thomas Tyler Goar January 5, 1942 – March 12, 2019, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...