Sunday, August 5, 2012


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You need to know at the start that butterflies are the symbol of captured souls. The lepidopterists who administer them, meaning the Aldermen, mayors, governor-princes who keep the butterflies, used to be called thrones, dominions, principalities and powers. We have since learned to call them the Rhinoceros Class after the riposte of Bertrand Russell following an October 1911 encounter with the philosopher Wittgenstein who appeared unannounced at Russell’s rooms in Cambridge. He would not affirm that there was not a rhinoceros in the room. In our minds the inappropriate associations that denial creates make Wittgenstein the Rhino, Russell the rhino and philosophy itself a rhinoceros.

Professional philosophers say that for Wittgenstein "even empirical knowledge was based on the logical process of induction, i.e. on a sequential build-up of propositions deriving from the simplest law that we are willing to acknowledge as the foundation of our perception and our experience of reality. Thus there is no axiomatic, only logical necessity, and what we claim as bottom-line facts, are just “asserted propositions” (Bookanista. 

But there are rhinos in the room. We see them set against the New Testament Colossians (1.6). Heiser exposits the Unseen Realm and Reversing Hermon. The rhinos are part of suites occupied by the D. C. Pluto who rules this fourth empire of sulphur gold that wipes its teeth with Napoleon, Britain  Washington, Rome and Egypt. There are many lepidoptists in the fiefdoms of the ten horns, nations whose ten little clay toes, and four beasts come up from the sea (in Daniel 7).  They poke their gold-shod holes everywhere to "devour earth's" fourth estate (Daniel 7.23).  Literary examples include Nabokov's butterfly pedo genitalia  “an inner space and forms of strange symmetry and asymmetry: beautiful hooks and hoods, forearms, pugilists, and clasps and combs, spurs and brushes and elbows, even hints of Klansmen and tiny caterpillars or elephants” (Blackwell and Johnson)! If you take these lepidopterists symbolically you are on the road to where these elites pin their victims. Orson Scot Card satirizes the lepos as Bugateers. To show how evil they are they made Tao Lin eat his hamsters. Even after vigorous B1 shots extruded from Terence McKenna, Ultra Dudes stoned on Vice, wormed their phones to ham the D. C. voice, even from far away. To show you teh world you inhabit, next door, our neighborhood Escalade chimes in the driveway sings, Please Step Away From the Vehicle. These together frack a group mind.  It's almost poetry. The Smartphones are data mining transactions to build the future World-Simulation. Lepidopterists have gone mobile.

If we say these are part and parcel of the rhinoceros in the room we should probably not talk about it. Shhh, Wittgenstein said By that he meant that anything in the world that is the case is the only case. These forces are hivi-hivi, in the world and also not in the world. Except they are in the world and we live with the results and have from all time.

-It is a data Mining block chain.
-Singularity net online.
 Slots were working overtime.
-Mind flackmasked the telepathed, 
-Buddy language and everything else
as elementary kids blackmailed to use their words
 paid robot tax to play with mimicked proles.
OK here's our confession, we're just having fun here while we still can. All deviation is stored by NASA under  high language emotion patterns indexed to every name under the sun, or at least to at least every name online.

In the vaults of the Utah Data Mine, the NSA Torah Codes and every desperate use of art to predict patterns live on the front door of this beast, near the proximal phalanx, between the toes, is a perfect spot for us to sit. Some of it was even published at Blue Labyrinths, here. Near the royal foot, since the Statue of Liberty has one, there is more Lowdown on the Portals here.

Remembering Rhinos

It can now be stated that Language is the crux to manipulate memory and the rest is a given. Changing memory so you do not remember what has happened, changed from the given, is called by the chief philosopher of these architects, a cow.

 Edit, mask, grey censor language, communication media combombast, moo. AI is not divining you  understand, but building a universal model of human awareness! and then manipulating it to turn the switch on and off. Don't wear a mask. Wear a mask. Anti-racist Caucasian mobs burn black homes and murder children farmed by CPS. More advanced Assessment Systems of the American Neurological Association (Hinkle and Gittinger, 123) packed ice bags with parts of Kesey, Ginsburg, Jerry Garcia, Burroughs, Leary and Chomsky, and sunk them in the Pacific to ferment. MK Ultra guinea pigs.

We speak in symbols here. Pacific means atmosphere. Water, air and earth are symbols of predictive paradigms  to fertilize radioactive language. Legends from Christopher Columbus to  J.D. Salinger planted in the social herd foster the crowing brood of a new man, made by professors, who want eat them. Again a symbol, eat means absorb, control. Das cows give milk? Anthropos science might make us wish they had. Pynchon said in 1973, "Laszlo Jamf decreases to zero the stimulus he conditioned on Tyrone Slothrop as an infant, but "there can still be a silent extinction beyond the zero" (Gravity's Rainbow Part One, Beyond the Zero).

 In pursuit of extinctions beyond zero, twenty years before Pynchon, socialist-global transfers shaped every western democracy to fit a Reichdom mask. The mask symbol here is what NASA donned to hide its Nazi scientists. Nowadays we call these ruses precursors of antichrist. The earnest voice is elevated, fingers point from Jordan Peterson to Jonathan Kleck to the Russians. To give even partial lists of pointing fingers,  too many to count, would be like making a map of all the microwave cell towers in your town.

  Made into apocalyptic fiction by sleep, electro shocked Anthony Burgess in Clockwork  Bladerunner became old hat, but that's the point!
Depatterning and amnesifying (Marks 99)! CIA directors, Allan Memorial Institute and  D. Ewen Cameron, head of American Psychiatric, accelerated new world orders with negative "psychic driving," looped negative feedbacks played over in the ears while drugged (1959). But they feared the net was incomplete without EM 5G boosters, completed in 2020. That started a moment to save the cell towers, like giraffes.  This small potatoes compared with the D-Wave Black Cube sensory deprivation at the Society of Human Ecology. Psychic rats flooded into Lilly's tank with the thought that they were dolphins. Lilly thought he swam with dolphins but they were psychic rats that entered his mind.  DMT injectables made Tao Lin an activist for demons. Before the Portals opened there were myriads of these psychedelic repo men. Now, they are everywhere. Illumination took away what empire really did [CE 399, The Research Archive], a constant microwave conditioning of new divine space gods landing. These were parallels of the Spanish-Aztec, and the English-Abenaki in case you feel you have a right to know.

Not ready for space gods? Don't believe in hybrids and the not human? Hang in. The Bloody Theory of Divine Light has landed. But in that day, meaning today, gypsum, vermiculite, elemental sulfur, lime, ammonium sulfate will not needed for soil additives on  the D.C. lawn. The air spreads these over Portland in the rain. The camellias look good even if there are some bald spots. We know this about the world barium nation-state equivalent experiment at the White House. LA creeps in this petty pace from day to day (MacBeth). As Daniel says, the beast that comes up from the sea, being global (7.3), without borders, will confirm high prophecy. The low down is in the  neural linguist programs. Language!  Daniel said all that? Why not? That's what the soil tests are found out. Despite needing amenities and additives, when Daniel's merchants mulched down the stars to the ground, trampled by goats, this made enough nitrogen (8.10) for the White House lawn. I spoke this way in 2012 because the day would come when no one could speak (2024-     ).

 That beast up from the sea is a Caligula trick. He waged a war on Neptune, aerated the sea with tuning forks, meaning swords. Yes, they were all mad. Homer's  Laocoön took a pitchfork to Poseidon's creatures along the Trojan coast. You can't kill the beast with pitchforks or swords. Tuning forks are better. Laocoön, the statues of Ciara, paintings of El Greco all show marks of this, teeth marks of divine agriculture.  Simple water drawn for the horde goes into clay. To tread the mortar, make strong brick, since locusts, worms and canker-worms, merchants of Nahum East endanger the plants, cast lots to own LeBron and the honorable men of No-Cleveland. Or No-York. Or No LA. Turn over the pyramid nations! Ohio, the White House and Egypt all are one. Shaker Heights falls, Ohio is out. Why Ohio? Why pick on Ohio? Akron is like a place in Israel called Gaza rooted up toward the sea. [You do understand this was written 12 years ago, before 7 Oct, I hope.] But Ohio is a blind for Seattle or Austin or Minneapolis. Fig Philosophy is out to be eaten and to eat. Open the gates of mind. All these strongholds fall away.

The wheel whip train barb horns of chains not long
Gaza forsaken, Ashkelon-Akron made desolate.
Ashdod driven out noonday.

Woo-han is a coming it's tails are in sight, Woo-han is coming, just one of Many Skeins of new  onion The false constructs and true of the simultaneous happening at same time in a medieval quantum thing, were all stories told, with Bosch, Bruegel, Giotto and spiritual beings everywhere. So throw Clif High and Jordan Maxwell out and come to the Circus Tent.

2. How do you convert free scientific inquiry to annihilation? This is answered plain and simple.

1) Create as many insoluble conflicts as possible and always aggravate the existing (Wm. Burroughs. Nova, etc. 53). Systematic brainwashing is the essential system to foster tolerance (and intolerance!) to perpetuate struggle.

2) Create "destructive tolerance" (Baudelaire) to form a "benevolent neutrality” toward its culture of subversion.  "Timing, timing," said Mr. Edmundo O'Gorman in his Thanksgiving Address at Invention. No matter what facts are invented for American amnesia, MOO! the announcement and analysis has but one party line. Not Columbine, basic Nova *technoique in Training Hege beyond.

3) Create a problem too big to solve as pretext for inviting its sponsors. 

Induce the alter by sponsoring the opposite. 
Induce the alter by sponsoring the opposite. 
Oppose the mark in order to teach it.


A Black Colony will convert each 'Anthropocene' epoch from one crisis to another to subvert attention. 

Condoning radical evil brings in good money.

 It's a privilege to be selected for these experiments as targeted individuals out at the Frozen Lakes, or to warm by rivers of Lava and Cool by Lethe. Remember Moo, you are chosen. But when you join a colonia to linger by the pool with tennis courts and a spa, you will need vitamin D supplements and nitrogen and phosphorus.

Spelunkers lined up along the Dulce to rappel these comfortable dark holes with Phil Schneider, like photophosphoric mice, seeking the whereabouts of microbiologists killed for their phosphorus.

The state department warned that the Experiment infecting one half of Britain with cancer and one third of all children with autism,  would result in violence in foreign capitols. That civil war was possible, world war three or four. Please turn in your guns. In defense of the social impact it was said that technological subversion and conversion of natives for social, political, commercial ends is a good. These new "Indians" need to shapeshift, shed their skins for the new *psychic Lebensraum and other targets of association. 

  3. Modeling the Parrot Hybrids.  

Bastardizing theft, simplifying auto-paint by numbers, imiatio, Moo,  Bandler and Grinder drove to Phoenix every weekend to milk Erikson's brain. At Milton Erikson Overwrites the Brain, "unconsciously assimilate the tacit knowledge...learn what the master is doing of which the master is not aware." at WikiHence,  "when modeling another person the modeler suspends his or her own beliefs and adopts the structure of the physiology, language, strategies, and beliefs of the person being modeled. [Parrot] After the modeler is capable of behaviorally reproducing the patterns (of behavior, communication, and behavioral outcomes) of the one being modeled, a process occurs in which  the modeler [hybrid] modifies and readopts his or her own belief system while also integrating the beliefs of the one who was modeled." See Alters in the Monarch Lineup.

 Techniques of mind control.  

hyper amnesia--hyperthymesia
post hypnotic blocks,
trans derivational search,
embedded command:
hyper amnesia--hyperthymesia improved short term memory,
post hypnotic blocks,  
trans derivational search (leading statements, textual ambiguity[garden path sentence]) eyes up left / right,
embedded command
-techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive behavior modification therapies. RHIC-EDOM story-biological radio 133, effects of oscillating fields on human behavior.

4. More shadowy techniques. More shadowy techniques of Technological Slavery exist. L. Ron Hubbard is a better case for covert hypnotism than Obama, but it is all out Milton Erickson as modified. Browart says of Leary:  "The first thought I had when seeing the altered Leary was, "He's been the victim of one of the secret prison mind control programs."

--Anectine therapy is water boarding without the water, "conducted on non-volunteer inmates under CIA covert guidance. Anectine stops the respiratory functions of the body and the "subject" feels as if they are dying. An attendant must keep them breathing with a machine. As the panic sets in when the involuntary muscles quit, an attendant says, "This is what will happen if you break The law ." And just before the "subject" loses consciousness, the respirator is turned on and the "subject" is brought back from the brink of death (at Vacaville). 

--Vistaril: Compare the end of Hubbard and the presence in his body of vast quantities of Vistaril, a powerful anti-psychotic medication) with the significance of this anti-psychotic see Ubik Review]. --Remote: But there is also a remote version. In Jim Keith's Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology UFO phenomenology is pretense, entirely of earthly origin with roots in parallel  technology. Extraterrestrial hyp was put into public consciousness for control. Along with ET fraud Keith also announced the war against sexual sanity. Jim Keith on Kinsey

--Rectagon: Compare this earth ET origin with the Rectagon vibe of the Denver Magnetic Airport (Casseapeian  report).  A Rectangular photo optic picture writing, which stared at will produce an alpha state and open the viewer to "level one programming," artificially contoured wave-like beams (quasi-lasers?) to manipulate electrical circuits of the brain. Human brain is a redundancy to be endured, there being no other we care about, unless it is the mouse. They can make us see whatever they want us to see and remember only what they want us to remember. (Keith, 270).

--Amnestic Fugue was instituted to provoke dissociation, which helps explain the paradigm shift in our culture where it is so easy to capitalize on the trauma implanted in a child's brain. Once dissociation shows up in the military "entrance tests," subjects are sorted for programming. War and trauma together build amnestic fugue into a  multi-generational evil. See The International Society for the Study of Dissociative Disorders.

--Verse Fugue: When you notice narrative getting stranger and stranger it demonstrates the oddity of mutually contradictory phenomena. GLOCK THE CLOWN Kevin Seasolts OSB. people responded to Grock's genius, modelling his hopelessly deformed legs spinning, hobbling, waddling clowns for the eyes of secret police. Dorothy Kilgallen interviewed Jack Ruby in his Dallas cell to obtain evidence that would "blow the JFK case sky high." Within a few days, Kilgallen died of a massive overdose of barbiturates combined with alcohol. Apartment found in shambles. Transcripts of her interview with Ruby were missing.

--Narrative Networks - DARPANarrative became the most important brain tool of the outer, over government political world and it still is. Narratives and pre-narratives prepared the group mind for the succeeding waves of indoctrination. It literally became true that brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. Pre-election and post-election democracies were disestablished by these narrative waves propagated with advanced microwaves and not so advanced devious propaganda. It became nothing for news props to argue effectively that the opposite of the real was the real, that the media bias against was a support for whatever issue. Against was for and for against. Smallpox, plague did more for children's health than hospitals and doctors. People would actually say, "I see your point." Never did they say the obvious. The overwhelming provocation of this outer propaganda was the election of Trump, intolerable to these under and overground forces, not that they did not fully intend to subvert it to their ends. Why not is for was against. Government proxy-men think certain messages or images can cause a change in brain pathways to accommodate new ideas. Seeking to find out who is vulnerable to this messaging and then blast them with a message that will overwrite their own, called Broad Operational Language Translation,  DARPA is looking for a few good men to write a new Human Language Technology (HLT) and create a hardware/software combination that can translate multiple (foreign) languages “in all genres” (voice, recorded voice, email, text, etc.)--See

Force Negation of  HUMAN RESOURCES. Army SUPPORT Manual, PDF. FM 13-0113.

Table of Contents: 

1. BLUEBIRD Colin A. Ross,  Artichoke match contrivances. Psychiatric experiments to create amnesia. New identity, hypnotic access codes, new memories in experimental subjects. Tuskeegee syphilis. Manhattan Project hypnotic couriers induced by telephone Spiritism, [37].  Estabrook experiments to create MPD by military psychiatrists. Dr. P.L. Harriman. [38][39][40], Estabrook Hypnotism [41]. Experimental multiple personalities for military operation. Super spies, ethical contaminates. (Mind Control Information Center, 159, 162). 

2. Ted K tortures. Bob Hyde. Amnesia induction: Seconal-Dexedrine-marijuana. 77 days of LSD levitation. Truth drug at Boston Health. Personality demolition: Graf Welhausen to Moses. Brainwashed Korean POWs: al Qaeda drownings. Spanish Inquisition. Induced confession, reeducation. Red list, Blue list, white list abductees. D. Ewen Cameron, depatterning, amnesifying. Combined sleep-electroshock treatments. Negative "psychic driving" (looped tape played over and over while drugged). Sensory deprivation- Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. John Lilly. Hofmann follows Wasson to mushrooms. DMT to outsiders, MKUltra. Gittinger Assessment System.

3. Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse D. Corydon Hammond, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DTD). Incestuous rape. Primitive instinct violation to suppress pain tolerance. Compartmentalized memory. Neuron pathways closed. Pathways  retriggered with abuse.  Trance training. Affirmation/denial, denial/ affirmation. Paperclip scientists, finger signals, Greek letters, recording devices, Process Church, Dr. Greenbaum, imperiled Witnesses. This is before the hypnotists Jason Tripp of chaos wave. Sydney Banks Three Principles, Stephen Gilligan, limbic resonanc, all toxic to the core of the kalergi plan for european genocide.

 4. Brain overwrites. Robots, Rhodes Scholar initiates. Levels actuated by Greek letters in the macro system. Layers not mutual opposites. First expert on personal alters, Hammond. Desperation of the macro alter: "People learn permanently when they are traumatized and what they learn (or can forget) can be programmed or controlled by the determined application or reminder of trauma associations. General population influence, de-sensitized, manipulated at will. Tim Baber, Alice in Wonderland.  Face Book, social networks indispensable for conditioning. NLP The Revelation of Language

 5.  Mind Control in America. Autogenic Memory Barriers: Trance Formation of America, 10. World system a million layered alters. with the highest wisdom awarded to the one who will know the world through secrets and secret schools. New phrase: nations, groups responsible to the world. Coded, subjugated, prioritized alters layered in individual personalities metaphor of social whole. Macro alters in society's head  include every public figure. Abraham of ancient Ur: world system a dissociative disorder. How Cheney got his name. Henry Miller of coercion. Hammond the Sexus, Nexus and Plexus of pain. Cathy O'Brien compares Brice Taylor.  De Sade, Huysmans’ Army Sodomy General. Mandarin. Mark Phillips. Fritz Springmeir. 

6. Newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group. Tracking macro alter updates embedded in art, entertainment, news, media, video, cinema, music. TV. Add-on EMR radiation, long wave and microwave bursts. A New Breed  Satellite Terrorism (John Hall, MD--6 parts, part 2). Brain wave patterns isolated and rebroadcast back into brain. Computer-enhanced EEGs. Low-amplitude  brain ‘emotion signature clusters synthesized, stored. Duplicating concomitant brainwave patterns. Judy Wall, Resonance. Agency science perfects Macro Alter cover. Modified emotion signature clusters rebroadcast. UHF carrier frequencies, TV and radio signals directly to brain. Basic emotion triggers mass brain clusters. Use in first Iraq war. Wavies.

7. Middle of Hegelian synthesis scripted. Hegelian Alterates. Hammond references. Macro many folders. Covert hypnotistsHegelian urban legend. Alternate reality. Counterfeit parallels. Anestheticide levels.  Make-up, pseudo news. Projections done to  dome. Tea tsumani.  Psychosis 'shelter state.’ Part II, A Case of Conscience).

5.  In the conditioning of a prince for corruption, the creation of the man and woman was made into a product of amino acids.  To that extent control subverted man and woman and if that were the last word we need say no more. But consciousness in opposition to the world from the ancient Chuang Tzu, flowered in Abraham, who founded a nation and a people to stand against the world, and a people not exclusive to itself. The world will complain itself equivocated thus; the world will say it represents all that is good and progressive of the human, meaning its civilization, but of course the world practices its unbelievable species of mind control from the womb. Those inculcated before birth like Pynchon's Tyrone S. above occupy their designated roles. Mind control needs new language to describe it. Huxley, scion of the very system he debunks in Brave New World celebraes itscreation by seeming to oppose it. This  reality to which Huxley himself was born is promulgated by his incrimination of it. Who doubts that the doubters are the most extreme manipulators,  the greatest advocates of control? They are tools! The doubters are false and the advocates are false. Both are agent provocateurs. What is the true? Now you ask! 

  Ask this, who killed off the Star Wars scientists? All 22 British computer scientists committed suicide? The GEC-Marconi suicides.The smoking gun here is what we are told to believe. Just whatever they say will be believed. The Last sentence of Walter Bowart's Operation Mind Control (1978) says,  "Somewhere within the United States technology for the creation of the perfect slave state is being perfected. Whether or not the mind controlled state becomes a reality depends not so much upon the efforts of the cryptocrats, but upon the free will, determination, and strength of character of the American people." The bigger picture in front of your eyes is dismissed as unthinkable because compartmentalized. The Towers, the Assassinations, the Virus are high points. Unilinear Mind prevents consciousness, prevents seeing the life of things, connections, understanding that would lead to action, which beware, itself may be mandated diversion. There's suspicion for ya. Like Prince Hamlet controlled by any regent to perpetuate its own agenda, we princes, so to speak, were usurped against our will.

World Education. All this must be oriented to the basic social nature of people, who want to belong to the whole. Hence to program the individual simply program the whole. All slogans program the whole. All schools program the whole. Think like us in order to be yourself, the line goes. Domesticate.  Program yourself controllers say in the study of the structure of subjectivity, the unconscious mind that they say responds to openings, opportunities, metaphors, symbols, and contradictions, which means you are paying them to tell you what to do with your own mind. Afterward, you get to think like them. The high priced rewards of conformity in Nobel winners, MacArthur Fellows and lesser grants for stating the party line in new and interesting ways are small fry compared with the bigger game of world education and belief. But the conditioning these test subjects in all their erudition does not fathom the nature it seeks to control. Why bother with the mind control of a rabbit or a peasant?  This itself is suspect. Things are not as they seem, mind control serves another purpose, a directive premise the president is forced to obey. It's not that he thought it would be fun. Shall we devise that we understand this purpose because there's a movie about it, District 9? People project their own views onto their scriptures! Pieces of puzzle need to fit.

Donald W. MacKinnon, and Henry A. Murray, were among 74 OSS staff members who worked to develop personality assessment techniques still used to select employees of the CIA.

Psychocivilize! Psychocivilize! If not the eagle will come and pull our your eyes. [This is the world where Jose Delgado tortures Stephen Dedalus.]

*psychic Lebensraum means make room for the fgov said Edwardo Galeano

  6. Walter Bowart.Operation Mind Control, Second Edition.  Walter Bowart ~ Big Secrets in Plain View 
Boward blew the cover off the second echelon of this supposed hierarchy. He published one of the first underground newspapers, East Village Other in NYC, 1965-72, and wrote his Operation Mind Control (1978, 1994). The 2nd ed, in 500 copies, was 880 pages in the so named Researcher's edition (November 1994), here in mimeo format, a very slow load from the large file. You'll have to wait on it. Chapter summary here

In  comparison of the two editions, '78 compared with '94, the second is much larger than the published book.  The Foreword and chapters of '78 is the same up to-- Ch. 8, then '94 adds Chapters 9--16


Chapters in Second Edition:

 9  Story of O

10 Mindwar

11 Project Monarch?

12 Thanks for the Memories

13 Monarch Corroboration

14 Himmler's Guinea Kids

15 Finders, Kidnappers, Nazis

16 May the Force Be With Us

Then come 17-25 of 1978, 

then, 26 Sleeper Agent (18-19), 

then '94 adds

29 Invisible Warfare

30 Tuned to a Mental Radio

31 The warrior's Tongue

32 Cult Control

33 The Fire In Waco

34 Have Buck Rodgers Ray Gun, Will Travel

35 Human EM Targets

36 Satanic-UFO Reich

37 Com-12 Briefing

38 Project Greenstar

39 False Memory Spindrome

40 Dangerous Free Thinking

41 A Repealing Thought

Bowart 552

Note: Walter Browart is big into NLP. He is Certified. Try Richard Bandler here, YouTube interview of Walter Bowart with Ned Potter  here. These come under the heading of Covert Hypnosis derived from Milton Erikson, of which NLP is a tool. Rapport is its first step. (How do you feel? is the main opening) It may be  common NLP rapport and embedded commands that the famous Tony Robbins ("Burnfoot") derives from Milton Erikson, the Covert Hypnotist who Browart calls the essence of the world synthesis control. When it turned out that Erikson's house was in the neighborhood I looked him up.

This is a paradign of the control:
 Batman Shooting. President holds pressure on a vein for 45 seconds.
Perhaps the most consistent of American mass shootings is the perpetual report that  "He was a nice guy, and he put everyone before himself … it doesn’t sound right." (Carmen Nesnick, stepsister of Chris Harper-Mercer). Dismissed as naivete by the observer or speaker, nobody thinks because it doesn't fit that he didn't do it, but also nobody thinks that because it doesn't fit, it is out of character, and that that is the greater report in itself.

B. Alters in the Marketplace--Personal and Macro Alters in the Monarch Lineup

 Ezekiel,  hunted with Daniel and St John by global government controlling the human domain, said, will you hunt the fluttering souls of my people with your nets Autogenic Memory Barriers

These compartmentals, trauma induced scripted compartments have become the chief characteristic of the U.S. government. We should say governments in this case since no one person or even many encompasses the whole of its clandestine operation.

In perhaps the single-most particular file of its kind, Steve Jacobson. Mind Control in America (Cathy O'Brien) documents the whole with such veracious materials as: "The grisly scenes of this tragedy were not my nightmare. It did not play over and over again in my mind, for I had dissociated from it. I had voluntarily and autogenically created a memory barrier of this trauma. This is a normal human response. Had I been tortured after the trauma, I would not have been able to voluntarily recall either the accident or the torture. Hence the basis of this book." Trance Formation of America, 10

BLUEBIRD of Colin A. Ross, blows the whistle on the extensive abuse of psychiatry in North America. In the second half of the 20th century experiments were conducted to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects. Tuskeegee syphilis, Manhattan Projects induced hypnotic couriers by telephone. "In his book Spiritism, [37] Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to create multiple personality by military psychiatrist Dr. P.L. Harriman. [38][39][40] In his book Hypnotism [41].  Estabrooks states that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of the demands of war "(Mind Control Information Center, 159, 162). [this is a contaminated site] 

So many ways of deadening perception, guiding, drugging, splitting, denying, mystifying go from free inquiry to ultimate mind control and annihilation. Admittedly people can be seduced gradually as a lust for power reflecting their ennui with their own burnt out nerves. The writer Tao Lin's affection for DMT is an example. Refinements include depatterning and amnesifying (Marks 99) with combine sleep-electroshock treatment. Rapport is still the most overt of all techniques in the control known as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). False rapport permeates all levels of professional classes so that your dentist will romance you as long as expensive work remains. Lobbyists use it unstintingly as do all salesmen. All politics is immersed in it. Consider PSI Tech and its associates of NLP, where Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore Jr, their relationship dating back to 1983 when Gore was in Alexander's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) course. NLP "presented to selected general officers and senior executive service members" a set of techniques to modify behavior patterns. Among the first generals to take the course was the then Lieutenant General Maxwell Thurman, who later went on to receive his fourth star and become Vice-Chief of Staff of the Army and Commander Southern Command. Among other senior participants were Tom Downey and Major General Stubblebine, former Director of the Army Intelligence Security Command. While alters have many parts, we would consider you altered if you have been in any way sold these principles.

 Someone tortured every day of their life like Gitmo prisoners coerced with Devil's Breath through feeding tubes, keeping them alive to be brought back from death again and again, reincarnated with the zombie insanity drug, scopolamine (Devil's Breath in Columbia) knows that the most dangerous drug in the world, producing hyperthermia, accelerated heart rate, severe dilation of the pupil, causes a sensitivity to light beyond the worst migraine, amnesia, madness. Would you allow one person to be tortured so forever if it would improve the lot of all, asks the Hypothetical Mandarin. To keep America "safe from terrorism?" Yes, of course you would! Anything to preserve freedom in the land in name only, where leaders wear public masks, but when stripped, Cheney remains brutal, Reagan doting, but it is worse, so much worse when the blood sacrifices and orgies out of body (and in) are known. So it goes. Were we to look for confirmation of the mass of reports and records of these abuses, Mark Phillips' appendices to his introduction might serve. It would be hard to believe all of them faked. Faked or not, such reports keep coming. Any effort at such revelations on YouTube will make an algorithm to reveal more. See, The Black Child. There are odd reduplications in this. Three women account similar brutalities, and each of them had a male rescuer, Fritz Springmeir, Mark Phillips...two  having a daughter named Kelly, suggests a genre. Even if the feel and style of reporting has a similar ring that suggests one author of both, it also has the feel of authentic fact, free of rhetoric.

The prolific reproduction of the Tree of Life is as deceptive as Alice. The "walk" of the tree toward and in its ten centers, beauty, wisdom, mercy, splendor, etc. seem on the face to be noble, but that is always the selling point of the evil, hence the Tree of life is itself literally a substitute in the metaworld of the true wisdom that can only being with the Fear of Yahweh. The centers of the Tree of life are satanic seductions in substitute of the real. Some of the movies used in Monarch programming include The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty .Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves. For example, a slave watching The Wizard of Oz is taught that “somewhere over the rainbow” is the “happy place” dissociative trauma slaves must go to in order to escape the unbearable pain being inflicted upon them.see Relationships Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse 
This Programming needs  updating as much as any Windows, periodic reinforcements through visual, auditory and written mediums. Any book, film or computer game will do (Baber, I).  Updates are embedded in art forms, entertainment, news interviews, media manipulation, video games, cinema, music. TV and media blend the whole. Merely to track the macro alter updates would say a lot, but you must add EMR radiation to it, long wave and microwave bursts of A New Breed  Satellite Terrorism (John Hall, MD--6 parts, this is part 2). Brain wave patterns isolated and rebroadcast back into the brain with computer-enhanced EEGs “can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters,’ synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.” (Judy Wall, editor and publisher of Resonance, newsletter of the Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group). That "scientists" are the agency of this work shows the perfect cover of the Macro Alter. Modified emotion signature clusters can rebroadcast over UHF carrier frequencies (regular TV and radio signals) directly into the brain to“silently trigger the same basic emotion in another human being.” Used in first Iraq war. These subjects used to be called "wavies."

The best thing about Monarch conditioning is it puts to rest the schemes that these are aliens but that is not a great gain since aliens are anyway demon inspired.

1) They are demented beings of a kind we know in Bosnia, Uganda, Argentina, Germany, England Arkansas...dissociated from the event, remembered, but disassociated from every trauma, victims of television mass hypnosis.
2) "Those who controlled my mind, and ultimately my actions, claimed to be "aliens," "demons," and "gods". But it was my experience that these perpe-TRAITORS of New World Order controls were/are bound by fully, human confines, despite their terror-tactic claims and illusions. (Cathy O'Brien--77f).
3) "I found a post about Cathy O'Brien to be quite revealing in relation to something that I noted about 'My Own Private Idaho'. She mentions a plan by the Illuminati to use their advanced technology to fool the world into thinking that earth has come into contact/communication with extraterrestrial 'gods' visiting the earth, so that they will be awed into total submission to the 'gods' , who are really just Illuminati who have concealed advanced technology for decades until ready to unveil it." here
 4) “The UFO phenomenon is, in fact, of entirely earthly origin and has its roots within a parallel program of technological development.” Jim Keith

There were only a few hundred prisons, hospitals and poisons used in psychiatry to alter and reshape consciousness before the underground labs were operated. Drugs, violation, pain-division reformation tools remade consciousness. The report that the assassin heard voices was a code for “different personalities or personality parts called alters, back personalities who do not know each other, taking over the body at different times. Amnesia walls built by trauma prevent the abusers, creators of trauma, from being found out by the front personalities who hold the body much of the time. Front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster --a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect."

It sounds like apocalypse fiction, but the heroes of the CIA Allan Memorial Institute and its early director Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, once head of the American Psychiatric Association, accelerated progress into this new world in 1959 with negative "psychic driving" (feedback loops played over and over while drugged) and sensory deprivation. This was called the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology!—(101).  Psychic black outs, John Lilly floating stoned in his tank thinking he was a dolphin passed for occult sensory deprivation before DMT gave more direct access to the swarms of outsiders. Not quite as many became dolphins as later swam with them. Those myriads of joking psychedelic repo men thought they were prophets. See Tao Lin on Terrance Mckenna @ Vice.  MKUltra dude (103) Harold Wolff, President of the American Neurological Association, and Lawrence Hinkle, Gittinger Assessment System (123) with cultural icons Kesey, Ginsburg, Jerry Garcia, Burroughs, Leary, Chomsky, all on the payroll with NLP. The illumination promised seduced their attention away from what was really going on. [CE 399 The Research Archive]

Agencies had to match every latest contrivance of mind control: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the CIA and Mind Control (Marks, 1979), Mind Control, World Control (Jim Keith 1997). Amnesia-produced drug manipulation and comatose states from Seconal-Dexedrine-marijuana combinations from 1952 to 1966 in Army, Navy and CIA were only trying to find a truth drug! So they say. The same story came later with Gitmo scopolamine. MKDelta / MKUltra and Sidney Gottlieb, especially at Boston Psychopathic (Massachusetts Mental Health) everybody getting high in the streets by the pusher Gov. That government is a pusher is more clear now that the cocaine-heroin industry is revealed as a CIA operation.  At the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky they levitated 77 days straight with LSD, which did to the  personality what Graf Welhausen did to Moses, utterly denuded it. It worked so they started slipping it to strangers. Early 50's government psychiatry went from germs and toxins to programmed viruses (Marks, 56), throwing LSD guinea pigs out the window (62). Nowadays of course there is no need for such primitive methods since aersols of metallic oxides of lithium, aluminum, barium, etc are sprayed world wide, but especially in high tech lands. We've come a long way baby. The search for unwitting test subjects continued for another decade (1963) until those who followed Hofmann, the inventor of LSD, followed Wasson to mushrooms and that's the short of how Bob Hyde got to torture Ted K. (Ted K, Marks 88). Ted K ("Unabomber") is the martyr of those early experiments who wrote the treatise exposing Technological Slavery, which genius connected with all of those brainwashed Korean POWs (93). Torture, confinement and EM rads applied also to the 200 drownings or so of al Qaeda who confessed. It sounds like communist Asia but there are to be reeducation camps run by the U.S. government. In the subsequent reeducation of the state it seems a no brainer to make a place for the red list, blue list, white list abductees to come. If it matters, the bonee of torture, Bluebird and Artichoke [John Marks (PDF)] outgrew the intelligence operations of WWII against the Russians. All this was accomplished by adopting the Nazi methods. To saddle the Nazis with the inherent evil of American politicians may see arbitrary until you see the massive extent that Paperclip scientists infiltrated all American military, police, psychological thinking. The Nazis invented NASA and DARPA, and so much else.

II. Macro Alters of the World

 Whatever reality this speaks is as incomprehensible (unthinkable) as if we were to lay hands on the head of some scientist who cut the antennae off Monarch butterflies and send him out into the desert headless, a species of human medicine once described in an issue of Sein und Werden. “It was remarkable, the difference,” Reppert said. “The ones without antennae still flew straight, but as a population they were flying in all different directions, compared to the population of migrants with intact antennae that was all going in a southwesterly direction.” Scientists make careers out of torturing creation.

How this is done to people is the subject here. Reppert and his team had been studying the ability of butterfly antenna to sense odors when they discovered that when they clipped off the insects’ antennae and tethered them in a flight simulator, the butterflies no longer flew in a uniform direction.  Without their feelers, the butterflies lost the ability to navigate using the sun, as if they could no longer adjust their direction based on the time of day. The ability to navigate that enables the Monarch’s life is analogous in humans to the boundaries of their learned identity stored collectively in personality, memory, culture. These boundaries include every aspect of the antennae produced from gestation, birth, infancy, through the stages of life. To interrupt these at any point to experiment for purposes of knowledge or control is to cut off the antennae of human identity. Then they will fly in all different directions. This has been utterly accomplished in gender confusion in all western countries and animal prostitution in Germany.

These dissociations are not only personal or individual, they are corporate. Whatever else the world system is, it is a series of thousands of layered alters, with the highest wisdom awarded to the one who will know the world, that's why there are secrets and secret schools. There is a new phrase now, that nations and all groups should be responsible to the world. The coded, subjugated, prioritized alters layered in individual personalities are a metaphor of this social whole. Macro alters in society's head are too many to number, or maybe too big; they include every public figure. Abraham of ancient Ur knew that the world system was a dissociative disorder. That's why he left. Ever since there has been an urge to leave Ur and to oppose its many diverse voices and gods.  New efforts in control make the coinage sins against the world,  the same as being held "accountable to the world."

The first expert on personal alters, Hammond, will not affirm a single .org in charge of  altered personality. There are as many you already guess, but he also fears them, no doubt. Even with all the talk about robots, Rhodes Scholar initiates, levels actuated by Greek letters in the macro system, the layers of good and evil are not mutual opposites. A Going Out of Business sign has been hung over the world terror dictionary at CERN, the UN, hence the desperation of the macro alter today. A minimalist would say you cannot possess the world, it can only possess you. But who has not learned that if you do not seek the world it will try to entice you and you'll get all you want anyway, as if you had sought it. The world doesn’t like to be ignored. "People learn permanently when they are traumatized and what they learn (or can forget) can be programmed or controlled by the determined application or reminder of trauma associations. A by product of this era's research was that the general population could also be influenced, toughened up, de-sensitized or manipulated at will if you knew the right buttons to press” (Tim Baber, Alice in Wonderland).  Face Book, social networks were indispensable for this social conditioning, but first the NLP boys at Overwrite the Brain had to overcome the Revelation of Language, because it implicated them. 

Scripted Hegelian Alterates

Macro alters are too large to understand and the personal alters Hammond references are too small, hence both are practically invisible. Macros occupy a file drawer with many folders. Few know of the others' existence. Critics tend to say it is unconsciously done, scripted by covert hypnotists. It makes you wonder what it is we are seeing in the middle of the Hegelian synthesis since it is a scripted version, a legislated arithmetic to outlaw the middle / legislate the middle.  Hegelian dialectic is thus an urban legend that poses two extremes to force a choice between. Both extremes are unacceptable, but the synthesis is worse. "Researchers" thus explain something that is nothing. Once an alternate reality is proposed, a series of counterfeit parallels play out. However the level of anesthetic  to keep people sleeping is always increasing. Make-up news, pseudo news is projected from dome to  dome while the sunny skies are sleeping. I walk out on the pavement in the afternoon. The irreality is great, like having tea before a tsumani. Wheels within wheels, “the psychosis present in many of the citizens as a result of living in the 'shelter state' (Summary of Part II, A Case of Conscience) asks whether the alternate too doesn't have an alternate. As the multiverses pile up the purpose of the macro alters is to confuse, but the multiples of Ur are false. There is only One.

Since you are not hearing this for the first time we might have a little fun.
 Training Hege was originally here before it went to Cafe irreal 

 Note: Among the many interesting points of view that entertain these dilemmas, for instance where a person does not feel a part of all the networks, families, their own life, one Arthur  Cristian says,

"The "mind" is the illusion (intellectual property/thought) of separation suspended in trauma. Without the trauma there is no "mind" control. The ego, self, "i", person, strawman, agent-in-commerce, "name", individual, etc, is a captured image of non-sense (intellectual thought) suspended in trauma. While the trauma remains the demon that is ego, self, person, mind, etc, is being projected. We/MAN are the ONLY ones that can set images (thoughts) into motion. Do you now comprehend why trauma is so critical in the quest for Satanists/Freemasons control."

Put it like this, the only way duality can be plumbed is from unity. Unity, the One, destroys all diversity, multiples, plurality. Who is the One? Ask it, but don't listen to the answer. It must find you.
Mystery Babylon is great, so great it can equivocate itself without end. Stipulate that here, but add that Yahweh so loved the world, as it says, so the world for all its sorrows must also be life, not art. Life itself.

2. The Essential Books on Mind Control Library

 A little reality is in store. The second most important influence behind alters is the government/corporate pedophile rings that are old hat to the Lincoln Nebraskans, the Canadian native children, and the sex slaves that service all the way up the line from Jeffery Epstein and all procurers to the latest details on Anthony Weiner's server. So news of Hillary's pedophilia on Cathy O'Brien is old hat too to Fritz Springmeier. The  turnon these people get from savaging innocence is only exceeded by their number one influence, blood sacrifice and ritual execution. See II, 2f below.

Erikson - Complete Works. Scribd
Milton H. Erikson - Linn F. Cooper - Time Distortion in Hypnosis 166.pdf
Marrs - Codex Magica - Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati (2005).pdf
Lyndon Larouche.  Children of Satan [ie. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, like McNamara, Rusk, Bundy. 
LaRouche is so far right he's on the left.]
Walter Bowart. Operation Mind Control pdf 1978 
Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien. Trance-Formation Of Americ pdf
Emily Dickinson, Monarch of Perception 
OPEN MISSIVE FROM JENNIFER ANN KEALEY  [Arizona Wilder] Prepared to stooge for David Icke: "I was programmed specifically for David dIcke's interview."
Banned Discovery Channel Documentary. So many disfigured, pirated illegible versions of this occur as to demolish its effect. This is a good version. Omaha, Lawrence King, Boys Town, Franklin Federal Credit Union, Paul Bonacci, Craig Spence
"reach to the highest levels of the Republican party," ring of rich and powerful pedophiles.
 See 52.00 and following. Related: Pedophilia and Satanism, The Fabric of the Web.

 Carroll Quigley traces the secret society founded in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner: "The organization was so modified and so expanded by Milner after the eclipse of Stead in 1899, and especially after the death of Rhodes in 1902, that it took on quite a different organization and character, although it continued to pursue the same goals."[20]This society has been known at various times as Milner's Kindergarten, as the Round Table Group, as the Rhodes crowd, as The Times crowd, as the All Souls group, and as the Cliveden set... the Milner group. were not generally aware that all these various terms referred to the same Group...this Group is, as I shall show, one of the most important historical facts of the twentieth century.  [22]:ix] Wikipedia]  That is, simply, Rhodes Scholars
1930s through much of the1960s, it involved black marketeering, enslavement, mind controlling drugs, and surgical experimentation on hundreds  thousands of French Canadian babies and children" another “unthinkable” controversy. During the 1950s, more than 1,000 Yemenite children disappeared
in  Israel.) Robert Carriere, a former guard at the Sisters of Mercy’s Mercy Hospital. A witness to the massive trade in babies, Carriere took pictures   inside  and outside the hospital, and took home hundreds of discarded documents. When he retired, he wrote a book in French Maudit Sois-tu Enfant du pochŽ (La penitente) (Cursed Art Thou, Child of Sin)At the Mercy Hospital of  Montreal, young mothers not planning to keep their newborns gave birth on the third floor. The nuns immediately separated the mother from the child and sent the baby in a hand elevator down to the first floor for sorting. 
  -Children of the Great Darkness Committee.
- Nazi bloodlines hidden after WWII amongst Amish/Mennonite. 
 -During WWI, several mennonite/Hutterite conscientious objectors tortured to death. Not only did Amish boys go to 'mental' hospitals, in WWII, Amish recognized the boys don't return the same and found the 'Civilian Public Service' proving unsatisfactory/harmful

Collusion: The Dark History of the Duplessis Orphans
Rhodes Scholar; entry level group for Illuminati 
Transyuggothian mutation-Lovecraft by Schnoebelen. on Whale

MY COLD WAR by Ann Diamond...heard from Duplessis Orphans that Josef Mengele was in Quebec in 1938-39, before the war
 --Porcelain Face Programming: -fire torture, human baby skin, melted wax & porcelain masks used to convince alters of their lack of humanity.
More than 520,000 missing children were entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center Database, or NCIC, in 2011. 26 Active duty American soldiers killed themselves in July 2012. 29 attacks reported on foreign troops by Afghans they are training, 2012.
Spray on antenna Ff ID tag, coinformal antenna, wireless , nano capacitors at Chamtech, a military tech Co.

3. Dear Cathy O'Brien, Loughner,  Burroughs, Leary, Joseph P. Farrell, Kaczynski, and others,

" I learned that Cathy and her little girl were victims of trauma-based mind control. They were slaves and the "soul" property of my Uncle Sam. 15

"Hang up and call back. Tell her you're God, Give her a biblical passage.They're all Christian based programmed around here." 16

11. I required her to wear a wrist watch twenty-four hours a day, to alert me of any "lost time" she felt she was experiencing. Losing time, without trauma, is a strong indication that personality switching is occurring. 22

 "Of particular interest to the CIA were the heightened levels of suggestibility that certain occult rituals produced in the minds of the practitioners. Cannibalism and blood rituals were ranked highest in the order of importance to their research." 6-7, Trance Formation in America

-hospital in Owensboro, Kentucky which advertised a specialty in working with ritually abused children26
-pervert and slave salesman, Earl O'Brien
-a state of recovery known as "fusion"
-Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda Operation Paperclip

II ---a White House "Presidential Model" mind-control slave
-Project Monarch was a mind-control operation which was "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder for its genetic mind-control studies. I was a prime"candidate," a "chosen one" 84
-returned from Boston, my father was smiling and pleased with his new knowledge of what he termed "reverse psychology". This equates to "satanic reversals," and involves such play-on-words as puns and phrases that stuck in my mind like, "You earn your keep, and I'll keep what you earn." 85
-photographic memory which was a natural result of MPD/DID.
-Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect of MPD/DID, of course, as well as other
resultant "super human" characteristics. Visual acuity of an MPD/DID is 44 times greater than that of the average
-After performing oral sex on Father Thaylen, I emerged from the Confessional 86
-is all children's lit, faerie stories, Alice, control? 87

-I could not/did not understand that interdimensionsactually equated to the inner-dimensions of my own compartmentalized mind. 91

-he instructed my "school of thought" in a manner that equated to programming. He laid a foundation for Air-Water programs that is a mirror dimensional theme often used by NASA and others involved in Project
Monarch. 92
-My father insisted I watch the Walt Disney movie Cinderella with him, paralleling my existence to Cinderella's—"magically trance-forming from a dirty little slave to a beautiful Princess". 94 Michael Jackson?  I Dream Of Jeannie, The Brady Bunch, Gumby And Pokey, and Bewitched. CIA operative Merle Haggard often used well documented cryptic language in his songs pertaining to government mind-control slave
- Meanwhile, my father took us all to church every Sunday
- prior physical and/or psychological trauma; sleep, food, and water deprivation; high voltage electric shock; and hypnotic and/or harmonic programming of specific memory compartments/  100
-Philadelphia experiment 107
- NASA programming that launched me as a "Presidential Model" 114 How To Divide a Personality and How To Create a Sex Slave. CIA operative Charlie Pride. Vatican based Project Monarch slave runner, Kris Kristopherson 119. Sen Byrd's justifications 121
- I know of numerous entertainers in need of rescue and deprogramming from their mind-controlled existence, because it was discovered that voices could be harmonically tuned through mind control to captivate audiences.124
mirror-reversal, interdimensional, Air-Water mind-control theme used on me by NASA and the Jesuits
by the time it gets to Cheney, Cheney, Reagan, with their speeches it seems contrived 148

You don't write about this stuff without sides, whose side, conspiracy or non. It seems a lot easier to read these fantastic stories as true than it once did. The reasons for this are clear. The temperature of the water in the pot begins to steam. The frogs within, who have been there, do not know. To them the weather is balmy, unseasonable maybe, but pleasant. It is the same in every bubble. Can you believe our incredible good luck! The ones who perceive the danger must have been thrown out by some accident.


Experts have concluded that Loughner suffers from schizophrenia, and prison officials in Missouri, where Loughner has been held, have forcibly medicated him with psychotropic drugs.
Even though psychologists have said Loughner's condition is improving, his lawyers have vigorously fought the government's efforts to medicate him.His psychologist has said that since Loughner has been forcibly medicated, his condition has improved. He sat still and expressionless for seven hours at a hearing in September 2011. here

Wm. Burroughs

 Burroughs often forgot having written some of the material, the drug-addled writings got so biographical and so bizarre at points that it prompted alarm among Kerouac and Ginsberg: "Bill, what's all this stuff about boys being hung in limestone caves?"

Another interesting film to watch is David Cronenburg's Naked Lunch, written by Cronenberg and not based directly on Burrough's book of that name, but a story about the main character who is a composite assembled by Cronenberg of William Burrough's various characters, someone who talks of being on 'assignment' by his handlers, and travels on missions to different foreign locations, and in contact with dark skinned homosexual boy prostitutes. A comparative Black Assassin Dick Gregory, In Search of Black Assassins.  It also, grotesquely, mentions illicit trafficking in something called 'the real black meat', which is depicted as dead black bugs. In fact the main character is at one an exterminator who kills 'bugs' with by spraying them with an overdose of addictive chemicals.So who or what is the bug? This guy with a huge weapons collection travels around the world with a heroin habit and writes stories about being under the control of handlers as a gay heroin addict, working as an 'exterminator' of 'black bugs' who seem to love the white powder he sprays them with, and bags of severed legs etc.

 Some interesting details of Burroughs' life:
- at 15 he was sent to a Masonic training camp known as 'ranch school'.
- he was a known member of the occult order the OTO

The term 'CIA agent' in reference to Burroughs is not a fit.The phrase that "Burroughs was CIA", ie: an asset , possibly an MKUltra mind controlled assassin who did not even officially work as a CIA agent, was nonetheless an asset performing work for the agency under various 'alters'. His writings seem to suggest involvement with alter egos, missing time, violence, and narcotics. Compare his derangements with the more controlled example at Barak Obama's final correspondents' dinner, 2016. Much wit is there displayed but without the implicit sanity of JFK's similar style. Obama is dark and getting darker. He jokes, in the context of societal fears of dissolution of the constitution that "this is the last correspondents dinner," "that the end of the Republic has never looked better,"and especially when he turns his face into a demon (25.26) it is truly "Obama Out." This makes the point about softening up and desensitivization above.

 Browart of Leary

"The first thought I had when seeing the altered Leary was, " He's been the victim of one of the secret prison mind control programs."

 Donald W. MacKinnon, Ph.D. (Bryn MawrCollege) and Henry A. Murray, M.C., Ph.D., Lt. Col. (Harvard) were among 74 OSS staff members who worked to develop personality assessment techniques  which are still used to select employees of the CIA

"Anectine therapy" had been conducted on non-volunteer inmates under CIA covert guidance. Anectine stops the respiratory functions of the body and the "subject" feels as if they are dying. An attendant must keep them breathing with a machine. As the panic sets in when the involuntary muscles quit, an attendant says, "This is what will happen if you break The law ." And just before the "subject" loses consciousness, the respiratoryis turned on the  "subject" is brought back from the brink of death at Vacaville

Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines of the Illuminati.pdf Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula.pdf Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave.pdf Fritz Springmeier - Articles on Mind Control 1 - 12 Download The Alex Jones and Jeff Rense Radio Programs from Chakra71 Other good sites

Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control-  (Dell, 1978) Ingo Swan---

 Joseph P. Farrell

spin orbit and torsion tensor unified field theory and torsion tensor-unify electromagnetism and gravity--The reason that general relativity cannot describe spin-orbit coupling is rooted in Riemannian geometry, on which general relativity is based. In Riemannian geometry, the Ricci curvature tensor
R_{ab} \,
must be symmetric in a and b (that is, Rab = Rba). hans kammler

SS general Hans Kammler, chief of nazi black ops, appears to be well and alive. Check out the book "Gems of Dominion: Mysterious Mount Untersberg" by Stan Wolf. According to this real(?) story, he is hiding in a "time anomaly" in a mountain cave near Berchtesgaden, still accomplishing Nazi weapons. the tv shows, fringe are the events that suspect us

Peter Lavenda
SS Ahnenerbe
Ladislas Farago called Aftermath, which is about the survival of war criminals, Nazi war criminals, in South America.
Colonia Dignidad the Colony of Righteousness. This was supposed to be a kind of Nazi safe-house
Unholy Alliance His book, 


“Project Monarch”. It is a mind control technique which exposes the subject to a trauma so violent that his/her mind creates a dissociation. The victim’s brain becomes compartmentalized and a new personality, which is then molded and educated  by the manipulators, emerges.
During their reeducation, subjects are said to be exposed to numerous symbols such as trees, spider webs, masks, mazes, butterflies, etc. They are also shown movies which contain specific symbols (or “triggers”) such as The Wizard of Oz and many Disney Movies. The same way those subjects are brainwashed and reeducated, mass media conducts a large scale mind control project, which starts at birth with Disney movies and continues with Hollywood flicks and music videos.  Origins and Techniques of Monarch mind control

They are the perfect scapegoats for high-profile assassinations (see Sirhan Sirhan), ritual-abuse programming
-Monarch programmers cause intense trauma to subjects through the use of electroshock, torture, sexual abuse and mind games in order to force them to dissociate from reality – a natural response in  some people when then are faced with unbearable comprachioes

“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness,
-Fritz Springmeier, these groups are known as “The Network” and form the backbone of the New World Order.
-The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically

Butterfly researcher Karen Oberhauser: "This is what science has done: cutting the antennae off Monarch butterflies to prove "butterflies lost the ability to navigate using the sun." Antennae-less butterflies, antennae painted with black enamel, to block the sun, drift north, instead of south, ruining their molecular clock. "Insects can taste with their feet and smell with their antennae... it’s sometimes difficult for us to even ask the right questions."  HB 2/11/10

 NESARA Monarch mind control 
Monarch slaves (also called Marionette survivors
Russ Dizdar   Mark Phillips Mark Phillips has been deprogramming Monarch Mind-controlled slaves. He and Cathy O’Brien, who was a presidential model slave, have written over 76 papers on various aspects of the Monarch program.

"Many of the European kings were Satanists who had MPD. The royal families of Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and England are all involved with the occult and Satanism. The Romanov family which had branches in Prussia and Russia was also deeply into the occult. An examination of the jewelry that the Romanov family had while they ruled Russia is an eye opener. Their jewelry was very occultic, even though they had a good Christian front for the public.
Unless a Satanist has MPD they will go insane due to the horrifying things that high level Satanism is involved in doing. Only Satanists with MPD can survive. It goes without saying then that people in the higher levels of the Illuminati have MPD, but that does not mean they are highly structured MPDs such as the Monarch slaves."
Children who are traumatized have their legs tied and are electroshocked and tortured so that alters (personalities) form that think they are butterflies. This was the original reason for the name Monarch being attached

Bo Gritz is-just one of several male Monarch slaves who have been used to infiltrate the opposition to the NWO.
The newer slaves that I am seeing have got various kinds of Alien programming, so that they believe aliens are communicating to them in their heads. The various alien programs appear to be part of a vast scheme to create a strong belief in aliens and to create a mock alien invasion to provide justification for a strong One-World-Government.
[H: Moreover, these aliens will be represented as LIZARD-SERPENT-LIKE BEINGS! God's hosts NEVER appear as such! EVER!!]
An owner of a slave will ordinarily carry a stun gun (up to 200,000 volts DC) to erase the memory of his slave, and they will also carry a black or grey spiral book with all their own slave's access codes, triggers, cryptic keys and programs. All this will fit into a briefcase. A working knowledge of hypnosis is helpful to understand how to deal with the slave in certain instances. Because the slave is under the most powerful combinations of mind-control and is so divided against his or her own self, it is almost impossible to have many problems with the slave if the handler does what he is supposed to do. However, some handlers get drunk or loan the slave to inexperienced people, etc., and problems do develop. Of course the slaves always end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong.
In other words: a briefcase with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life.
·  Older ones may have tattoos with a Monarch butterfly. (This applies to CIA and Government Models especially.) Since the 1970s most Monarch victims have no longer been tattooed but wear butterfly barrettes, large butterfly ear rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets, or embroidered insignias. Illuminati Monarch slaves often do not have any tattoos because their bodies have to be blemish free to be qualified for the higher ranks within the Illuminati.
·  Victims will have scars of various kinds on their bodies, including multiple electric prod scars or the resultant moles on their bodies
·  Monarch: Manchurian Candidate to Doll House 

How movies prepared the pop mind for et-search term 
Lady Gaga, Illuminati Puppet
By VC | August 4th, 2009 | Category: Music Business | 1,064 comments
The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that analyzes like this one becomes a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Her whole persona (whether its an act or not) is a tribute to mind control, where being vacuous, incoherent and absent minded becomes a fashionable thing.
Essential Background Information
What do you mean by “mind control”? I suggest you research “project MK Ultra” to get a little background information on the subject. Here’s a quick overview taken from the surprisingly accurate Wikipedia:
Project MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. The program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used United States citizens as its test subjects. The published evidence indicates that Project MK-ULTRA involved the surreptitious use of many types of drugs, as well as other methods, to manipulate individual mental states and to alter brain function.
Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’ destruction order.
Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MK-ULTRA was abandoned a “cover story.”
An outgrowth of that project is unofficially referred to as “Project Monarch”. It is a mind control technique which exposes the subject to a trauma so violent that his/her mind creates a dissociation. The victim’s brain becomes compartmentalized and a new personality, which is then molded and educated  by the manipulators, emerges.
“When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.”
Butterfly Symbolism
During their reeducation, subjects are said to be exposed to numerous symbols such as trees, spider webs, masks, mazes, butterflies, etc. They are also shown movies which contain specific symbols (or “triggers”) such as The Wizard of Oz and many Disney Movies. The same way those subjects are brainwashed and reeducated, mass media conducts a large scale mind control project, which starts at birth with Disney movies and continues with Hollywood flicks and music videos.
(For more information on Monarch mind control, check out the article entitled Origins and Techniques of Monarch mind control on Vigilant Citizen’s sister site Secret Arcana).

OMG! What does this crazy stuff has to do with Lady Gaga? I luv her!!
What we must retain here is the symbolism Monarch project engendered and its use in mass media. Monarch is a type of butterfly and became the ultimate “insider’s”symbol of mind control. Symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga, in her pictures and videos, mixes those symbols with occultism of secret societies..  Her vacuous, robotic and slightly degenerate persona embodies all the “symptoms” of a mind control victim. Let’s look at what Lady Gaga represents, starting by the basics: her name.

 "Q: I wonder if you've heard of the Martin Luther Bloodline?

Dr. Hammond: I know nothing about Martin Luther Bloodline but I'll give you one quick tip. Ask him about an identification code. There's an identification code that people have. It will involve their birth date. It may involve places where they were programmed, and it will usually involve a number that will be their birth order, like zero-two if they were second born. It will usually also involve a number that represents the number of generations in the cult, if they are bloodlines. I've seen up to twelve now, twelve generations."

Hammond: "Now I know patients who have gone to other states, but then deep-level alters pick up the phone and called their programmers saying, "This is our new address and phone number." So now they can be picked up by other local programmers. I mean picked up in an inpatient unit for an extended period of time."

Q: Could you speculate on the relationship between this stuff and the fantasy games that have been proliferating, Dungeons and Dragons and that sort of thing?

Dr. Hammond: "Certainly what some patients have said is that all of this spook stuff, horror stuff, possession and everything else that's been popularized in the last twenty years in Hollywood is done in order to soften up the public so that when a Satanic world order takes over, everyone will have been desensitized to so many of these things, plus to continually cue lots of people out there. 

 Now is this true? Well, I can't definitely tell you that it is. What I can say is I now believe that ritual abuse programming is widespread, is systematic, and is very well organized based on highly esoteric information which is published nowhere. It has not been on any book or talk show. We have found it all around this country and in at least one foreign country."
Created alters accessed by using trigger words or symbols programmed into the subject’s psyche by the handler are trees, Cabalistic Tree of life, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks and robots. These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture movies and videos for two reasons: to desensitize the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children. 11
Lady Gaga incorporates in her videos, photos and shows symbolism that refers to the Illuminati and mind control. Her symbolism is deep, esoteric and even spiritual yet she makes song like “Just Dance” which is about being totally numb. This paradoxical aspect of Lady Gaga is something that deserves to be analyzed and understood. While masses of young people imitate Gaga’s gestures, her act is part of a bigger system that incorporates many other stars with the same symbolism.  She is creative and a gifted song writer. But at the end of the day, the “Lady Gaga” persona is a Fame Monster, doing everything required to be an international superstar, including incorporating in her act the symbolism of the elite, making her an Illuminati puppet.

Many particulars of antennae removal occur in the Human Botany where the most deeply wrenching criminal acts of science are cataloged, like this experiment above reported in Wired Science Birds, butterflies, bees navigate by magnetic fields. The die off of bees, flights of birds down suggests itself coincident with the activation of HAARP disturbance of fields and severed identities. Take another look at Resonance-Beings of Frequency.
 Michael Prince aka Jame Casbolt Genetic Experiments:
Base under Westminster
Tigress Program
Mind Control, kidnapping children under cove of nuke base
Project Oak Tree, Harwell Genetic Labs, rutherford Appleton Labs, 1950's identified child psychics, before project Manniquen / records indicate part of a genetic survey.
amount of oxygen processed in the blood determines psychic ability

Bases 9 part 2 2011 Nelson Base in Canada Queen Mother wolves, George Bush snakes,
super soldier programming,  crash retrieval, track alien beings,  base on Penang, a Looking Glass facility,
MK Ultra terrorize
rescued 1979 bt "Com 12" Majestic,  US Naval
Q552cybernization, gold and diamond bones, ascended machine technology, engravings on bullets, enhanced rogue soldiers, eqyptian cubes, blessed at Vatican,
an internal civil war  Dickson Ramey, stole suitcase nuke, Pearl, [Menezes, runaway mind control bomber]
Underground war, more than a Tsunami, see Battle of the China Gates, Cpt Mark Richards, late 70s earthquake in China,

Tom Goar, Austin, Layfayette CO

 I.  This content and responses were elicited in 2011 when I sent him a review of his poems that appeared in elimae. Skip to part II to read...